Server: AM TL ID: DigiGnar B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Gnarly.556 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3026744/1/Gnarly/ Sc2RanksURL: n/a League: Bronze? Other: I question my bronze because I really don't know. I want to get a few builds before I go into ladder. I'm terran!
Hope this thread gets updated unlike s3 :[
Server: AM TL ID: bogardon B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: lys.270 ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/451884/1/lys/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/451884/lys League: Master Other: I'm about low-mid masters Terran player, would love to practice with anyone anytime.
Server: AM TL ID: EKnaus B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: ErwinKnaus.270 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1672851/1/ErwinKnaus/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/1672851/ErwinKnaus League: Silver Other: I'm a Zerg player looking for practice partners of any race and any league. I'm looking to get more active in game because I've just found out how to manage my free time outside of studying, so I've played very little games as of late. I usually play afternoons/evenings Central time. I also have Skype so we can yell at each other while playing Feel free to PM me for Skype.
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Server: NA TL ID: TehTemplar Bnet ID: TheTemplar.234 Profile: Took forever to find it as I can not log into bnet for some reason, so I had to use a post from february- http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/410816/1/TheTemplar/ Sc2Ranks: Nonexistant as far as I know, sorry League: Platinum because I rarely play Other: I am random, with my worst matchups being PvP, TvT, ZvZ, ZvP, TvP, and PvT.