Server: AM TL ID: ysspecial B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BLUEMOON.197 ProfileURL: NONE Sc2RanksURL: NONE League: NONE - First Season Diamond League Other: Prefer Masters or High Diamond T or Z players for practice! I am a toss player who wants to constantly improve myself.
I do not play ladder but I consider myself as a low master or high diamond player.
Server: AM TL ID: HornyHydra B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: HornyHydra.967 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/787949/1/HornyHydra/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/787949/HornyHydra League: Platinum Other: I live in Hawaii (HST timezone) and play on weekends from around 9AM-2PM. I haven't been playing as much because of school, so I may be slightly rusty. I play on the weekends, and very rarely on weeknights. So I'm looking for Gold or other Platinum players to practice with. I usually play half random half Protoss on the ladder and looking for all 3 races/randoms. If you want to just play teamgames, I'll probably be up for that too. Just send me a PM on b-net letting me know you're from this thread.
Server: EU TL ID: SHiiY B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: jimp.216 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/de/profile/1473408/1/jimp/ Sc2RanksURL: ----- League: Gold Other: I play since 7.11.11 and have no RTS experience. Now I'm in Gold-League and spend my whole time to practice and I'm searching for a good mate who can show me some things in the game and want to practice a lot, too. At the moment I make many many mistakes but I will work hard to fix that. Looking for all races, especially a good Toss (I'm Toss too) who can help me to improve my game. Sorry for my bad english!!
Server: AM TL ID: Snuggles B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Snuggles.748 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/284289/1/Snuggles/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/284289/Snuggles League: Diamond Other: Right now as of 11/9/2011 I am playing against more and more Master players despite being in Diamond, which means I might be seeing promotion in the near future. In order to not screw up my performance with a huge losing streak I'm desperately looking for practice partners of same caliber to help me stay on my game. I'm looking for High Diamond and Master players of all Match ups to practice with. I'm available every night after 9 PM EST.