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On January 31 2012 00:19 Timmer wrote: So I just started playing again, and am slowly making my way up through Silver right now. I've been pretty much focusing on strengthening a roach rush, but when my opponent puts up a good enough defense to hold my roaches off, I usually fall apart after that.
Last night I had one game where Terran held off my rush long enough and was able to come at me with a good mix of marines, marauders and thors. His one attack was pretty much a wipe, and then went on to say I was the worst they've seen in a while. It was justifiable because I had no clue what to counter with. Another strategy I'm bad against is Stalker/Sentry build.
I understand that I need to learn how to adapt with each game, but is there a pro I can watch videos of that uses a roach rush build? Or should I change my strat entirely? Also, unrelated, but is there a site I can upload my videos to even though I suck?
It's generally a bad idea at any level to rely solely upon a cheesy or gimmicky build to carry you, but even moreso at the lower levels. Even if it works every time, you're going to wind up with no idea how to actually play out a standard game and get completely stuck when your MMR gets high enough. This happened to me when I played Protoss, I just DT rushed every Terran since none of them scouted or built detection, and when I hit diamond, my winrate in the matchup went from 90% to about 10%.
Mr. Showtime's post should give you a good idea of some standard openings. I prefer the 15 variety (v Terran 15 hatch 15 pool 15 gas, v Protoss 15 pool 15 hatch, gas later on - never open hatch first vs protoss, as they can block or cannon it easily before lings are out) but it doesn't really matter which you use, as long as you execute it crisply. Focus on coming up with a good game plan that stretches out into the mid- and lategame, as that will give you the most practice with managing your economy, macro mechanics, and controlling large engagements, something that you will get basically no experience with with your current plan.
That said, everyone needs to cheese sometimes. If you're looking for a good roach rush, consider a ling/baneling/roach rush (I think it was originally Leenock's, but Sheth uses it in the link I'm posting), which aTnCloud claims is an autowin against any terran who doesn't have at least one tank out. http://www.twitch.tv/liquidsheth/b/306952170
Can any recommend some good harassment heavy style players to watch? I love Zerg and really want to play it, but my style lends itself more to harassment and aggression then reactionary/defensive.
Edit: Also, is it possible to be aggressive as Zerg without doing a big all in push? Like roach rush into expand? Or is something like 7rr pretty much an all in if you fail?
On September 21 2010 11:31 Zvendetta wrote: I recently saw a replay where a terran player did a thor hellion push with scvs repairing against a very high level zerg. There were even siege tanks in the mix (3). Amidst the army composition, i am wary of calling "imbalanced," but it seemed that even though there were tons of roaches, the zerg player couldn't out dps the repair. A healthy mix of thors, hellions, and tanks, just exactly what can overcome this rolling death machine? actually leenock beat this unit composition against thorzain with banelings, lings, roach, and mutas
On January 31 2012 04:12 ViRii wrote: Can any recommend some good harassment heavy style players to watch? I love Zerg and really want to play it, but my style lends itself more to harassment and aggression then reactionary/defensive.
Edit: Also, is it possible to be aggressive as Zerg without doing a big all in push? Like roach rush into expand? Or is something like 7rr pretty much an all in if you fail?
The problem with zerg is that every unit you make early, is a larva that could have been a drone. If you're really interested in being agressive with zerg though, I remember a fairly old thread that touched on the subject: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=278161
As for players to look at, Leenock is actually quite agressive with early production of lings. Julyzerg would also be a good recommendation, but he doesn't get that much coverage anymore.
There is a more recent thread of TangSC a roach ling attack vs terran that has a nice transition into three bases I used a deviation of it lately and pretty much won the game with it not outright but it put me so far ahead that only my staggering bad performance mate the game closer than it had to be at times ;-) And I didnt even play it anywhere near to as perfect as the guide would allow you to do it.
Hope that helps ;-)
So my question for any pros or really high-level players out there is this - when do you typically opt for a macro hatch, and when do you try to secure your third instead?
What you are doing there isn't uncommon, many pros go 2 base Lair macro hatch. It allows you to tech and drone up with impunity, and when T pushes out, your ling spots it in front of his base, and you just make 3 x 2 x 4 larva of units through 2 injects on 3 hatches and have 48 lings out immediately. If you take a third, you have to make units prematurely, and it isn't always safe to take a third if T does a 2 base rine/tank push.
But Sen streams, and his build is 2 base macro hatch, and he doesnt get lair until around 70 or so supply, usually getting his 4th hatch (third) before lair. That's how you'd do it, if you wanted to do it.
Can any recommend some good harassment heavy style players to watch? I love Zerg and really want to play it, but my style lends itself more to harassment and aggression then reactionary/defensive.
Edit: Also, is it possible to be aggressive as Zerg without doing a big all in push? Like roach rush into expand? Or is something like 7rr pretty much an all in if you fail?
Go mutas in every match-up then. And as DarkForce has said in this thread, "You just have to accept as Zerg that you can't do any pressure before 75 drones without being semi all-in".
Anytime you make roaches before 40 supply though, that's pretty all-in. The one exception might be hatch first into 5 defensive roaches in ZvZ.
There is a more recent thread of TangSC a roach ling attack vs terran that has a nice transition into three bases I used a deviation of it lately and pretty much won the game with it not outright but it put me so far ahead that only my staggering bad performance mate the game closer than it had to be at times ;-) And I didnt even play it anywhere near to as perfect as the guide would allow you to do it.
I wouldn't recommend Tang's guides for macro play. They are just guides for the lower leagues. Quite frankly, I'm not sure why bother posting such guides, as anything is viable in the lower levels of play really, but it's his philosophy that a lower level player can hit diamond if they practice all-inning, he seems to think all-inning can help you learn macro and mechanics. It's not anything viable at the higher levels of play, just a way to learn the game.
Question: Say it's zvt, you know your opponent isn't going for a 2 rax early enough that you can go 15 hatch--> 15 gas--> 14pool, and you do! When do I stop making drones such that I can line up making 2 queens AND get my gas more or less simultaneously?
Stopping at 16 drones then going for the overlord undershoot my target minerals by ~100.
^ You can safely go hatch first no matter what build terran does. Hatch first is actually considered the safer opening against 2 rax, since you get the 4 larva, creep, and a queen out much earlier.
If you don't drone scout, you can tell it's a 2 rax by how his SCV moves around, and the presence of marines. At 17 supply, after you've made an overlord, instead of making drones, you wait, and when the hatch pops, you make 6 lings, then 8, and a single queen, instead of 2 queens. You add a spine to be safe against scv all-in follow ups, and on blizzard maps or shakruas, you need to patrol a drone at the ramps.
But to answer your question, you don't really stop making drones. Your only on 1 hatch with no queen for larva production, so you'll only be making 1 drone at a time. You'll easily have enough for 2 queens to pop, and get your gas, when the hatch and pool pop.
I'd recommend 14hatch/15pool, it's better than 15hatch/15p.
On January 31 2012 10:57 Amaterasu1234 wrote: Question: Say it's zvt, you know your opponent isn't going for a 2 rax early enough that you can go 15 hatch--> 15 gas--> 14pool, and you do! When do I stop making drones such that I can line up making 2 queens AND get my gas more or less simultaneously?
Stopping at 16 drones then going for the overlord undershoot my target minerals by ~100.
There's absolutely no need to get your gas/pool that early - you should go 15 hatch 16 pool and then 17 gas at the earliest (I open gasless so I don't take my gasses till around ~44).
On January 31 2012 01:06 Vega62a wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2012 00:19 Timmer wrote: So I just started playing again, and am slowly making my way up through Silver right now. I've been pretty much focusing on strengthening a roach rush, but when my opponent puts up a good enough defense to hold my roaches off, I usually fall apart after that.
Last night I had one game where Terran held off my rush long enough and was able to come at me with a good mix of marines, marauders and thors. His one attack was pretty much a wipe, and then went on to say I was the worst they've seen in a while. It was justifiable because I had no clue what to counter with. Another strategy I'm bad against is Stalker/Sentry build.
I understand that I need to learn how to adapt with each game, but is there a pro I can watch videos of that uses a roach rush build? Or should I change my strat entirely? Also, unrelated, but is there a site I can upload my videos to even though I suck? It's generally a bad idea at any level to rely solely upon a cheesy or gimmicky build to carry you, but even moreso at the lower levels. Even if it works every time, you're going to wind up with no idea how to actually play out a standard game and get completely stuck when your MMR gets high enough. This happened to me when I played Protoss, I just DT rushed every Terran since none of them scouted or built detection, and when I hit diamond, my winrate in the matchup went from 90% to about 10%. Mr. Showtime's post should give you a good idea of some standard openings. I prefer the 15 variety (v Terran 15 hatch 15 pool 15 gas, v Protoss 15 pool 15 hatch, gas later on - never open hatch first vs protoss, as they can block or cannon it easily before lings are out) but it doesn't really matter which you use, as long as you execute it crisply. Focus on coming up with a good game plan that stretches out into the mid- and lategame, as that will give you the most practice with managing your economy, macro mechanics, and controlling large engagements, something that you will get basically no experience with with your current plan. That said, everyone needs to cheese sometimes. If you're looking for a good roach rush, consider a ling/baneling/roach rush (I think it was originally Leenock's, but Sheth uses it in the link I'm posting), which aTnCloud claims is an autowin against any terran who doesn't have at least one tank out. http://www.twitch.tv/liquidsheth/b/306952170
I got from Bronze to Gold by going 1 base muta. Then it stopped working and I actually had to learn to play. I was dropped to silver. Then I got to Plat by doing 9 pool rushes against all Toss and Zergs i'd come by (Terran I would go for macro games). Then that stopped working as well so I learned to play normally, got demoted to Gold because in reality I still sucked. Now I don't cheese anymore and my game is light years from where it used to be and I have more fun. I'm in the league I really belong to. Games are way more fun since I don't play to rackup points anymore.
My point is I agree and reccomend you don't rely on cheese builds to climb the ladder. It's pointless and you're not playing Starcraft if you do that, you're playing the "ladder game".
Hi guys. I just recently went back to playing zerg recently and wanted to ask for your opinion. I was diamond P in SEA and diamond Z in NA back during season 1. I quit the game when season 2 started and started playing again (as T) when season 5 started. Apparently a lot of stuff changed and I realized playing Z was the most fun I had. So here's my question: whats the safest macro heavy build as Z for each matchup?:-)
^ Macro heavy builds are usually the safest builds in general.
ZvZ, hatch first 14h/15p/14g. You can also go something like 14p16g15h if you are scared of 10 pools (you can hold any 6-8 pool with hatch first, so it's quite safe) ZvP, hatch first if you can pull it off, otherwise 14 pool 16 hatch or whenever you can. On maps like TDA or Entombed where there is a cliff that P can abuse for a cannon rush (ie the pull distance for 4 drones is long enough that the time lost mining is higher cost than for P to cancel a pylon and be delayed 100 minerals temporarily), you are better off going pool first. ZvT, hatch first no question, it's safer, and only way to stay in the game if the terran opens any fast expand build like 1 rax, cc first, or reaper expand.
On January 29 2012 15:18 Archile wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2012 09:44 Klumpmeister wrote: vs P: should I bea heavy droning or build an small army at the same time? I say this cause I get crushed by a push right when u start heavy droning. Also I have no spines up. if you're talking about a one base push, this should be relatively easy to prepare for- dont take a greedy third and send in an overlord to scout for an allin. if this is a push such as the 4 gate +1 zealot timing after a ffe, then you should be able to take a third after a 14 pool double expo. get a roach warren around 7 minutes and grab your first 2 gas. get ling speed, lair, roaches, upgrades, etc. (i prefer melee upgrades over ranged, pure preference) roach ling should get you some good defense so you can stay on 3 base without worrying about the push. at this time you have the choice of tech, muta or infestor seem to work the best for me. TL;DR- theyre one base, dont take a third, saturate two base. theyre ffe, take 3 base really fast, saturate, roach warren 7 minutes in with double gas, upgrades, safe against pushes, tech from there. glhf!
Wow! thanks again. This just saved me from a few games.
Personally I take a third when I see gateway expands (have to confirm an expo first ofc), and just make units after 40-45 supply, depending on if it's 1 or 3 gate expand (1 gate expand seems to hit harder/quicker). Instead of taking the third around 30 supply like against FFE, I take it around 35 supply. Instead of making units around 65 supply, I make it around 45 supply. You should sac an overlord to confirm 3 gate, as they can go 1 gate expand stargate, or they can go 3 gate stargate, which means less gateway pressure, as a 3 gate pressure with 2 gateways added, for example, can push out, and then reinforce with a ton of units that will kill you if drone past 45 supply.
Darkforce and many others have commented here about going 2 base lair vs gateway expands, but I've finally figured out (at least at masters level) how to take a third before lair against gateway expands.
I think third before lair vs 1/3g expands is the better move, because 2 base lair roach is bad if they went stargate and you didn't drone up, imo.
On January 31 2012 10:52 Belial88 wrote:Show nested quote +So my question for any pros or really high-level players out there is this - when do you typically opt for a macro hatch, and when do you try to secure your third instead? What you are doing there isn't uncommon, many pros go 2 base Lair macro hatch. It allows you to tech and drone up with impunity, and when T pushes out, your ling spots it in front of his base, and you just make 3 x 2 x 4 larva of units through 2 injects on 3 hatches and have 48 lings out immediately. If you take a third, you have to make units prematurely, and it isn't always safe to take a third if T does a 2 base rine/tank push. But Sen streams, and his build is 2 base macro hatch, and he doesnt get lair until around 70 or so supply, usually getting his 4th hatch (third) before lair. That's how you'd do it, if you wanted to do it.
I understand that these are good pros of using a macro hatch sometimes, and thank you for pointing them out, there's some really good information there.
That said, I feel that there's a time and place for everything - I've seen Sheth do both 3rd and macro depending on his circumstance, for example, and my question was really more of "when is a good time to use one over the other?" Is it purely a map thing? (i.e. if it's a map without a good 3rd like TDA or Shattered.) Or is it based in what you see when you scout?
On January 31 2012 11:17 Belial88 wrote:
I'd recommend 14hatch/15pool, it's better than 15hatch/15p.
I disagree, and I'm curious as to what makes you say this, as I feel that most pros go for 15h/15p. + Show Spoiler + I understand that 14/15 may work better for your style, in which case I'm curious as to what you've found to be the benefits over 15/15.
On January 31 2012 00:39 Mr Showtime wrote: ZvP: 14/14 Speeding expand 9 Overlord 14 Gas 14 Pool @ Gas finsh: 3 drones on gas 15 Overlord @ 100 gas: Pull off 2-3 drones @ Pool finsh: Queen, 1 set of lings, 1 drone, and Metabolic boost 20 Hatch
ZvT: Hatch first 9 Overlord @ 13 Supply send scout 14 Hatch 14 Pool 14 Gas @ 100 gas: Pull off 2-3 drones, metabolic boost 15 Overlord (send to hover over natural to scout any sort of bunker non-sense) Queens plus some ling when the pool finishes
ZvZ: Standard opening 9 Overlord 14 Gas 14 Pool @ 100 Gas: Pull 1-2 drones off gas 15 Overlord @ Pool finish: Metabolic boost, lings, queen Make lings until you figure out what your opponent is doing
These are just basic openings. There is still a lot to learn, and as you get better at the game you'll see that you should make some changes from what I said. The openings I gave are almost ideal, but are safer and better suited for you right now.
Alright, so I've got some openers to work with, and obviously it's going to take some practice to get those burned into my head, but what about mid-game? Almost every game that gets passed my initial attack, I end up losing. I'm sure a lot of it is due to my lack of knowledge on how to use all of the units and what counters what, but do you guys have any tips on what else I should do beside study the unit abilities or is that just it?
On February 01 2012 00:37 Timmer wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2012 00:39 Mr Showtime wrote: ZvP: 14/14 Speeding expand 9 Overlord 14 Gas 14 Pool @ Gas finsh: 3 drones on gas 15 Overlord @ 100 gas: Pull off 2-3 drones @ Pool finsh: Queen, 1 set of lings, 1 drone, and Metabolic boost 20 Hatch
ZvT: Hatch first 9 Overlord @ 13 Supply send scout 14 Hatch 14 Pool 14 Gas @ 100 gas: Pull off 2-3 drones, metabolic boost 15 Overlord (send to hover over natural to scout any sort of bunker non-sense) Queens plus some ling when the pool finishes
ZvZ: Standard opening 9 Overlord 14 Gas 14 Pool @ 100 Gas: Pull 1-2 drones off gas 15 Overlord @ Pool finish: Metabolic boost, lings, queen Make lings until you figure out what your opponent is doing
These are just basic openings. There is still a lot to learn, and as you get better at the game you'll see that you should make some changes from what I said. The openings I gave are almost ideal, but are safer and better suited for you right now. Alright, so I've got some openers to work with, and obviously it's going to take some practice to get those burned into my head, but what about mid-game? Almost every game that gets passed my initial attack, I end up losing. I'm sure a lot of it is due to my lack of knowledge on how to use all of the units and what counters what, but do you guys have any tips on what else I should do beside study the unit abilities or is that just it?
Generally ignore unit abilities and counters and focus on mechanics - making drones, hitting injects, spreading creep, expanding, spending your money. At your level, you can, and should, win games on pure mechanics until you hit about plat or so, just by having a bigger army than the other guy when you attack and hitting 1a. (Mostly. This works less well vs protoss due to the nature of the deathball, but don't worry about that for now.) Lower levels are a great time to get to know the feel of a race - what having 80-90 drones looks like in terms of base saturation, when you feel comfortable expanding, when making a round of drones makes you feel uncomfortable, etc.
tl;dr Practice a lot, get good at zerg mechanics.
The higher and higher I get up in level of play (masters right now), the more and more I realize that staying lower and lower tech is better. I rewatch every one of my replays now, not just losses (try to evaluate my decisions better, try to see if there were alternatives to my win, ie i won by bl/infestor, but could I have won if I just remaxed on roaches, etc).
In ZvZ, going roach/hydra is sooo much better. Anyone who goes infestors in ZvZ before maxing out will just get absolutely steamrolled by someone who identifies it, just expands (since ifnestors take so long, means they can't have map control), and then throws max 200/200 roaches at them with an a-move while the other player is teching too hard.
In ZvP, there's literally nothing Toss can do to a Zerg if the game is FFE vs fast third, and then zerg just goes pure roach/ling 200/200. Even with colossi and forcefields, it'll just crush the Toss (actually, especially if he has colossi).
Focus less on tech, and more on macro. It's really amazing how much more important macro is than unit choice. In every single ZvP I play, I've noticed that I would have been better served (or won through) by maxing out on just pure roach/ling. If Toss doesn't die (usually they aren't that bad to die to that) I just go, you know, whatever tech (i prefer roach/banerain/infestor). Mutas are a different story in ZvP, but even then, zerg just maxes out on ling/muta before teching anywhere else.
But basically, don't tech too hard. In ZvT, just stick to ling/bane/muta. You'll know when you want to go BL/Infestor, basically when on 5+ bases and terran isn't dying to your 30 mutas is when you start infestation pit, or in ZvP after maxing out, or in ZvZ, again, after maxing out.
If you watch pro games, you'll notice zerg always stay very low tech, like roach/hydra or pure roach/ling. In lower levels of play, I notice that players generally tech faster due to more passive play, or worse macro meaning less units to punish someone who's teching by massing an army, or not expanding/macroing to take advantage of someone teching too hard inability to deny expos. Otherwise, only tech up once you secure an advantage, like winning a battle.
On January 31 2012 01:06 Vega62a wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2012 00:19 Timmer wrote: So I just started playing again, and am slowly making my way up through Silver right now. I've been pretty much focusing on strengthening a roach rush, but when my opponent puts up a good enough defense to hold my roaches off, I usually fall apart after that.
Last night I had one game where Terran held off my rush long enough and was able to come at me with a good mix of marines, marauders and thors. His one attack was pretty much a wipe, and then went on to say I was the worst they've seen in a while. It was justifiable because I had no clue what to counter with. Another strategy I'm bad against is Stalker/Sentry build.
I understand that I need to learn how to adapt with each game, but is there a pro I can watch videos of that uses a roach rush build? Or should I change my strat entirely? Also, unrelated, but is there a site I can upload my videos to even though I suck? It's generally a bad idea at any level to rely solely upon a cheesy or gimmicky build to carry you, but even moreso at the lower levels. Even if it works every time, you're going to wind up with no idea how to actually play out a standard game and get completely stuck when your MMR gets high enough. This happened to me when I played Protoss, I just DT rushed every Terran since none of them scouted or built detection, and when I hit diamond, my winrate in the matchup went from 90% to about 10%. Mr. Showtime's post should give you a good idea of some standard openings. I prefer the 15 variety (v Terran 15 hatch 15 pool 15 gas, v Protoss 15 pool 15 hatch, gas later on - never open hatch first vs protoss, as they can block or cannon it easily before lings are out) but it doesn't really matter which you use, as long as you execute it crisply. Focus on coming up with a good game plan that stretches out into the mid- and lategame, as that will give you the most practice with managing your economy, macro mechanics, and controlling large engagements, something that you will get basically no experience with with your current plan. That said, everyone needs to cheese sometimes. If you're looking for a good roach rush, consider a ling/baneling/roach rush (I think it was originally Leenock's, but Sheth uses it in the link I'm posting), which aTnCloud claims is an autowin against any terran who doesn't have at least one tank out. http://www.twitch.tv/liquidsheth/b/306952170
This is not true at all, at the bronze / silver level picking one build and perfecting to it can be very helpful as a learning tool. Everyone knows that the All-In's will not win you games forever however it does many things to help lower players.
1.) It helps them perfect a build instead of getting confused or trying to do 100000 different things leading to a loss 2.) Improves injects, timings, macro, and micro slowly while perfecting the build 3.) Gives them some acutal wins as lossing game after game can be crushing for any skill level, mixing in some win's wihle learning is always a good thing and provides people with some modivation to keep playing.
To many times I see people say to bronze / silver players ohhh you need to do this, this, this, and this while giving them a complicated standard build. What happens when you acutally watch bronze / silver players try and perform these builds, they fall apart at the seems because there other skills have not yet developed enough to execute them properly.
For example I was recently helping coach a bronze zerg player and he was trying the stehpano build type of 15 hatch 16 pool mass ling with mass upgrades, but his macro, micro, injects, and decision making was not at the place required for that build to be fully successful for him as of yet. So what was happening ? He would loose to hellions horras or hellion pushes or when a terran did push since his macro / micro wasn't there yet he wouldn't have the drone count / army to kill it.
Yes everyone should learn how to play standard and how to playout a full game however some of the more simple builds / all-ins can be used as great learning tools, the important thing to remeber is its a tool in the process of progression
On February 01 2012 01:35 Belial88 wrote: The higher and higher I get up in level of play (masters right now), the more and more I realize that staying lower and lower tech is better. I rewatch every one of my replays now, not just losses (try to evaluate my decisions better, try to see if there were alternatives to my win, ie i won by bl/infestor, but could I have won if I just remaxed on roaches, etc).
In ZvZ, going roach/hydra is sooo much better. Anyone who goes infestors in ZvZ before maxing out will just get absolutely steamrolled by someone who identifies it, just expands (since ifnestors take so long, means they can't have map control), and then throws max 200/200 roaches at them with an a-move while the other player is teching too hard.
In ZvP, there's literally nothing Toss can do to a Zerg if the game is FFE vs fast third, and then zerg just goes pure roach/ling 200/200. Even with colossi and forcefields, it'll just crush the Toss (actually, especially if he has colossi).
Focus less on tech, and more on macro. It's really amazing how much more important macro is than unit choice. In every single ZvP I play, I've noticed that I would have been better served (or won through) by maxing out on just pure roach/ling. If Toss doesn't die (usually they aren't that bad to die to that) I just go, you know, whatever tech (i prefer roach/banerain/infestor). Mutas are a different story in ZvP, but even then, zerg just maxes out on ling/muta before teching anywhere else.
But basically, don't tech too hard. In ZvT, just stick to ling/bane/muta. You'll know when you want to go BL/Infestor, basically when on 5+ bases and terran isn't dying to your 30 mutas is when you start infestation pit, or in ZvP after maxing out, or in ZvZ, again, after maxing out.
If you watch pro games, you'll notice zerg always stay very low tech, like roach/hydra or pure roach/ling. In lower levels of play, I notice that players generally tech faster due to more passive play, or worse macro meaning less units to punish someone who's teching by massing an army, or not expanding/macroing to take advantage of someone teching too hard inability to deny expos. Otherwise, only tech up once you secure an advantage, like winning a battle.
If your going to stick with lower tech you better make sure you at least keep up with your upgrades in ZvT or ZvP or they will roll you before you get the chance to eventually get to bl/infetsor :p