Server: US Server TL ID: SneakyAZN Email: dwu8689@gmail.com B.Net ID: ReVival Rating: 211 League: Platinum Rank: 10 Race: Protoss Other: Chilled laid back but competitive player looking for good mannered and friendly partner (any match up) to practice new different strategy, build order, talk about replays, etc. Online most of the time(EST), Looking to get a lot of games in before beta goes down. I Have a mic and VoIP programs skype, vent, etc. Send me an email or add me in game so we can get some games going.
Server: US Server TL ID: Sleight Email: half_Lotus@rocketmail.com B.Net ID: halfLotus.Lotus Rating: 250 League: Diamond Rank: 10 Race: Terran Other: Looking for any and all races and practice partners. I have mic, etc, and I am looking for people to really hammer out good strategy and technique. Just fire me an email/message and we can get in touch and start working.
Server: US Server TL ID: Optophobia Email: ruan_dong@yahoo.com B.Net ID: Optophobia Rating: 0 League: Diamond Rank: 98 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for practice partners regardless of race, although Terran seems to be bugging me the most. I'm new to 1v1 as most of the time I play with my friends and they help me win a bit. Just got into diamond due to superb luck with placement matches... I do feel proud that I got into it but I would like to practice with others before I indulge myself into the Diamond league. I also have a mic if you can provide the vent/ts/skype etc etc TL;DR Looking for someone who can point out what I'm doing wrong and how I can improve.
Server: US server TL ID: jskye Email: jessequach@gmail.com B.Net ID: jskye Rating: ~ League: Diamond Rank: ~ Race: Terran Other: I'm looking for players that can help me grow and offer advice on what I need to work with. I'm open to any race match ups.
Server: US TL ID: Zutta Email: cannedcheese323(at)gmail(dot)com B.Net ID: Zutta Rating: N/A League: Platinum Rank: 29 Race: Protoss Other: I'm a new player who is still fine tuning my mechanics and trying to learn new strategies and builds. I love to discuss this game and would love to have some spar matches and discuss them afterward.
Server: US Server TL ID: CaosDriver Email: CaosDriver@gmail.com B.Net ID: CaosDriver Rating: ~ League: Platinum Rank: ~ Race: Protoss Other: Also play Terran, looking for any partners to improve with. I use Skype frequently and have a mic.
Server: US Server TL ID: sjh Email: sjh.hamilton@gmail.com B.Net ID: sjh Rating: 118 League: Platinum Rank: 18 Race: Protoss
Server: US Server TL ID: UpperX Email: yufeng913@hotmail.com B.Net ID: UpperX Rating: ~ League: Diamond Rank: ~ Race: Protoss Other: Looking for practice games vs anyone preferably platinum/diamond.
Server: US Server TL ID: ryanAnger Email: nightcrawling@gmail.com B.Net ID: Anger Rating: 200 League: Diamond Rank: 30~ Race: Zerg Other: Looking to work on all matchups.
Server: US Server TL ID: Klamity B.Net ID: misteranbu@gmail.com Rating: 164 League: Diamond Rank: 23 Race: Zerg Other: I am at least platinum level with Protoss and Terran as well. I'm just looking for some consistent partners to practice against to improve my skills. I play at around 90-110 APM and am usually on between 12-6 AM EST. I prefer someone that is fairly social. I have a vent server as well if you prefer that, but it is not necessary or expected. I am sometimes a terrible, terrible jerk and rage quit games, but I'll try my best to remember the GG.
Server: EU Server TL ID: jdobrev Email: dobrev.jordanATgmail.com B.Net ID: Riddler Rating: 259 League: Diamond Rank: 17 Race: Terran Other: My best mu is against Zerg and my worst is TvT. I prefer partners willing to play lots of games in a row with focus on improving specific aspects of play. Being a calm player is a priority xD Depending on my schedule I may be available to play from 05:00 CET to 23:00 CET. Usually at least a few hours a day. Have mic and skype (jdobrev)
Server: EU Server TL ID: Vedad Email: vedadb (at) student (dot) chalmers (dot) se B.Net ID: Oashgu Rating: 204 League: Platinum Rank: 4 Race: Protoss Other: Want practice partner for the last days of beta + after release, playing as protoss, climbing my way to diamond right now =). I pretty much need to practice overall. You can contact me ingame with email I wrote earlier. I got mic.
Server: US server TL ID: ghoflz email: dannylittledude@yahoo.com B.NET ID: junny Rating: 360ish League: Diamond Rank 10ish Race: Zerg Other: Need ZvT practice the most but anything is fine. It's summer so hit me up whenever! Also I have aim with the same e-mail.
Server: US Server TL ID: Cathala B.Net ID: LPHybrid91@yahoo.com League: none Race: Protoss Other: Didn't do the placement matches since last patch. I was in copper league but right now i just need some practice. I want to learn about what different builds i can do against any opponent. Also i would want to learn anything else about strategies. I can go on ventrillo to talk and play some matches to learn more.
thanks ^_^
Server: US Server TL ID: nosliw B.Net ID: sungchiahao@yahoo.com Rating: 162 League: Diamond Rank: 30 Race: Random Other: Just got beta last week. Need to play as much as possible
Server: US Server TL ID: coldmath Email: green_knight86@yahoo.com B.Net ID: coldmath Rating: 22 League: Diamond Rank: 72 Race: Terran Other: Low rank Diamond, play nights after 4 and sometimes during the day (intermittently). I do not have a mic, but can join voice chats (skype, vent, mumble, TS).
Server: US Server TL ID: Rahdek Email: macvaughan@gmail.com B.Net ID: Freeheals Rating: 23 League: Platinum Rank: 59 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for an equally or greater skilled partner of any race to play seriously and competitively. Testing build orders and really looking to work on my macro. I'm on literally everyday so PM me if you see me around and want to play.
Server: US Server TL ID: DTown Email: freebyrd422@gmail.com B.Net ID: DTown Rating: 123 League: Platinum Rank:16 Race: Zerg
Other: Halfway decent Zerg player (will occasionally play other races, Terran is my next strongest, still working on Toss). Always trying to improve by talking strategy and occasionally trying new things or unorthadox builds. Looking for a someone to own with, since I find it more fun than joining up with random jackasses all the time. Feel free to send me a message in-game or here on TL.
Server: US Server TL ID: Bond799 Email: bond798@msn.com B.Net ID: Bond Rating: 132 League: Diamond Rank: 12 Race: Terran Other: looking for all races to practice against. please send me a friend request on SC2 or PM me here
Server: US Server TL ID: ShoeFactory Email: shoefactory (at) gmail (dot) com Bnet ID: Shoey Rating: 400 League: Diamond Rank: 1 Race: Zerg Other: looking for practice partners of all races, but i can play all races and am up to practice other races besides zerg as well.