Server: US Server TL ID: Keilah Email: Postingthisisbeggingfor@spam.com B.Net ID: Keilah Rating: 182 League: Diamond Rank: 8 Race: Terran Other: PM me here on TL.net and I'll give you an email address. I'm going to try being awesome at this game and getting properly involved in the community, and see how that feels for a few months. I want to learn more than just Terran but for now I'm a terran player.
Server: US Server TL ID: Fedora Email: abrahamhaskins01@gmail.com B.Net ID: Fedora Rating: 174 League:Gold Rank: 17 Race: Random Other: I watch replays often from Day9 and the HD/Husky crowd. Definitely been trying to get better and would ideally like to find someone with a mic (hopefully someone that plays random). Oh, and my email doesn't have a 01 in it, but this prevents all those webcrawlers from pimping out my address. As with everyone else here, I just want to try out new strategies, refine, and analyze games that have been played.
Server: EU Server TL ID: 1stRun Email: omnislash60(at)hotmail.com B.Net ID: SkY Rating: ~ League: ~ Rank: ~ Race: Zerg Other: Novice looking for practice partners of all races for either playing or observing replays and comment them.
Server: US Server TL ID: OsO Email: innerfirenuclear@gmail.com B.Net ID: OsO Rating: N/A League: Platinum Rank: 3 Race: Protoss Other: Used to play CSS competitively for money and looking to move my knowledge and skill into SC2...currently looking for ACTIVE and dedicated practice partners with the same intentions as me....which is to get better and play competitively in tournaments and LAN's
Server: EU server TL ID: Scorpius Email: Theoarnberg@yahoo.com B.Net ID: Scorpius Rating: League: gold Rank: Race: Protoss Other: I really like a pratice partner to play alot of games in a row to try out build orders and to just learn the game and to become better it would be fun to play aginst someone that got some expriance i will play aginst all races and it would be nice to learn counter tatics for all the races and to discuss what to do and what you could have dont better and just talk about diffrent ways to play so dont be afraid to contact me just PM on Teamliquid or in B.net or by sending me an email so we can talk and discuss on how we both can become better gamers Ps. iam from Sweden but i play aginst all Europeans hope to see you on B.Net
Server: US Server TL ID: Shad0wRush B.Net ID: Murmur Email: stinging_hornet@yahoo.com League: Diamond Rank: 45 Race: Protoss Other: Just looking for some people to practice builds with and talk about games. I generally prefer 1v1 rather than 2v2 but will do some 2's also :D IDK about the whole new league system, not sure if I belong in Diamond lol.
Server: US Server TL ID: Brianjfischer Email: PM for Email B.Net ID: CavMachine Rating: 100+? League: Diamond Rank: 30+ Race: Random Other: Looking to learn, spammin the 1v1s gets on my nerves. I really doubt I will be diamond once all the good players start playing. Or maybe I just doubt my own skill, who knows. I have skype, online afternoons EST.
Server: US Server TL ID: Newguy Email: michaeldblr437@gmail.com B.Net ID: goswser Rating: 598 League: Diamond Rank: 1 Race: Terran Other: Please add me, I need someone to practice with, I play random a lot too, so if you don't want to practice with a terran I'll play any matchup .
Server: US Server TL ID: Phil4994 Email: Phil4994@gmail.com B.Net ID: Clee Rating: 307 League: Diamond Rank: 8 Race: Protoss Other: Laid back player, want to practice against other players and increase my knowledge of the game. I'd like to sharpen my play in the process. I'm main race Protoss but can play all races. I'm usually on everyday so hit me up
Server: Europe TL ID: Tufas Email: deathknight@gmx.at B.Net ID: Tufas Rating: 72 League: Diamond Rank: 14 Race: Terran Other: Not that good of a player, but I beat all my friends and therefore want to play against new people. Thanks ! (worst matchup : TvZ [have lost almost no TvT so far])
Server: US Server TL ID: infectious Email: kburke@email.arizona.edu B.Net ID: infectious Rating: 194 League: Diamond Rank: 14 Race: Terran Other: Playing mostly terran right now, Im awful at TvZ and really need to work at that, but i win most TvT matchups and it seems like protoss are non existant as i get like 1 toss game in every 10 or so. Msg me if you need a practice partner
Server: US Server TL ID: HeavyBurden Email: corey55@rogers.com B.Net ID: HeavyBurden Rating: ? i couldnt find it lol battle net kept crashing League: silver Rank: 12 Race: Protoss Other: just trying to get better in general, would like to play against all races
Server: ASIA Server TL ID: keNn) Email: ownagekenn@gmail.com B.Net ID: keNn Rating: 0 League: Diamond Rank: n/a Race: Protoss Other: Currently Ranking is broken in asia server.anyone who wants to custom there just pm me. I need a lot of practice...
Server: US Server TL ID: oodug Email: chadskeers [at] gmail.com B.Net ID: oodug Rating: N/A League: Gold Rank: 42 Race: Zerg Other: I was dropped from my first 3 placement matches but I think I'm a gold-caliber player. Working on developing a consistent 13-pool, 14 hatch but I'm playing around with variations. Interested in practicing against all matchups. In cafe's a lot so it's hard to VoIP, but I do it when I can.
Server: US Server TL ID: Skyprodigy Email: huayingl2002@hotmail.com B.Net ID: Sky Rating: 292 League: Diamond Rank: 3 Race: Terran Other: Looking to play against protoss and zerg a lot. TvZ is my strongest M/U and Toss second, TvT is by far the weakest. So if u want a challenge or just someone to improve/practice with. Just add me, i'm on quite a lot
Server: EU Server TL ID: gurru. Email: elmargracher@gmx.de B.Net ID: gurru Rating: 210 League: Diamond Rank: Race: zerg>protoss>... no terran for me atm :D Other: searching for skilled, mannered!, all races
Server: EU TL ID: Shizuru~ Email: PM for email B.Net ID: Shizuru Rating: 168 League: Diamond Rank: 22 Race: Terran Other: Looking for terran and protoss practise partner for TvP, and TvT match ups.
Server: US Server TL ID: Or-a Email: Sharpsim@hotmail.com B.Net ID: Mithra Rating: 145 League: Diamond Rank: 27 Race: Zerg Other: I got into diamond however I think I'm a high gold - mid plat. I played Z before the Roach nerf and Protoss up until the recent patch. Back to Zerg been testing out strategies. Doesn't matter your skill level I just want to play against competitive people.
Server: US Server TL ID: SlaineD Email: dolong@gmail.com B.Net ID: SlaineD Rating: 500 League: Diamond Rank: 2 Race: Protoss - Terran also good other: looking for high ranked people for really good practic. I was 2200+ ELO before reset or people just looking to mass game
Server: EU Server TL ID: Azarthis Email: burton898@btinternet.com B.Net ID: Azarthis Rating: 129 League: Platinum Rank: 20 Race: Terran Other: I'm looking to improve my game, especially macro and micro multitasking. I used to play random so im happy to play off-races if you want to practice a specific build or something. Have vent and mic. I am currently in plat, but was top silver-ish before p13