Server: Europe TL ID: Poetic[aov] Email: ben0505_15@hotmail.co.uk b.net ID: PoeticAoV Rating: 650 League: Diamond Rank: 1 Race: Terran Other: Looking for practice partners of any race, to practise new builds and discuss the game. I am on most evenings, and during the day when I don't have anything else on. I would like to find some good players to practice with!
Server: US Server TL ID: MagnaX Email: yanderson@gmail.com B.Net ID: PeeShooter Rating: 350 League: Diamond Rank: 25 Race: Protoss Other: Play mostly Protoss in solo play, I do random in 2s/3s/4s been playing alot of 2s with friends this reset. Was 1800 platinum and 1st place in division previous reset. Looking for a team of players to practice builds and at least similar skill level to grow in skill together and play in a tourney level is the objective.
Server: US Server TL ID: Polygamy Email: joehippidyhoped@hotmail.com B.Net ID: Puget Rating: -- League: Diamond Rank: 1 (2v2 random) 43 (1v1) Race: Protoss Other: Looking for a Zerg or Terran 2v2 partner
Server: EU TL ID: TheBlackSeed Email: edmessent@hotmail.co.uk B.Net ID: TheBlackSeed Rating: ~ League: Gold Rank: 53 Race: Random (My Protoss is best) Other: Bnet wont show me my rating so I will update when it does but I haven't played that much since last reset. Im looking for players of any race just to practice and hopefully help each other improve. Feel free to add and message me on Bnet.
Server: US Server TL ID: conqueso Email: zachperry@comcast.net B.Net ID: conqueso Rating: -- League: Gold Rank: 30ish Race: Terran Other: Newer to rts's working on hand speed and strengthening my macro. Would like a partner to play with and chat on vent with etc.
Server: US Server TL ID: Pato Email: patricioborghi@gmail.com B.Net ID:Quak Rating: 800 League: Diamond Rank: 1 Race: Protoss Other: Ex Bw player. Won a wcg @ my country. Looking for good massing gaming partners who are interested in becoming better and discussing strats and bo's
Server: US Server TL ID: Lylat Email: lylat89@hotmail.fr B.Net ID: Lylat Rating: 529 League: Diamond Rank: 2 Race: Terran Other: I was playing mainly Protoss at the beginning but then switched to Terran, I'm looking forward any matchup !
Server: EU Server TL ID: Lylat Email: lylatw@laposte.net B.Net ID: Lylat Rating: 450 League: Diamond Rank: 10ish Race: Terran Other: I was playing mainly Protoss at the beginning but then switched to Terran, I'm looking forward any matchup !
Server: US Server (Canada) TL ID: TheEngineer Email: EdyN-@hotmail.com B.Net ID: TheEngineer Rating: - League: Gold Rank: 65 Race: Terran Other: Hi there, I am 21 years old and from Montreal (Quebec). I have been playing starcraft one many many years ago, and came back into the RTS with w3x mainly for fun doing 2v2 with some RL friends. I have joined the starcraft 2 beta two months ago and am willing to improve especially since i the HDH invitational has been running. My micro isint too bad but i still got to improve alot on the macro/multitasking aspect of the game. Two of my favorite players from wich I try to build my play style on are PainUser and TheLittleOne. I gotta mention I speak both french and english, just in case there's someone else from Quebec looking for a partner
Server: EU Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: EffeCt Email: krazy4kronik@hotmail.com B.Net ID: EffeCtioN Rating: 234 League: Diamond Rank: 19 Race: Terran Other: Add me as a friend through my email account, krazy4kronik@hotmail.com. I'm always up for games when I'm online so just message me and let's get going! I have diamond level terran and I'm better than rank 19, but b.net 2.0 is kinda messed up as we all know! GL HF!
Server: US Server TL ID: thermacrit Email: brandon221125@gmail.com B.Net ID: thermacrit Rating: 0 League: Platinum Rank: 88 Race: Terran Other: Always looking for friends whom can work together and become better players. Hit me up!
Server: US Server TL ID: Barnabas Email: PM me plz B.Net ID: Barnabas Rating: 240 League: Platinum Rank: 13 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for some Diamonds to practice with. Mostly working on Zerg. Just looking for some good players to play with. Thanks!
Server: US Server TL ID: Blkmagickk Email: chris748290@yahoo.com B.Net ID: blkmagickk Rating: N/A League: Gold Rank: 62 Race: Random Other: I have a mic and skype...I've watched the majority of TL's vods and also day9's and Hd / husky on youtube. I have a lot of free time to play and get better. Looking for someone of same skill or higher to improve and give tips (quick learner)
Server: US Server TL ID: wanderer Email: michael.lee0@gmail.com B.Net ID: Galois Rating: 0 League: Silver Rank: 0 Race: Terran Other: Old BW player looking for hot sexytime with random player. I don't care WHO I get it from!
Server: US Server TL ID: Lionel2b Email: lionel2b a t g m a i l d o t c o m B.Net ID: MonTy Rating: 48 League: Diamond Rank: 57 Race: Zerg Other: In the last few days of the Beta I'm looking to cram in a ton of 1v1s, but prefer to do so against someone I can talk to after. I'm a low Diamond ranked Zerg but enjoy playing all races. I'm considerably weaker in my off races. I take a fun but serious approach to the game.
Server: US Server TL ID: Glacierz Email: pm for email, or pm me your email B.Net ID: Glacier Rating: 285 League: Platinum (team) Rank: 2 Race: Terran Other: Not a huge fan of spamming 1v1s, looking for a decent plat partner or low tier diamond to practice 1v1s or 2v2s with.
Server: US Server TL ID: CorwinOfAmber Email: livelifeloud2007 (at) hotmail (dot)com B.Net ID: Corwin Rating: 223 League: Platinum Fole X-Ray Rank: 19 Race: Random Other: Have vent, on many hours of the day, I also make Melee maps if youd like to play on them sometime. I watch alot of pro gaming and livestreams to try and get better. Send me a pm or an email (email slightly edited for some spamming protecting) I check both daily. On from around 5pm to 5am central US time most every day.
Server: US Server TL ID: Stokes Email: harris.kulyk@gmail.com B.Net ID: Inertia Rating: 220 League: Diamond Rank: 22 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for practice partners of all races, to test out build orders, strategies, etc, or just even to play some good 1v1 matches. Also interested in forming 2v2, and 3v3 teams. Feel free to PM me any time you see me on.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Agent Orange Email: vaughnyboi129@yahoo.com B.Net ID: Envy Rating: ~ League: Gold Rank: Not sure =/ Race: Zerg
Server: US Server TL ID: MiyaviTeddy Email: J_the_blademaster@hotmail.com B.Net ID: MiyaviTeddy Rating: 64 League: Diamond Rank: 40 Race: Zerg