Hi guys, here i'm again once again, this time publishing a map which i consider it to be the best one i have made yet! I'm quite pumped for it because in the test games it proved to be quite interesting, also i really like the way the theme came up even with the limitations i had (keeping it playable and easy to read), this map was built upon Oumanville, Aradia and Cloud Atlas.
Sadly i couldn't add the cars and stuff, not because i couldn't manage to make them with the triggers but because they didn't show up pass the Fog of war inside the game 
Map is published in: [AM],[EU],[KR],[SEA]
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/kZLhTE6.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OpRWcNW.jpg)
Information/Analyser: + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/CEZHhLq.png) Sadly the map analyzer can't handle the epicness of the light bridges so it crashed when i tried to load the map, so i had to remove the bridges to load the map, the distances for the map are: Main to Main: ~55 seconds Natural to Natural: ~45 seconds
Eye Candy:
Image heavy + Show Spoiler +
Small info about the map:
+ Show Spoiler + ◙ No Xel'nagas. ◙ A standard map for my standards. ◙ Good open spaces around tight central areas. ◙ Open natural (quite open). ◙ Quite open third base with an optional third base that can be walled off more easily but it is also farther away. ◙ Custom billboards and light bridges!
I hope you guys enjoy the map, remember that to find it it is easier to search for KTV instead of having to memorize the name!
I might steal some ideas for my next map 
Also , now you must do that Protoss-City map with golden skyscrapers. Btw , how did you make the bridges ? You modified some data or just gave them a walkable path ?
Actually the sky crappers are for a re-texturing of an older map i'm working on Past Glories, in the entire Vol II my goal was to get out a bunch of different ideas and layouts out of my head more than the texturing of the maps themselves, now that i have more experience in layouts and stuff i want to review their themes and work harder on them so they can look prettier ♥.
Now that i bring back the Vol II, Seleucia here is using a heavily modified layout version of Plank's Orbit mixed in with a bit of Saalok Dreams/Past Glories, this is a layout that i'm quite comfortable with, and it has proven his worth with Cloud Kingdom (between many others) so that's the reason why i think of this map more as of a standard map.
The bridges where a hairy thing because what i used to do to make bridges (swap some models, footprints and alot of actors data) doesn't seem to be working anymore , so for this map i had to place some korhal bridges, edit their data so they don't show up in-game, and also i had to edit their footprints so they would fit the light bridges and not bug out while doing so, there are still a couple bugs with them tho, if you look closer when a unit is going to enter the smaller lateral bridges you will see that the unit moves higher a bit before the unit reaches the bridge, that's because the skewed and hidden model and the edited footprint don't fit all that well, this probably is a bug by blizzard's part because the pathing layer behaves as if the model wasn't skewed/reduced, but oh well at least you won't find that your units fall into the void while passing the bridge, so yeah it works...
Also go ahead, i would be thrilled to have some of my maps features stolen ^^ hehe
I think there are some cool ideas here.
I think there's a problem with readability. The layout is complex and the aesthetics don't help. The resource saturation is kinda high.
I like the bases around the main. I think it's neat, and the layout there is the main feature of the map. I'm not such a big fan of the 12/6 bases and the other bases in the corners. The 12/6 are kinda close to the nat taking away from the much cooler bases in the other direction, and in general I think the those three bases should be reduced to two.
At least you could push the 12/6 closer to the cliff so it was a bit more vulnerable. I think that closer, open third would be the preferable option in too many cases despite being pretty wide open. It's just so close, and I think it's the most boring third and the one that would make for the worst games.
This reminds me something i did about 6 months ago , i resolved it by placing a bridge unit ( the metallic ones ) and swapping it's model. Always use blizzard units as templates :D
United Kingdom1381 Posts
Interesting looking map with some creative use of doodads... and the Heroes of the Storm billboards earn brownie points when Blizzard consider a map for the ladder.
@Gfire yeah that's one of the main issues when making city themed maps, visibility, but i feel the map is okay in that regard, i mean which is more easy to read this one + Show Spoiler + or this another one + Show Spoiler +, i actually wanted to make it feel even more of a city like superhuman's map but i couldn't because it would compromise readability too much.
As for the third yeah, i have a couple of different versions, one has a less open natural with a farther away third (under the cliff as you said) and there are others that have a safer third with a open natural, so yeah i tried a lot of different versions but i choose this one because it stands off enough of other maps but at the same time it still has a "good layout", the problem is that even tho i want the players to make the decision of which base to take, "will i take that highground base as a third or will i take my closer but more exposed third base?" but keeping the closer third close enough so Protoss players could take it without too much hassle. I know this will make the games more macro oriented and slower than otherwise but it also means less 2 base all in from Protoss players. I mean i could go all the way to the suck it up to the Protoss players (i have already done it) but for this map i preferred a more standard layout.
@Lez yeah i used to do the same thing, but it was not working anymore for bridges u.u
@iHiro Ahaha, my favorite ones are the ones from Romantically Apocalyptic, and that one of Jaedong ♥
United Kingdom1381 Posts
Did you ever find a use for the Red Bull graphics I made for the TLMC?
+ Show Spoiler +
Well generally I think a harder natural should mean a harder third as well, rather than an easier one to "make up for it" or whatever. If your nat is later you won't need a third so fast. An easy third and hard nat means something closer to "as soon as you get your nat, you pretty much get your third," which isn't great imo, or at least not great for a standard.
On November 22 2013 03:57 iHirO wrote:Did you ever find a use for the Red Bull graphics I made for the TLMC? + Show Spoiler + You will have to find out yourself ~
@Gfire Yeah, i see what you mean, delay the players forcing them to be aggressive, the problem i have found is that the bigger the maps and the more exposed the bases are the harder the players will all-in or do timing attacks and attack never again unless for another later "timing attack" instead of constant aggression which is what we want, so with this layout at least i'm encouraging players to macro and harass instead of doing timings. Anyways the change you propose is quite easy to make, so i'll have to see how the games develop now, and if i find any problem i could change it to the way you say without much problems
Aotearoa39261 Posts
I think there's a lot of good idea here, but I feel that the map would be stronger if some parts of the map were flipped around:
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Plexa/suggestionktv.jpg) Swapping those two bits around I feel makes the map more interesting as the 6m1g expo becomes a more natural third than the 8m2g but there's still some ambiguity as to which one is better. 1) 6m1g is more natural as a third, but is riskier to take than the 8m2g 2) Reduced income from the 6m1g compared to 8m2g 3) 4th is more natural from the 6m1g base than the 8m2g 4) Could make for some unbalance expansion patterns in matchups like TvZ (T take 8m2g, Z taking 6m1g)
For this map i'm expecting the players to take the far away 8m2g (3 and 9) expansions as a optional third (while walling off the ramp obviously) instead of the 8m1hyg bases, and then when the thirds are secured take the 8min1hyg as a fourth base, but yeah now that you are pointing it out i have to agree that's really temping to go just ahead and swap the bases, i'll have to consider it.
The only problem i see with this other than having to add some rocks on that big ramp leading to the 8m1hyg is that it would force the non zerg players into a single expanding patron, but other than that, there's not much else, so yeah i'll have to consider it
Thanks for the feedback Gfire & Plexa ^^
Can you forcefield on the bridges? or creep? (It would be cool if not).
United Kingdom1381 Posts
On November 22 2013 07:42 Uvantak wrote:You will have to find out yourself ~ @Gfire Yeah, i see what you mean, delay the players forcing them to be aggressive, the problem i have found is that the bigger the maps and the more exposed the bases are the harder the players will all-in or do timing attacks and attack never again unless for another later "timing attack" instead of constant aggression which is what we want, so with this layout at least i'm encouraging players to macro and harass instead of doing timings. Anyways the change you propose is quite easy to make, so i'll have to see how the games develop now, and if i find any problem i could change it to the way you say without much problems 
I couldn't find them anywhere... however the animated Tauren Marine sign was awesome!
There's a bug with two gas geysers (one is unbuildable while the other causes the worker to get trapped), due to being too flush to the wall. I assume rotational symmetry was used, so it must be a quirk of the tool that causes the difference.
@eat You can't spread creep on the bridges, and i was thinking about making that you can't trow force fields on the bridges but i'm not sure about it mostly because the bridges are important choke points for the players.
@ihiro That was the combo of pathing tool + symmetry, to fix it i had to move the korhal buildings a bit so no biggie, i also moved some billboards to be more visible, the map is fixed now and uploaded to the four regions!
Also the games have seen between +masters have developed nicely without the need of moving the mineral lines, but i'll have to wait and see how the games develop further on the map ♥
This is a really cool map! I would love to see tournaments use this.