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ESV Oumanville by SUPEROUMAN
Angled view: + Show Spoiler + Map analyzer pictures! Look at them, i know the overview is very confusing, i tried my best. + Show Spoiler +
Welcome to my city! My name is Superouman, the mayor of this town and I will be your guide. Cars, buildings and trees are indestructible and block vision. The goal of this map is air play while still making ground play well. To do so, i made a very long ground distance and a very short air distance (very similar to desert oasis). I also used a third placement similar to the one on "ESV Yinfei" and the distance between the third and the main is very short by air but long by ground. and to finish i experimented with islands. There is only one ground path between the two mains, so it needs to be very large to allow some flanking.
In the first versions of this map, the main's and third's cliffs were touching the center, this caused blink stalker to be completely broken because they had to travel less time between the bases than the defender. Because of this, i reduced the width of the the third's cliff and totally removed it from the main.
Through testing, every race race has pros and cons with islands and it somehow balances out.
Zerg: - Pros: can nydus and then send drones to directly saturate the expand, can defend with spines, spores, nydus teleporting and mutalisk map control. - Cons: have to rally point the hatchery to the nydus, harder to defend if the nydus is sniped but you can preemptively defend it Terran: - Pros: mule, pf, turrets - Cons: hard to reinforce with troops if it's heavely attacked (only with medivacs) Protoss: - Pros: very easy to defend with cannons and warp-ins, blink stalkers can go in and out of the islands (defensive or offensive) but as with the main and 3rd cliffs, the flow is limited - Cons: hardest to send workers, need to send probes manually through warp prisms
Xel'Naga towers: None
Distances: Similar to Desert Oasis' - Main to main: 65sec - Nat to nat: 50sec
Textures used:
Main: + Show Spoiler + Natural + wall possibilities: + Show Spoiler +You can wall from the ramp or at the choke Third: + Show Spoiler + Fourth: + Show Spoiler + Island 1: + Show Spoiler + Island 2: + Show Spoiler + The middle: + Show Spoiler + Creep and line of sight blockers under cars and buildings: + Show Spoiler +
Decoration: The decoration made some restriction on the layout, the streets and buildings had to be well placed. I was looking at the existing city maps and i wasn't satisfied by the look, especially metalopolis, what the fuck a unique circular street on the roof of a gigantic building? Am i high on lsd? No, so i've looked into the editor and what could let me do a real city and the answer is "Tarsonis building" doodad! The only issue with that doodad was the fact that flying units may be hidden inside buildings so i lowered or/and reduced their size. Then i had to find a way to block streets on unpathable terrain, cars and trucks! Perfect! But there was an issue on how to visually block the pavement, there are no human doodads, the only solution for me was to use streetlights and benches, the result is okay. However, there is one issue overall, when i show the map to someone, none of them are certain if they can destroy cars or if it is totally unpathable. I think once the player checked these two possibilities in his first game, his doubts will be erased to i think it's ok.
Pretty pictures: + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler +
superouman, y u so good?
looking forward to analyzer pics
4 islands??? Not so sure about that. Love this 90 degree angle city style
Eh.. you know my concerns from the skype chat. Other than that the aesthetics and suburban feel to it just blows me away like bean bags hitting teletubbies.
This is of course an experimental map, maps with emphasis on islands and air play had to be done someday so let's try on this one. I won't lie that i have no clue where i am going balance-wise but from testgames, the gameplay was really peculiar and interesting.
The map thread had to be my 1k post but i missed it T_T
Good for Toss but the island closest to the main should not be an island. Too terran favoured.
Otherwise: Fing epic map.
This is just... but... I... What is this, I don't even...
Honestly, really exciting stuff. Not sure about the 4 Islands but I respect the "It has to be tested" attitude. Really amazing job at making the map look so large and lively.
With current PvZ I can see getting a mothership archon HT carrier ball off 3-4 (1 island possibly) bases without much the zerg can do except econ/tech like mad in response, how could they attack that base layout? For this reason and because that close island 4th is pretty nice for terran (siegable, close to reinforce with medivacs), I would say that close island should have an opening to middle to prevent a cluster of 4 bases that can only be reached by air by zerg (assuming walloff at natural).
But since this is experimental, whatever, it's really well put together! I can totally see epic island battles. Please post replays of cool games if you can.
This one looks so different that I will actually need to play before comenting, still is very interesting and looking foward to see how it plays out.
I love the "Lets test this" attitude. SC2 while one year old, still has lots of testing to do with regards to what can be done and i often find that some mapmakers is always "stick to the rules, do not deviate and btw make sure your map hurts terran as much as possible(sorry my bias got through)".
This one through is controlversal to say the least. Islands is something even blizzard gave up on and they aren't as quick as tournements when checking through stuff that are potentially broken(see Gold bases).
Another thing is the layout. I get you wanted a city map but you are mixing a map concept that is Up in the air with astetics that are down on the ground. The city just signalizes ground-focus but the way the path is set up means you should be a little more keen on the air play. If it was setup like say scrap station then it would have signalized Airfocussed map.
On January 07 2012 07:16 Sumadin wrote: I love the "Lets test this" attitude. SC2 while one year old, still has lots of testing to do with regards to what can be done and i often find that some mapmakers is always "stick to the rules, do not deviate and btw make sure your map hurts terran as much as possible(sorry my bias got through)". Totally agree.
I was really hoping all those cars would be destructible when I saw the overview. That would be a lot of fun.
I forgot to mention that i didn't put any xelnaga towers. Since there is only one ground path, i can't see it being good.
Everytime I see ESV (2) in the custom map section and a map name I haven't seen before, I get so excited. You guys make awesome maps. Keep up the great work guys, one day these maps will be in tournaments, hopefully soon.
On January 07 2012 08:17 Vilonis wrote: Everytime I see ESV (2) in the custom map section and a map name I haven't seen before, I get so excited. You guys make awesome maps. Keep up the great work guys, one day these maps will be in tournaments, hopefully soon. GSL enough of a tournament for you?
I don't like the idea of 4 islands. I feel that it constricts an otherwise mostly macro-style map to more of a 2-3 base play. While I find the aesthetic of the map quite intriguing and awesome, I don't find that it's a very good map, balance wise. The attitude of "let's test this" is fine, but I don't understand why we should test an extreme version of a concept that is generally ill-regarded (islands).
In either case, the map is beautiful, and perhaps it is hard for me to visual how it works because of the beautiful aesthetics! Keep up the good work.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
Make a four player map already xD
On a serious note, I think one of the islands should become semi-island ala scrap station.
Infested City remake could be cool. Besides, Plexa might be right. One of the islands becoming semi-island is a good concept, maybe double rocks to delay it even more? I wonder how could Tiberium Spires (neutral buildings giving small steady income of money every x seconds, can't remember) from CnC3 work in SC2. It could be an interesting thing to put into the maps.
your Country52797 Posts
You should make it so that the attack path only goes on the roads xD Go 2 player maps!!
Just looking at the overview blows my mind. I have no idea what is going on at first glance. Thank god for the analyser pictures.