I personally prefer these images, OP (please edit the OP?), pulled from Liquipedia (much larger and easier to see details): [and I'll provide my Zerg v X opinions]
Abyssal_Caverns + Show Spoiler +
My thoughts: Horizontal and veritcal symmetry (slightly angular)
xelnaga tower wars will be interesting if non-ranged units, making melee (e.g. zerglings) less-viable tower controllers.
Horizontal close spawns are interesting, makes the rocks necessary to break down for big pushes, in order to avoid the smaller chokes everywhere, yet the golds become more accessible as a reasonable 3rd, given you prepare in time for taking down the rocks. Map will tend to split vertically down the center, and the water patches provide a nice natural barrier for broodlords to mass and hold.
Vertical close spawns encourage the middle top/bottom blue expos as a 3rd, and possibly spliting the map top versus bottom, though the top or bottom waters are probably the best location for broodlords to mass, and end-game engagements around the golds are more probable.
Cross spawns, usually favoring Zerg on most maps, are still difficult due to the imposed vertical split, making gold vs blue as a 3rd a difficult decision, though shifting the end-game similar to the horizontal close spawns may be preferable, so I'd likely attempt to expand to the gold as a 3rd instead, with the other main/nat as 4th...
Antiga_Shipyard + Show Spoiler +
My thoughts: Rotational symmetry, (watch the main's cliff for cliff walk rushes ala reaper, but at least there's just the one point of entry to worry about)
Opponent is close-spawn clockwise: 3rd is best to take your natural blue, though farther gold may be an option if you can hold the center. Wide open center makes it nice for zerg, though be careful not to give up the high-ground in the middle, yet most fighting will likely be on the low ground. End-game mapsplitting will likely draw a vertical or cross-diagonal line down the map, though I think the cross diagonal might encourage your main techstructures to avoid being in your main...
Opponent is close-spawn counter-clockwise: 3rd is a tough call, due to close air with your natural 3rd. Perhaps a hidden clockwise 3rd or gold can work, but if you take your third, be ready to respond to air/drops. Big engagements will still likely be in the center low-ground, unless air is the route the game takes, but holding the center is still vital if the map splits. End-game mapsplitting will likely draw a horizontal or cross-diagonal line down the map. If cross-diagonal, this may be an advantage if your tech is safely tucked away in your main, further from the fight.
Cross-spawns: Taking your natural 3rd blue seems the safest, but watch your 3rd's back rocks. Control of the center becomes much more vital, for if the opponent gets the high ground, they'll virtually control the 3 other corners of the map. End-game map splitting could likely go any way.
Nerazim_Crypt + Show Spoiler +
My thoughts: Rotational symmetry, (cliff walking viable along any lower edge of main)
Like the analysis for Antiga Shipyards, I think the thirds are similar with the exception of Opponent spawns counter-clockwise: The low ground natural 3rd (with ramp angled towards your main) is a high-risk. Not only is it close air, but it's low ground, making it that much harder to hold. I don't like it, but taking your clockwise 3rd is probably the only viable option, other than trying to sneak a hidden 3rd in another main/nat. Wide open middle is interesting, though 4 high-ground towers are a threat to any middle of the map engagements, so tread with caution. I'm not the veto-ing type, I generally play on all maps and adamantly refuse to veto, though if I had to veto one, it would probably be this one, though I think the open middle can be useful, though 4 towers on high ground can be difficult to hold.
Searing_Crater + Show Spoiler +
My thoughts: Horizontal and veritcal symmetry This map seems similar to Abyssal Caverns.
Horizontal close spawns encourage gold for a 3rd, though the rocks at your blue 3rd can provide some security, yet the non-ramped cliff is scary, especially vs terran drops on the cliff. Speaking of, offensively, this is a great place to make broodlords safely, or maybe even dropping hydras, similar to Lost Temple, but at least the cliffs aren't at our naturals, an improvement in my opinion. End-game map splitting will likely be a vertical line down the center, and the vertical natural makes for a reasonably defendable 4th.
Vertical close spawns, 3rd blue seems more reasonable, but you better guard your cliff, though at least you'll have time to make it to lair tech by then... End-game map splitting encourages a horizontal line across the middle, and opposite gold might make an interested hidden expo, provided time to take down the rocks, and be careful to spot the opponent thinking the same thing.
For Cross spawns, I say just take the gold, its got rocks you have to tear down, but minus those pesky cliffs.
Source for pictures: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Maps