Public Profile for lukeman3323
General Profile:
lukeman3323's Public Profile:
Hey everyone! I'm here to chill out ^.^
*Looking for a high-bronze/low silver level player to spar with. I just got accepted to gold, but I dunno how that happened XD
*Recently got in to playing as 'tos, so hints and tips are very welcome!
*Erm... I enjoy chatting whenever I can, so feel free to PM me whenever
*Just have to put it out there - 42
*If you got the above reference, you're awesome!
*Looking for a high-bronze/low silver level player to spar with. I just got accepted to gold, but I dunno how that happened XD
*Recently got in to playing as 'tos, so hints and tips are very welcome!
*Erm... I enjoy chatting whenever I can, so feel free to PM me whenever
*Just have to put it out there - 42
*If you got the above reference, you're awesome!