Public Profile for cYong
General Profile:
cYong's Public Profile:
Hello! I am a SC2 Korean + North American Grandmaster Protoss Player streaming on NA and KR server. I am North America Top 20 Grandmaster and used to play for SlayerS, ZenEX and vile. If you enjoy my stream, please click follow!
Name: SungYong Hong
Team: Clarity Gaming
Team Website + Twitter:, @clarity_gaming
TeamSpeak TL SC2 Open #22 2nd Place
TeamSpeak TL SC2 Open #24 1st Place
NA account : cYong
Name: SungYong Hong
Team: Clarity Gaming
Team Website + Twitter:, @clarity_gaming
TeamSpeak TL SC2 Open #22 2nd Place
TeamSpeak TL SC2 Open #24 1st Place
NA account : cYong