On May 17 2012 02:32 Sargonian wrote: funny how everyone has been talking about late game PvT overpower and Naniwa just like, nope, orbitals, gg. There is a difference between late game and super late game.
stephano deserves more respect.
thanks for the interview wax!
Very good interview.
"but clearly I play this game not for the money, I think I’ve told everyone that several times. I only play to prove that I am the best, or whatever. So of course, if people say that someone is the best foreigner, then I want to prove them wrong. Unless it’s me, obviously. I hope eventually I will play Stephano, and ThorZaIN, and so on, and we can all decide once and for all."
So awesome...... always challenging everyone with a twinkle in his eye  Damn... Naniwa is such a unique person in every way, wow, I LOVE HIM :')))!!!! There's no player like him and I guess there never will be.
Additional thoughts: In the end of the day, when all smoke clears our, there is only truth, and I think thats how he lives. He can admit if he's shit, admit protoss is imba on some map, criticize himself in every regard if he knows so, or give credit to anyone where credit is due (regardless what he thinks of the PERSON). I respect that more than anything.
--- Btw, by thanking Swedish fans does not imply saying "fu" to anyone not Swedish... keep that in mind. Do not assume what is not said . I know he deeply appreciates all true fans, not caring where you live, who you are, or what language you speak.
On May 17 2012 22:27 Naniwa wrote:i didnt mean to only thank my swedish fans, i meant in perticular since there was so many of them there at the GSL studio ! i appriciate all my fans
<3 Naniwa <3
I'm going to have to start making Planetaries everywhere :D.
Good read I hope he does well next season.
Thanks great read ! gogo Nani
Love naniwas interviews, such an honest guy and I find I agree with him 95% of the time too.
Incredibly good interview, felt really personal and honest. Good job.
Naniwa is growing up to be a real baller :D
I lost all my respect for Naniwa knowing he's a socks burglar !
Just kidding, sick interview, gogo Nani <3
PS : Nani, stop thinking all your fans are swedes
Thanks for the interview!
Take home message:
- All other foreingers are basically trash, especially Stephano who is "an average zerg" - Nani is better than MVP, who is a lucky guy - Contrary to popular belief, TvP lategame is in fact easier for terran
He is such a brilliant troll. I love it.
Good player too.
On May 17 2012 03:07 MrCon wrote:I lost all my respect for Naniwa knowing he's a socks burglar ! Just kidding, sick interview, gogo Nani <3 PS : Nani, stop thinking all your fans are swedes 
My swedish citizenship is going well, I WILL BE RECOGNIZED.
Awesome interview.
Surprised to see not a lot of respect for MVP's skills... I guess his injuries have slowed him alot.
Pretty good, he sounded really realistic. GL next season!
Damn Naniwa keeps me amazed This dude is gold :D Very nice and insightfull interview
What a whiner, not giving MVP ANY credit for his wins, this guy is the epitome of pathetic
you just don't steal another man's socks and then wear them Socks are like underwear, personal and for 1 person only 
Good read though.
So much insight in this interview, he basically just explained why the koreans are better.
"Basically, I placed well and beat good enough players to claim that I am pretty good. And if I don’t have confidence in myself, then no one else will either, so I have to at least, even if I do suck – which I hope I don’t – I have to believe that I’m good at least." is an amazing quote