On August 15 2016 04:39 Holyflare wrote: oh ok, grack is scum with sl then nvm
SL says grack is playing like his mafia meta to a T, repeats it about three times, read drops off the face of the earth for eternity to never be mentioned again
GG guys
They drop around the same time that you and tumblewood call me town. I wonder if there could be anything that I may have posted in between your analysis that may have caused him to change that read?
No, he called you 100% mafia in day 2 too. SO please, read the thread and call him mafia
ANd also to your further point I suggested it but quickly didn't because it puts me in a bad position always.
On August 15 2016 04:44 Holyflare wrote: No, the argument was that I'm too proud as mafia to fake claim over having an easy game and arguing over people because I CARE too much about my stats.
And I can't be mafia here because I care too much about my stats AND I have little to no effort if I rolled mafia.
None of those arguments have been addressed properly.
But you did suggest fake claiming on a whim in the mafia qt. that doesn't suggest you ate too proud to consider doing something like this.
Plus I think your plan was to look for a cop after you saw a miller.
This is a tale of glory, a tale of misery, a tale of sacrifice. Past this point is entirely an account of how this scenario has occurred and what it means for the town. You will learn the true sacrifice I put forward to lead you out of the evil land of Sicklucker and his cronies to a better land, the promised land.
Reader beware, the content becomes quite emotional at times and you will experience a whirlwind of emotions.
So, as you may have guessed from the title of this novella I am INDEED the cop, phase 2 has been completed! Congratulations, we got through it together, I'm so proud of us.
Since my departure from Teamliquid Mafia, retiring as the greatest player of all time, the person who dodged red checks as mafia, the player that all killed an entire mafia team as town it comes as a great shock to return to this game after some time, the last game I returned to semi-recently I rolled mafia straight away. This situation proposed a dilemma for my new life, a new more busy life, a less mafia filled life (), I couldn't compete to my former glory and invest that much time while working my full time job and living so far away from it, it's not feasible, there are too many things to keep track of and people are natural suspicious of my abilities, it was frustrating. This game was a refresher, a town game, I was overjoyed! Yet, alas, I saw my role PM, it was a cop. I knew that if I played at least to half-capability of my final form then I would be nightkilled immediately, thus my plan day 1:
1) Don't post shit and let others lead and call stuff out you don't like (+policy players that don't play that you have high opinions of)
2) Avoid suspicion and live more than one night please.
This plan was great, until I realised that every capable player abandoned the thread completely and nobody had a single piece of direction, I had to intervene. What better way to do this than an ego driven thread rampage and try to hold the thread hostage (didn't realise it was majority for a while). I usurped the lynch and tried to get it onto GB yet was diverted, yet, miraculously pulled out as one of the most towniest people day 1 with almost 0 real content in my filter at all (what the fuck guys please learn to play, newbies are always open).
Unfortunately this would have led to my instant demise and after seeing the shit show that was the thread on day 1 and the lack of available town leaders what better way than pat myself on the back with sick plays and continue to rampage the thread into day 2? This is why, knowing my ability, I called for as many medic saves as possible. Annoyingly Tumblewood had some sense and did it but it actually roleblocked my power (roleblocks are totally notified btw, please tell me if you get roleblocked at any point).
Now, you have to understand, I claimed cop fully knowing that several situations could occur:
1) Nobody would CC me if I claimed cop because I AM the cop. 2) People will post their opinions on this cop claim and I'll get the information to solve the game. 3) If I think that the person is town I can just rescind the claim later and then 4) If someone cc's me after me telling them not to then it's likely to save the person I "check" and they'll both be mafia and therefore I'd lynch myself to confirm two mafia
So, I've not played here in a while, GB used to play and be active A LOT, admittedly I've seen one game where someone mentioned he doesn't play like that anymore but I thought that if I fake claimed against him it would ignite his passion regardless of his alignment and I could get a better read, yet, it did not, he was a tame player and it actually did disappoint me because I was looking for a fight. GB WAS actually my check if I wasn't roleblocked which is unfortunate but either way. This is where the whole sicklucker situation comes from, the moment he uttered the words about role cops and millers and whatever that's INSTANT suspicion, there's no way that happens.
But, Holyflare, you ask, why did you think they were both mafia?
Truth be told I DIDN'T believe they were both mafia, it was a definite case of being rusty/hedging bets. I thought that if GB did flip town then it all but confirms SL as mafia for this crackpot theory (see later posts if I finish this which isn't likely since I'm only just writing it 15 minutes before deadline lololol also please fucking read my actual posts in the night now).
Then not only did I get alarm bells from that but I got alarm bells from GB posting his trashy attempts :D I didn't believe he could be town and still push his day 1 read on Disformation from the first few posts of the game, legitimately that was bad, really, really bad GB. Then he dodged the SL stuff for a while etc etc, it just confirmation biased me hard. Confirmation bias is bad guys, avoid it at all costs, take this game as confirmation bias 101 what not to do. SL had foreshadowed this case the entire day 2 because he knew it was happening.
Anyway, I also had a major case of the lazy this game due to work being draining etc etc but that's another post for another day. I apologise for being wrong etc etc, I'm still the cop, if someone CCs this they are mafia. I've tried my BEST to be open and honest as much as I could, I didn't want you guys to waste your time at night reading my filter when it didn't contain much content day 1 and I was cop but understandably you've been preoccupied with it.
On August 10 2016 08:07 Holyflare wrote: I also have a wild theory for the end of this entire cycle so remind me of that later.
On August 12 2016 08:31 Holyflare wrote: Also my wild theory from d2 start is still possible. Difvaimvasvios.
= Damdred is fake vigilante and is mafia vigilante and shot vivax instead of stutters
I feel like Damdred has been 100% absent from his "confirmed town" position, he hasn't really had proper reads since some of his first posts day 1, he put the lynch on kush after saying kush was the most improved player this year but gave other people (gb etc) an extra day to play the game, it was a double standard for an easy lynch when it could have just been on stutters who he would not say that phrase about giving an extra day to (relies on stutters mafia again)
My Cop Checks
N1 - Glowingbear - roleblocked N2 - Stutters - green
The Reads
Sicklucker has had a really mediocre game of pretty much pushing absolutely nothing the entire game until now and even then he's not pushing me he's just doing nothing.
Let us begin with his day 1:
Throughout the entirety of the day he sat back and did nothing, yet, many odd things came about:
On August 08 2016 06:37 Damdred wrote: Considering Sl is advocating it and gave a reply to me in earnest, and kush did it and is voting for the person it landed on supposidly i haven't checked the math.
Grac is also heavily in favor of it. Have you actualy read the thread mderg?
I still don't think they're taking the rng lynch seriously.
No I was absolutely taking the rng lynch seriously. I'm a big fan. i think Kush is too even though he said that it was terrible and that he would only do it for the lulz.
shouldnt you be voting me then? really disliking this. will rethink tomorrow.
No because I want to lynch Kush. Or at the very least I want to see what HolyFlare says about Kush. If I don't think there's a really good case tomorrow my vote will be on you.
ya i kind of want to lynch you because you went after town kush last game too. and im reading him pretty town
SL town reads Kush based on absolutely nothing, Kush had posted nothing but the excuses at this point and SL magically got a town read on him at that point, not to mention he used that read to attack Grack. This is where his Grack reads is formulated and promptly goes to die in a fire-y pit after day 1:
On August 08 2016 06:37 Damdred wrote: Considering Sl is advocating it and gave a reply to me in earnest, and kush did it and is voting for the person it landed on supposidly i haven't checked the math.
Grac is also heavily in favor of it. Have you actualy read the thread mderg?
I still don't think they're taking the rng lynch seriously.
No I was absolutely taking the rng lynch seriously. I'm a big fan. i think Kush is too even though he said that it was terrible and that he would only do it for the lulz.
shouldnt you be voting me then? really disliking this. will rethink tomorrow.
No because I want to lynch Kush. Or at the very least I want to see what HolyFlare says about Kush. If I don't think there's a really good case tomorrow my vote will be on you.
ya i kind of want to lynch you because you went after town kush last game too. and im reading him pretty town
On August 08 2016 06:37 Damdred wrote: Considering Sl is advocating it and gave a reply to me in earnest, and kush did it and is voting for the person it landed on supposidly i haven't checked the math.
Grac is also heavily in favor of it. Have you actualy read the thread mderg?
I still don't think they're taking the rng lynch seriously.
No I was absolutely taking the rng lynch seriously. I'm a big fan. i think Kush is too even though he said that it was terrible and that he would only do it for the lulz.
shouldnt you be voting me then? really disliking this. will rethink tomorrow.
No because I want to lynch Kush. Or at the very least I want to see what HolyFlare says about Kush. If I don't think there's a really good case tomorrow my vote will be on you.
eh? "i want to lynch kush, but i might sheep whatever case i deem good, or just go for the rng lynch otherwise"
all them options kept open. that post/attitude seems pretty scummy to me... well really need to get some sleep. let me look at that again in the morning..
pretty much how he played scum last game...
On August 08 2016 17:58 sicklucker wrote: acualy its way too similar. just gonna park my vote on him and call it a cycle
On August 09 2016 03:16 disformation wrote: Oh wow. SL, kush, tumble and luna were all in 72h with scum!grack. Any comments on meta/feels if you haven't already? luna, sl, kush were town and tumble also scum that game btw.
following his meta to a T. excuses complaining not doing anything
Then, the end of the day comes and SL appears, what does he say?
On August 09 2016 06:12 sicklucker wrote: Honestly lynching is always better then no lynching and im not sure any of the wagons are town like I usually am in this spot. So ill be putting whoevers leading over the top if it comes to it even lunatic
So, now the lynch options are Disformation (who SL says he can't really read), Lunatic (who SL says he's an easy read and can give him a day) and Grackaroni (who SL says is definitely mafia and following his meta to a T and Kush (SL's STRONG town read). Apparently his strong town read doesn't make a shit of a difference because at this stage in time SL doesn't care and he'll vote whoever (hello where is your Grack read gone??!?!?!?!?!) but he doesn't do that, the majority of the lynches are probably town and he just afks from the game. Then AS SOOON AS THE FLIP HAPPENS HE RETURNS TO BERATE EVERYONE and also his Grack read returns and gets dropped YET AGAIN:
On August 09 2016 07:53 sicklucker wrote: so grac is still mafia. lets see what happened last time he was mafia. day 1 he pushes kush and plays 10000% LIKE HOW HE PLAYED TODAY. day 1 kush flips town after I go I told you so. everyone ignored him he wins the game. its happening fam
On August 09 2016 07:55 sicklucker wrote: pretty sure I afk voted grac that game too and then was lynched after kush. hereee we goo
On August 09 2016 07:55 sicklucker wrote: were actually in the twilight zone. I dont even care if grac is town im killing him because its way too creepy
On August 09 2016 07:52 sicklucker wrote: im sure kush was my only town read in the lynches and I was never lyching him over the others and your all salty. like I didnt even think he was a wagon..
As an addendum to his terrible day 1 mafia play I'll copy and paste what I wrote about SL being mafia then too:
On August 09 2016 02:44 Holyflare wrote: I have a pretty big hunch that SL is 100% mafia so it's not really a hunch but facts
On May 24 2016 13:31 sicklucker wrote: didnt really read any of ls's posts but holyflare targeting the weak link is classic mafia stuff. Like we get it its easy to mislynch ls. im probably wrong but im gonna be an ass about it anyway
I definitely targeted a weaker person in this game and he hasn't said shit about it and super dodged everything about me later
He will argue that he made a post about it but his post was a lie, I had already pushed Luna when he came back and he didn't say a single thing about it and in fact called me town for it predicting it!?!?
So, I'm town cop, I get roleblocked in the night and decide to troll/ruin/destroy the game by fishing for GB reactions because I thought he was mafia. This is where the weirdest fucking post in the game comes and 100% confirms SL mafia and I have no idea why nobody is mentioning it because it aligns 1000000% with me being town:
On August 10 2016 10:15 Holyflare wrote: For real I am actually without a doubt claiming cop. GlowingBear is mafia.
I'm salty as fuck I didn't get jk'd btw.
I'm claiming because vivax has flipped miller so the likelihood of a framer is 0% and 2 millers would be pretty bull shit. I'm thinking it's prob gf/rb/mafia
I get counter claimed and you lynch me for 2 free mafia. Townies do not even thin abouy fake claiming to defend me.
So we have Jk/Vig/Cop??
That doesn't make sense at all in a /13, unless there is either more to your role, or mafia has something to = it. Actually maybe it kinda does if JK is valued at .5 cannot remember honestly
this. but if hf is fake claiming when were not even in lylo I dont see the point.. either way its a 1 for 1 trade afk for the day.
At least if gb is scum I look very town as he was trying to pocket me and vote with him
On August 10 2016 15:36 sicklucker wrote: in a sick world . if mafia has a rolecop and checked gb and saw he was a miller then mafia hf would make this play. would be pretty sick but way too unlikely. could also just be mafia doing it for the lulz his last mafia performance he didnt acualy try at all and let him self get lynched day 1 with no effort. but hes probably town boring
On August 10 2016 15:37 sicklucker wrote: We should probably acualy lynch hf if gb flips miller. onegu especially likes to throw rolecops in his games I think...
Sicklucker's thought process is that I am never going to fake claim in this position as mafia, it's dumb, it would never happen, it doesn't make sense (all valid conclusions) YET HE STILL MAKES A CONSPIRACY THEORY, that's FINE on its own but a town conspiracy theory is "Oh, the jailkeeper is dead so if Holyflare is mafia here he expects to die in the night, how can he explain it? He probably can't be bothered and is town," OR, "Holyflare likes to troll as mafia and didn't want to play last game maybe he doesn't want to play this game and is doing it for a free lynch." To be honest, both of those are acceptable thought processes and likely town wifom situations but the simple fact is these NEVER make me mafia because:
A) I don't like to put in effort as mafia, it's a last resort. B) That would be the dumbest play alive. C) We'd end up in this situation and I'd know that. D) wtf?
Anyway, now, think of it like this. I'm town, GB is town, SL is mafia and KNOWS GB is town, what is HIS wifom scenario in this situation? THAT I'M A ROLE COP WHO MILLER CHECKED GB (is this even possible don't millers show as town??) AND THAT EVEN IF GB IS MILLER I'M JUST NOT COP?!??!?!?!!??!?!!?!?!??!!?
He sets this up so fucking early, like REALLY early, it's dumb:
On August 10 2016 15:36 sicklucker wrote: in a sick world . if mafia has a rolecop and checked gb and saw he was a miller then mafia hf would make this play. would be pretty sick but way too unlikely. could also just be mafia doing it for the lulz his last mafia performance he didnt acualy try at all and let him self get lynched day 1 with no effort. but hes probably town boring
On August 10 2016 15:37 sicklucker wrote: We should probably acualy lynch hf if gb flips miller. onegu especially likes to throw rolecops in his games I think...
And then he backs the fuck off because he knows he fucked up, immediately:
On August 10 2016 15:37 sicklucker wrote: REALLY UNLIKELY THO GUYS. just wanna throw that out there
So, SL knows GB is flipping town, he knows it so hard, and I'm calling out his bull shit because he's backed into a corner so he starts doing whatever defence he can to "prove" he's town like calling out the "Oh, I can't be town because GB did this post!" but he's doing it because the GB lynch exacerbates this post and also because he knows GB is going to flip town and can use it against me later so all he needs to do is survive till then.
On August 10 2016 21:12 GlowingBear wrote: SL do you think HF is Mafia?
if your town he is. I mean theres nothing I can do untill you flip either way. no ones not gonna lynch you today including me.
But if you are town hes 100% a mafia rolecop. If thats true he saw I was right and is trying to set me up. or he could just be an idiot its hard to tell
^^^^^^ look at this shit, 100% mafia role cop!??!?! Why would that ever be the case:
A) If GB flips miller I'm mafia role cop B) If GB flips mafia, I'm town cop (Never going to happen in SL's world) C) Profit if GB is just town
SL has set it up so I'm NEVER not mafia in this world, NEVER. Not only has he prevented me actually being town in his world he's set it up so I'm definitely mafia and can never not be mafia which plays perfectly to today.
Then after all that mess his reads (REMEMBER GRACK????)
On August 11 2016 10:10 sicklucker wrote: well ya its hard not to lynch stutters idk. i dont think disinfo is with gb as there was a real possibility he could get lynched when gb was pushing him.
im not sure who that leaves as the third one maybe grac but its honestly a toss up with what I have bothered to pay attention too. could be two in the rest too
Grack says that no setup would ever have a cop/jk/vig:
Mafia probably thought there was a town cop (maybe theres is keke) a miller flipped mafia probably thought town had a cop. SO the real reason a mafia hf fake claimed here was to get the cop and maybe a 1 for 1 trade. So if hf got the cop and a 1 for 1 trade that would have been totally worth it for mafia and thats why hf did this play as mafia.
And that's the only situation sees me fake claiming as mafia. He knows I'm the cop.
He makes up another read that's current with the thread:
On August 11 2016 23:08 sicklucker wrote: acualy im pretty sure lunatic is just scum. he was an easy town read for me last time. this time hes playing way different
On August 11 2016 23:09 sicklucker wrote: acualy from my one game experience of him. him staying out of the cop miller stuff pretty much makes him mafia. he is a legit tinfoiler ala vivax
but that disappears within a day:
On August 12 2016 08:58 sicklucker wrote: na lunatics not mafia I dont think. hf was pushing him day 1. he always pushes weak towns as mafia always
even though I saved Lunatic from being lynched.
Remember how Grack was 100% mafia? Lunatic was 100% different and mafia?
On August 13 2016 12:18 sicklucker wrote: and i dont think we can do that untill this fucking guy dies. in that hes doing a good job. I cant really get a good read off anyone because everyones fucking ignoring the troll and not posting. I dont think I remember 1 mderg or stutters post in this entire game. all I see is hf wall of texts which I try to ignore
He can't think of another single person in this game that could be mafia at all. He KNOWS the game is over after I die, it's very important you look at this. He doesn't care about the game, this is the extent of his hunting for other mafia people:
On August 12 2016 09:02 sicklucker wrote: SO lets ignore this baddie and look into the future.
Tonight Dandred dies Tormorow we lybch hf That night I die
That leaves us with 1. Shapelog 2. Stutters695 5. disformation 6. Lunaticman 9. mderg 10. Grackaroni
2 mafia left lylo
congratulations, the whole fucking game.
He has no read on stutters, his grack and luna read are gone, he doesn't comment on anyone else, he knows the game is over. He even said he should leave a death post but didn't.
On August 12 2016 08:35 Holyflare wrote: I have a bit of a block with Luna for the most part and it's definitely because I've never played with him but I tend to think that new mafia don't try and play the game or solve it when there's a red check afk day. Luna made a case against disfo based almost entirely on his association with GB. So the question is, is he smart enough /motivated to do that. Generally I would say new players arent. I also was hesitant to lynch him d1 because I saw some towny obstinace.
Basically he's probably town unless you can say he's an intelligent mafia.
Disformation is much the same reasoning for a town read but his posting comes across as smart. Yet, he filter dived previous games, did associations etc etc. I'd very likely say he was town too.
On August 12 2016 10:05 Holyflare wrote: Anyway, my thoughts on his newbie status are in my post? I don't think newbies usually make cases (yes, it was shit and full of holes) on people halfway through an afk day when they know their case is turned to shit later when GB flips.
I feel like the motivation or actual idea just wouldn't occur to him. I also mentioned the alarm bells but when I read his filter I remember him explain about the vca stuff and me not hating it.
Basically a heavily associated case that becomes useless within 24 hours is almost (ALMOST) exclusively a town thing to do imo.
Same as above ^
Added with doing extra filter diving and stuff around the game.
Fuck this is wasting time, I'll try and get through the rest after posting this.
On August 15 2016 04:44 Holyflare wrote: No, the argument was that I'm too proud as mafia to fake claim over having an easy game and arguing over people because I CARE too much about my stats.
And I can't be mafia here because I care too much about my stats AND I have little to no effort if I rolled mafia.
None of those arguments have been addressed properly.
But you did suggest fake claiming on a whim in the mafia qt. that doesn't suggest you ate too proud to consider doing something like this.
Plus I think your plan was to look for a cop after you saw a miller.
Because my thoughts on the setup have no influence on your thoughts. Me thinking jk/vig is a normal setup doesn't prevent you from believing there could be a cop.
20 mafia games, not once have I fake claimed Last mafia game I had 3 pages total filter This game I had no reason as mafia to fake claim cop because like Grackaroni says, there are 0 setups he can find with jk/vig/cop meaning I AM THE COP and it's actuallly possibly there is a mafia vig that wanted town cred later Sicklucker "somehow" knew that GB was going to flip town but he actually said MILLER BECAUSE HE KNOWS I WAS COP
Stutters if you're town you kind of need to vote with the rest of town because if mafia have three people then me and you voting off a wagon enables them to vote anyone in the game.
Need your help to convince the three other townies.
you just spamed a bad case but dont even know how I feel about grac...
Tell me where my early scum read changed? because it didnt really. but I wont really decide on his lynch anyway as ill be nked after you flip scum here...
after im nked no ones will respect my reads anyway. meh when is the lynch im so sick of this spam the thread so town cant figure out the other two mafia strategy
On August 13 2016 08:58 Grackaroni wrote: It also doesn't help that SL is completely useless.
excuse me? i dont have to do anything hf runied his own game. im saving my energy for finding the last two mafia not talk to a mafia for 100 pages
On August 13 2016 12:18 sicklucker wrote: and i dont think we can do that untill this fucking guy dies. in that hes doing a good job. I cant really get a good read off anyone because everyones fucking ignoring the troll and not posting. I dont think I remember 1 mderg or stutters post in this entire game. all I see is hf wall of texts which I try to ignore
On August 13 2016 20:00 sicklucker wrote: I almost want to give town points for grac and mderg for snap voting. this should be 7 snap votes its like his partners are believing in him
0 mention of grack scum, 0 mention of luna, 3 days 0 scum reads, even though if you read all the posts before he's 100% mafia:
On August 08 2016 06:37 Damdred wrote: Considering Sl is advocating it and gave a reply to me in earnest, and kush did it and is voting for the person it landed on supposidly i haven't checked the math.
Grac is also heavily in favor of it. Have you actualy read the thread mderg?
I still don't think they're taking the rng lynch seriously.
No I was absolutely taking the rng lynch seriously. I'm a big fan. i think Kush is too even though he said that it was terrible and that he would only do it for the lulz.
shouldnt you be voting me then? really disliking this. will rethink tomorrow.
No because I want to lynch Kush. Or at the very least I want to see what HolyFlare says about Kush. If I don't think there's a really good case tomorrow my vote will be on you.
eh? "i want to lynch kush, but i might sheep whatever case i deem good, or just go for the rng lynch otherwise"
all them options kept open. that post/attitude seems pretty scummy to me... well really need to get some sleep. let me look at that again in the morning..
pretty much how he played scum last game...
On August 08 2016 17:58 sicklucker wrote: acualy its way too similar. just gonna park my vote on him and call it a cycle
On August 09 2016 03:16 disformation wrote: Oh wow. SL, kush, tumble and luna were all in 72h with scum!grack. Any comments on meta/feels if you haven't already? luna, sl, kush were town and tumble also scum that game btw.
following his meta to a T. excuses complaining not doing anything
On August 09 2016 07:53 sicklucker wrote: so grac is still mafia. lets see what happened last time he was mafia. day 1 he pushes kush and plays 10000% LIKE HOW HE PLAYED TODAY. day 1 kush flips town after I go I told you so. everyone ignored him he wins the game. its happening fam
On August 09 2016 07:55 sicklucker wrote: pretty sure I afk voted grac that game too and then was lynched after kush. hereee we goo
On August 09 2016 07:55 sicklucker wrote: were actually in the twilight zone. I dont even care if grac is town im killing him because its way too creepy
I've warned you guys since the beginning this would be a difficult lynch!
Sl looks bad because he hasn't put any effort into the game. I know that him not pushing me on day 1 isn't scummy because I'm not mafia but others may not. All I can say is that by the end of the day my lynch really didn't look probable and SL would not have been able to change that by shouting his bad meta read.
On day 2 two HF claims a cop check on GB while role blocked. This completely undermines his idea of wanting to stay low and avoid a role block. If he truly believes that GB is mafia then by claiming and pushing the lynch on to GB he increases his chance of being role blocked dramatically.
HF claims that SL slipped and knew that GB was town. SL's first reaction was to distance himself from GB after the check is announced. He later comes up with the possibility that maybe HF could be a rolecop and GB miller. This isn't mafia indicative of SL. It does not imply that SL knows GB is town. HF said various things throughout the day about needing to lynch GB to confirm himself as cop. It's perfectly reasonable for SL to wonder whether HF is role cop trying to use this claim to confirm himself as mafia.
What's truly scummy is that HF didn't have a check on GB and then still pushed through the lynch on GB even after arguing SL has slipped. The only reason he was suspecting GB was because GB wasn't playing the game. HF isn't an idiot. He knows that the right play would be to unclaim the red check and let town choose the lynch. Instead he pushes through the lynch on GB while lining up a lynch on SL the next day. This is a must lynch.