Vote Count:
Half the Sky (0): batsnacks, Crossfire99
Alakaslam (0): VayneAuthority, batsnacks, Sepulchre kitaman27 (1): Half the Sky, VisceraEyes, strongandbig yamato77 (0): Snarfs VayneAuthority (3): Blazinghand, yamato77, Alakaslam, justanothertownie, Snarfs, Onegu, VisceraEyes, Keirathi Damdred (12): justanothertownie, kitaman27, Snarfs, VayneAuthority, yamato77, Trfel, strongandbig, Keirathi, Crossfire99, ObiWanShinobi, Holyflare, batsnacks Snarfs (0): batsnacks justanothertownie (1): Trfel, Holyflare, Damdred
Not Voting (1): Sepulchre
Currently with 18 alive it takes 10 in order to lynch. Currently Damdred is set to be lynched.
Day 3 ends in on Friday, Apr 03 11:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
Vote Count:
Half the Sky (0): batsnacks, Crossfire99
Alakaslam (0): VayneAuthority, batsnacks, Sepulchre kitaman27 (0): Half the Sky, VisceraEyes, strongandbig yamato77 (0): Snarfs VayneAuthority (2): Blazinghand, yamato77, Alakaslam, justanothertownie, Snarfs, Onegu, VisceraEyes, Keirathi Damdred (15): justanothertownie, kitaman27, Snarfs, VayneAuthority, yamato77, Trfel, strongandbig, Keirathi, Crossfire99, ObiWanShinobi, Holyflare, batsnacks, Sepulchre, Onegu, HalftheSky Snarfs (0): batsnacks justanothertownie (1): Trfel, Holyflare, Damdred
Not Voting (0):
Currently with 18 alive it takes 10 in order to lynch. Currently Damdred is set to be lynched.
Day 3 ends in on Friday, Apr 03 11:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)