On September 24 2014 18:59 Hapahauli wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2014 18:57 DarthPunk wrote:On September 24 2014 18:54 VisceraEyes wrote:On September 24 2014 11:42 Damdred wrote:On September 24 2014 08:19 geript wrote: I'm half tempted to flip CR to see if VE is confirmed town or not. I kinda don't like this geript post This is what I'm referring to. On September 24 2014 11:42 VisceraEyes wrote:On September 24 2014 08:19 geript wrote: I'm half tempted to flip CR to see if VE is confirmed town or not. Is it because he wants to call me "confirmed town" based on CR's flip in spite of no such certainty coming with such a flip? I'm not talking about his reads, I mean he's approaching the game with the same mindset as me so I trust him. Unlike you. Yeah VE is town. No way. He's so much more paranoid than this as town. The very fact that he can give town passes like that is incomprehensible for his town play. Town VE and "multiple confident town-reads" are oil and water. I'll post something more detailed tomorrow. ##Vote VE
I also don't agree that VE doesn't give confident town reads. He usually reads me as town pretty confidently.
On September 24 2014 19:37 Oatsmaster wrote:Show nested quote +On September 24 2014 18:54 DarthPunk wrote:On September 24 2014 18:43 Oatsmaster wrote:On September 24 2014 17:46 DarthPunk wrote: That is literally the worst case I have ever seen oats make. Possibly. Doesnt mean its wrong. I noticed that you totally tiptoed around your hapa read, why? Also, why is hapa's case bad but then you agree with one of his points? I didn't tip toe around the hapa read I was very clear about it. I thought he was scum. I don't want to lynch him day one. Easy. As for hapa's case being bad... well It was. He had one good point about geript's list showing he read the thread. Which was a response to me saying that he didn't seem to be reading the thread or something, That is about it. his case had like 2 points. you agree with 50% of it. That hardly gives you grounds to call it bad. Why dont you want to lynch scum hapa day 1? Have you ever played with scum hapa? It doesnt look like it.
Yes I have and he was lynched day one.
Also his case had two points, both of which were bad. that makes his case... bad.
On September 24 2014 20:53 Oatsmaster wrote:What? Show nested quote +Also his case had two points, both of which were bad. that makes his case... bad.
what? Which game did he get lynched day 1 as scum and why dont you want to repeat that performance?
The good point was contextual with my assumptions that were being made in the midst of a conversation. GO read the thread again if you don't understand.
The game was Mario mini mafia I believe. And I don't want to repeat the performance because it was a last minute switch at the end of day one. Hapa is also posting and driving discussion, so in the unlikely case I am wrong it would suck for him to be killed if he is town.
So yeah I don't want to lynch hapa until day 2 which i feel is entirely reasonable.
Now oats, why is it you are posting shit cases, the likes of which I have not seen since I lynched you twice in a row as scum?
On September 24 2014 23:24 Damdred wrote:
@DP I kinda do not like you right now.
Kinda, Huh?
On September 24 2014 23:24 Damdred wrote: You begin by voting CR,e ven though you admit that you only skimmed the game at that point, which why would you vote on someone by just skimming?
Obvious discussion bait which I have inferred in some posts I have since made.
On September 24 2014 23:24 Damdred wrote: You scum read hapa based on what you describe as outdated meta read (paraphrase on my part), do you think at that point in the thread its really justifiable?
yes you did paraphrase, meta was a part of it sure. But not all of it. It was certainly justifiable, pushing people is how I figure shit out. Regardless I don;t need to justify my actions to anyone in this game whatsoever so I don;t care if it was justifiable or not.
On September 24 2014 23:24 Damdred wrote: Why is it better to go along with geript in that CR should be the fallback lynch if we do not have a clear better lynch? I think thats a bit weak of a reason to lynch someone.
You can think that, but that just makes you bad. In my not inconsiderable experience playing this game this play is the best way to handle his claim. Many other good players would probably agree.
On September 24 2014 23:24 Damdred wrote: Could you talk mroe about why you think we should immediatly lynch the person who was partnered with mafia? Even though its a coin flip at this point that they are mafia why is that the best plan? Wouldn't it be better to vig them at night to focus the lynch the next cycle on someone else rather than just have a lynch that could very easily be a mislynch?
If we lynch mafia we should lynch his partner because then we only need to lynch one more mafia to win the game.
We either lynch another mafia, or the next time we lynch mafia we immediately know his partner.
As for vig I do not make plans around vigilante's because: a.) We don't know if we even HAVE a vigilante and ; b.) Vigilantes rarely listen to the thread and almost always shoot whoever the fuck they desire.
Calling this play an easy mislynch is bullshit fear mongoring and anti-town. It also shows you put zero thought into the scenario before calling me out on it which looks scummy as shit.
On September 24 2014 23:24 Damdred wrote: Also, if you think hapa is so scummy why wouldn't you lynch him day one? It basically just gives you permission if you keep him around to do nothing day 2 and just stay tunneled on him, so why not just kill him today if your so sure?
Already explained this a thousand times which you would know if you read the thread.
It goes against my policy when dealing with 'strong' townies and he is pushing thread discussion even if he is scum, which is more than can be said for most of the people in this game.
@ thread catching up now by the way.
On September 24 2014 23:50 yamato77 wrote: Only bads are giving kush a free pass
No. You are bad for thinking he didn't town slip. and for posting that.
On September 25 2014 01:02 Promethelax wrote:Show nested quote +On September 25 2014 00:59 VisceraEyes wrote: I'm not reading Kush town. Anyone who is is probably playing with too much information. OHAI PROME, DIDN'T SEE YOU STANDING THERE GOSH WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THAT KUSH FELLOW EH?!?! I think he looks townie from his first posts. I think DP looks townie for having the same reaction I had. I think anyone not reading kush as town is missing the obvious.
Spot on. Prome you look town as shit after three posts. Good job. If you are town this is the first game we would be the same alignment ever.
Which would be rad, since we can catch all the scummers EZ.
I think that scum are very likely to be resisting the Kush town read.
On September 25 2014 01:56 VisceraEyes wrote: I think geript is town. His intro in this game looks identical to his entrance to the last game where he replaced townRayn. Further both DP and Hapa were trying to buddy him during their argument, and I believe that there is exactly 1 mafia between them, which makes geript confirmed town to me.
Where was I trying to buddy him? Where was hapa?
I know I sure as fuck wasn't buddying geript.
On September 25 2014 02:10 yamato77 wrote: I tore DP a new one and you retread his argument against Hapa. Lol.
Usually my defenses like this are of lynchbait. Oh, how the Hapa has fallen.
Sure you did yamato. Have some candy.
On September 25 2014 06:18 Hapahauli wrote:Got home today wondering if my stuff on VE last night was my own confirmation bias or something legitimate. And I think it's legitimate. Everything about VE's play screams "false confidence". This is a quote from VE in Storm 2 mafia. + Show Spoiler +On July 08 2014 10:01 VisceraEyes wrote: It's essentially that he felt the need to come in here and be seen interacting with people in the thread, but didn't say a single thing that could even be construed as an opinion. Everyone else who was active early on has continued to show signs of life, but mderg just made a few throwaway posts and then peaced out.
##Vote: mderg
If anyone's got anything better I'm all ears, but I'm not interested in lynching any super active players at least this phase. It's counterproductive. Active players will eventually give you more to go on. It's very descriptive of his early town Day 1 play. Town VE likes going for people who aren't active and are not contributing. To go after me this confidently early on is really really unlike his town-play. And this is very consistent through his recent town-games. In LXVIII, he is on a lot of wagons, focusing mostly on Lurkers and newer players. First Fecalcast, then an inactive holyflare, then a brief OMGUS on Rayn before wanting to lynch an afk Palmar at the end of the day due to town consensus. In Storm 2, he tunnles mderg, a classic Day 1 lurker. In Neat and Tidy Mafia, he goes after MysteryMeat for early Day 1, who was inactive/lurkish/etc. In Normal Mini LVI, he reads SloOsh and BH as possibly mafia, but turns down voting them in favor of a lurkish player, mderg: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/mafia/458796-normal-mini-mafia-lvi?page=14#262The basic summary is that VE as town is not a player who confidently locks onto one player. He's a guy that's always mindful of inactives, has a self-awareness of his play and the rest of the game, to the point where he will drop his own reads to consolidate with the opinion of the town. To go after me (a vet, and the most active player in the game so far) so early and so confidently is so unlike his town-play. To instantly read two less-active players as town (MM and Damdred) so early into the game is borderline insanity for his town play.
Take a look at this quote from VE's most recent town game (LXVIII): On September 15 2014 23:28 VisceraEyes wrote: I don't want to lynch rayn but I will if all my townies agree he's mafia.
But frankly I don't want to lynch one of the Rock Stars either, so I don't like disagree with rayn. Palmar gave a TONE read. Does he do that? When did he die and become Robik? What's going on here? He reads rayn as town, but is self-aware enough of his own read-accuracy that he's willing to be bullied off of reads. YOSO Mafia contains my favorite example of this: On April 27 2014 05:46 VisceraEyes wrote: Like whatever you don't like my townread of Caller. Cool story bros.
##Unvote ##Vote: Caller
Maybe you're right. The remainder of my posts will be about other players. Thank you for your patience and understanding. ...where VE literally gets bullied off of his town-read of Caller pages after he makes it. Self-awareness of his own accuracy, etc. So VE is so mindful of thread sentiment and the opinions of other townies that he can be bullied off of his own reads. Consistently. He'll even swap votes just because other people aren't agreeing with him without even changing his mind about his reads. VE is defined by confidence. And this confidence usually manifests itself through his reads. His early Day 1 play in Catastrophe Mafia: On April 03 2014 12:06 VisceraEyes wrote: iamperfection is saying all the right things to all the right people. #toptownmvpyoloswag420blazeit
I'm town too, and we're going to wreck face. Get dominated scum. On April 03 2014 12:22 VisceraEyes wrote:Show nested quote +On April 03 2014 12:19 justanothertownie wrote:On April 03 2014 12:14 Killing wrote:On April 03 2014 12:04 justanothertownie wrote:On April 03 2014 11:58 Killing wrote:On April 03 2014 11:51 justanothertownie wrote:On April 03 2014 11:49 Killing wrote:On April 03 2014 09:55 justanothertownie wrote:On April 03 2014 09:51 yamato77 wrote: Dandel's post makes me want to kill him, too.
Rayn's reads are shitty because there's no reason to go "YEP HE'S TOWN" 5 minutes into the game unless you're mafia trying to make friends. I disagree. So the actual reads are not the problem here? Can you explain what this means? I don't think there is no reason to post early gut reads. It is much more useful than proposing a random lynch for example. So you think gut reads are better than just saying nothing and random lynching yet you've said nothing? I think everything you've said so far has been incredibly fluffly. You had the smiley read that was incredibly random and then your explanation for why you asked the reasoning for WoS vs Robik was bad as well. You stated that you asked for the reason on the WoS read because robik opened the exact same way. On April 03 2014 09:33 justanothertownie wrote:On April 03 2014 09:27 raynpelikoneet wrote: Robik your read on Wave is wrong. Troll or serious? Then why do you prod him about it if you get where he's coming from. After that you go into traffic cop mode trying to settle the dispute between DI and Rob. You're my top scumread so far so I'd love to actually hear some content rather than all of this fluff. Seriously dude? You are contradicting yourself in the first part of your post... if I give a random read then that is more than most people here did. Maybe you should explain why my reasoning is bad instead of just throwing shit. I don't even know what you are talking about here. I never said WoS and Robik opened the same way?! You wanted to know the reasoning of the WoS read but never asked for the robik one. I never said that you read them the same way. It seemed that you were curious about the WoS read but then you didn't really care about why he read Rob town. Your only read has been that you liked the smiley thing so I wouldn't agree than "that is more than most people here did". I did ask because I did not follow the WoS read while I thought I understood the robik read. Like I already said. Maybe you should read what I say. I also never said that I like the smiley read I just know that it is a thing for them. Why is it scummy for me to only question one of rayns reads? Explain. It's suspicious because you could maybe be on a team with the person you're ignoring - or maybe trying to buddy them in some way. It's suspicious because it seems like you have information that the rest of us don't have, or at least I THINK that's what Killing is saying. I think you're town as fuck. On April 03 2014 12:25 VisceraEyes wrote: iamp, JAT and VE. Killing town too, maybe Wave, maybe sandroba. Maybe not sandroba. I'll lynch any lurker, including myself. Any questions? No? Good, everyone GO. Town reads everywhere. Really confident about them, but also very questionable logic. Tone is half-trollish, half-serious, and VE is appearing to play along with the thread. Sound familiar? This is exactly what he did in this game. Play along wiht the townie points thing, take a very half-serious/trollish tone, and dole out some incomprensibly confident town-reads on MM/Damdred for incomprehensible reasons.His confidence manifests itself in Carnival Cruise through his scum-reads. An initial super-confident push on WaveOfShadow: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/mafia/407685-carnival-cruise-mafia?page=22#435Doesn't really drop his case on Wave, then pushes Oats: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/mafia/407685-carnival-cruise-mafia?page=23#443Then, all aboard the VAYNE TRAIN! http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/mafia/407685-carnival-cruise-mafia?page=44#876He's super-confident about all of his early pushes, and by the end of Day 1, thinks all of these players are mafia. Isn't necessarily going after lurkers, and is just indiscriminately going on people he can push cases on.
VE can be confident as town. He pushed me hard as fuck as town on day one in The Game
On March 18 2013 03:28 VisceraEyes wrote: Actually I want to lynch DarthPunk.
##Unvote ##Vote: DarthPunk
He doesn't actually think anyone is scum. Says we shouldn't go after lurkers, goes after a lurker. Says he doesn't like a post by GK and defends him, attacks BH for defending GK. The entirety of his play can be characterized as contradictory.
On March 18 2013 03:34 VisceraEyes wrote: Mr. Wiggles can you look at DarthPunk please? I think he scummy scum.
On March 18 2013 03:38 VisceraEyes wrote: Hoeless you too please, I think this is the lynch. DarthPunk.
On March 18 2013 04:00 VisceraEyes wrote:It's the way he's approaching this game. He doesn't seem to care at all about finding scum. Show nested quote +On March 16 2013 16:46 DarthPunk wrote: ##Vote:Geript
I feel like I would like him to stop everything he is currently doing. What better way to silence someone than by lynching them?
This is his first vote. To this point, he has done nothing but soft defend people, and lightly agree with BH on a point he made about geript. Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 20:36 DarthPunk wrote:On March 17 2013 08:45 cosmicomics wrote:On March 17 2013 06:16 layabout wrote:On March 17 2013 05:51 cosmicomics wrote:On March 16 2013 23:42 Vivax wrote:
Sandro: I don't like this post. Quick conclusions. No arguments, no read on BH and VE (just being silly) and conclusive reads on people I actually find scummy. Townish reads on a guy who contributed something pointless. Not the sandro I would expect as town. Leaning red.
What does town sandro look like? What do you think of DarthPunk? You can see in the nested quotes that geript drops RNG for setup spec "I thought I couldn't use it from what was said in pregame and the tarot stuff got me interested." and then moves into asking about a different topic "How do you feel about this being based on some sort of tarot stuff?" So DarthPunk is acting as if geript is still attempting his RNG stuff (he isn't) and trying to lynch him off that, and doesn't actually address him. How do you get so mad at someone you totally dismiss his posting so quickly? ##Vote: DarthPunk
LoL just cacthing up now. One thing though. I doubt anyone could interpret my vote as anything more than some pressure to stop his RNG bullshit. That's clearly what it was but you claiming that I was trying to lynch him off that is complete BS. I doubt this misinterpretation could be anything but deliberate. ##unvote
##Vote:CosmicomicsExplain how the fuck you think I was actually doing anything more than a pressure vote on someone in order to get them to cease a terrible idea/plan? Which is even worse because in this post he openly acknowledges that he doesn't even really think geript is scum...that his vote was exclusively to "pressure" him to "stop what he's doing". Except...that's not what townies do with their vote. Townies try and kill scum with their vote. But apparently Cosmic is now scum because he didn't like Darth's vote. Whatever maybe I can roll with this.... Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 22:42 DarthPunk wrote:On March 17 2013 13:52 goodkarma wrote: Well, here it comes... The promised post. While I don't know if it can live up to everyone's expectations, I'll do my best. These are the people I've currently focused my attention on.:
Greymist First off, go through Greymist's filter and here's your challenge: find a game he's played in that is a serious one (e.g. non-caller) he solo played. I found one hydra game, and a caller game, but those aren't exactly helpful in this context. Hence why I asked. I'm 99% sure that people just spewed out the accusation I was too lazy to search without even thinking to look themselves, because that's their level of fucking lazy... I sifted through the 10 pages and couldn't find anything...
Greymist is someone that has contributed nothing of value to date. What little he has said seems to be either completely not relevant to the game, general agreement to remarks made, or concern about being accused in the case of sandroba. He hasn't stuck his neck out at all, and is currently on my scumlist. He is my top scumread, as unlike some other lurker-type players, he's had ample opportunity to contribute and every time he's opted to provide nothing of value.
##Vote: Greymist
Darthpunk Darthpunk is someone whose play I know can be stellar as both town and scum, yet currently I'm leaning towards scum. He has been lurking the thread rather hard, which is uncharacteristic of both his town and scum play. Yet what little he has said just doesn't make sense to me as town. He seems content to lynch the first (trolly) thing that moves (gerupt), and then to not followup in thread at all... This is definitely not pro-town, and I'm leaning scum on him, but I'd really like to see more from him. It's the biggest reason I've been trying to wait before giving scumreads, because I was really expecting more from him.
Peashooter When it comes to thepeashooter, I was in general agreement with blazinghand's case. However, what sticks out to me is that instead of backing down, he's decided to maintain his case against coagulation. This is not the kind of move I'd expect from scum, as all it does is have him keeping his neck stuck out in general view. It would have been much easier for him (as scum) to move to a popular target and hide behind him. As such, I'm inclined to not vote for him this cycle and give him a chance. This is not a wagon I plan to get behind.
Sandroba Finally, there's Sandroba. What worries me most about Sandroba is that lurking the shit out of thread is a scumtell for him. I'm thinking specifically of the scumgame he had in chrono trigger mafia, the only game I've personally played with him. There, past a certain point, he kind of just completely gave up trying. If he can't contribute any further by the deadline, my vote will likely switch to him. Well. I really don't like this post from Goodkarma but maybe that is just my personal preference of not really liking posts that contain a paragraph each on several people. The case against goodkarma was your standard day one case that doesn't really feel very strong at all and I wouldn't like to lynch goodkarma today regardless. GK is really quite an asset as town and someone who I am confident I can catch later. When it comes to what you said about me you are right I haven;t done much yet. But you are wrong that I was genuinely trying to lynch geript. It was a standard pressure vote at the beginning of the game and that should be obvious. Peashooter is pretty null at the moment I certainly don;t see anythign that would make me want to lynch him really badly. I am not sure that lurkers are really the place to look straight up. Sure, stick a vote on them and pressure them but I wouldn;t want to lynch someone just on inactivity. ...except by the time Darth makes this post Cosmic is a lurker. And read his last statement! :OOOOOOOO Like, his reasoning isn't that he's a lurker, that much I'll admit. But the fact remains that Darth "doesn't think lurkers are the place to look" while his vote is ON a lurker. In this post he also SIMULTANEOUSLY defends and attacks GoodKarma. I guess because it's not clear what thread sentiment is going to end up favoring or something, but ultimately ends up saying he doesn't want to lynch GK. Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 22:53 DarthPunk wrote:On March 17 2013 14:45 Wade Fell wrote:Yeah I gotta admit the new GK post isn't super sexy :| but GK is not a sexy man. contrast his "promised post" in NMMXXIV though (link) and it's like exactly the friggen same. This is town GK. I'll even quote his post so you can see it and I like never do that + Show Spoiler +On August 16 2012 15:24 goodkarma wrote:Okay, my long promised "case post." I'm sorry for the hype, as this is going to be short and possibly a bit disappointing for those that were anticipating it + Show Spoiler +(like latest Batman movie disappointing  ) . But here's my case. It's going to be short and sweet.: A big part of day one is establishing a good future town atmosphere. To that end, there are several people that are not participating as they should. The guiltiest of these are: Jhuyt and Golbat. Jhuyt:Jhuyt is especially suspicious to me right now. I have read the recent case presented against him by Archrun above. I tend to agree heavily with his first point: about Jhuyt's experience with Solar's post history on TL being consistent with his posting. I'm not ready to call Jhuyt a liar, but claiming Solar is troll/emotional generally on TL requires further explanation. Upon looking through some of his posts, I haven't seen this to be the case. If he is lying, this is enough reason to lynch him. Now the other part of Jhuyt that is scummy is how wishy-washy he is in the limited amount of content he has posted. Let's look at his latest post. In bold are his current "reads" on certain people. Notice how hesitant he is to take a stance on anyone.: Show nested quote +On August 15 2012 20:18 Jhuyt wrote: Hmm, you're right, I should try to be more helpful.
On Solar: This is just how he is in general from what I've seen on TL, so I don't have anything there.
On Shady: Shady tries to control the game, which is an act that I don't often see in normal townies, I've most often encountered it when a scum tries to make everybody think he's the sheriff. It is, however, a game of high risk and relies heavily on the actual sheriff being useless. He might be the sheriff as well, and this is why I think the first day is kinda silly, I don't know what to think solely based on his posts, they seem consistent.
I still think that YourHarry is something scummy simply because his posting behavior is strange, on everybody else, I need more evidence before making up my mind. Also, he is currently the winner of the "lurker prize." It is clear from what he has contributed that he has little interest in scum hunting. Therefore: ##Vote: JyuhtConsider it both a vote based on scum behavior and on "lurker policy." In the absence of a stronger scum read my vote goes on him. Golbat:I expected more from you. I know that it really sucks being mislynched day 1, and I haven't ruled out your lurkiness as being from over-reacting to your poor play in XXII by playing almost the exact opposite of how you played then. But you have to step up and continue posting your reads. What got you in trouble then was vote-swapping without giving much explanation. As long as you give an explanation for your reads, don't be afraid to FoS and vote. What you're doing now makes you look just as scummy as how you looked in XXII. ##FoS: GolbatYourHarry:I haven't forgotten about you. However poorly I feel you'd be playing as town by playing the way you are right now, I can't say it would be inconsistent with what I'd expect based on your previous play. I'm not un-FoS-ing you but I'm not ready to vote you as my top scum read right now either. is it shit? yes. But that was town GK, and this is town GK I have zero faith in your meta cases BH. and I think this is a super weak reason to be so confident in a town read. What gives? But in the very next post attacks Wade for defending GK on meta? HE JUST DID THIS! Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 22:42 DarthPunk wrote: GK is really quite an asset as town and someone who I am confident I can catch later. VOTE FOR DARTHPUNK HE SCUM YO
So that basically invalidates that entire meta case.
On September 25 2014 09:02 geript wrote:Show nested quote +On September 25 2014 08:50 Hapahauli wrote:On September 25 2014 08:36 geript wrote:On September 25 2014 08:17 Hapahauli wrote:On September 25 2014 08:16 geript wrote: Hapa, how in the fuck do you have a townread on Abuse. I don't see any player even Marv having any realistic sensible read on Abuse. You've quite literally been shield him all fucking game long. Explain how in the fuck he's town or we definitely are lynching you. I can elaborate. But first you need to answer how the fuck you have a town-read on MM1 First off, my townread on MM1 isn't terribly strong. It's mostly based off of him posting things in the QT between when I was asleep and when I woke up that pretty heavily mirrored where I was at in general without me posting those thoughts anywhere. You can understand why this is very unsatisfying to the rest of us, no? Yah, and it's why it's only a soft townread for me. Besides, I want to lynch into the double mafia pair. That combination makes me happy to both 1. not want to lynch MM1 today and 2. be fine looking at him more seriously later on. I highly doubt my read will change, but it's possible. But he brought up some interesting points on VE in QT and I'm fine. I actually want him to post more here because I'm the type of player that doesn't argue well and is rather vulnerable to QT manipulation (see GMarsh's last game where I replaced to be a mason with Vayne/VE/deadguy). Show nested quote +As for abuse, I just generally like the tone of his posting. He sounds enthusiastic, is fairly attentive to the thread (I like how he pointed out your "read" of MM). When you jumped on him, he seemed pretty calm and reasonable about the whole thing, which I liked alot coming out of a not-so-experienced player: On September 25 2014 03:38 abuse wrote: I mean the way he posts mainly. Also, I don't doubt his push is serious, though I do not really agree with it, because I do not see hapa being scummy.
for me, right now, vayne is scummy. I am not done with my analysis yet though.
geript - explain why my entry makes you happy to lynch me? Seems a bit fake, considering even what you are saying about VE right now is complimenting what I said about him in my entry post.
Promethelax, are you honestly thinking that just asking about masons is enough to be painted as town? Do you really think that kush did not read the OP of the game he signed up for? If we assume he did, would you say that these words would most likely come from a scum kush or a townie kush? Certainly not the strongest town-read ever, but at the same time, I'm not lynching him today. No way. No. Like what Abuse said about VE was complete and utter trash and nothing similar to what I actually said about him. I've played with VE enough to be able to read him ok-ishly in the least (except in video where he's always mafia). What Abuse said: Show nested quote +On September 25 2014 03:09 abuse wrote: VE seems trolly, but from what I've seen in another game I read up on, he did this then too, and was town aligned. Have him as null for now, though I'd prefer a more serious tone in games, because I think being trolly all the time makes you hard to read which is anti town.
What I said: Show nested quote +On September 25 2014 03:26 geript wrote: I want to play devil's advocate for a second. Before going to bed I was really gung-ho about VE being mafia. Specifically, my experience with townVE is that when he's trolly and active (which I'm super happy to see again btw) there's an underscore of "I will motherf'ing lynch you bish" to it. Something that I specifically noticed was lacking earlier. More damning though IMO was his accusation. Specifically, when VE is mafia (perhaps I should say when VE used to be mafia) he often tried to turn people's pushes back on themselves. He tried to pull it in Boardwalk and definitely did it These are not similar. Abuse's comment is exceptionally generic. He doesn't even take any stance on VE. It's "VE is trolling a bunch. I've seen it in a game previous when VE was town aligned. He's null because trolling all the time makes you hard to read." Second, you giving out tone reads is a huge warning sign for me. Even if you are trying to work on it, at least three times (abuse, VE and Me) you've created reads at least partially based on tone and in no way based on fact, logic or reason. If this is your town play it's ridiculous. You're better than this if you're town. Quite frankly, right now I'm pretty sure that I ended up on the wrong side of VE/Hapa/DP. ##unvote ##vote Hapahauli
What the fuck is this shit.
You literally wouldn't vote him for no reason after saying you wanted to lynch the fuck out of him. Now hapa looks MUCH better and you want to lynch him again.
Your timing is literally the ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE of what I would expect.
On September 25 2014 15:36 geript wrote: Say what you want DP, I still don't trust Hapa.
Maybe but he looks much more like I would expect and therefore better to me right now.
I don't particularly want to lynch Hapa OR VE today.
Talk to me about Damdred Geript.
I felt like he asked some pretty crappy questions of me, and then rode that initial questioning to the bank. He rehashed the same questions a bunch, asked people about what they thought of me a bunch, and said he was waiting for me to respond a bunch.
Doesn't really come across as genuine or effective scum-hunting.
Fucking timezones.
I will be around for the next 6 hours.
I will get up really early to make it a bit before deadline.
On September 25 2014 16:08 geript wrote:Show nested quote +On September 25 2014 15:48 DarthPunk wrote:On September 25 2014 15:36 geript wrote: Say what you want DP, I still don't trust Hapa. Maybe but he looks much more like I would expect and therefore better to me right now. I don't particularly want to lynch Hapa OR VE today. Talk to me about Damdred Geript. I felt like he asked some pretty crappy questions of me, and then rode that initial questioning to the bank. He rehashed the same questions a bunch, asked people about what they thought of me a bunch, and said he was waiting for me to respond a bunch. Doesn't really come across as genuine or effective scum-hunting. Thoughts? I think the likeliest mafia/mafia pair is damdred/oats. I even just pointed out some shit about him at the top of the page. Right now with as ridiculously as CR is acting though, he might just actually be mafia and VE also be mafia. Part of the problem is I have no clue how to read Damdred as each and every time I've tried to read him I've thought he was scum and he was town. And each and every time he has no clue how to actually read me. So he might legitimately just be awful at reading me and a less experienced player. I just can't see how anything in his filter makes him town and I think there's good reason to think at least 1 person in each other group is town. Yes, deep down I still think CR is 3P but with how he's playing that's a crap shoot; and honestly I'm seriously betting not the martyr one.
Why are you voting for CR if you think he is prob actually third party and if you also think that Oats/damdres is most likely mafia.
Doesn't really make sense.
I do agree that it is hard to distinguish whether Dam is maf or just bad however.
On September 25 2014 16:20 Chairman Ray wrote:Show nested quote +On September 25 2014 16:16 geript wrote: Seriously CR, never ever play at TL again. You speak as though I joined this game just so I can afk. Whenever I roll town, I put in a lot of effort trying to hunt down scum. Whenever I roll mafia, I put in a lot of effort trying to get town mislynched. I really just have no clue what I'm supposed to do here in this 3p role. You're not being very helpful.
Find mafia. Protect a townie. Pretty basic actually.
On September 25 2014 16:26 Chairman Ray wrote:Show nested quote +On September 25 2014 16:24 DarthPunk wrote:On September 25 2014 16:20 Chairman Ray wrote:On September 25 2014 16:16 geript wrote: Seriously CR, never ever play at TL again. You speak as though I joined this game just so I can afk. Whenever I roll town, I put in a lot of effort trying to hunt down scum. Whenever I roll mafia, I put in a lot of effort trying to get town mislynched. I really just have no clue what I'm supposed to do here in this 3p role. You're not being very helpful. Find mafia. Protect a townie. Pretty basic actually. I also win with mafia though. Even if I play super well and manage to pinpoint all 3 mafia, it doesn't change the outcome.
You can also win with town. And the town knows you are third party, so if you don't try and help town why should we not lynch you?
On September 25 2014 16:43 geript wrote:Show nested quote +On September 25 2014 16:31 Chairman Ray wrote:On September 25 2014 16:27 DarthPunk wrote:On September 25 2014 16:26 Chairman Ray wrote:On September 25 2014 16:24 DarthPunk wrote:On September 25 2014 16:20 Chairman Ray wrote:On September 25 2014 16:16 geript wrote: Seriously CR, never ever play at TL again. You speak as though I joined this game just so I can afk. Whenever I roll town, I put in a lot of effort trying to hunt down scum. Whenever I roll mafia, I put in a lot of effort trying to get town mislynched. I really just have no clue what I'm supposed to do here in this 3p role. You're not being very helpful. Find mafia. Protect a townie. Pretty basic actually. I also win with mafia though. Even if I play super well and manage to pinpoint all 3 mafia, it doesn't change the outcome. You can also win with town. And the town knows you are third party, so if you don't try and help town why should we not lynch you? You lynch me when there's an incentive to lynch me, not when there's a lack of incentive not to lynch me. If I do absolutely nothing at all, then lynching me would be no different than a no-lynch, which is unfavorable for town. If I actually do play against town by disrupting the thread or posting reads on townroles or something, then there's an incentive to lynch me. Enjoy getting lynched today then. You do nothing we 100% lynch you today. You don't martyr tonight, we 100% lynch you tomorrow. There's no grey line. Now since once you martyr, you have a town win condition, then you might want to start trying to figure out who mafia is. Because any help you can give to what your actual win condition will be would be appreciated. Otherwise, you can just lose now. I basically agree with this concept, although I would much rather lynch scum today and have you be productive for the town.
On September 25 2014 16:53 Chairman Ray wrote: geript, you're still not making any sense. You're just threatening me to play a certain way when I still don't understand why I have to play that way. I don't see in any way how this role is an innocent child. I win with both town and mafia. I'm not a confirmed town. I'm a confirmed spectator.
You have to play that way or the town will lynch you.
If you hadn't claimed you could have done whatever the fuck you wanted. Now you have to play by our rules or die by our hands.
OK here is how I am going to play this ray ray.
You can live today. Then you have a choice. You can choose to devote yourself to the town by scum-hunting and giving your input. And then you can choose to use your ability to save a townie tonight thus tying your win condition to ours, which means anything you do to help town now is playing towards your win condition.
You can ALSO choose to not Help the town, not save a townie and not join in the towns win condition.
If you choose the former, I will be happy and will say you have a great chance of winning this game. If you choose the latter however; I will not stop, I will not rest until you are lynched.
Don't take this as a threat. View it to be as inevitable as the laws of physics. This is cause and effect.