[I][T][M] Vengeful Mini Mafia!
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Canada7089 Posts
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On February 03 2014 10:59 WaveofShadow wrote: Ughhhhhh I hate this deadline tiiiiime Me too but it is IML so it isn't really a deadline. | ||
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On February 03 2014 15:11 yamato77 wrote: Disregard earlier PMs, we will be rerolling the roles. lols | ||
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On February 04 2014 10:54 marvellosity wrote: I'm outlawing the phrase "mind meld" I'm outlawing the third guy getting to say he mindmelded. I hate that shit. Its like how I took credit for being the 'hammer' vote on Sand last invite game. I knew damn well Hapa voted before me but I wanted on because shennanies are fun. One minute is a tonne of time if you are paying attention and a post doesn't take long to write. Yo DP: cool yer jets bro. This shit is silly. Why wouldn't he push your buttons? MAfia is fun and one of the fun things is getting digs in at people. | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:04 DarthPunk wrote: It's been 15 minutes. I can't just switch it off magically. go drag a dart and come back when you're done. | ||
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I hate people who vote themselves in IML. Policy: all lynches occur on the third day of the day cycle. | ||
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calling mindmeld when you are the second (or in this case third) guy to post the same thing is horse poopy. A minute is more than enough time to post what a townie just posted and hop around screaming "mindmeld" to try to get in with the townies. | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:12 DarthPunk wrote: It's not the same in this setup because you get a vig shot bro. one bad shot and lylo. Totally the same, lynching scum>vigging them. Actually maybe not now that I write it down. Would prefer to lynch a townie who was on the margins of looking scummy and have them shoot a scum. It will confirm two alignments. Was thinking in the pre game if one player is kicking ass and taking names for town scum may actually choose to bus to be able to use their shot on said player. We should not be too confidant that those who push scum are town. There is valid reason for scum to bus even when neither scum is in danger. | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:16 Holyflare wrote: Like prome, what are you doing now? I've already posted and it's been stated that Artanis' post is clearly alignment unindicative (the why's included) so why is your first real post to only ask that question to marv who has also been reading the thread. It's a useless rehash. 1. agreeing with that point 2. getting marv to state his opinion 2a. like wave I 'caught' marv early in shadow and did dick about it. I'm choosing to be more on his nuts because he is a powerful ally or an insidious enemy and I'd like to know which. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 04 2014 11:19 marvellosity wrote: Actually it's interesting and worth spending at least some thought on. Some time down the line you have player A and player B, both are suspicious and town is deciding between them. One mafia one townie. One is going to be lynched, the other will be vigged by the lynched player (seems a sensible play). Makes sense for the mafia in that situation to bus the mafia, so the mafia dies and doesn't flip, and the townie flips. Probably a better result for mafia than the townie not flipping and shooting the mafia who does flip. So it seems there's probably situations where bussing might be optimal for mafia It is actually a great plan for mafia. Even more than that the bussed mafia can shoot bigawesometownie1 and next day it is likely that town will lynch scummylookingtowniewhowasupforlynch since lynchedmafiaplayerX didn't shoot him. Does DP saying that a great plan for mafia is shitty make him scum? Yes/no? | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:24 marvellosity wrote: It means he didn't bother to think about it Prome. That's what you draw your conclusions from. But that just makes him bad. I thought about it like tow days ago and figured I wouldn't mention it in thread in case I rolled scum and got to use my super gosu strat. Fuck but I wish I rolled scum. I keep having premonitions before games that I will and I keep not rolling scum and I keep having no idea how to even play scum its been so long. | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:25 Holyflare wrote: That is why we come to a consensus and make the people we lynch shoot specific targets. Can I assume for a minute that you are not dumb? Given your play in past games I think I can assume that. Why will mafia do what we tell them? If we all get together to lynch Cephero and he says he'll shoot artanis but really shoots marv how do we punish him for that? We don't. He is already dead. So why are you harping on this point. You haven't thought about this at all, have you? | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:27 DarthPunk wrote: It is true. More likely. of course there are exceptions. And if anyone was going to be an exception it would be artanis for the reasons stated. Still makes no sense to do that as town and does make sense for mafia. Explain in a calm, rational, manner what a scum gains from this. I know you said its a thing scum would never do so instant town cred but you are also saying its a thing town would never do. Clearly someone has just done it and it has been done before so can you answer me which it is? Do town or scum never claim scum in the thread? | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:29 marvellosity wrote: Play nice. That scenario removes the doubt from Cephiro's flip, which is a decently good thing. Given that we lynched him I'd say we're reasonably sure. I still think scum killing townie#1 and town knowing that dead guy=scum is > for scum than townie#4 being dead and town not knowing if dead=scum maybe that is just me though. | ||
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I've never mislynched cephero | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:33 DarthPunk wrote: Firstly don't condescend to me prome. My recent posts have been calm and rational so there is no fucking reason to say that. Secondly the reason you do it as scum is because it is a WIFOM bomb. People will think there is no way scum would claim scum so clearly this guy is not scum. I would ask you the same thing in reverse. For what reason would town ever claim scum? Because they can, townies like to do silly shit to start games. Happens all the time. | ||
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Right now I'd say marv/imp both looking townie to me. Waiting to hear from Artanis as I don't have trouble reading him. Need some personal time with him to really 'get a feel' for things. | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:40 DarthPunk wrote: There are more productive ways to do that then claiming scum. No argument from me. But it isn't outside the wheelhouse of most town players and you yourself said that it is a thing Artanis does regularly as either alignment. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
Why did Holy just vanish, he was here excited to be playing but when things got hot he got out of the kitchen. He was here to claim a mindmeld and here to argue its validity but he hasn't provided anything new to the discussion. Is HF scum? Inside sources say yes. | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:55 iamperfection wrote: um he seemed to me to be putting quite the spotlight on himself with his cases on dp and he pretty much shit posted with dp for awhile while promoting discussion. dont seem like scum things to me. maybe you should check your sources. After watching him shit with Gonzaw last invite game I don't think that is all that unlikely for him as scum. | ||
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On February 04 2014 12:03 DarthPunk wrote: Why would you do it as town though? What is the reason behind it as town. It just makes no fucking sense for town to do that. no reason for town, no reason for scum, yes reason for Artanis. Got it. Not alignment indicative. Move on to something else. | ||
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On February 04 2014 12:07 DarthPunk wrote: Not really. We have infinite time so I don't see why we should rush things. 72hours=/=infinite time | ||
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On February 04 2014 12:08 DarthPunk wrote: Maybe I just value wifom more than you do as a tool to deceive the town. I don't think its a bad tool for scum, I just think it is a bad reason to read someone as scum. | ||
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On February 04 2014 11:50 Promethelax wrote: While we sit around waiting for DP to sift through Art's filters shall we move this discussion away from Dp and towards HF? Yes, yes we shall. Why did Holy just vanish, he was here excited to be playing but when things got hot he got out of the kitchen. He was here to claim a mindmeld and here to argue its validity but he hasn't provided anything new to the discussion. Is HF scum? Inside sources say yes. On February 04 2014 11:40 Promethelax wrote: I find myself kinda into the idea of lynching Cephiro (I finally figured out how to spell it) basically only he and Rayn have not been here for the opening remarks and I've found the general pace and movement of this opening to be townie and interested. I'd be willing to lynch those who are not here. Ergo Cephiro/rayn. On February 04 2014 11:37 Promethelax wrote: yeah, I don't disagree. Your problem though is that scum will shoot said townies if/when we lynch them. Right now I'd say marv/imp both looking townie to me. Waiting to hear from Artanis as I don't have trouble reading him. Need some personal time with him to really 'get a feel' for things. do you even read bro? | ||
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two reasons 1: gut says people present are town for various reasons. I would bet good money that at least one of ceph/rayn are scum 2. it was a change of topic from the DP thinks Art is scum for something prome thinks is not alignment indicative. Amd I was/am bored with that topic. | ||
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On February 04 2014 12:30 DarthPunk wrote: ##unvote ##vote:promethelax No reason to refuse to answer questions and engage in a discourse if you are town. Further I wouldn't expect the town prome I've played in a tonne of games with to act that way. oh good. Now it feels like one of my usual games. I do miss being a d1 suspect. Its been soooooo long. | ||
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Now you do Iamp | ||
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WoS: will you play along? You liked my thought that the posters so far felt townie. Which of the players who have posted feels the least townie? | ||
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On February 04 2014 14:45 Holyflare wrote: Toad's case was legitimately beyond terrible. This case was totally unjustified rage on a case that wasn't awful. How can you equate the two things at all? The fact that 3 people jumped onto him because of that shows that other people agree why so have you taken the opposite point of view? Please explain how my conclusions are wrong. Now onto Prome. Half of Prome's filter is talking about tactics that scum can do and what would be best for the town to do. Now, at the start of the game it isn't so bad, however, when he talks about it more and more even though he has "thought about it a lot before the game" his ideas do not add up. In fact, there are many contradictions in his thought processes. For instance, over time Prome discusses how it is more beneficial to kill a fringe looking townie/scum to then shoot who we think is actual scum so we can determine the alignment from the flip. However, he also states that he'd never mislynch Cephiro. This presumably implies that he can read Cephiro quite well, to the ability that he wouldn't mislynch him. Yet, his stance on Cephiro becomes increasingly more different than Artanis: He doesn't mislynch Cephiro, yet here we have him increasingly leaning more and more towards lynching him without even talking to him OR rayn. Like, I understand that the pace feels towny right now but why Cephiro over Rayn? Like there is a legitimate super focus on lynching Cephiro over Artanis who claimed mafia with no thread activity further or rayn who hasn't typed at all either. He "thinks" there is a mafia between rayn and cephiro based on the thread but if that's the case then he WOULDN'T want to lynch Cephiro based on what he's said before, he would want to vote a fringe towny (probably me based on his next post), yet this conclusion is seemingly absent: His only reasoning? That I vanished. Lol. This is also an incoherent thought. If the people present are town then why is he mad at those people and displaying it in the thread? If there is a good chance of scum in cephiro/rayn then surely he should be happy that he's narrowed down the pool of potential scum to two? I've never played with Cephiro, it was a joke. And the people I was mad at were my girlfriend. Your case is invalid. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 04 2014 19:31 DarthPunk wrote: ##marv You are voting based on your bruised ego, gave no reasoning for your votes, and have not made a case on either of the people you voted for based on events in the game. marv is super obviously town. For meta reasons. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 04 2014 19:49 raynpelikoneet wrote: Yeah and you didn't even care to answer me. You said "mafia benefits from chaos and whatever shit", then you call DP out for it when it was clearly Holyflare who caused the thing in the first place. So yes, i want to know why it's only DP's "fault". And now you are being a bitch and doing the same thing here, and i have no fucking idea why. I cared to fall asleep though. Early game is early game. Like you I'm bored of DP going on about his bullshit with Artanis' entrance. I tried, halfheartedly, to change the direction of the conversation onto HF. This game has felt like one with an end day shennanie scum lynch. And the players who haven't done anything to strike me as townie are: HF/Rayn/Ceph/Art of those three I like Artanis most on a personal level and find him easiest to read (I have no idea how I would read Ceph as I've never played with him) so I'd rather like to lynch one of the other three guys. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 04 2014 19:59 DarthPunk wrote: Yeah i don't buy that . Why would town marv who usually is a reasonable sort of fellow would do what he just did? Doesn't make any sense. It was not pro town. It did not facilitate any sort of discussion, basically he made two shitty votes with no reasoning and then went on an ego rampage all over the place. He would do that because you, the person, annoy him. As is clear from his posts about you in various thread recent;y. In pregame didn't he say "oh great, another thread with DP talking bollocks in it" not word for word but that was the general idea and here you are talking bullocks about him being scum when anyone who knows how to read marv knows he is town right now. This is the towniest filter I've seen from marv when he was playing under his main. If you are allowed to unreasonably rage at people for not bowing to your whim about how they approach the game marv is also allowed to get mad at people for calling his scum play bad (i.e. easy to catch) and following that up by failing to find him town when he is obviously town. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 04 2014 20:13 marvellosity wrote: [/b]Revising this list 8.raynpelikoneet 4.Holyflare 3.DarthPunk 6.WaveOfShadow 2.iamperfection 5.Promethelax 9.Cephiro 1.marvellosity 7.Artanis DP ^ 3 places waaaaaaaaaaaaait one hot second. Why in the name of the three headed money goddess is Cephiro 9 and Rayn 8 when you are sure Rayn is scum? | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 04 2014 21:15 marvellosity wrote: If your accusation on him had included "but I think x or y (in this case Artanis) aren't townie, how can he think this" then I'd be more sympathetic, but you didn't say that - you made it into a general point, and as a general point it's meaningless. There are three scum. I happen to think that marv/dp/iamp/wos are town as am I. So that leaves me with four players who could be scum and of them two have not posted. So I am pretty damn sure at least one of the two players who haven't posted are scum. I didn't spell it out earlier but it makes perfect sense. Why is this a hard concept to follow? | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 04 2014 23:18 raynpelikoneet wrote: Okay, so: 1) Artanis makes a lynch plan Prome assumedly finds pro-town. 2) Instead of commenting on that, or implying he finds this alignment indicative (more on that later) he posts this: Now what's the motivation behind this post? Is it to find out more about Artanis? No, because Prome states his own opinion. Is to find out more about your (marv's) alignment? I find it hard to believe so, because why would he ask the question this way (give an answer) if he wanted to find out more about you marv. The only reason i can come up with is "hey what do you think so i know if i can use that against Artanis later on if needed". 3) After this Prome makes a same sort of plan (in different words) than Artanis made on step (1). Based on (2) i would think if someone comes up with a same like of suggestion you find pro town, you would give him town credit for it. Therefore it makes even less sense to me he asks you about if Artanis' scumclaim is alignment indicative or not (not to mention he himself does not find it alignment indicative). Because WHAT marv says has nothing to do with how I read him it is all in the HOW he says things. He can have the answer written out for him, he knows the right answer as either alignment. That has NOTHING to do with it. It is how marv says things and sees things, not whether he can pull out the rote 'right' answer. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 04 2014 23:22 Cephiro wrote: Back home and briefly read through the thread. I still have some things to take care of, so I will post my thoughts later on in the evening. I like the content available so far, although some back and forth's were taken too far and lost their usefulness in my opinion. Automatic + for everyone that isn't rushing to get a lynch done too quickly. SOMEONE HAS A WORSE OPENING POST THAN ME! I've never been so happy in my life. | ||
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On February 05 2014 02:10 marvellosity wrote: Bold and red don't really go together. Try again. I have not had the chance to read him yet so at this point I'd prefer not to lynch him. | ||
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I was ignoring this idea from you/rayn but finally saw enough posts about it to be worth responding. Grabbed your post because it was in front of me when I decided the idead was worth responding to. | ||
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On February 05 2014 02:30 marvellosity wrote: Probably better to read people before offering opinions on who you want to lynch, hmm darling? I read everything he posted and had found it not alignment indicative. Given that it was ~6 hours into d1 I figured I'd keep the guy I liked more and would wait for him to show up to have a chit chat with and see if I could read him. Not like I'm advocating a lynch of anyone RIGHT NOW. I'm advocating a lynch of one of these four dudes and placing pressure on the ones I know less well/have a harder time reading. I see no issue here, why do you? | ||
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On February 05 2014 02:27 raynpelikoneet wrote: Tell me, what had scum!marv said then? I don't know that I could tell you the thing he would say word for word. In fact I know I could not say it. But his tone has been super town marv which it never was the last time. Was that question unnecessary? Probably. Do I have a read on marv which I believe is accurate? Yes. Was that question part of what helped me find my read on marv? Yes. Is your issue pointless? Yes. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 05 2014 02:33 marvellosity wrote: Because Artanis is scummy as shit and you should be able to see it. Does he look like the kind of dude who's happy to roll town after a bunch of mafia games? Has he had a bunch of scum games in a row? I've been less than active on the forum for a while. Though no, he doesn't look like he is super happy to roll town after being scum a bunch of times. | ||
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On February 05 2014 02:38 marvellosity wrote: Lacking "pop", one could say :p lol | ||
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oh damn, he does look really scummy this game. He was having way too much fun that town game and he is has less fun as scum. I still want to lynch Ceph over Art though. | ||
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On February 05 2014 02:43 marvellosity wrote: Cephiro was beyond useless in some game that just finished. Er... SMB mafia. I thought he was mafia forever until it became clear much much later he wasn't. Judgement gets reserved until he makes some content. Reasonable. I need to look into that. I was taking (someone's) word on him being a lurky monkey as scum. Rayn maybe? | ||
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On January 16 2014 09:32 Cephiro wrote: Hi all. I am not very interested in the random banter at the start of the game and I have better things to do, thus I will not take part in the first few hours of discussion, probably. All you need to know is that I'm one in a million. :3 I shall observe from the shadows, for now. this seems pretty at odds with his post in this game talking about how cool the early game banter has been and how totes excited he is to get in on it. On February 04 2014 23:22 Cephiro wrote: Back home and briefly read through the thread. I still have some things to take care of, so I will post my thoughts later on in the evening. I like the content available so far, although some back and forth's were taken too far and lost their usefulness in my opinion. Automatic + for everyone that isn't rushing to get a lynch done too quickly. | ||
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'Speaking of marv, which we weren't, I really wanted to make a point about this thing because I have so totes been reading the thread' | ||
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Let DP calm down and just ignore him unless you actually need to call him scum, mmmkay? | ||
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There are things which make 5 players town. PoE three of the other four are scum. | ||
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So you agree with me/Marv/DP/iamperfection being town? Your only issue is with wave? | ||
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What the fuck question is this? The mod said so. | ||
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1. Prome, Marv 2. Iamp, wave, DP 3. Rayn 4. Art 5. HF, ceph | ||
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On February 05 2014 03:39 Holyflare wrote: The fact you think it's about his vote and not his interactions is laughable. The fact that you don't is laughable. You keep trying to make points about me not talking about my reads and not trying to rethink my town reads but you are not trying to talk to me and see if you are wrong about me (you are but you knew that already) and keep trying to shut down discussion from me. You are scum. Marv: HF is scum, that is why he is ignoring actual things being talked about in game to instead focus on random bullshit having to do with me, | ||
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No you are scum because you are, I clearly replicated the form of your case on me on you to show that you are pressuring based on a thing you don't believe since you do not do it. Because you are scum. Marv/lsb you around? Lets talk about HF | ||
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Marv, when you get I'd like you to address my points on HF. If you find him townie I need some convincing, If you find him scummy lets lynch him. HF please provide a list of your reads from towniest to scummiest | ||
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Please walk me through your reads on these four players. | ||
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I dunno HF what the hell is going on? Marv and I are reading players similarly and both disagree with you because you are spouting a lot of bull. Or is there something else you wanted to bring outer attention to? | ||
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On February 05 2014 06:01 Holyflare wrote: He WAS a lurker at the start of the game when prome defended him But I like Artanis most as a person and will enjoy playing with him most, after my last game I'm going for having fun because, in case you couldn't tell, I did not have a lot of fun last game. | ||
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I can't help but notice none of those are conclusions. Why wave? | ||
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Willing to reconsider if he comes back and does something townie. 1. me marv 2. dp wave Imp/lsb 3 4 rayn Ceph 5 Art HF LSB: in all likelyhood town but I don't really like his play so far, he had an insane idea about not saying who we'd shoot which I liked because though I disagree with it I believe it does come from a town mindset. Ceph moves up a little because people seem sure that this is possible from his town play, I have not played with him so I have to defer to the thoughts of others here. I still find his play objectively scummy but I'd rather lynch the guys who have provided slightly more to find their alignments. Art over HF because this vanishing act simply isn't plausible from his town play and while I doubt that HF would play how he has as town it is more likely than Art playing the way he has as town. | ||
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marv's post just made me think of that. No idea why. | ||
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On February 04 2014 20:09 DarthPunk wrote: Anyway. As I said I'm not posting again until someone besides marv is here. Whatever happened to DP? | ||
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On February 05 2014 10:35 LSB wrote: There are day limits? I don't think there is any in the OP And no I don't want a 100 hour day 1 72 hours is the day limit. | ||
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In short the reasons for people being town: Marv: meta. His tone and interest are in direct contrast to his play as scum ever. I can't show it to you because it is present in every post. Either you believe that I know how to read Marv based on his tone or you don't. However, I can and because I value my reputation on this site I would never commit to a read this heavily unless I was sure. I am very sure. Wave: had some posts which read townie to me early on. I'm on a tablet so I can't quote. My memory suggest these had to do with his determination to watch Marv and his insistence of it in thread. Other people saw these as scummy but I liked them, they made sense from a townie who had misgivings about scum Marv in his past game but hadn't done anything to get him lynched. Iamperfection: seemed really townie. He niggled in ways I liked during early game. I'm sad he replaced out since he was making sense and generally read as town. Lsb: has clearly thought about the set up from a town perspective. This gels with both my past experience with town lsb (PYPLOL) and my read of imp as town. DP: all the rage, it seems like genuine towniedp rage. DP plays a smart game of scum and screaming and kicking is a good way to get shot while at the same time ruining his chances of being listened to as a thread leader. Also I disagree with most/all of what he is saying which, counter-intuitively, makes him seem townie to me. In the past scum DP has tried to fit into thread and say similar things to townies and since he is not doing that I think he is town. I have reasons DP. I just never bothered to write them out. There they are. I'm not going to repeat myself, I don't think there is a lot of value in answering you in a case on me. If you lynch me I'll happily shoot Artanis. I don't really care since I'm clearly town and you might listen to my reads after I shoot scum. I believe I've adequately explained my scum reads. If you disagree feel free to ask. | ||
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##Unvote ## Vote: Promethelax lynch me. I'll shoot scum and that will reveal both my own alignment and a scum alignment. With me and Artanis out of the thread DP/Rayn?HF and to a lesser extent Wave can stop hugging each others' dicks and being dumb. They will be forced to use actual thoughts to find scum instead of calling me scum when my play has been clearly townie. It is better to lynch town and shoot scum than the other way around since getting the scum flip is more important and that way we get to choose scum's night kill for them. It is better to lynch a boderline town who understands this and will follow the plan. Now I'm not borderline but some idiots refuse to see that so I'm happy to be killed. Special bonus: I don't have to listen to Rayn or DP ever again. | ||
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Lynch me so I can shoot scum and stop reading this game. | ||
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On February 05 2014 23:46 raynpelikoneet wrote: I really hate this game because people who used to be reasonable decided to be massive dicks. Yes. Now you get it. | ||
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On February 05 2014 16:32 DarthPunk wrote: Cool. some bullshit about tone, actually zero reasons for his read And somehow he can't show me because it is present in every post of this this game. If it is meta show me the meta. Show me things he is doing this game that he doesn;t do in other games. Explain it. OH wait, you can't because you pulled the read from nothing an nowhere. And that stuff about your rep or whatever is meaningless. If you are scum like I think you are you would say 'of course I knew better I was just scum' Right. Absolutely no good reason to call marv town. Appeals to his 'rep' but can't provide one single concrete reason. Basically spending a lot of time saying nothing. That was literally not a reason to call wave town at all. You were right people thought they were scummy because it was. And that is the only reason you give for a 'solid' townread. Oh look this person is town because he seemed town. You keep coming back to that as justification but it is meaningless. What does 'he niggled in ways I liked' mean? can you provide examples of those niggles and explain why it makes him town. Using vague fucking terms to give town reads is not something town do. Town KNOW why they think people are town, ESPECIALLY if people are so confident that they are eliminating them from the mafia pool. Literally the setup speculation of LSB was not alignment indicative but at least you gave an actual reason on him. At least you give a reason for me even if it is just the same reason everyone else has given. On February 05 2014 13:21 Promethelax wrote: I have reasons DP. I just never bothered to write them out. There they are. I'm not going to repeat myself, I don't think there is a lot of value in answering you in a case on me. If you lynch me I'll happily shoot Artanis. I don't really care since I'm clearly town and you might listen to my reads after I shoot scum. I believe I've adequately explained my scum reads. If you disagree feel free to ask. you actual don't have reasons you just spent 4 paragraphs basically saying these people are town because they 'feel' town and they have 'niggled' you as town and 'META that is in every post but I can't point it out to you' and 'tone' and blah blah blah. Basically giving out town reads like this is really scummy. Town reads are easy to give out as scum because you don;t have to fake as much, it is easy calling townies town because you KNOW they are town. The problem is when you have been asked several times WHY and you still can't answer straightforwardly. My top scum read shooting my second scum read sounds fantastic to me ##vote: Promethelax[/QUOTE] All of my reads are valid and based on valid things, whether or not they are right we'll see in post game. However you took everything I wrote and shat on it. I haven't over justified my town reads, true, I haven't cared to. I only did so because you asked and while I believe you to be townie I want to work with you, instead of working with me in any way you shat on every single one of my reads and said they were invalid and made me scum. Since I happen to know I'm town and my reads are valid I'd call this post both bad and self congratulatory. | ||
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It is much better for town to lynch me than marv. Marv is clearly town and is a better player than me. I also don't think Rayn is as good a shot as Artanis. Therefore it is better to lynch me and let me shoot Artanis. We should be lynching a townie every day. That is better play than lynching a scum. If we lynch a townie that townie gets to shoot into the scummy players list which we have drawn up as a town thus eliminating tow suspects, themselves and the other player. If we lynch a scum he can shoot whomever he feels is most dangerous to scum. I am happy to be the townie lynched because 1) I will shoot scum and 2) you guys are not fun to play with | ||
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On February 05 2014 23:56 DarthPunk wrote: We called you and marv mafia, Prome. Because we said that we are: Bad, spewing bullshit and being self congratulatory? That is so bullshit. We are trying to play the game. Calling someone scum does not mean we are being bad, spewing bullshit or being self congratulatory. The reason you didn't link anything was because there WAS nothing to link. I don't even know what this is. It's fucking weird and it makes me sad. Bad because you called me mafia. Self congratulatory because you keep saying I am mafia and patting yourself on the back about it. Bad because you keep calling HF and Rayn super townie when neither is anything close to that. Bad because you are intentionally creating a toxic thread environment and at the same time bitching about it and I still cannot call you scum for that because I truly believe you'd do this as town. The fact that it makes you sad is at least relieving, it means I'm right and you are town. Rayn has no interest in engaging in conversation with me which means he is probably scum but I don't know how to read him so I'll leave it as simply likely. The way he plays has always bothered me and this game is no exception besides that he seems to have put his brain on hold to be an ass. Usually he can think while being an ass but that has not occurred here; I guess him being scum would explain that. HF can't even come up with original thoughts he just +1s the vitriol that you and rayn spew together. Yes, marv is also being a dickmiester, and yes that is unpleasent but like you I expect it from him when he is town. This sort of thing where he thinks he is better than everyone else and is a dick about people not listening to him is something he (and you) do as town. The difference is that marv has regularly proved that he is better than everyone else so I find his behaviour more excusable than yours. | ||
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On February 06 2014 00:03 DarthPunk wrote: Marv is not clearly town. The fact that you sheep marv has nothing to do with what is happening in the game right now and lynching a townie every day is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. No it isn't. Lynching a townie is BETTER than lynching scum IFF that townie shoots scum. It reveals two alignments and restricts scum from ever directing a shot. Take your head out of your ass for two minutes and think. | ||
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Rayn is not talking to me right now, he asked a single question and decided I was totes scum and votes me. He is totally full of shit and the fact you cannot see that is saddening. Final reads: town: marv, DP probably town LSB, Wave might be town, might be scum; I think he is town but its a gut feeling and I have no real idea: ceph Likely scum: HF scum: Rayn Artanis | ||
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On February 06 2014 00:16 DarthPunk wrote: And half of the players in the game are not going to shoot who town says. Read cephiro's conversation about it with marv and then decide if it is a good idea. I am a townie who will shoot scum. Therefore lynch me. | ||
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On February 06 2014 00:20 marvellosity wrote: Prome I'll lynch you if you shoot rayn. I'm sure about this. See above Would prefer to shoot Artanis, its a personal thing, he has disappointed me. He can't talk to me as scum and this is sad, we keep being excited to play together but every time he rolls scum and never says a word to me. I'm a sad. | ||
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On February 06 2014 00:21 marvellosity wrote: Go find in Shadow where either of them said I was 100% certain town. Go on, chop chop. In fact look at d1 where I said marv was still likely scum even for voting to lynch Sand. Look after n1 where I said night kill implicated marv scum. Look at how I never gave marv a town read the whole game but did say he was off the table due to d1 voting. | ||
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On February 06 2014 00:22 marvellosity wrote: Artanis is just a gimme. DP is the townie whose play I'm most concerned by though and if he can have me as likelier scum than Artanis he can do anything about anyone and I refuse to be in a position like last game where I didn't force a lynch onto obvious scum (you) and realize in postgame what a mistake that was. | ||
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On February 06 2014 00:26 DarthPunk wrote: AS this has again descended into bullshit I will leave the thread. ##unvote Rather shoot you than lynch you after you are both wanting to shoot obv town assets. Artanis is an obv town asset? | ||
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My worry is with Wave who said that I always have a good reason to call him town on deep meta. Twice in our history together I have had those reasons, once in Shadow and once in Carnival Cruise. The fact that he says I always do that is a blatant falsehood and, more worryingly, one he knows is false since we just talked about it in the coaching qt a few days ago (as you can see). Over all I still think he is likely to be town but that has been worrying me. | ||
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For those that know him is there a good reason to read him one way or the other? | ||
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So, Ceph, if I can't meta you why not do more to show your townieness. There is literally no downside since 1)scum has no nightkill and 2)there are no blue roles. LSB: as much as I love the idea of happily ever after plans they aren't so helpful to this game at this moment. You have not contributed anything for a while, have your reads evolved? Who do you see as most likely scum and who as most likely town. Why? | ||
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On February 06 2014 03:07 LSB wrote: I don't understand why you are repeating yourself in hopes of a different response by me. Because you asked me to explain it, that lead me to believe you didn't understand. So I tried again. | ||
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On February 06 2014 02:58 LSB wrote: ???? Please explain the bolded part. Have I not made it clear that town shooting town is the only way how scum will win? And why do I care about the alignments of dead players? This is what I am incredibly concerned about. If you haven't noticed, this isn't your normal mafia game. Scum does not win by simply getting town lynched. Scum wins by having a townie shoot another townie. This is why I am incredibly concerned about WoS trying to tie players together. This is also why I am concerned about Marv trying to make sure that rayn gets shot at night instead of simply lynching him. And this is also why I think you are mafia. So to clarify you think lynching scum and allowing said scum to shoot whomever they want is better than lynching a low hanging townie fruit (i.e. one that looks scummy) and having them shoot the guy we're sure is scum? If that second guy is not scum we were already going to lynch him and allow him to shoot anywhere into the others in the game; how is that preferable to the scenario I suggest? | ||
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In reality every player should have a read on every other single player. There are only 8 people to read for god's sake. What I would most appreciate is reads from Wave/LSB/Ceph they are all three in my townie column but I am not as sure of them as I am marv and DP. I believe those three can provide good reads based on actual things in this game which should both help move discussion forward and help to find the scum in that group if there is one. I'm here for another hour or so and after that heading out to celebrate my snow day. | ||
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On February 04 2014 09:37 WaveofShadow wrote: KK. But just so you know I was serious about paying attention to you, at least myself. Going to be watching you like a hawk this game so prepare to be incredibly annoyed. Pretty sure WoS is town, he has a lot of these posts early game and poking at marv early game as scum is a bad idea. If they were scum together this would be shit play because it draws attention to his scum-mate who is very adept at playing scum. If WoS was scum and marv town this would be awful because it puts WoS on marv's radar, not a place WoS would want to be as scum. He has a couple of these posts where he sticks his neck out into the thread in a dumb but not bad way. I just don't see him being scum here. It also lines up with my gut read of him as town. He seems too comfortable to be scum. moving on to LSB/Iamp | ||
Canada7089 Posts
On February 04 2014 08:25 iamperfection wrote: Way to early to be suggesting mind meld. This was really good from Imp, as a scum would you brush off a town read on yourself? Unlikely, while Imp very much would do that as town. On February 04 2014 09:49 iamperfection wrote: then i dont get why you would need to watch him like a "hawk". Unless you are just saying things for show. He goes on about this a lot, he niggles at wave in a way which I like. I believe this comes from a town mindset, he clearly isn't comfortable with something wave has done and is reading it over and over and niggling at it trying to figure out if wave is town or scum. His niggling seems genuine and his attempts to discern wave's alignment are real. On February 04 2014 10:57 iamperfection wrote: how does that make him mafia dear? Your being totally unreasonable. Also look at this post, so clam so collected so trying to get a reasonable response from his scum read. This is clearly a player trying t discern alignments and not one who knows them already. He cares about being right about DP enough to get down and dirty with him. He is still obviously town from the reread. | ||
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Conclusion: marv still town. | ||
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Argue with me bitches. | ||
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I had no fun and this game sucked. All I can feel good about is having to mafia as confirmed mafia d1. DP you played very well, I had you as super confirmed town. Though you also sucked to play with and I'm not sure that is something you want to do ever since playing to win is one thing while playing to have fn is another. I disagree that this was terribly scum favoured. Two days In a row we 'lynched' scum there was essentially one mislynch and it was a pretty bad one since wave was obviously town (though I still thought HF was scum over DP) after ceph and lsb were left with DP it was pretty obvious DP was scum since his anger was all that made him town and that was more fakeable than the thought processes from lsb and ceph. I'm taking a long break from mafia I had a horrible time playing this game and as an aside people listening to Rayn/DP over me/Marv need to seriously rethink things. | ||
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