##vote: Clarity_nl
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##unvote ##vote: Clarity_nl | ||
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##unvote ##vote: Dirkzor I need to make a case, but I'm also starving and tired. I read all the way up to today and made notes almost the entire time. If you're town Dirk I'm sorry I couldn't save you, but I have Clarity dead to rights now if you're town. | ||
United States7927 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
On October 11 2013 00:51 marvellosity wrote: Show nested quote + On October 11 2013 00:49 Risen wrote: I don't understand why anyone would want me to post my case anytime before the end of the night. That's stupid. because being able to discuss the case while everyone is alive is worth more than whatever nightkill shit you think you're avoiding? like, only if the case is on not-Clarity would what you say even start to make sense :/ What? No. Posting it sooner gives Clarity more chances to base his kill around the case | ||
United States7927 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + HF Comes in with his "reasonable" line for Oats. Plays the noob card. I already made a case on it. Scummy Defense seems fine until he starts justifying his play. Why do you as town need to do that? Why are you concerned with that. And why do you play the noob card, and when called on it immediately say you're actually a really strong player. Why do that? Why call yourself a noob and then say you aren't a noob? Why the quick 180? That's scummy Oats comes in and finds HF scummy, then again he finds BH scummy So HF is pushing me hard now, but it's based on my opening post? Why doesn't he find marv's opening post scummy? He says here he feels he's the weakest out of us, and yet has already stated he views himself as a strong player and now he's calling me out for saying I'm stifling dicussion when I've done the exact opposite. And here again he's trying to force that sheeping the RNG is reasonable. It's not. If it's reasonable to do it d1 then it's reasonable to simply RNG lynch the entire game. That isn't the case. But now the RNG vote is a means to an end? I thought it was simply reasonable. We see him first mention rayn here. He again posts a defense of RNG. Again, it's simple, if RNG is the best system d1 then it is the best system for all days. That's not reasonable. I think this is him sticking to it because if he backs off he's afraid of appearing scummy. More defense of RNG. Again ignoring that if you accept that RNG d1 then you have to accept that RNG is the best thing to do throughout the game. Now he finally responds to my point that reading people's posts is the way to go. So maybe he is town. This entire interaction hasn't felt very townie, but then it isn't necessarily scummy. It is someone holding onto a point for too long. BH finds me scummy for not pushing HF when all I did for quite some time was talk to HF. Oats again talks about how he has a scum read on HF from his reaction to me. Lots of Oats calling HF scum. BH lists Oats, me, HF as his top scum reads. BH read on Oats is that he finds HF scummy, read on me is that I'm not pushing HF in spite of the fact that I did, HF for the same reasons as Oats and I suspect him. HF finds Oats scummy, but what happened to me? Is HF setting rayn up to call me town and try to buddy me? HF has Oats as his top scum read. Very much so at this point. BH and sloosh come in defending HF, say I'm scummy. HF immediately reappears following a small push from Dirk onto him. Why is it that when HF makes giant posts summarizing people's play and his thought process he doesn't get shouted down but when I do it's immediately a thing. How do you see what rayn is posting and not find him scummy? Jesus here I am reading Clarity and finding him scum and HF is doing the same exact thing. marv points out something that a townie shouldn't say. At this point HF and Rayn blow up the thread. It's too much too fast, I don't see how they could coordnate something this long. HF pressuring Rayn but not voting, why aren't you voting rayn? Town points for understanding what I was trying to say. Why are you questioning the doctor claim? Town doctor instantly counterclaims for the 1 for 1 there. Town points. Calls out Oats for his bullshit. Not a "Risen is town I won't vote for him." instead "What Risen did was town because X." This post seems really, really knowledgable about me in spite of the fact that you don't KNOW I'm town. Echoing what I'm thinking right now. Why don't you see that Clarity HAD to be the hammer? Points out what I was thinking about marv before I reread the entire fucking thread Asking marv to 1 for 1 at this point is stupid. He has already shown that he won't 1 for 1 after saying he was 1 for 1ing. Why do you expect him to do so here? That's fishy. Clarity Opening post don't know how he can think HF is town and that sloosh are town here, says BH is not a lynch candidate today. Says he needs to wait to see what I am based on what my scumreads are. Calls out Oats, but doesn't actually call out Oats as scum because meta. For some reason says Oats is town b/c pressure on HF but that doesn't apply to me? Trying to buddy Oats? Something interesting here. Clarity has just called sloosh town, and then a couple posts later he says he doesn't find sloosh town. Feels the need to justify his feelings. That's scummy. Says he's eager to play but the game doesn't have much meat. Not much meat? There's a lot of meat here. You have people voting, people calling other scum or town there is a really good amount of stuff to go on here and instead he sits around doing nothing because there's not enough meat. Why is he sitting in thread doing nothing waiting for other people to do something? This is blending. That's scummy. Sheeps onto Dirk. It's really bugging me that he called himself out for an earlier thing, though. Why are you preemptively defending yourself? Clarity sheeps marv on Dirk. Why didn't you see this in the first place? Clarity supersheep mode activated. No contribution, just parroting marv. What the? Only now that marv is actually having a conversation with dirk do you ask why marv found the vote opportunistic? You literally just saw his reasoning and said, yeah that sounds good to me. That's shady as shit. Are you preparing for a Dirk lynch and him to flip as town by expressing doubt? Clarity brings up sloosh, someone who has very little posting to go off of and what has been posted was already discussed. Why aren't you leading the conversation on sloosh here? Why aren't you contributing yourself? There is a pattern of sheep, sheep, sheep, blend, blend, blend. That's scummy as shit. Clarity calls out a contradiction that isn't there. Really feels like he was sitting there and as soon as he saw something he pounced without thinking it through. Where is the town motivation to do something like that? There's plenty of scum motivation to do so, though. Clarity once again preemptively defends himself by saying if he was scum he would sheep marv. Why even say that? Clarity says long posts are cool. Clarity pushing Dirk pretty damn hard. This clarity/rayn back and forth seems really pushed. Like hey clarity back and forth with me in thread so it looks like I'm contributing I make my case on Clarity Clarity's defense isn't really a defense. It's like he's scummarizing everything I said. He even says yes to some of the things I call him on. The thinjg that sticks out to me most is his sheep of rayn here. Rayn now with a town read on me and Clarity with a read that leaves himself open to go either way and follow rayn or not. Rayn starts pressuring Clarity and all of a sudden just backs down. Clarity again tries to broach the subject of a sloosh lynch. He really doesn't like sloosh. He must really want sloosh lynched. Sloosh even calls him on it. BH comes in and starts up a rayn lynch, Clarity immediately begins to pressure Dirk some more right after BH has just said he won't support a Dirk lynch for the day. Clarity says rayn is the easy lynch. The easy lynch? Clarity starts backing down from his pressure on Dirk. How convenient that Dirk receives an endorsement from BH and you start falling off. Looks like Sloosh should be Clarity's push then. More back and forth on rayn. Yeah sure I could lynch rayn, but then ehh I'll just figure him out later. Clarity really trying to make the appearance that him and marv are on the same page. As was pointed out earlier, town Clarity and marv are always on the same page right guys? Right? Clarity and marv make almost identical posts right here. Clarity and marv make almost identical posts right here. Man, they must be thinking really similar. Something that bugs me, though, is that Clarity keeps bringing this up when really anyone who is around should be making the exact same points these two are making. So Clarity is asking someone he had a scum read on to join the wagon of justice against sloosh, the person he's slowly been building up to this whole time without blatantly saying it. ?!MGKRLEGKmn$ETGNMELTGNKE$LGNK HOW DID I MISS THIS!? Clarity calls rayn on the point that makes rayn scum to me. Instead of pressuring rayn on this, though, he provides rayn a way to come back off it by shifting things to ME. Rayn and Clarity having a small mini discussion while Clarity is missing the glaringly obvious that rayn should not have had a town read like that. Clarity himself says Risen would do that as either alignment, why are you not calling Rayn out here? WHY? You don't find it scummy that rayn is trying to protect me by using a 3P game as evidence of my towniness? Really? Like how is this not screaming "LYNCH RAYN" Clarity defends HF from rayn, though. Why? Are you afraid that your partner is going to get lynched and need to find something outside a vote that will allow you to say "damn see look here I was coming around to him being scum" Clarity again does this. Doesn't vote rayn Clarity sheeps marv's "rayn won't be lynched today by me" point completely setting up a "oh damn I liked what marv had to say about the situation so much I dropped everything I had begun feeling about rayn" I say I'm writing up a case on rayn and he says are you writing a case on me. To me that says Clarity is afraid I've found something and wants to get the jump on it. He's so paranoid it's going to be about him that he doesn't consider it being on anyone else. Preemptively deflecting my case. Says the dumbest, most infuriating thing someone can say to me after I've just explained what I was saying "I dunno, you tell us." I'm getting mad sitting here reading it again. It quite clearly means that rayn is scum because he doesn't care where his vote goes as long as marv leads it so he can later say "Oh marv placed my vote not me". Now that people are saying I have good points at the second half though you conveniently aren't responding to them. Marv at least responded to the very relevant points I brought up on rayn. I don't know how I missed all this. Sloosh and HF are talking about the points I brought up, marv is talking about my points, why aren't you talking about rayn? Why are you avoiding rayn so much? You sheep marv here but don't vote for BH in spite of marv and sloosh being on him at this point. Why? Then you defend BH while simultaneously pushing me. Like Clarity what happened to your scum reads? Suddenly you're asking who's more likely to flip scum of me and Oats? Is it a coincidence that we are the two people outside sloosh who have pushed you at some point this game? I don't think Clarity looks good post-doctor claim. Clarity is back to pushing sloosh. Just kidding the pressure is back on me. How convenient considering that the person you've been slow rolling so hard is going to flip town and you'll look super scummy. There's me, though, who other people have been expressing doubt about. If there's a definition of opportunistic push Clarity is it here. You can't explain how a scum marv would do that? I can. Easily. Do I think a scum marv would? I guess not, but I know he could do it. A town Clarity should know marv would be capable of it. A scum Clarity who knows marv is town would say something like that, though. Scum use emoticons. How good did that feel Clarity? How good, after you had been soft pushing me forever, did it feel when Sloosh voted me. It must have felt insanely good. Nevermind it's coming from the person you have your vote on, that's enough to covince you that I'm the proper lynch. Clarity doesn't want to overcommit to a mislynch, though, that would make him appear scummy. Instead he asks other people if they're down with lynching me. Rayn isn't happening. In spite of the fact that rayn has more votes than me and people are discussing a rayn lynch, rayn isn't happening. It isn't happening? Or you don't want it to happen. Like HF says he's down with a rayn lynch here, you know BH is down, and that makes 3. So how do you stop a rayn lynch? You flat out say rayn isn't happening and pray. Then you ask rayn in thread sloosh or Risen. At this point rayn has more support for a lynch than me and the thing that convinced you to lynch me is coming from your top scum read. How am I the only one who's caught this? So you are wavering on sloosh, but you're totally willing to lynch me who you simpoly consider a liability? WHAT?! LOOK AT THIS Clarity sees the opportunity to lynch me and set up a sloosh lynch d2 and so he tries to start up a last second train. That would mean rayn and him would get 4 KP off and just win d3 since they now know who the doctor is. Clarity sees rayn trying to cause a no lynch here and is still pressuring me. Why? How do you see what rayn is doing and say, yeah that dude is totally not scum over Risen. And sloosh from earlier is suddenly dropping off for Risen. HOW IS NO ONE SEEING CLARITY IN ALL THIS!? HE JUST VOTED SLOOSH OVER RAYN! Sloosh consolidates onto me and Clarity sees that with a no lynch today, rayn is gone tomorrow. Clarity sees that marv is not moving his vote. He knows how bad it's going to look for him when rayn flips scum. There's nothing left to do, he busses his teammate. Clarity is openly mad in thread following rayn flip. Is he mad because he genuinely doesn't want to play with rayn or because rayn just got himself lynched and now Clarity is all alone. So is all that anger post-flip genuine anger that rayn got himself lynched. How does BH come away with Clarity being town through that? He even says in the same sentence that rayn and Clarity near simultaneously voted sloosh. No BH, Clarity couldn't do that, because he would in effect be declaring himself FOR a no lynch. Clarity prepping himself for sloosh flip by saying "damn sloosh's death post was super sincere I just don't knowwwww" Really clarity? You really want to lynch sloosh? Because before the flip of rayn you were wavering on sloosh. This inconsistency seems like super bullshit to me. Clarity isn't hardly pushing anything outside of defending rayn. Almost nothing has changed pre-flip to post-flip and here is Clarity sheeping marv again. Why are you buddying marv here instead of pointing out how not pro-town an ultimatum it is for marv to be making? Why are you acting like I'm supposed to have a 100% scum read here? The only people with perfect information are scum. Why didn't I catch this earlier? Look, you're trying to misrepresent something, marv calls you on it, and you crawl back into sheeping marv. Hahaha, funny that you're using things to point to a scum sloosh at the end of d1 when if anyone would actually read the end of day 1 you come out looking the MOST scummy by far. How are you way more confident in a sloosh lynch Clarity when just prior to lynch you were wavering. This makes NO SENSE. And you have a town read on marv? Color me shocked. Well thank god you're so certain now on sloosh, because it looks to me like you're leaving yourself open to Oats or Risen should something arise. What have you done with any sort of certainty beyond try and save rayn until you couldn't any longer this game? HOW CAN YOU SAY THIS TO HOLYFLARES POST?! Just earlier you were musing out loud about how you would probably lynch BH if he was alive day 2!!! Once again leaving the door open to lynch me down the road here. He says I called all three of the people not on sloosh scum and that I imply sloosh is town. No, that's not what it was at all. This is Clarity preparing for sloosh townflip. Calls me out for not discussing sloosh when it's more Risen isn't really discussing anyone at all because I've been busy as shit. Why are you fingering one person? More Clarity flailing attempting to poke holes that simply aren't there. He's posting just to post and appear active. Boom marv comes in with a town read on me and suddenly Clarity is back to "yeah Risen totes town" Why do you think I'm town Clarity? You aren't actually saying. Just kidding we're back to hedging and why do you want to lynch Risen Oats? Clarity just posted that he was willing to say fuck it and lynch marv because doubt factor not because he finds him scummy. That just happened. Another defense of me. Who do you actually find scummy? Why do you literally defend everyone? Is it because you know everyone else is scum? The only people you don't seem to defend are the people everyone else wants to lynch. Clarity sees the town reads starting to pile on me so he needs to set up someone for the next two lynches. The candidates as he says them are Dirk and suddenly we have some suspicion of HF. Let's see if he goes anywhere with it or waits to see if someone else picks it up. Clarity hedging against a potential Dirk flip here to make it look like he was totally beginning to see the light. Do you know Dirk is town? You'd like to think you're obviously town? And what have you done outside sheep everything, push nothing to make you look that way? Clarity tries calling me out for suspecting people when there's only one scum left. So? What if I'm wrong? That means I need to stop my hunting? That means I need to stop sharing my thought process? Why are you trying to shut down my discussion? Umm... what Clarity? The nice thing about only one scum left is that you can blindly believe marv on HF being town right after you've said you're starting to suspect HF? How many times is Clarity going to say he's town while just sheeping marv? HF was just on Clarity's probably scum list and all of a sudden it's lynch dirk/Risen to win the game. What happened? No one posted a defense, no one said anything beyond marv saying HF is simply town and that's it. And we see why Clarity would shoot Oats now. In spite of having a meh read on HF and a town read on me, he has a total town read on marv and is willing to sheep marv's reads entirely. So lynch dirk, then lynch risen. Ez life indeed. But wait! HF isn't actually town, no you're just "plugging your ears" so you can potentially mislynch him depending on who you choose to take into the final day. More casting of suspicion on HF? Color me shocked. How convenient that a potential bus by you is covered by marv knowing about your past play since he was in that game. Hey look, you're trying to convince someone you've been hedging for a while now to lynch me over marv. Here's the issue, though... how do you know marv is going to be alive day 4 following a Dirk lynch? How do you know marv is going to be alive day 4 following a Dirk lynch?How do you know marv is going to be alive day 4 following a Dirk lynch?How do you know marv is going to be alive day 4 following a Dirk lynch?How do you know marv is going to be alive day 4 following a Dirk lynch? Why are you defending marv so hard? No townie should be defending an unflipped person more than one person has expressed doubts about so hard. Marv First vote on Dirk is simply for voting HF. Openly admits that he hasn't read what Dirk wrote. Marv reads the case and has good reasoning here for voting Dirk, but why do it like that in the first place? Clarity asks if marv is afraid of someone beating him to it. I think this is a good point. Marv brushes it off using sarcasm that resays exactly what Clarity called him out on. Seems scummy. Not the sarcasm, but that marv would be sarcastic and paint Clarity as stupid there instead of just respond. It reads as him trying to discredit Clarity. So I'm not the only one marv has been mean to this game. That's not in his favor, but it does mean he isn't scum for being a dick to me. Something in marv's favor is that he shuts down Clarity trying to spam openly in the thread. Why are you asking someone about their thoughts on you? I hate this shit. It feels like you're trying to prod people to post because you're trying to determine potential night kills, but you're making people post with it and that's pro-town. It just doesn't feel like anything. Oats says that marv doesn't bus as scum, which brings up another point against marv in that he was conveniently absent when rayn was being lynched. Pro-town posting from marv. Pressures rayn. Rayn dodges. No response to my case on Clarity? Oh, some things are good but too much confirmation bias. Ok, so what things were good? As town shouldn't you be pointing out the things in the case that you agreed with? Instead it seems like you're kind of defending Clarity here, why? Marv in spite of some confirmation issues, looks town. Why do you call me out on the Noir QT post when I actually made a post in thread at the same time? I don't know why this hasn't stuck out to me before. 11:53PM ET in Noir and 11:50PM ET I'm in the thread asking people how they feel about my case on Clarity. That's like, so scummy. Why would you say something like that without double checking as town? Then why would you do something like that as scum? It casts doubt on me and that's scum motivated enough for me. That's like super shady. Marv calls out his main scum read Oats for having a scum read centered on me making an opportunistic push on Clarity. This should confirm Oats as the one who should be lynched today. Why are you defending me so hard here against your main scum read? Oats says if we lynch scum today marv is probably town since marv would defend his partner. Calls my afk concerning. I agree with him here, how does he know that I'm out? A tell of whether or not someone is scum is how much they're willing to push their targets. Why am I not around? There's no way for marv to know I'm not at my computer. Marv says something I agree with 100%. No need for scum to try and correct town being bad. It isn't alignment indicative on its own, though. You say you don't understand why rayn is doing what he's doing. Earlier you said you understand town rayn. Why aren't you finding this scummy? Why aren't you pushing this harder? Is it because scum marv doesn't push his partner and tries to deflect? If that's the case he certainly does a good job deflecting with "I don't think rayn is a good lynch today. While I don't like his absence for the first part of the day, or the way he kinda floated around the thread while he was here, his push on Holyflare feels like a town-rayn thing." Did marv just make a mini-list post? Rayn just called on this, why isn't he callign marv on it? Says I'm scum for making a case on rayn. Why haven't you found these things? I'd expect a town marv to find these things. Then again, I'd expect anyone town to find these things. I get the post was long, and I called out filler too much where I should instead post "he posts a lot of filler". Is this marv deflecting away from my case? Well marv has read the second half of mycase and he has found things he likes in it. Why does he think I think sloosh is rayn's scum buddy from that, though? That's not what I'm saying or said in that post. I'm saying why isn't rayn showing any interest in sloosh who is leading the votes right now while simultaneously not being useful. There's a huge difference there. I point this out. Marv melts down in thread. On its own I don't see town motivation for this, I don't see scum motivation for admitting your pressure was for OOG stuff. If we accept you are scum, though, then the pressure like this that outs a doctor needs a reason. Scum marv could have easily sheeped sloosh moving onto BH. Instead he says OOG. I don't think it's pro-town, but clearly I've overestimated town marv. Reading through the aftermath and ugh... it's making no sense from either alignment. It's WIFOM. And what to do with WIFOM? Ignore it. Sloosh's defense of marv is very true here. I don't understand what BH means when he says what a backtrack here. Says I'm scummy for swapping around on sloosh near deadline, apparently Oats thinks the same, though. Why are you misinterpreting what my vote swaps did and giving Clarity a hall pass? How are you possibly finding me more scummy than Clarity at the end of that day? I come in following all the stuff Oats and marv has said about me and I'm in tunnel mode. Marv doesn't crack under anything, though, and well, Oats is town. I don't know how I saw what marv was doing as scummy and glossed over Clarity here. Damn I hate 1 for 1 posts but I did nearly the same thing in Noir with Pandain and I was town and he was scum. BH discusses how if marv is still around he'd get himself out of a lynch. Paranoia meter is ticking but I'm not allowing that to sway me here. Lots of back and forth between marv and BH. Not alignment telling here. Really good point about how dirk really only defends himself and does nothing else Good case on Dirk Calls out Clarity for being so flaky and not actually pushing anything the entire game. What has Clarity seriously done all game beyond the Rayn lynch where he had no choice? How on Earth do you call what I've been doing hedging? I said lynch Oats, lynch marv. The end. No hedge. How do you not see Clarity hedging THE ENTIRE GAME? Is it because he sheeps with you? He sheeps with you and then you say oh see he's being reasonable! How do you see this and think because he has to and you look at Clarity and think town? Like, you were wrong about me and you've admitted it now, so I can see this post being made under false premises, but how does that not immediately make you think "Holy shit Clarity has been sleeping on my back shooting people and I'm his horse!" Really playing to emotions there, didn't you already do that this game? Finally realises what I fucking said over and over throughout the game. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm not crazy enough to shoot Oats. If I'm scum I'm carrying Oats and HF with me to the endgame. HF would be with me in lylo against Oats. There's no way he gets WIFOM'd into voting me over Oats. Dirk Marv pointed out why his HF vote was bad. Dirk responds to HF but dodges marv's point that he just voted HF with no real backup. Marv explains this as opportunistic and it is. Marv again calls out Dirk for something Dirk did that was scummy. Dirk is playing really inconsistent. That's not scummy, but losing track of your reasoning is. Are you trying to fabricate reasons as you go for voting HF? That's SUPER scummy. Like why does a town player do that? Admits he wasn't actually reading the thread and just trying to sheep me/Oats. Dirk now says his vote was simply to stir things up. So this is the third reason coming up now to vote HF. More post-vote fabrication of reasoning. Martyr, martyr, martyr this early in d1. So much day left and he's martyring. Drops a WIFOM bomb openly in thread. Anti-town play. Oats hops on Dirk train and Dirk doesn't eat him alive for it. Does he know Oats is town and is trying to maintain the buddy he set up earlier? Is Dirk defending rayn here? Nevermind, he's down with the rayn lynch. He straight up says Rayn looks like a good lynch here. Dirk says sloosh or rayn is the lynch. At this point he knows I'm on rayn and BH is on rayn. How is sloosh so sure you're town? Good point. Oats calls Dirk on his justification of his 180. It's scummy. Calls rayn scummy, doesn't vote for him. Rayn is getting desperate and he votes Dirk. Why is he voting his scum buddy here if Dirk is scum? As far as I can tell Dirk is still a major contender. The dude sheeps and afks through day 2 and day 3. It's scummy, yeah, but not as scummy as what Clarity just did. Dirk night posting is sheepletown. "Sloosh 100% scum hodor hodor" Why are you pressuring me to vote sloosh? Is it so it's that much easier to blend? More tunnel of me onto Oats instead of looking at the people around me. So fucking impossible to view people as town when they're doing things that townies shouldn't be doing and not admitting they were wrong. This is how town players defend people. They call out other people saying things that simply aren't true. They don't just say "this guy totes town" Dirk trying to rally town to do things. Nitpicking me there and not calling out Clarity? How do you dig into day 1 deep enough to find my nitpick and not find what Clarity did? That's super scummy. How does town dirk see what Clarity did at the end of day 1 and say "totes town"? Why are you trying to sheep me? If you've read the game up to this point you'd know Clarity was the other scummy player, though paranoia would dictate that marv could be scum. You do some scummy stuff, don't get the reason why marv's push is actually wrong, and then end up on me. The absolute most scummy thing about Dirk to me is that he can read day 1 apparently, and not come away with Clarity as the clear scum. How do you not read anything past day 1 and not see Clarity as scum? How do you come to the conclusion that the two people you're willing to lynch happen to be the people the thread sentiment would acually have a chance lynching outside of you. It seems really opportunistic. WIFOM defense is super not solid. Why are you defending yourself with WIFOM? Why aren't you going into the thread and seeking out reasons your main scum read is scum? This makes no sense. Holy shit I just made a post an hour or so ago saying clarity is scum because the end of day 1 and here you are playing almost exactly like scum would if they were trying to squirm their way out of a lynch! Marv with a really good point. How are you not considering a bus? How have you not read the end of day 1 and come to the conclusion I have? Like, I'm convinced any townie who does that will come away thinking Clarity is scum, and yet you haven't and apparently you and I are the only ones who have done so. Jesus fuck I'm going to vote you today. Lol if you're town you've fucked this game so hard by posting without understand what actually happened. Like if you're town it would be so much better to simply say you don't know. Why are you trying to flail and come up with post-case reasons for your reasons? I slammed on someone earlier for this, and it still holds true. This is super scummy. Well, only one thing left to do to avoid a Dirk lynch, better get on Risen. The person you've had a town read on. Says he's voting me because he wanted to see who would try to get marv lynched. I made the marv cases, I pushed marv from day 1, not you. This is desperation through and through.Now you're talking with marv about how town I am? And your vote is still on me? LOL Martyrpost HOW ARE YOU SEEING MY POSTS AND NOT CLARITY'S SURROUNDING THE DAY 1 LYNCH IT'S LIKE YOU'RE PURPOSEFULLY AVOIDING THE SCUMMY SHIT BECAUSE YOU KNOW CLARITYB IS TOWN | ||
United States7927 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
I began entertaining a HF scum because of his hedge on that last page in spite of your scummy let's talk about NKs earlier and you do that. Nope | ||
United States7927 Posts
Sheeping marv all game Discrediting everything preemptively Trying to soft push nearly everyone this game and never actually pushing anything, clear sign of scum | ||
United States7927 Posts
On October 11 2013 02:11 Clarity_nl wrote: Show nested quote + On October 11 2013 02:07 Risen wrote: Yup, here we go. I literally just fucking explained my case wasn't finished but posted my notes so people could give thoughts on them because a case this big is going to take a long time because I wrote them READING THROUGH THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME and all you have to say is thanks for summarizing? I began entertaining a HF scum because of his hedge on that last page in spite of your scummy let's talk about NKs earlier and you do that. Nope I'm sorry that you only had like 16-18 hours to make the case that you said was really convincing You're in Europe so maybe you just don't understand US Pacific Coast night times. I literally spent almost all day yesterday taking notes, I was exhausted and needed a break from thinking. I wake up this morning and realize that maybe I should let people see my notes so they can respond to them, the case is in there amidst all the summary, and here you are discrediting anything that could potentially be pointed out about you like you have been all game. It has literally been "Oh shit I just did something scummy I better backtrack and qualify" all game with you | ||
United States7927 Posts
2) You also say really early, but then I'd do that as scum lolololol. This is part of point number 3 where you hedge and call yourself out on everything in the hopes that no one will afterward be able to point it out 3) No, it isn't just giving opinion. It's beyond demoralizing, it's you saying nah that's stupid and don't listen to that point before anyone can make it. Why are you so concerned with preemptively defending yourself from things? Why are you so afraid of the appearance of scumminess 4) Sloosh d1 soft pushed all day, me d1 soft pushed all day, HF soft pushed for a while now, me continued soft pushed for the whole game. | ||
United States7927 Posts
On October 11 2013 02:16 Clarity_nl wrote: I just realized your massive text blogs on HF and marv are basically cases on them as well. That's the point of notes. Find all the scummy things and then compare them to see who comes out the scummiest. | ||
United States7927 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
2) Here's the qualification. Then why didn't you simply say that's fishy at the time? 3) I will, in my case. 4) My definition of soft push is the very definition of it. You have consistently throughout the game brought up people, waited for others to catch onto them, and only then supported a lynch on them | ||
United States7927 Posts
This post began as a case and turned into an analysis of Clarity's entire game. If I'm alive tomorrow and it needs to be shortened I will shorten it, but it seems easy to read to me. I want everyone to know my thoughts in an organized, coherent manner. I'll reference the posts, but won't include them in here because this would just be too long. If you're going to shout me down for it being too long just don't read it. Read it tomorrow if I'm dead or wait for the summary of this I'll make for you. The thing is massive. A lot of it is summary, but wherever I have summary I have included a reason for the summary. It's there to reinforce my points about the patterns I see in Clarity's play or I wanted all my thoughts to be out there. + Show Spoiler + http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=10#196 His opening post comes in with a lot of town reads but nothing of real note. Why give town reads there? I'm already against giving town reads in general, but why give town reads there? You should never give town reads because that gives scum information for the night kill... unless you're just flat out not worried about giving scum information for their night kills and want that town cred. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=11#201 retraction http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=11#205 justification Why does a town Clarity feel the need to justify his retracted town read and say "I totally wasn't laying a trap." Why not just leave the retraction? Better yet, why not explain in your retraction what you find scummy about sloosh? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=11#208 This is filler, and I wouldn't point it out if it didn't set the course for what Clarity has done all game, blend. Why does Clarity look at around 5 pages of posting and think there's nothing to talk about? Why does town Clarity decide there's nothing to talk about, and then ask BH if there's anything he'd like to talk about? Why are you just sitting around doing nothing and not contributing. It's pretty clear that BH has been active in the thread, so he's already talking about things. Why are you asking him what he wants to talk about when he's already talking about something? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=11#213 This is the post immediately after Dirk makes his post. So Clarity is around and sees that post. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=11#219 Jumps on marv for dropping a vote without actually reading it, which means he's around and reading the thread, and has read Dirk's case on HF. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=12#223 Says he totally agrees with Marv's reasoning, not just after reading Dirk's post but after also calling marv out and getting smacked down for it. Why is this scummy? Because an apparently suspicious of marv individual immediately does a 180 and sheeps with the suspicious individual after not finding Dirk's post suspicious. It goes towards the blending throughout the game that Clarity does. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=12#240 Clarity questions his sheep vote after Dirk begins to defend himself. So you agreed with marv earlier after doing a flip around of your suspicions, and you still agree with him because you say you're not going to move your vote (why say that at all) and then you defend Dirk while still not moving your vote. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=13#246 First sloosh soft push. Why? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=13#250 No reason. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=15#283 More sloosh pressure, not alignment indicative, just here to establish the pattern. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=15#292 First instance of Clarity/marv brofest, but Clarity's post is 3 minutes after marv's. Plenty of time to make a sheep post. If the posts were made at the same time like later ones I'd be more inclined to believe it really was two people thinking the same. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=15#294 Why say this when marv is clearly making the first posts and you're sheeping him? This is really suspect, because it implies that Clarity is trying to paint the picture in marv's mind that this is typical Clarity sheepage when it really isn't. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=15#294 This is where Clarity and rayn first interact with each other. I think it's telling. It feels forced. Read the entire conversation through and ask yourself, "Is there really anything here?" As far as I can tell, it's Clarity giving rayn a summary of what has happened without noting that the need for him to summarize for rayn is scummy, and then leading rayn through the conversation. Didn't I get called scummy for summarizing things in my cases even though in addition to summary there was actual accusations and things that needed to be answered? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=17#336 Clarity's defense of my initial case on him. None of it is particularly alignment indicative, but the very ending where he agrees with the town read from rayn is sketch as fuck. Why? Because why does rayn have an unqualified town read on me? Why isn't Clarity pointing this out? Why is Clarity advancing this point? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=17#337 More rayn/Clarity interaction. This time Rayn begins to pressure Clarity and immediately drops it. Like no follow up post, just a Clarity response that is super sketch and then nothing. Why does rayn go nowhere with this? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=18#347 Back to sloosh. It appears here that Clarity thought giving town reads meant town. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=20#385 Just kidding, back to soft pushing sloosh. Note that his vote hasn't been on sloosh at all this entire game to this point, as seen here http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=20#386 , and yet he's been soft pushing him over and over. This unwillingness to commit to a vote that isn't a sheeped vote seems really odd. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=21#408 Clarity case on Dirk. Damn, he must find this guy really scummy, I wonder if he's going to maintain that pressure. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=21#412 First defense of rayn. Calls rayn the easy lynch instead of addressing what has made people think rayn is scummy in the first place. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=22#433 Marv comes in with a defense of Dirk and unvotes, note that this occurs shortly after Clarity has begun waffling on Dirk after BH endorses Dirk with an "I don't want to lynch him" post. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=22#434 Clarity says marv is sheeping him, again attempting to paint the picture that marv has been sheeping Clarity and they therefor have similar thoughts. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=22#435 Marv immediately catches it, Clarity responds that he has been joking. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=22#437 Marv calls out what, in essence, is a defense of everyone post. Like you can't find anything scummy out of everything that has gone down thus far? Other people find people scummy, why don't you? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=23#448 Clarity is defending me against Oats by saying I was the first to push him. Clarity clearly has a developed awareness of the thread, but his awareness doesn't extend to doing anything beyond soft pushing sloosh? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=25#486 Sweet, someone bit. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=25#489 I normally wouldn't have a problem with this vote, but it has come now after a serious amount of soft pushing. Why wasn't your vote on him earlier? Why did you need Dirk coming in and finding sloosh suspicious before you moved your vote there? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=26#504 Another defense of rayn. Don't think it's a defense? It's what Calrity has been doing all game, but now in favor of rayn instead of himself. He calls out the scummy thing, and immediately slides it under the rug by shifting the attention to my attitude following my case. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=26#507 Didn't you guys already have this almost exact conversation? Didn't you include something very similar to it in your defense of my case? This is followed by more defending rayn. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=31#602 Unproductive? There's so much in the thread. You have your vote on sloosh. You have cases all over the place, and you call it unproductive? This fits the pattern of Clarity trying to paint a picture for people that doesn't resemble what has actually happened. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=32#625 How about the reverse, do YOU have a read on rayn? Why are you asking for other people's reads on someone you've defended while not commiting to anything on? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=35#697 Continuation of a soft push that has been building on me for a while now. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=37#729 More soft push, but this time he's not the one who had to get his hands dirty, so he can just point the finger at marv. Why didn't you check the times here if you're going to bring it up? Why soft push me, aim the blame at marv, and then slink away? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=42#821 Sees my name in a post, sees the word case, immediately rushes to make a post hassling me. Wouldn't town Clarity have taken his time to read my post here 15 minutes prior? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=41#816 http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=43#846 Sloosh makes a really good point here. Why is Clarity speaking for rayn? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=43#850 You knew rayn's response because you asked BH the question? Is that a scum slip? I don't see town Clarity doing something like this. Did Clarity realize his error and then slip up with this? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=44#865 More defense of rayn. No, rayn was quite clearly in thread willing to vote for someone he had a public town read on. He listed the people he thought marv would direct him to, and then said marv choose someone. That means exactly what I was saying at the time, that rayn was willing to lynch a town read. Why have you spent so much time defending rayn instead of looking into what others have found scummy about him at this point? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=45#895 Nah, don't lynch rayn, lynch Risen http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=46#914 Unexplained town read is bad for anyone not rayn. It's really just a lot of rayn defense towards the end of page 7 in Clarity's filter. Go there yourself. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=53#1055 This sounds really familiar, who could be just like that I wonder? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=56#1113 "Hey guys you willing to move over to someone I haven't really made a case on but is not named rayn?" http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=56#1120 Rayn wagon gaining speed, won't lynch rayn. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=57#1134 Desperation is setting in, thread sentiment is leaving sloosh. Who can possibly get enough votes to at least cause a no lynch? Risen. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=58#1142 Still a person not named Rayn. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=59#1169 Directing rayn to me. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=60#1186 Directing holy to me. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=60#1199 Rayn is trying to cause a no lynch and Clarity is still unwilling to lynch him. Still trying to push anyone not rayn. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=61#1214 Not rayn. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=62#1235 Finally rayn. In the end where there is no option left to Clarity but to lynch rayn or watch rayn get lynched d2 and then himself d3 Clarity moves over. The sequence of defenses and pushes onto people he actually doesn't make a case on but are not named rayn are what make Clarity the final scum. He's done it before, conveniently in a game marv was a part of. Sweet. Let's look at Clarity that game in Mario Mini. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=381440&user=Clarity_nl¤tpage=6 Look at page 6 in particular. Does he defend someone who is going to flip scum? Sure, but only because of the last second nature of it. Nowhere in his defense of rayn does Clarity say that. Rayn's lynch isn't last second, because cases HAVE been made against him, unlike the hapa situation where Clarity says there have NOT been cases made against him so don't lynch him. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=381440¤tpage=71#1403 Here with rayn the only similarity is an unwillingness to lynch. I'm only addressing this because you all seem to love meta so much and this was used as a defense of Clarity earlier. Marv in this night does something that's anti-town, but that I have done in a very recent town game of mine, offer the 1 for 1. It doesn't seem alignment indicative to me, though, and could honestly be slightly scummy, but Clarity is of the opinion 100% that marv is town. How does he have such certainty? Up to this point he's simply been sheeping marv over and over. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=69#1375 Marv is pushing someone, better make it apparent that marv is the driving force behind this push though and not you, just in case sloosh flips town and someone sees how much soft pushing you've been doing. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=73#1454 This should indicate that a town Clarity would be doing the things he advises, but he isn't. He's just saying this to try and paint me in a bad light. Where has Clarity actually pushed a read of his all game with any conviction? I see the Dirk thing after Dirk is already suspected by the thread and nothing else. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=83#1644 I've tried to avoid it, but I really fucking HATE when people misrepresent what I say. It doesn't help that Clarity has been misrepresenting a lot of things already this game. I didn't call three people scum. I said very clearly I felt we should be lynching into people not on the rayn train. It also conveniently happens that both my top scum reads were marv and Oats because both of them were saying something that was straight out WRONG. Something marv has come out and said he was wrong on. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/postmessage.php?quote=1651&topic_id=430498 More misrepresentation of me by Clarity. Are you setting up for a lynch on me after sloosh? (First part scummy, second party speculation) http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=84#1673 Now that rayn has flipped scum you call his town read on me weird when before it didn't even make you suspicious of him (I'm making an assumption here, since you defended him so hard) In my notes I have something about Clarity calling me town only after marv does. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=89#1761 He tosses out that he might be willing to lynch marv after sheeping the guy throughout the entire game. This reads to me as someone who is keeping their options open because they know sloosh is going to flip town, but he totally still has a town read on marv. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=92#1829 What's with the pointless question? There's regular filler, not that scummy, and then there's filler where someone is simply posting in an attempt to blend. This is case number 2. Clarity knows exactly what it means. In fact, after sloosh has flipped town Clarity is all about the Dirk lynch, so why is he expressing surprise here? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=95#1891 I said it in my notes and I'll say it again here. This IS confirmation bias, but it fits like a glove. Clarity sees everyone left giving out town reads on me and decides he needs a new patsy, and who is left? He can't say marv at this point, he's been riding him since the beginning of the game. He has to say HF. I can't stand straight up town reads he's handing out, either. So he has HF and Dirk left to him. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=97#1940 What happened to HF? Do you stick to reads at all? Seems to me it's been sheep marv and stick with it all game long. How convenient that very recently before this marv has given HF a town read. Screw your suspicion earlier, marv has a town read folks! http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=107#2124 I'm really fucking bothered by this post. Where did you drop your HF suspicion? It literally is, "Marv had a town read on HF and I dropped it entirely." This is so fuckign scummy, how are you blindly trusting Marv like this? Very recently in your filter you advocating for lynching me over Dirk your main scum read here so I couldn't lead a mislynch onto marv at lylo. HOW DO YOU KNOW MARV IS TOWN? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=107#2127 Seems like a totally town thing to do. Drop off a HF scum read and then scoot away. I swear marv called sloosh out on something like this early in the game. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=111#2201 And what are you doing to remedy the situation? Looks to me like you're once again soft pushing the shit out of someone and waiting for someone else to come along and grab onto it. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=117#2335 Another preemptive defense that casts a shadow on anyone who would dare cast suspicion on Clarity or marv who are both confirmed town right? No. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=119#2364 Another dop off he waits for someone to pick up on. Dirk grabs on. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=119#2371 Shouldn't this be something you do before casting the suspicion? How fucking scummy is this? HOW FUCKING SCUMMY IS THIS? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=430498¤tpage=126#2509 You're willing to simply accept that you've sheeped someone from day 1? Is that because you know marv is town? Is it because you know you're playing with a town marv? And now we're to tonight. We have Clarity's trolling and his fishing for night kills. Nothing clears him tonight, in my opinion. Mini-TL;DR: All of this is very similar to what I have already posted, but here it is again. End of day 1 is nothing but defenses of rayn trying to avert a rayn lynch. This is not similar to Mario Mini, as someone made a case for Clarity to be town because of, as I pointed out in all this. Clarity's opening posts look scummy, why is that? Because he doesn't have marv to sheep off of entirely yet. Clarity has tried to brush off my point that he discredits and preemptively defends everything as himself giving opinions, I have shown in here that he has a pattern of doing so throughout the game and it is not just giving opinions. I have given examples of Clarity's soft pushes in here. They are drawn out patterns, but they are there. The only thing Clarity has shown any concrete towards this game was Dirk day 1, and he only held onto that as long as the thread held onto it. | ||
United States7927 Posts
You thought Rayn would be more useful than me? Really? Rayn, the guy who hadn't actually done anything all day, more useful than me, the guy who had generated discussion with three cases? | ||
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