On October 02 2013 13:33 Blazinghand wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2013 13:29 Oatsmaster wrote:On October 02 2013 13:28 Blazinghand wrote:On October 02 2013 13:26 Oatsmaster wrote:On October 02 2013 13:23 Blazinghand wrote:On October 02 2013 13:20 Oatsmaster wrote:On October 02 2013 13:17 Blazinghand wrote:On October 02 2013 13:16 Oatsmaster wrote:On October 02 2013 13:15 Blazinghand wrote:On October 02 2013 13:15 Oatsmaster wrote: [quote] What the fuck BH? Where did I say you were bad in the post I called you scummy in?
This post makes no sense. None. What's your read on Risen? null ~~ town Why? Cause he doesnt hop on the RNG lynch wagon. And cause he called Holyflare scum. I personally do not find either of these reasons compelling. A decision to hop or not hop on the RNG lynch wagon is dependent on personal ideas about how useful RNG is, and whether or not it paints someone as scummy depends on their reasoning and history, not the simple fact that they did or did not hop on. Calling holyflare scum, likewise, is not in and of itself a good strat. I too don't like holyflare's play, but you think I am scum, and it is almost certainly because of my interactions with holyflare. Instead of calling him a newb card player and voting him, as risen did, without serious explanation and an attempt to help him, I actually interacted with him seriously. playing the newb card is also something newbies do. the optimal response is mine, not risen's. Mine determines holyflare's alignment. Risen did not attempt to suss out what was up with holyflare. he laid some smackdown, but hasn't seriously followed it up. Where is he in convincing me to vote holyflare as I interact with holyflare? After all, he thinks holyflare is scum, no? I find risen scummy for that reason. I think you're scum for pulling the RNG bullshit again. I didnt attempt to find out what was up with holyflare, I laid some smackdown! So am I scum for that too? Holyflare is scum because he instantly jumps on a policy and then writes a whole bunch of stuff saying he is a noob. Without actually saying those words. Yes, that's a scummy thing you did. Are you claiming it's not scummy? Your goal, especially in a small newbie like this, should be to interact and find out more about him, unless you're so clearly sure he's scum that you're done with him. Im very clearly sure he's scum. Also, you know there are pressure votes? And I can change my vote at any time? So its not like once I vote for him, I cant change my mind. So yeah, I dunno why you are calling me and Risen scum because we have scumreads we are willing to vote on. Why isnt Holyflare interacting with me if he called me scum then? I don't see how your vote being a pressure vote means that you can't write a case, try to convince people, or hell, try to interact with the guy you're supposedly pressuring. Of course you can change your mind! The fact that you and Risen are scummy (and i'm not 100% sure that either of you are scum, of course) isn't that you vote, it's HOW you vote. Do you understand this? Show nested quote +On October 02 2013 13:31 Oatsmaster wrote: Since when does BH play self righteous dick? As any alignment?
So you thing this is... null? or are you just whining. I dont understand how you equate having a extreme stance on someone from their first post = scummy.
Both me and Risen explained reasons to think that Holyflare is scum and you seem to think that Holyflare is scummy too.
I dont know if you are bad or if you are scum BH.
On October 02 2013 13:31 Blazinghand wrote: Look, Oats, you have to admit, it IS pretty weird that Risen hasn't been trying to convince me, right? Like, even drawing some weird unflipped associative tell shit you can't just go and say "I'm not going to try to convince BH, who's literally in the thread right now and rather influential as a town player, that HF is scum". You also have to admit, do you not, that given that holyflare IS LITERALLY A NEWBIE, it's possible he doesn't get what playing the newb card means? It's possible that yes, the reaction should be suspicion, but also an attempt to draw him into conversation? That not doing that is sub-optimal, and therefore scummy? Literally a newbie doesnt mean you play the noob card unless you think it helps you. I only remember playing the noob card in my first few scumgames but none of my towngames because it served no purpose. Why do you think Holyflare is a complete and total idiot that is bad at mafia?
I cant take this. Gone for like 12 hours.
I guess Ill just wait for smarter people to show up then.
I don't say holy flare is a complete and total idiot that is bad at mafia. Another lie from oats. The point I'm getting at is, the noob card is not an auto scum read, and honestly, although I find it scummy, my reaction isn't to vote him then use that as an opportunity to opt out of the thread. I use it as an opportunity to opt INTO the thread.
I dont understand what opting in and out of the thread means.
Can super obviously town BH explain?
the point i'm getting at here isn't that having a strong stance early on is scummy. THIS IS NOT MY POINT. STOP LYING AND STATING THAT IT IS MY POINT. my point is the lack of follow-up, the lack of interaction with the guy being voted or the guy not voting him. After all, if I REALLY do think holyflare is scummy, you should be all over me trying to refine my scumread on him. I shouldn't have to twist your arm to get you to do this.
So you vote for someone then you ask him to explain? If I think a guy is scum, then why do I have to have interaction with him? And if everyone else in the thread thinks the same way, then why do I have to have interaction with them?
Its funny that you played with me all these games with me BH, and you still dont know I exaggerate the hell out of my stuff.
And I dont do what you just described in all of my town games and probably all of my scumgames?
On October 02 2013 13:47 Blazinghand wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2013 13:42 Oatsmaster wrote:the point i'm getting at here isn't that having a strong stance early on is scummy. THIS IS NOT MY POINT. STOP LYING AND STATING THAT IT IS MY POINT. my point is the lack of follow-up, the lack of interaction with the guy being voted or the guy not voting him. After all, if I REALLY do think holyflare is scummy, you should be all over me trying to refine my scumread on him. I shouldn't have to twist your arm to get you to do this.
So you vote for someone then you ask him to explain? If I think a guy is scum, then why do I have to have interaction with him? And if everyone else in the thread thinks the same way, then why do I have to have interaction with them? The answer seems obvious to me. Your goal is to establish the alignment of the guy you have a scumread on. Sure, you think he's scum, but you don't KNOW. So you talk with him. You talk with other players and try to convince them. Maybe they support you, maybe they point out how he's scummier or townier than you thought. In these interactions, most people betray what alignment they are through how they think-- be they town or scum. The goal is to develop a co-operative discourse in which people all have solid reads on each other. It involves an acknowledgement that part of what writing a case and voting is, is pressure-- it's developing your read. Show nested quote +On October 02 2013 13:44 Oatsmaster wrote: Its funny that you played with me all these games with me BH, and you still dont know I exaggerate the hell out of my stuff.
When you lie, I will call you a liar. Quote me instead of putting words in my mouth. oh dude, I know that Holyflare is scum.
Lets say that I use the noob card to explain why Im bad. Is that scummy BH?
On October 02 2013 13:48 Blazinghand wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2013 13:47 Oatsmaster wrote: And I dont do what you just described in all of my town games and probably all of my scumgames?
I'm not voting you because you lied, Oats. I'm calling you a liar because you lied. Im not saying you voted me because of that BH. You liar.
On October 02 2013 13:51 Blazinghand wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2013 13:49 Oatsmaster wrote:On October 02 2013 13:48 Blazinghand wrote:On October 02 2013 13:47 Oatsmaster wrote: And I dont do what you just described in all of my town games and probably all of my scumgames?
I'm not voting you because you lied, Oats. I'm calling you a liar because you lied. Im not saying you voted me because of that BH. You liar. I didn't say you said I voted you because you lied. huehuehuehue I guess you dont understand english.
Oh well.
Why do you think Holyflare might be town BH?
On October 02 2013 13:52 Oatsmaster wrote: Why do you think Holyflare might be town BH? Let me rephrase this so we dont have any misunderstandings.
Are there any reasons for you to think that Holyflare might be town?
All those words. That dont mean anything.
it's the top scum play to stifle discussion. With his sure stance on me being scum and despite me resonding why I posted what I did is it not he who is in fact stifling the discussion?
I meant saying that someone is stifling discussion is what scum always like to do.
The fact that you say everyone else agrees with you in this thread is just testament to the fact that you have put no effort or thought into your stance and are just going with the flow to follow up for an 'easy' lynch. Everyone else thinks that you are scummy. Therefore I cant do anything more to convince people at this point of time.
You and BH are probably not on the same scumteam but I have a way more sure read on you than on BH. BH, is Holyflare a noob or not?
On October 02 2013 13:56 Blazinghand wrote: Really i currently for example have no reason whatsoever to believe, say, Sloosh is town, since he hasn't really posted, but that doesn't mean I'll vote him. in my opinion there needs to be a certain critical mass of evidence before i'm willing to cast a vote, even a pressure vote. Thats your opinion, everyone is entitled to one.
Actually BH, lets say someone obviously fakeclaims like cop. Would you instantly vote for him?
ok im really gonna go now.
Play nicely guys.
Hey marv what do you think of BH?
Dirkzor, why havent you voted for someone else yet?
I read/detunneled.
##vote Dirkzor also sheeping marv is cool.