Golden Sun: The Broken Seal Mini Mafia
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United States274 Posts
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Old Partner
United States274 Posts
On September 11 2013 05:41 FirmTofu wrote: If DarthPunk dies N1, I will give him a virtual cookie to compensate. I will do it! I'll shoot DP N1 if I am scum ![]() | ||
Old Partner
United States274 Posts
Can't stop the signal, Mal. | ||
Old Partner
United States274 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [notes] + Up through P6 Koshi says policy is "lynch scum". joking? meaningful? what does this mean. says that grack is not a troll. votes SnB for saying "ok but how will you make sure the rest of town doesn't lynch not scum" in response to policy post. wtf? SnB notes PS is coaching a newbie game and asks about it. This is actually pretty next-level and tells me he is town. why is PS and Koshi voting SnB for trying to figure out who PS is? SnB noticing PS in a newbie game and making this connection... means he is probably town. This kind of extra level of thinking is something a town who is honestly trying to figure things out would do. Grack is policy lynching kush. I am okay with this-- kush is illegible. TL towns don't policy lynch nearly enough. P7 Koshi's thing about SnB's word choice is stupid. his word choice being different could be because he has a different alignment, but could be do to any other number of variables, including being presented with a novel "policy" Kush is trolling and I feel stronger about grack's policy vote on kush. His aggression towards kush seems a little over the top but it's okay. Vayne comes in and is actually making a lot of sense. I'm glad he was here at this time. Papasmurf swapping votes to VA seems pretty obviously a knee-jerk reaction. Judging from his word choice, high post count, and the way he moves his votes in response to innocuous statements, he is probably BH. I know you think this kind of thing is real pressure BH/PS, but it's really not. all it does is make your vote meaningless. I revise my read in papasmurf from scummish to townish if he is really BH-- this is how BH plays as town. Vayne's post #137 further reinforces my idea that he is town. His questions are good but don't take into account who papasmurf is. I don't like SnB's #138 though. His responses aren't really meaningful and dont' promote discussion, but it looks like he's contributing. If SnB is scum, I'd be more convinced by hist post #138 than by the other posts he's made before that. P8 Papasmurf is being typical blazinghand in his argument with VA. VA equivocating in post #143 sounds like backtracking, but when you've got PS/BH on you for every little turn of phrase, posts like that get made. Still, a point against him. What is Koshi saying here? SnB's post here isn't scummy but it's not very well-thought-out. why ask all these questions in one post? of course you don't find someone defending you worrying, because he's DEFENDING you. VA's defense is reasonable and people's attacks on SNB prior to P7 second half are unreasonable, but VA has definitely defended SnB on relatively shakey grounds with SnB only had two votes on him. Who is SnB to say that VA wasn't "trying to be right" as so many scum do? What we have here is SnB 'wants' VA to be town, because he doesn't like the idea of being defended by scum. Not saying it's true/false, but SnB what you're doing here is stating a conclusion then looking for evidence to back it up, rather than the other way around. PS/BH with the classic "dumb or scum" statement. P9 VA's "my two cents" and "lol" strike me as odd in 162. Would you say that as town? off-handedly, sure. I like VA for town still. I could see him diffusing tension after this, though. I have questions for him. WoS's inactivity claim strikes me as very convenient. This should be considered a mark against him regardless of circumstances. GK's entrance is solid. It's the kind of question someone who just caught up reading would ask-- he's actually reading the thread for sure. So, now that I'm caught up, a few statements and questions S + Q 1. I know this game is very conversational, but all the spam and one-lining makes it difficult to read and analyze. Some people have that style, and it doesn't take that much longer to read, but it will take me a little bit of time to get used to it. I am glad that people are getting involved! 2. Yes, I am a smurf. I have played on TL before and thought I could use a new start... the hosts know about this and are okay with it. 3. I know we're long past policy, but since I am a smurf and don't have a history written out of what policies I like, here are my thoughts on policy: i. TL towns do not policy lynch enough, not by far ii. the policy lynch should be used D1, not any time close to lylo, since the d1 lynch is the least useful iii. the policy lynch must be stated with full willingness to follow through, and mislynch, as a result iiii. policy lynch should be used on fake-claimers, liars, lurkers, and players whose play is generally unacceptable. v. I may have a scumread today I consider more strongly than a policy lynch. I will be open as possible with my reads and thoughts so that i can be convinced, and convincing. I think our best play on D1 can be to policy lynch though... it makes play stronger. I am aware this is a controversial opinion, but it is also a good one. If you disagree with me, that is okay 4. This is @vayneauthority: despite the fact that you have interacted obliquely with Koshi, you do not mention him ever. Do you think he is town, or he is scum? What do you think of his initial vote on SnB for questioning his "policy" of lynching scum? What do you think of his "policy"? Why haven't you weighed in on him yet? 5. this is @SnB: you think koshi is "uncomfortable" and "projecting"... and you also say he is "silly". do you have a scumread on him or not? 5.b this is @SnB: what do you think of VA, in light of my notes on him? Would you say your perception of him is colored by his defense of you? taking that into account, do you see why he is viewed as scummy? 6. this is @papa_smurf: why did you smurf into this game? Are you really BH? After you unvote SnB you don't mention him again. Do you still have a scumread on him, or do you think he is town because VA is scum? | ||
Old Partner
United States274 Posts
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Old Partner
United States274 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [P11 and P12 notes[/spoiler] + P10 GK's question of grack is reasonable grack's response is also seems reasonable wow, I really like GK's followup analysis/summary in post #183. I hadn't realized this sort of contradiction in grack's reasoning. After all, it does seem weird for VA to have a strong townread so suddenly, but he did give a reason. the natural point to turn on thwn would be to engage that reason in discussion/analysis. WoS's followup looks town-motivated to me. I don't like that he calls SnB's unusually strong effort not-townie. SnB seems like a somewhat obvious town to me at least in terms of how he's thinking. If his usual level of effort is less than this, and he stepped it up, he should be town. WoS could really not know what to think of this, but i dont' see why this would not be a towntell for SnB. I haven't been paying an appropriate amount of attention to grack, and WoS's read looks like a solid one to me. He is jumping the gun by voting on small evidence, but perhaps that is his style-- all ##vote and no ##fos. I will be interested to see his target's regracktion to this attack. A standard call-out of a /confirmer and a name-claimer, nothing too special at the end there. Overall, I am less interested in a WoS lynch today after this post. If he will be posting like this regularly he is worth keeping around. His statement on Kush intrigues me. I am not familiar with Kush's meta other than that many players consider him bad/trollish. I don't understand VA's non-3p read. That's not a useful read to make at all. 8( Ah, here we see debears smurf-slipping, as mentioned to me. Papa_smurf, what a chump! VA is backtracking and equivocating again. This is not what I would expect a town player to do. his response to the debears smurfslip is immediate suspicion based on... lying? P11 It looks like now there is a discussion about Aperture mafia and these players interacted there. PS/DB's read on VA's early strong read (something that scum would do, say, on a townie to collect towncred) is supposed to not make sense given that PS/DB played with VA in Aperture. I'm not sure why PS/DB backs off from VA here. 1. @VA, if you are accusing PS/DB of not understanding your meta and hiding that fact based on events in Aperture, you should quote, link, or otherwise point us towards the incrongruity. 2. @WoS, I would like to know about your read on SnB. SnB's finding out that PS is coaching a newbie game, then asking him about it, strikes me as townie. After all, making that connection is not something he'd have to do as scum. Townies inherently are trying to find things out about the game, whereas scum are trying to conceal. You also make a meta note that SnB is trying much harder to help and be productive this game. Why doesn't this result in a townread on SnB for you? I'd like to hear your thought process. 3. @VA (again), I'd like to know specifically what lead to your non-3p read on WoS. You say it was just a joke, but this is the second time you have backtracked/equivocated. I'm willing to accept it as a joke, especially with the smiley face, but what brought it to mind? Why, in a post in which you explicitly buddy WoS, do you say your read on him is non-3p, and not say, townie? I know you have history with him, but surely you'd prefer to just call him town? 4 @PS/DB, I am okay with kush's policy vote on WoS-- it is not a scumtell. I am willing to policy lynch kush based on his previous play, but we have not come to that part of the day yet. There is much to see and talk about first. Would you be interested in policy lynching kush? unless we have a vigilante, we can expect him to be a burden at LYLO. he has said and analyzed nothing, and his taste in culinary television is questionable at best. | ||
Old Partner
United States274 Posts
Also: when I go to bed tonight, I won't be back before the lynch deadline tomorrow. I'll wake up a little early in the morning so if anyone leaves me an urgent message (say my name, Old Partner and I will CTRL+F it) I can swap my vote or something before work. During the weekend, of course, I will be around for any deadlines. I'm going to continue catching up in the thread and will post again once I have done so. | ||
Old Partner
United States274 Posts
P11 thoughts Kush do you play on mafiascum? I don't recognize your SN. This is not on-topic though, and is part of the reason why you are a good policy lynch today. P12 pandain seems like a buddying dude but otherwise reasonable. I like that he agrees with my catch on SnB reading up on papasmurf coaching. That being said, I don't consider this to be alignment-indicative. I consider his thing stating zealous seeming town then being "a lurker" isn't necessarily contradictory. He's just wrong. I'm sure scum get rolenames to claim. Overall this isn't a very interesting entry post by him, but the one thing I like is he isn't sure about my alignment. It would be easy for him to just call me town (or call me scum), but he is somewhat suspicious because of what i've revealed about my talents. This is a guy who doesn't want to be misled. Kush martyring. yeah, policy him. claiming that he's not gonna do anything D1. Definitely policy him. Like, honestly, what did you expect? We can't allow play like this. Pandain being on lurkers as a matter of policy is annoying but fine. not worth a D1 lynch based on that. Grack's case seems interesting but take a look at his reasoning. Pandain's post didn't analyze, but it's still fairly early in the game. His reasoning on SnB being town might be bad, but why doesn't that apply to my reasoning? Pandain not coming to a conclusion on me is based on his estimation of my skills. This is not a towntell, but it is not a scumtell either. His statements about policy lynches on grack, kush, and lurkers could be considered scummy, but honestly the entirety of grack's "case" in post 228 is fluff. It looks like Grack is taking a stance just to take a stance, and jumping on a guy who just happened to post. It looks like legitimate analysis, but it is not. For this post, I upgrade Grack from "not worth lynching D1" to "potentially worth lynching D1" and a ##Fos Grack. Papa_smurf gets points for his principled stand against the SnB town-read for out of game reasons. I disagree with him, but from his point of view, his own post out of the game thread seems "obvious" to notice. He misunderstands that SnB didn't say "look, PS is a smurf" and therefore SnB is town, SnB was looking into PS/DB's posting history to try to figure things out. SnB wouldn't be just hanging out in a newbie game, see? He didn't accidentally run into PS's out-of-game post. He searched for it. He looked for it. If SnB was coaching or hosting that game, then it would be a null tell. But the fact that he legitimately went out of his way and did research on PS tells us that he is trying to figure things out. Scum wouldn't care at all. Now, scum might be good enough at pretending to care, sure, yada yada yada. But it's still much more likely that SnB is town based on this. PS/DB here is wrong but in the way that a town player would be wrong. Here in post 232 I think Grack's interacting with PS is weird. PS is being normal, but look at what Grack says here. He doesn't try to convince PS/DB about his case. He's not collaboratively building a case or tryign to explain things. He's just being like "do you think panda is scum, what did i misinterpret." Your mindset as a town player, when interacting with someone you nominally assume to be scum (and PS is active enough to assume to be scum), is to convince him, not to butt heads with him. Post 233 by PS/DB shows imo how a townie thinks. He explains his thoguht process. P234 he breaks down his understanding of pandain's thoughts and what he thinks is scummy. Contrast that with grack's previous posts (not trying to explain thought process). Grack eventually tries to explain a little in #236 but honestly this is not very convincing. What he says after the "koshi has awaken" post is a little better. Still, I'd say after this interaction I'm leaning scummer on grack and towner on PS/DB just based on how they're talking. One is trying to explain a thought process, and the other (grack) had to be backed into explaining things. It's not a hard read, but it's something. P13 I like this first post from grack a little better. He's trying to involve koshi. that being said, I don't consider it inherently townie. getting a read out of koshi on this (and he has already provided one on pandain) isn't something scum wouldn't do. I see koshi disagrees with me on pandain's motives for putting some suspicion on me, but we can reasonably disagree on that. @rayn. I strongly think papa_smurf is town. his activity and his interacting with grack... it looks like he's trying to figure things out and he is being transparent with his thought process. There is 0 chance we should lynch PS/DB today. Rayn has an interesting critique of my initial posts. However, for the most part I suspect rayn wouldn't dislike anything I said if I just didn't include my notes in my posts. I can't say much in response to what he doesn't like about my posts here other than that he's overreacting. If he doesn't understand my questions, that's unfortunate for him. Probably the only damning thing that can be said about my initial posts, that rayn touches on but fails to focus on, is that I dont' call anyone scum, FoS, or vote. I don't take a strong stance. Stuff like "breaking up townies plans" as he said in post 257 is a bunch of horsecock. Rayn is attacking me for very weird reasons. As a result, I feel suspicous of him. That being said, this is somewhat reduced by the fact that he's chosen to attack me, a smurf and an unknown player. scum might be more hesitant to attack me. I just really don't like the way he chose to attack me. As a line of attack, it doesn't make sense from a town perspectiive. Why not focus on my lack of stance-taking, the obvious thing? Why jump through hoops about me "breaking up town plans"? I'm not ready to vote him, but at this moment I will ##FoS Rayn. P14 Koshi's list is meaningless. needs better explanation. Rayn points this out, but no town points for such an obvious point-out. The FoS stands. WoS for "general uselessness' ![]() I don't understand rayn's comparison between me and pandain. I see he brings up the reads thing, which means he was clearly aware of it but did not emphasise it in his previous follow-up posts. I don't understand what's going on in koshi's post #271. Rayn's response regarding the comparison between me and Pandain still doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If he's saying "Pandain is scummy", how does that make me scummy? If he's saying my posting is worse than Pandain's, why not just objectively point out how bad my posting is to Koshi? Sure, Koshi seems to have a scumread on Pandain and not me, but a good amount of what Pandain did was rehash points what I made, which is different than making those posts to begin with. Again, I don't like how Koshi responds to people. #274 in my opinion doesn't appropriately answer rayn's questions, even if rayn's questions are assinine. Zealos entering and just giving a nullread on kush is worthless. Therefore: ##FoS Zealos. The fact that this is his contribution at this stage in the game is not appropriate. Blubbdavid also appears at this moment. I like his posting on Koshi. No FoS or strong statement of scumitude other than an implied ##IGMEOY. A fluffly entrance. I keep him on my consideration for D1 policy. addendum: the vote is fine but the transition to grack, although it is a useful one (since grack is acting scummy) takes power away from the vote in the same post. is BD really trying to pressure or lynch Koshi when he's pivoting at the same time? Not FoS territory but I don't like it. P15 Koshi seems even weirder on me for stating he thinks my post is scummy, then in post #248 stating he didn't ever do so. A town player generally remembers when he has had his mind changed on a piece of evidence. Although town can forget what they think, it's more common for scum who don't actually think it but pretend to think it, to forget. As a rule of policy I will not be on Koshi today vote-wise (he's actually active... he will give himself away in the event of being scum) but at this point I will say that i will ##IGMEOY Koshi. BD's post of three scumreads, Koshi, Grack, and Kush, aligns with my own suspicions at this point. in post #291 he calls grack out very reasonably. The associative tells between unflipped players are dumb, though. I am unwilling to lynch BD today, just based on post 291, evne with his weird entrance. three good reads, though he should admit his reasoning for wanting to lynch kush is policy. Rayn's post #300 is essentially correct. GK called out grack's equivocation, and was spot on the money for it. A cookie to Rayn for this, and I'll downgrade my scumread on him. He's not worth lynching today, when he's interacting so much. ##unFoS Rayn ##IGMEOY Rayn P 16 At this point, I realize I've spent an hour writing notes on 2 pages, and somehow in the past 20 hours there have been 20 pages posted. I'm going to be a bit briefer in my notes now, since I need to cook dinner and I want to post this before I do that. Koshi's capitulation is a nullread. Kush scumslips here about scum being given fakeclaims. At this point I suggest we policy lynch Kush. ##vote kushm4sta we all know he could easily be scum and despite what people say, there's no way to read him. He's not contributing. This is our least valuable lynch. We lynch him today and end the suffering. Grack is wrong about what to do about kush. Why does he assume we have a vigilante? we sholud just lynch kush and be done with it. Grack's defense of me makes even lsess sense. I'm unuseful, but... he wants me to consolidate? I put my notes in spoilers and made my questions and statements on the bottom. I only made 2 posts, for chrissake. Has grack even read my posts? Snoman's attack on blubb and discussion of names is worthless. ##igmeoy: sn0_man rayn pressuring grack. good. P 17 rayn directing entering players towards his case. this is townie. definitely don't lynch today. Why doesn't grack want to read my two posts? Rayn states pandain is scummy and i am scummier, then says pandain is "golden" for criticizing me... but does pandain really think that? no. Come on rayn. @VA That's not a reasonable reason to not give a read on koshi. You can't just not give a read on someone because you were wrong before. If you're so reliably wrong, just think the opposite of what you want to think. Why are you so hesitant to give a read on him? also people arguing doesn't mean differing alignments ##igmeoy VA. Almost an FoS. What is this BS. Snowman gets a point for defending me, loses a point for criticizing glorious gifs. no change on my status on him. Va's case only follows after being called out. No credit. Grack jumping on board doesn't make me happy either. Rayn is asking the right questions. More points to him. He's not scum. ##unigmeoy rayn P 18 snoman hopping onboard the BD wagon is bad also. this is clearly a mislynch wagon. you're lynching a guy for giving reads that were fine. come on fellas good defesne from BD P20 at this point, still no comment on the kush scumslip. he slips under the radar like this Grack calling vig shots that should be policy lynches. snoman says kush is lynchable in general... instead of right now? why? If we lynch kush, we do it D1. he's right that as scum I'm more likely to slip up with this than any other style. Still, not my place to comment on this. P21 PS/DB an explanation of kush scum/town meta would be ncie rather than saying it exists and leaving it like that. god rayn get off my ass, it's not happening. I don't care about rayn's fakeclaiming history. we lynch liars. SnB needs to take a stance. I downgrade him to "null" for that post #417 P22 PS that's probably not a scumslip from rayn. that's just arrogance. bds' arguments were fine. We can't figure kush out. he's not worth anything, he doesn't contribute, we just lynch him today and be done with it P23 @VA I can also do so much. I will be around to interact now though P24 @Koshi the least active overall, or between me and Panda? Pandain clearly knows that grack's lgoic is flawed. Grack highly lynchable for it. I think we'll hear more from him though, kush is a more worthy D1 lynch. if kush isn't a viable option I am willing to vote grack. AGain, sorry guys, I'm only availle during certain time blocks P25 Pandain I feel is in part defending me here because his post mirrored mine. I am willing to concede that htis could be a scum attempt at buddying. That being said, he's in the thread and posting. this makes him not worth a D1 lynch. I should take a moment to explain my lynch philosophy here. We don't lynch people whose alignments will be clear by lilo. we lynch scummy people and people who won't prove themselves townie. Pandain at least is in the thick of things and posting. We can't afford to go into Lylo with "lylobilities" (think liabilities but for lylo) still alive. pandain loses some points as a result. rayn needs to explain his scumread on pandain. "too busy to make a good case" doesn't cut it. policy on onegus and sheeping on blubb doesn't cut it. ##igmeoy pandain, again, don't lynch him today P26 is his irl name really isaac P27 Rayn's list is bad. Zealos is an acceptable policy. 28 blue hunting is scum motivated, but is abjectly openly do it really scum motivated? get your shit together guys. I really have to go now, I will be back in about an hour and a half. you guys post too much SnB, why did you not respond to my questions we should lync kush, he will never be readable. ##vote kushm4sta ##FoS Zealos, ##FoS Grack ##igmeoy pandain, VA, sn0_man, Koshi I know this shit is a mess. I'm sorry. I will be back. | ||
Old Partner
United States274 Posts
I am done with dinner. I thought I'd start by clearing up some misconceptions, stating more clearly some questions that came up during my initial read, and of course contributing to my defense since it seems that Grackaroni has decided to OMGUS me. 0. Jesus H Christ I am sorry for the formatting of the notes. I had "word wrap" on in notepad and it interacted poorly when I pasted it in. Here are the notes with fixed formatting, same as in the previous post. please read them here and not there. + Show Spoiler [reformatted post] + + Show Spoiler + P11 thoughts Kush do you play on mafiascum? I don't recognize your SN. This is not on-topic though, and is part of the reason why you are a good policy lynch today. P12 pandain seems like a buddying dude but otherwise reasonable. I like that he agrees with my catch on SnB reading up on papasmurf coaching. That being said, I don't consider this to be alignment-indicative. I consider his thing stating zealous seeming town then being "a lurker" isn't necessarily contradictory. He's just wrong. I'm sure scum get rolenames to claim. Overall this isn't a very interesting entry post by him, but the one thing I like is he isn't sure about my alignment. It would be easy for him to just call me town (or call me scum), but he is somewhat suspicious because of what i've revealed about my talents. This is a guy who doesn't want to be misled. Kush martyring. yeah, policy him. claiming that he's not gonna do anything D1. Definitely policy him. Like, honestly, what did you expect? We can't allow play like this. Pandain being on lurkers as a matter of policy is annoying but fine. not worth a D1 lynch based on that. Grack's case seems interesting but take a look at his reasoning. Pandain's post didn't analyze, but it's still fairly early in the game. His reasoning on SnB being town might be bad, but why doesn't that apply to my reasoning? Pandain not coming to a conclusion on me is based on his estimation of my skills. This is not a towntell, but it is not a scumtell either. His statements about policy lynches on grack, kush, and lurkers could be considered scummy, but honestly the entirety of grack's "case" in post 228 is fluff. It looks like Grack is taking a stance just to take a stance, and jumping on a guy who just happened to post. It looks like legitimate analysis, but it is not. For this post, I upgrade Grack from "not worth lynching D1" to "potentially worth lynching D1" and a ##Fos Grack. Papa_smurf gets points for his principled stand against the SnB town-read for out of game reasons. I disagree with him, but from his point of view, his own post out of the game thread seems "obvious" to notice. He misunderstands that SnB didn't say "look, PS is a smurf" and therefore SnB is town, SnB was looking into PS/DB's posting history to try to figure things out. SnB wouldn't be just hanging out in a newbie game, see? He didn't accidentally run into PS's out-of-game post. He searched for it. He looked for it. If SnB was coaching or hosting that game, then it would be a null tell. But the fact that he legitimately went out of his way and did research on PS tells us that he is trying to figure things out. Scum wouldn't care at all. Now, scum might be good enough at pretending to care, sure, yada yada yada. But it's still much more likely that SnB is town based on this. PS/DB here is wrong but in the way that a town player would be wrong. Here in post 232 I think Grack's interacting with PS is weird. PS is being normal, but look at what Grack says here. He doesn't try to convince PS/DB about his case. He's not collaboratively building a case or tryign to explain things. He's just being like "do you think panda is scum, what did i misinterpret." Your mindset as a town player, when interacting with someone you nominally assume to be scum (and PS is active enough to assume to be scum), is to convince him, not to butt heads with him. Post 233 by PS/DB shows imo how a townie thinks. He explains his thoguht process. P234 he breaks down his understanding of pandain's thoughts and what he thinks is scummy. Contrast that with grack's previous posts (not trying to explain thought process). Grack eventually tries to explain a little in #236 but honestly this is not very convincing. What he says after the "koshi has awaken" post is a little better. Still, I'd say after this interaction I'm leaning scummer on grack and towner on PS/DB just based on how they're talking. One is trying to explain a thought process, and the other (grack) had to be backed into explaining things. It's not a hard read, but it's something. P13 I like this first post from grack a little better. He's trying to involve koshi. that being said, I don't consider it inherently townie. getting a read out of koshi on this (and he has already provided one on pandain) isn't something scum wouldn't do. I see koshi disagrees with me on pandain's motives for putting some suspicion on me, but we can reasonably disagree on that. @rayn. I strongly think papa_smurf is town. his activity and his interacting with grack... it looks like he's trying to figure things out and he is being transparent with his thought process. There is 0 chance we should lynch PS/DB today. Rayn has an interesting critique of my initial posts. However, for the most part I suspect rayn wouldn't dislike anything I said if I just didn't include my notes in my posts. I can't say much in response to what he doesn't like about my posts here other than that he's overreacting. If he doesn't understand my questions, that's unfortunate for him. Probably the only damning thing that can be said about my initial posts, that rayn touches on but fails to focus on, is that I dont' call anyone scum, FoS, or vote. I don't take a strong stance. Stuff like "breaking up townies plans" as he said in post 257 is a bunch of horsecock. Rayn is attacking me for very weird reasons. As a result, I feel suspicous of him. That being said, this is somewhat reduced by the fact that he's chosen to attack me, a smurf and an unknown player. scum might be more hesitant to attack me. I just really don't like the way he chose to attack me. As a line of attack, it doesn't make sense from a town perspectiive. Why not focus on my lack of stance-taking, the obvious thing? Why jump through hoops about me "breaking up town plans"? I'm not ready to vote him, but at this moment I will ##FoS Rayn. P14 Koshi's list is meaningless. needs better explanation. Rayn points this out, but no town points for such an obvious point-out. The FoS stands. WoS for "general uselessness' ![]() I don't understand rayn's comparison between me and pandain. I see he brings up the reads thing, which means he was clearly aware of it but did not emphasise it in his previous follow-up posts. I don't understand what's going on in koshi's post #271. Rayn's response regarding the comparison between me and Pandain still doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If he's saying "Pandain is scummy", how does that make me scummy? If he's saying my posting is worse than Pandain's, why not just objectively point out how bad my posting is to Koshi? Sure, Koshi seems to have a scumread on Pandain and not me, but a good amount of what Pandain did was rehash points what I made, which is different than making those posts to begin with. Again, I don't like how Koshi responds to people. #274 in my opinion doesn't appropriately answer rayn's questions, even if rayn's questions are assinine. Zealos entering and just giving a nullread on kush is worthless. Therefore: ##FoS Zealos. The fact that this is his contribution at this stage in the game is not appropriate. Blubbdavid also appears at this moment. I like his posting on Koshi. No FoS or strong statement of scumitude other than an implied ##IGMEOY. A fluffly entrance. I keep him on my consideration for D1 policy. addendum: the vote is fine but the transition to grack, although it is a useful one (since grack is acting scummy) takes power away from the vote in the same post. is BD really trying to pressure or lynch Koshi when he's pivoting at the same time? Not FoS territory but I don't like it. P15 Koshi seems even weirder on me for stating he thinks my post is scummy, then in post #248 stating he didn't ever do so. A town player generally remembers when he has had his mind changed on a piece of evidence. Although town can forget what they think, it's more common for scum who don't actually think it but pretend to think it, to forget. As a rule of policy I will not be on Koshi today vote-wise (he's actually active... he will give himself away in the event of being scum) but at this point I will say that i will ##IGMEOY Koshi. BD's post of three scumreads, Koshi, Grack, and Kush, aligns with my own suspicions at this point. in post #291 he calls grack out very reasonably. The associative tells between unflipped players are dumb, though. I am unwilling to lynch BD today, just based on post 291, evne with his weird entrance. three good reads, though he should admit his reasoning for wanting to lynch kush is policy. Rayn's post #300 is essentially correct. GK called out grack's equivocation, and was spot on the money for it. A cookie to Rayn for this, and I'll downgrade my scumread on him. He's not worth lynching today, when he's interacting so much. ##unFoS Rayn ##IGMEOY Rayn P 16 At this point, I realize I've spent an hour writing notes on 2 pages, and somehow in the past 20 hours there have been 20 pages posted. I'm going to be a bit briefer in my notes now, since I need to cook dinner and I want to post this before I do that. Koshi's capitulation is a nullread. Kush scumslips here about scum being given fakeclaims. At this point I suggest we policy lynch Kush. ##vote kushm4sta we all know he could easily be scum and despite what people say, there's no way to read him. He's not contributing. This is our least valuable lynch. We lynch him today and end the suffering. Grack is wrong about what to do about kush. Why does he assume we have a vigilante? we sholud just lynch kush and be done with it. Grack's defense of me makes even lsess sense. I'm unuseful, but... he wants me to consolidate? I put my notes in spoilers and made my questions and statements on the bottom. I only made 2 posts, for chrissake. Has grack even read my posts? Snoman's attack on blubb and discussion of names is worthless. ##igmeoy: sn0_man rayn pressuring grack. good. P 17 rayn directing entering players towards his case. this is townie. definitely don't lynch today. Why doesn't grack want to read my two posts? Rayn states pandain is scummy and i am scummier, then says pandain is "golden" for criticizing me... but does pandain really think that? no. Come on rayn. @VA That's not a reasonable reason to not give a read on koshi. You can't just not give a read on someone because you were wrong before. If you're so reliably wrong, just think the opposite of what you want to think. Why are you so hesitant to give a read on him? also people arguing doesn't mean differing alignments ##igmeoy VA. Almost an FoS. What is this BS. Snowman gets a point for defending me, loses a point for criticizing glorious gifs. no change on my status on him. Va's case only follows after being called out. No credit. Grack jumping on board doesn't make me happy either. Rayn is asking the right questions. More points to him. He's not scum. ##unigmeoy rayn P 18 snoman hopping onboard the BD wagon is bad also. this is clearly a mislynch wagon. you're lynching a guy for giving reads that were fine. come on fellas good defesne from BD P20 at this point, still no comment on the kush scumslip. he slips under the radar like this Grack calling vig shots that should be policy lynches. snoman says kush is lynchable in general... instead of right now? why? If we lynch kush, we do it D1. he's right that as scum I'm more likely to slip up with this than any other style. Still, not my place to comment on this. P21 PS/DB an explanation of kush scum/town meta would be ncie rather than saying it exists and leaving it like that. god rayn get off my ass, it's not happening. I don't care about rayn's fakeclaiming history. we lynch liars. SnB needs to take a stance. I downgrade him to "null" for that post #417 P22 PS that's probably not a scumslip from rayn. that's just arrogance. bds' arguments were fine. We can't figure kush out. he's not worth anything, he doesn't contribute, we just lynch him today and be done with it P23 @VA I can also do so much. I will be around to interact now though P24 @Koshi the least active overall, or between me and Panda? Pandain clearly knows that grack's lgoic is flawed. Grack highly lynchable for it. I think we'll hear more from him though, kush is a more worthy D1 lynch. if kush isn't a viable option I am willing to vote grack. AGain, sorry guys, I'm only availle during certain time blocks P25 Pandain I feel is in part defending me here because his post mirrored mine. I am willing to concede that htis could be a scum attempt at buddying. That being said, he's in the thread and posting. this makes him not worth a D1 lynch. I should take a moment to explain my lynch philosophy here. We don't lynch people whose alignments will be clear by lilo. we lynch scummy people and people who won't prove themselves townie. Pandain at least is in the thick of things and posting. We can't afford to go into Lylo with "lylobilities" (think liabilities but for lylo) still alive. pandain loses some points as a result. rayn needs to explain his scumread on pandain. "too busy to make a good case" doesn't cut it. policy on onegus and sheeping on blubb doesn't cut it. ##igmeoy pandain, again, don't lynch him today P26 is his irl name really isaac P27 Rayn's list is bad. Zealos is an acceptable policy. 28 blue hunting is scum motivated, but is abjectly openly do it really scum motivated? get your shit together guys. I really have to go now, I will be back in about an hour and a half. you guys post too much SnB, why did you not respond to my questions we should lync kush, he will never be readable. ##vote kushm4sta ##FoS Zealos, ##FoS Grack ##igmeoy pandain, VA, sn0_man, Koshi I know this shit is a mess. I'm sorry. I will be back. 1. Igmeoy is "I've got my eye on you" 2. I probably should have ##FoSed or ##igmeoyed SnB when I realized he hadn't responded to my questions. However, in my rush to finish things up I only had time to slap down a question for him about why he didn't respond. It didn't occur to me, but it is a reasonable point that I should call attention to him for dodging. ##FoS SnB 3. You're welcome to say that I don't understand where the thread's at at any given moment, and that's okay. It's a criticism of my read-through and I accept that. Honestly, it ended up more rushed than I thought it would be. The fact that we have like 30 pages of posts for halfway through D1 in a game with 15 players is pretty rough. It's easy to say "OP should know where the thread is and what's going on" when you were there live, or you had more than an hour or so to read through things. I made a mistake reading the thread, or I missed something. I'm sorry-- I'll do better. I'm here now and willing to discuss things. 3. On September 13 2013 11:19 kushm4sta wrote: So all policy votes on me, (which im pretty sure is all of them) should come off right now. Because I AM PROMISING to do shit tonight and if I don't you can auto lynch me. No. This argument is not persuasive at all. If you're really promising to do shit between now and the deadline, why should I unvote you now, rather than after this shit you plan on doing? 4. I have some specific questions from within my notes that I'd like to bring up for people. I am summarizing things here so that they cannot be ignored, despite Grackaroni's misleading accusations (which are really just stolen from rayn anyways. no credit for you grack) 5. regarding my particular style: it's different from how I play not in this smurf, but not different by a large amount. I'm smurfing because I want to experiment with a new style without getting lynched for meta reasons. why else would you smurf? Questions Here they are: 1. Why doesn't grack want to read my two posts? I get it that the one I just made was poorly formatted but that has been fixed now. 3. @snoman you say kush is lynchable in general... instead of right now? why? If we lynch kush, we do it D1 3.a in general @people who don't want to lynch kush. Do you really think he's readable? He's done nothing to indicate that, put no effort forward, and generally doesn't do so. He's 100% going to be a liability if he's alive at LYLO. you can pretend that it's not the case and try to be nice, but let's be honest-- if kush is scum and we don't lynch him on policy, we're not gonna somehow catch him acting differently. He always is the same. 4. @Koshi on p 24 you say we should lynch the least active. do you mean overall, or between me and Panda? 5. this isn't necessarily a question but I am willing to policy lynch Onegu or zealos instead of policy lynching Kush, but only if a kush policy lynch is not possible. Who else is interested in a policy lynch today? | ||
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You say I should be "engaging with the thread" and that's true, but right now the thread is basically just me. People have effectively bailed since I have posted my summary and questions. That being said, I will talk with you, since you are here. Is this still your position on Kush? On September 12 2013 16:08 Grackaroni wrote: Lets get real, Kush playing anti-town is nothing new from him. He does it as both alignments. If he doesn't start contributing, we vig him and we move on. Lynches should be used on players we can actually analyze. On September 13 2013 02:38 Grackaroni wrote: @Blubbdavid, If onegu doesn't start playing then he is a solid vig shot as well. I've played with kush before and I doubt he is going to start playing at this point, but there's no way of reading him so it's a waste of a lynch. We don't use lynches on anti-town players we use them on scum players. If we pushed lynches on players such as kush who play anti-town regardless of alignment, then everybody would be in agreement and drop their vote on kush and we would have no information for day2 You are the only player I can remember arguing that kush is likely scum. Everybody else is voting for kush as a policy. To punish kush for playing the way he does and to discourage him from playing like that again in future games. What happens if Kush is alive tomorrow because town has no vigis? Would you policy lynch him D2? You dont' think he's going to start playing, you think he's unreadable, and so you want to him to get vigged. We dont' know if there is a vig. If it turns out there isn't, then you MUST be onboard for a D2 kush policy lynch. Why not just lynch him today? | ||
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On September 13 2013 12:29 Grackaroni wrote: Your questions are really your main participation, nobody responds to your notes, and your only mention of me was why I didn't want to read your posts and many people have stated they don't want to read your posts. You mentioned before that my lack of engaging with people about my scum read is scummy so you must think that scum avoid doing that. (which you are avoiding) I'm not actually concerned about Kush right now. Kush can readable as town but oftentimes he chooses not to and trolls. judging from the start of the game I thought this was going to be one of Kush's troll games but now I think its more likely after his last 2 posts that he will start showing his hand one way or another. More concerned about Zealos/Onegu still being Mia if I was looking to lynch an unreadable. So you're basically saying that you expect Kush is gonna become readable. If he doesn't, (and he may not), and we don't have a vigi, then you MUST be planning to policy lynch him D2... which is terrible. | ||
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On September 13 2013 12:50 Grackaroni wrote: I think that came right out of the mouth of OP. Not sure if that's something I should read into. Really reread the game again because I don't think that's what's been going on at all. I don't jump on others targets, I make the targets. I began the push on Pandain, I wasn't the first to vote blubbers but I expressed my concern on him before Vayne did and as for OP, most of my reasoning is coming from Rayn but I did say before my dislike of OP's posting and added in my own points. Imagine a scenarion in which Grack is scum: You expressed "concern" about BD, then when town opinion shifted onto him, you had an excuse to vote. If town opinion hadn't shifted, your concern would be forgotten. This is a common scum tactic. And your attack on me has no new information in it, you're just parroting Rayn, which is very different than coming up with ideas. Sure, maybe you attacked pandain first, but you have been opportunistically sheeping ever since. | ||
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On September 13 2013 12:55 Grackaroni wrote: I think that lynches should be used on scummy players rather than anti-town players for 2 reasons, 1) they are more likely to be scum 2) their flip actually gives us information and something to analyze rather than, welp we all lynched kush and he flipped town. Least he's gone. Onegu next. I'm not happy that we have these 3 anti-town players right now that town will have to deal with, but if I think there is a player who has a good chance of flipping scum (you) then I'm going to lynch him. "town will have to deal with", you mean town will have to policy lynch. If there's even one scum in there and we don't lynch them all, we lose. Scum won't shoot them. A vigi might but there are three. Even if a vigi shoots, say, Onegu, we should at least policy lynch one of them today. You can say "oh, nobody cares about who voted what on a policy lynch" but the fact we're having a conversation about this right now proves you wrong. Policy lynches are necessary and nobody on TL is willing to admit it. If Kush flips scum/town that tells us about the people that defended/attacked him. Don't pretend people will wave it off as "oh, policy lynches don't count" when we're arguing about it this much. | ||
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On September 13 2013 13:08 kushm4sta wrote: @op the problem is if i flip town, that tells you nothing about the people who pushed OR defended my plynch. It certainly tells me less than it would if you flipped scum. That being said, look at it from my position, Kush. I personally am not able to read you. Some people claim it's possible sometimes, but it's not clear that they're really correct. So, it comes down to whether or not you've been helping this game. You've made one or two reasonable statements but not enough for me to get a townread on you. You've promised more action later, but haven't delivered yet. If you were in my shoes, wouldn't you be at least tempted to policy lynch you? What about the two players (zealos and onegu) who are hard lurking? | ||
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I'm Blazinghand. You know it's me because I used the word "Illegible" in this post and that word is my watchword for how I refer to people. I'm also claiming Survivor. I voted Zealos to save myself. I did it because I didn't want to die. I figured as BH, the master of shenannies, I'd pull it off, and I did. If you're going to vigi me, that's fine. But you should know the bullet is wasted. I will make this promise: I'll write a death post that will help town. If I get vigied, follow my reads. If I don't, i'll do my best to contribute before being policied tomorrow. Scum obviously won't shoot me, so my goal here is to help the town. My survivor crumb is the bolded "S" in this post. | ||
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On September 14 2013 07:13 Pandain wrote: I still think OP is town though. Like if in the same position I would've done that too. Your faith is commendable, but misplaced. Sorry! | ||
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