I'm seriously afk now, have to finish homework.
Golden Sun: The Broken Seal Mini Mafia - Page 5
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United States1399 Posts
I'm seriously afk now, have to finish homework. | ||
United States1399 Posts
##VOTE KUSH Kush, you've pushed people that are confirmed town or people that I have heavy townreads on all game and seem to have misguided priorities, Zealos looks scum to me as well, but you're present. Hopefully, with another day of actual things to talk about Zealos will show up and talk about something relevant. If not, I'll go right back to him. | ||
United States1399 Posts
was rereading koshi, I disagree with him on some points, but I'll trust his read on kush. | ||
United States1399 Posts
On September 17 2013 17:25 Koshi wrote: kushm4sta, Oatsmaster, raynpelikoneet, Grackaroni The Awesome Town Team. Don't-dare-to-fucking-touch-them-town. Umasi, Mr Snowman, Strongandbig Not yet part of the cool kids club. But town. Umasi too dramaqueen, Snowman too agressive for scummer. Small filters though. Strongandbig Wanted to place you with The "Red" Smurf. But you somewhat deserve to be 1 step above him. (little step) Papa_Smurf scum 4. If Zealos is town. Here you got the scummer. I already made cases in the past. Reasons: 1) 45% of his yelling he says Kush is scum, as the Kush meta-master he made some silly case in the start that nobody believed, even though debears knew Kush was scum from Kush his first post (debears was still incognito), he never revelead his awesome metaread and was never able to convince anybody from the awesome town team that kush is actually scum. This doesn't bother Debears at all. 2) 45% of his other yelling is saying I am scum. He retracted that recently. 3) PS his debunking of cases against him and his talk about setup is intelligent and easy to read. PS his scumhunting is messy and no intelligence is radiating from it. Look at the N1 post. When he was still undercover I could actually follow his logic. Too bad that didn't last long. Why aren't you a scummer? There are things that speak in your advantage, no need to talk about them though. Turn around and join the Awesome Town Team. Zealos sigh. You being scum is sadly too easy, nothing in your filter says you are scum. You are scum because: 1) BH picked to change his vote to you last second while blubb was the obvious change if he wanted to claim survivor. 2) Pandain decided it was better to spare your life. The good part is that you can also be a bad SK. Not as bad as CaucasianAsian played SK in NWM, I can give you that. Pandain I don't like shit about this guy. I had somewhere a flare of maybe this guy isn't scum vibe after he gave me a townread N1 and a scumread on OP. But I don't think Pandain and PS are both scum. Pandain has an higher chance to be scum. Read the Kushm4st3r his awesome posts for more reasons. Also this: I told you I was the strongest townie! VayneAuthority VA knows 1 thing, if I can get to lylo I can't let the town circlejerk that is rayn, Koshi, kush be. So he needed to put some distrust between us. I already made a case against VA in the past, that point stays. He also picked a shitfest with me after the Grack-claims-veteran debacle. I thought for a second that it was to get me off the PS trail but Grack already did that so nah. Maybe VA just loves to pick fights with me when we are from different allignments. Anyway, VA didn't even comment on anything else. Funny fact: VA did nothing that entire night except pick a fight with me, even though there was enough to talk about. After I left and he blamed me some more he didn't even do anything else himself! This isn't enough to convict VA. I realize that. But I know this for sure. VA is anti town. I know it in my bones. I have the weakest case against VA but he is scum/SK w.e I am certain he is not playing for town. Conclusion: Lynch VA or Pandain. Specifically this. I'm not sold on Vayne and Pandain, and think papa smurf is townie....but that leaves what, zealos? There are pretty compelling cases for why zealos isn't scum. I want to lynch him because he's anti-town, but I'm not sure :| | ||
United States1399 Posts
back to square one. Not sure he's scum, but he's almost definitely anti-town. | ||
United States1399 Posts
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United States1399 Posts
and I'm getting kind of an ominous feeling from my qt with smurf, but I can't actually explain why. not because it's like, private, but because I'm totally lost. He's seemed pro-town, but it still does not..feel right? fuck it. Still thinking it over, /afk for a bit | ||
United States1399 Posts
'This is why I think Kush is scum: He made a huge scum slip early on. He said that scum were given fake claims, but there was no way he would know that. He later said he immediately asked the host if scum were given fake claims after he got his role. No one would ask that after getting their role, it's a pretty obvious lie to me. So he revealed inside scum knowledge which he shouldn't have had. Furthermore, he is trying to, in my eyes, have a "don't give a fuck" demeanor. Notice how much he is like "yo lynch me " and "you'll never lynch me!", he's trying to make himself seem just like a troll. In reality, however, when he was being threatened to be lynched he shaped up, and also there's no reason to "make" yourself seem like a troll as obviously as he is. There's a difference between being a troll and seeming like one.' ~Pandain that's from the mason qt, he explains his thought process behind kush there. was a while ago, he talks about the fake claims slip. idk if it's relevant to you guys, figured I'd throw it in here Aside from that, I'm specifically not sold on sn0 being scum atm, my read from PS differs there. Kush is townie both for koshis read on him and his sk discussion (he actually considered it,), Pandain and PS are both pretty townie imo, vayne is someone I won't lynch for the day, so that kinda just leaves oats. ##vote oats | ||
United States1399 Posts
:| ##unvote | ||
United States1399 Posts
D=dibbers D 'first things first Why in the hell did you mason me?' D 'and just to make it clear. I don't quite trust you right now. Me as your second pick as mason is very odd in my opinion. I would have imagined you'd mason raynp.' D 'or, actually, would I be your third? Since it's a full day thing' U 'I'm new to masoning, first of all, but whatever you want I guess. You're one of the three strong players in this game imo, (pandain and vayne are the other two), so by masoning you guys two things happen: If you're town, yay, that helps me figure the game out, and you get a free cop check effectively by knowing I'm town. If you're scum, it gives me and town more to go off of, since I'll just post the logs. Anyone is a good choice. Masoning rayn is not necessarily the best choice because although he's very townie, he isn't the best person to bounce reads off of (imo) but I'm bad, so w.e What do you think of Zealos?' U 'you are my second, I don't get one cycle one. I went Pandain>You I am afk for class, will be back around 830 pst, may not post immediately though' D 'yeah i get the raynp stuff, but I feel like he's actually a lot better 1 on 1 than he is in thread. Doesn't have to show his dick in a mason chat. Anyways, zealos obviously hasn't given a fuck all game. I have a post coming up in thread. Literally, I have only 4 people left that don't look town overall Zealos, VA, sn0, kush I would think at least one of those is SK, and at least one is scum. Could be possible that the last 2 scum are in that group. But, the only way I see that is kush/VA and Zealos/Sn0 Otherwise mafia wouldn't have enough thread presence. I think Raynp and Pandain are town right now. They both have just looked town overall. I could see both being scum if one is, just because of their mannerism's on day 1 (raynp going "OP way scummier than Pandain"). But alas, they look town.' D 'btw I don't see it entirely out of the realm of possibility that you are a mafia mason, but since a second hasn't surfaced I would find it unlikely that you are' D 'ok I really want to lynch Kush today. Zealos is a close second. VA would be third, then sn0. Kush's case was definitely a misrepresentation of me. He brought it up when BH was the obvious lynch choice day 2, then votes me and tries to start a wagon. -His only case is on me, and it's completely wrong -He says I haven't addressed his case, yet I made multiple posts with multiple quotes to refute it -Kush may be a bad player, but he doesn't just go around misrepresenting people in meta cases so badly -Kush can not be this confident in his case when very little people in the thread see his case as right (along with the fact that I know he's wrong). -His suspects are Me, Grack, and Panda d2. I see panda and grack as pretty town right now. I am town. Kush cannot be this wrong as town -Kush considered Koshi very strongly town. Koshi ended up getting nked -kush ended up voting blubb, who was town ok next post on zealos' D 'zealos -doesnt give a fuck -vote on kush (not involved in saving himself or actually voting scum). Super weird. -He said some weird stuff d2 if I remember correctly. OP voted zealos, which is possible if they are both scum, but unlikely. Scum having a plan to buy towncred by bussing each other d1 with a townie in the running wouldn't be a good risk to take as mafia. So, I would think mafia thought Zealos was town>>>>>Meaning I think zealos is most likely SK. There's possiblity of scum I don't see zealos more likely scum than kush Also, the way kush shit up the thread n2 was alarming. The thread seemed to have really good unity (which I call it that now knowing koshi actually was town and I think raynp is town), but kush comes in "you guys are dumb PS, grack, pandain scumteam"' D 'I remembered now. Koshi was most likley shot n1, due to the fact VA claimed RB and SnB claimed RB n1 (which we now know must have been true). there was a nk missing n1. Koshi was a vet So, we should look strongly at peopple with townreads on koshi since d1' D 'btw whats the plan in terms of revealing the masonry to the thread? Do we wanna do it now or later?' 'http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=19772269 also look atthis post of kush's. It's a post that comes across as "trying to hard to put across that point that I am town". I've never seen kush make a post like this as town' D 'http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=19775708 town don't call people sk then call them scum' D 'oh i read your logs with Pandain. That strengthens the town read thing. Him and I on the same page again. LOL' D 'btw do you know much of grack's playstyle as town and scum? Kush keeps making a big deal of my town read on grack, but not my town read of pandain And thinking back to how kush does point out the scumslips in his teammates play, this could possibly point to grack as scum. Because, one thing, kush is right that gracks vote off of OP saved OP by starting the counterwagon. ^^the above is mainly theorycrafting though' U 'I'm back, yes I told pandain I was going to claim. You can tell the thread I mason-ed you whenever you want, your discretion. I'll tell the entire thread at the end of n3 during the locked period if you do not. I do not know about gracks playstyle. Kush has been all over the place, he had an unexplained accusation of GK (me) d1, that softly persisted till d2, until he was like 'umasi's scum' I responded by saying 'no u' or something ridiculous (not gonna go look) and he's like 'i rescind my scumread' I don't know why it existed in the first place, but it all read as unnatural. BH was more important to clear up so I didn't push it too hard. Zealos fucking slip with koshi was obviously false, (otherwise koshi would have flipped scum), so idk what was up with that. Oats laughing at it is still weird imo, but lots of people townread oats so it's something I can overlook. Pandain had a really good point: Kush tries to look like he doesn't give a shit, as in, he specifically aims to have that demeanor in thread, but he hasn't done very much thought-through scum hunting, at least that I can follow. He and Zealos are both people I would like to lynch. Rather, with kush, he hasn't been pro-town, but he's tried to seem like he is, and lots of his posts break the flow, which I always think is scummy (as you mentioned) Sn0 imo is townier than zealos, and vayne is townier than kush. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessag...urrentpage=144#2866 don't like that post very much, it seems counter-productive, idk why though. just reads as strange.' D 'yeah he's definitely thinking sk a little too much for a townie. Like SK shouldn't be that big of deal. Mafia should be worried because SK can accidentally shoot a mafia' D 'and what do you think of the zealos sk read?' D 'btw if raynp or pandain is sk, I'm gonna bet that the other is scum. Just keep that in mind in case I die' U 'yeah it's strange that he accuses you twice like that, and how he flippantly calls people scum the moment they accuse him. Zealos still has not improved at all though, so I'm inclined to lynch Zealos instead of Kush. How much of what blazinghand said this game should be taken seriously, and how much was wifom? Do you think Zealos is townier because BH went with me at the end of D2? (for the record, that was just me messing around, I would have swapped back to BH)' U 'Zealos I guess could also be SK. He's certainly not town, though.' U '(I also think what BH did at the end was wifom, obviously)' U 'If I could have my choice of lynch today, I would rather have the serial killer lynched though, because that would reduce the KP in the game, but it's easier to search for scum.' D 'I'm not saying zealos isn't scum from anythhing BH said, I'm saying zealos is less likely scum than his play indicates due to the BH voteswap onto him at the end of d1. Seriously, the odds of one scum bussing another d1 is very unlikely when a townie is right there with the same amount of votes. With the BH swap, it was BH - 5, Zealos-4, Blobb-4 IF zealos was scum, why would BH switch tohim over blobb? The towncred you gain from that a d1 bus really isn't that great, and usually does not last till endgame' U 'it's annoying, I'm not sure vayne is scum, but he says my townreads are scum :/' D '/m36 His reads line up with kush's too.....I just don't see grack AND Pandain AND Raynp being scum. Like, I could see one, and grack would be most likely out of the 3' D 'anyways. I think our decision comes down to this. Do we want to get rid of kush's disruptive thread presence (and lynch scum) Or Do we want to try to reduce kp or lynch scum (lynch zealos)' U 'agreed. Pandain is almost definitely town. Kush is admittedly a pita, but koshi had a strong town read on him, if you'll remember' D 'oh lol i forgot about that koshi read on kush I literally was convinced that Koshi was scum.......whoops Unfortunately, my meta reads on kush are apparently obsolete because he changed his meta. I don't really see how someone can decide he is town based on meta because persona is apparently the only game that he has been like this (at least to my knowledge). In persona though, he was really good apparently. Here, his scumreads, off the top of my head: GK (you) Me Grack Panda Like, that's 4 of the top 5 towniest players at this point. I don't see town kush being that wrong if he was as good in persona as people say. That, combined with the fact he doesn't make cases, besides the terribly wrong one on me, just screams scum.' D 'regardless, I'd be down with a zealos lynch. I don't think we can go wrong with either right now. If only we could double lynch today o.O I start gettin impatient past d2, considering I haven't really played past that point in a while.' D 'there is one question that is really bugging me. Why in the hell did scum choose to shoot koshi n1 instead of Pandain (that of course is assuming Koshi did get shot, which I don't really see a way he didn't unless mafia has a vig and doublestacked him). Like, if I was scum, I would have recognized right away that Pandain is pretty good. Like scum nk priority: Confirmed town Analysts Blues I don't think anyone really has asked that question yet. Maybe he was a bluesnipe? I don't see Koshi having as strong analyst skills as Pandain' D 'I was gonna say maybe its like Marv/Hapa where they both keep the other one alive just to keep suspicion off themselves for a couple of days b/c of nks. But BH had claimed survivor right after lynch, so he wouldn't need that reason. Hmmm. The only other option besides bluesnipe is that koshi was on to something, unless they felt like he truly was most town' U 'Well.... that's a really good question, I'll keep thinking about it (the pandain one) Koshi was certainly regarded as more townie than Pandain Maybe koshi was really really correct. One things for sure, he was definitely pushing discussion, I felt, so that's why he'd be townier than pandain. One of the things that confuses me about pandain, why would he find town for us if he was scum? He makes a townread on koshi, rayn, and me, and grack if I recall correctly.' D 'The reason for the question was not to question pandains alignment. It was to think about whether scum shot for read accuracy, or townieness. If koshi was looking much more townie to you, then I'd say townieness' U 'oh. thought it was a 'why DIDN'T pandain die?' deal I think it was just towniness.' D 'Ok I misread the rb question to the host. if koshi wasnt shot n1, then there would be a dr/jk or another vet. Hmmm. Idk mason vet cop (infered from the godather flip) Dr/jk? So 4 blues in 15 player game with a sk? I guess it could make sense. It would also possibly mean that pandain was targeted n1' D 'The other possibility is that scum hit the sk n1, if there isnt a doctor/jk, but with 2 kp a night a doctor would make sense' U 'yeah I think that there's a doctor, that seems to make sense. Cop doesn't have to be present even with the godfather, though. Scum probably shot koshi twice though, n1 and n2, since we've only had two roleblock claims, or scum shot SAB and the serial killer shot koshi, and his shot goes through and one shots no matter what.' D 'well, if vayne is scum, then he lied about the rb. Then we know there's a doctor or that the sk got shot n1 (if the sk if 1 kp immune)' D 'i don't think we can garner support for a kush lynch. You still thinking zealos? There's a part of me that doesn't really mind grack being lynched, because he d1 voteswap did start the "save OP" bandwagon. His play has just looked town though overall. But, then his vet claim d2 could have been to fish for a reaction from koshi, who ends up being shot AND is the veteran.' D 'yeah im unvoting kush. No one wants to lynch him still (so much fucking resistance to his lynch all game) zealos or grack' D 'btw. If grack is scum, the only way Pandain is not town (sk or scum), is if raynp is sk or scum' U 'I do not want to lynch vayne today, but Zealos is probably not the right choice. The biggest thing imo about kush is koshis read on him, I'll trust koshi on this. Koshi, when you read the logs, know that is kush is scum IMABEPISSED grack......really is not someone I want to lynch, but I could go for it.' D 'btw if you think I'm town. We need to stop Pandain from being lynched today if that comes up' U 'if I don't think you're town, I need to push pandains lynch? (I'm obviously kidding) I have a few things I'd bring up if people were to get momentum on it going, namely, his openness with reads and willingness to push discussion forward d2 when BH was a surefire lynch' D 'It's been kinda scary how on page Pandain and I have been this game. Like, if he is scum, I'd be impressed.' U 'he specifically recommended you as a mason target, iirc' D 'Yeah I saw that. Anyways I'm gonna type up this zealos post hopefully within 30 minutes. If it goes like I remember, should be pretty damning sk case' D 'phew done. that took a while cuz actually there was more in zealos's votes and filter than I even expected in terms of SK tells. Writing the case confirmed it for me.' D 'lol this is funny. I kinda have a possible scumtrap for kush already set up and i didnt even know it' U 'yeah, zealos looks pretty fucked. if he just gives up, it confirms him for sk even more imo what's the scumtrap for kush? unless you think we're scum together in which case you obviously shouldn't tell me :3' D 'nvm kush actually read my zealos case that was the trap btw. If he didn't read it, I was gonna go off, but it seems like he is actually considering it point by point' D (BOLDED FOR IMPORTANCE)Alright I think it's time to claim to you I am Jesus Christ. I have the powers to raise the dead, walk on water, split the bread, and sacrifice myself for the greater good of town. I can use each ability each night Raising the dead does just that Walking on water makes me nk immune Splitting the bread allows me to split my votes into as many votes as I want And self sacrifice ends the game and makes town automatically win If you can't tell by now this is a joke ![]() D 'For the rest of the day, I'm gonna try to focus on figuring out the scummers. Like, it's gotta be right there staring at us in the face, but I can't quite put my finger on it.' U ''oh man you had me going!' I'm pretty lost too, throw whatever thoughts you have about it at me.' D 'Well, now its time to find mafia lol. my internet is out so im posting from my phone. itd have to be grack or sn0 at this this point' D 'My main problem right now is, I can save myself and have to deal with this dumb bullshit the rest of the game,or I can just let you guys take the reins and catch all da scum after I flip.' D 'My main problem right now is, I can save myself and have to deal with this dumb bullshit the rest of the game,or I can just let you guys take the reins and catch all da scum after I flip.' D 'ill like santa. I'm making a list, checking it twice, seeing who's been naughty or nice. Sn0 and kush keep looking worse doood' U 'well, problem with me taking the reins is I'm fucking AWFUL.' D '/m85 how you talk down about yourself is very very weird. Art thou a newbie?' D 'lol u went 4-0 in newbies. You're only the second person to do that. Behind me ![]() very odd indeed' U 'just finished my newbie games. so technically no... but yeah, pretty much my town play is basically 'find strong players and sheep them', so mason-er is good for that, you'd think. actually makes me more confused!' U 'lol am I really? that's really awesome haha' D 'eh yeah you don't play the newbie card in ur scum games.' chronological from top to bottom, I omitted certain things because they were A: not relevant or B: too relevant and shouldn't be talked about yet. I won't tell you what they are, if you ask me for them, I still won't tell you! | ||
United States1399 Posts
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United States1399 Posts
SEE MASON LOG (jk) | ||
United States1399 Posts
On September 20 2013 06:03 kushm4sta wrote: #1 your checks are awful #2 your breadcrumbs are exactly the same type as OP's (capitalization of a letter) he has way more crumbs total though.. and it's more than just the capitalization of a letter. | ||
United States1399 Posts
United States1399 Posts
/afkz | ||
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