Yup. I've given straight up answers as best I've been capable of.
I would say 95% sure that he's town.
I can follow his train of thought. He writes clearly and has a point. Where is this line of questioning going? I'm not seeing any point in this.
I'll give it to you in the morning after I've actually gotten some sleep. I never ended up doing a meta read on him from when you asked about him last and I haven't reread his filter since then.
I don't see a difference between his town games. Layabout's posting style as scum was constant one-liners and complete disinterest. As town he mixes between 1 liners, small paragraphs and random larger cases. I'm not seeing a meta difference and I'm not seeing the mentality of scum.
I think that in rereading, Vivax made an important point that got missed: GM/Nightmare=mason and town day Vig ??/The Mirror=mason and (presumed) third party BH/The Messenger=mason and scum
Now, we don't know how other unclaimed roles work, but we've at least been given proof that some roles (other than just VT) don't have their abilities attached to masoning. Here are the overall claimed and dead blues that exist right now: VE=Coward=Veteran WoS=Eye=DT TestS=???=Night Vig GM=Nightmare=Day Vig GK=Priest=Healer Vivax=Sword=Night Vig
Last game only had 5 blues and no town vigilantes. Ver's guide says 6-10 blues is standard (for a 30p game); I'm guessing 5-8 blues is the range we're looking at. My point in bringing this up is that if we do get another blue claim and/or another reveal, then I think we need to take serious consideration into looking at claimed but non-dead players. That said, I think that there's reason to suspect one of the WoS/TestSubject claims is false however I don't see a real reason to try and broach those until we're close to MYLO/LYLO.
While I think that there's still good reason not to wholly trust VE is town; 4 night deaths looks like scum have 2 KPs considering there was only 1 NK N1 (unless they doublestacked VE). That means that the claimed hit is confirmed making him likely town+ Show Spoiler + I wouldn't put it past him claiming a hit as 3P ; however, unless we see a The Mirror flip, then I don't see a reason to pursue him as BH flipped red and, in the least, force scum to hit VE out of 3P/good player fear.
All that said, I've read over both CC's and Wiggles filters and I prefer CC over Wiggles right now but I think we may hit with either. This post: + Show Spoiler +On March 20 2013 04:53 cosmicomics wrote:I don't understand why we are scrutinizing Wade Fell and not even glancing over at VisceraEyes. Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 13:03 VisceraEyes wrote: He has done nothing this game. The last game I played with him he aggressively pushed his reads and pressured suspects. He's done nothing like that in this thread. He showed early aggression based on weak reasoning, but all he's done since is defend GK. Literally.
There is nothing wrong with defending town reads who are potential lynch candidates. To say that "all he's done" is defend goodkarma may be true, but this point doesn't take into full consideration the context of the action. Many people were discussing goodkarma and deciding whether he should be the lynch or not, he himself included. Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 04:11 VisceraEyes wrote: For the record, I'm still very much good with a GK lynch. I just find myself more sure about DarthPunk having filtered him and thought about it. There should be absolutely no issue with Wade Fell defending whom he thinks is a town read, unless VisceraEyes suspects that both goodkarma and Wade Fell are scum, and that Wade Fell is defending goodkarma using fabricated evidence. Nothing in VisceraEyes' case indicates that he believes this, so there is no town alibi for saying this. Not only that, but a glance at Wade Fell's filter shows his interaction with TestSubject893 and ThePeashooter, which VisceraEyes totally ignores, even though earlier on in the day he acknowledges' one of Wade Fell's posts on ThePeashooter. Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 00:21 VisceraEyes wrote:Re: ThePeashooterOn March 17 2013 16:17 ThePeashooter wrote:On March 17 2013 15:58 DoYouHas wrote:On March 17 2013 15:50 ThePeashooter wrote: Wadefall, consolidate your shit. I played one game of dota and somehow 80 fucking posts popped up and you are nearly a quarter of them. Nothing demotivates me more than a game that gets spammed to shit. I was really happy we weren't heading for a 100 page Day 1. You are just going to have to get over it. We are at a point where we can actively discuss the merits of cases and wagons instead of just hoping that a brilliantly written case will gather enough sheep to lynch scum. It's a good thing. I have no issue with posting content and I never will, even if it means 100 pages in a day. My issue is with posts like this comprising 25% of the last 80 posts. + Show Spoiler [It's fucking long] +On March 17 2013 14:14 Wade Fell wrote: why does everyone in this game and last game think I have like this massive ego
I just _happen_ to always be right, it doesn't mean I have a big head about it On March 17 2013 14:19 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:18 TestSubject893 wrote:On March 17 2013 14:14 VisceraEyes wrote:It has nothing to do with my role and everything to do with finding and destroying the scum.  So you wouldn't mind if people apply without the bold ## command then? We're in a normal game, it's not like the ## command does anything On March 17 2013 14:20 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:10 TestSubject893 wrote: BH, I'd appriciate it if you boosted your ego through winning instead of making easy meta calls.
Gee I'm sorry how many scum did I lynch during the first 2 days of the last game On March 17 2013 14:22 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:21 VisceraEyes wrote:On March 17 2013 14:20 Wade Fell wrote:On March 17 2013 14:10 TestSubject893 wrote: BH, I'd appriciate it if you boosted your ego through winning instead of making easy meta calls.
Gee I'm sorry how many scum did I lynch during the first 2 days of the last game To be fair, I lynched scum D1 last game. You helped, and your support was appreciated. Ok yes technically it was you, but I would have done the same if town elected me. On March 17 2013 14:23 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:22 TestSubject893 wrote:On March 17 2013 14:20 Wade Fell wrote:On March 17 2013 14:10 TestSubject893 wrote: BH, I'd appriciate it if you boosted your ego through winning instead of making easy meta calls.
Gee I'm sorry how many scum did I lynch during the first 2 days of the last game Gee I'm sorry that I easily won because only 2 people in the town knew how to try. It's not easy being one of the 2 On March 17 2013 14:24 Wade Fell wrote: man testsubject ok let me play it straight for you
oatsmaster fucked up my night check and I still got 2 scum lynched (ok like 1.5 whatever) and when I died town had it in the bag. You lucked into victory
lucked On March 17 2013 14:25 Wade Fell wrote: Also testsubject for a guy who's read the thread and can only say "geript and zare are candidates" you sure talk a lot of smack On March 17 2013 14:27 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:25 VisceraEyes wrote: Oh don't be like that BH Test did exactly what he had to do to win. Bitter. I am disappoint. I'm just mad at oats really On March 17 2013 14:35 Wade Fell wrote: I mean, I _assume_ a "lynch preference" is the same as a scumread, unless of course he is scum and would prefer to lynch town On March 17 2013 14:42 Wade Fell wrote: Testsubject is basically just making half-assed attacks on the D1 lynchbait kk On March 17 2013 14:45 Wade Fell wrote:Yeah I gotta admit the new GK post isn't super sexy :| but GK is not a sexy man. contrast his "promised post" in NMMXXIV though (link) and it's like exactly the friggen same. This is town GK. I'll even quote his post so you can see it and I like never do that + Show Spoiler +On August 16 2012 15:24 goodkarma wrote:Okay, my long promised "case post." I'm sorry for the hype, as this is going to be short and possibly a bit disappointing for those that were anticipating it + Show Spoiler +(like latest Batman movie disappointing  ) . But here's my case. It's going to be short and sweet.: A big part of day one is establishing a good future town atmosphere. To that end, there are several people that are not participating as they should. The guiltiest of these are: Jhuyt and Golbat. Jhuyt:Jhuyt is especially suspicious to me right now. I have read the recent case presented against him by Archrun above. I tend to agree heavily with his first point: about Jhuyt's experience with Solar's post history on TL being consistent with his posting. I'm not ready to call Jhuyt a liar, but claiming Solar is troll/emotional generally on TL requires further explanation. Upon looking through some of his posts, I haven't seen this to be the case. If he is lying, this is enough reason to lynch him. Now the other part of Jhuyt that is scummy is how wishy-washy he is in the limited amount of content he has posted. Let's look at his latest post. In bold are his current "reads" on certain people. Notice how hesitant he is to take a stance on anyone.: Show nested quote +On August 15 2012 20:18 Jhuyt wrote: Hmm, you're right, I should try to be more helpful.
On Solar: This is just how he is in general from what I've seen on TL, so I don't have anything there.
On Shady: Shady tries to control the game, which is an act that I don't often see in normal townies, I've most often encountered it when a scum tries to make everybody think he's the sheriff. It is, however, a game of high risk and relies heavily on the actual sheriff being useless. He might be the sheriff as well, and this is why I think the first day is kinda silly, I don't know what to think solely based on his posts, they seem consistent.
I still think that YourHarry is something scummy simply because his posting behavior is strange, on everybody else, I need more evidence before making up my mind. Also, he is currently the winner of the "lurker prize." It is clear from what he has contributed that he has little interest in scum hunting. Therefore: ##Vote: JyuhtConsider it both a vote based on scum behavior and on "lurker policy." In the absence of a stronger scum read my vote goes on him. Golbat:I expected more from you. I know that it really sucks being mislynched day 1, and I haven't ruled out your lurkiness as being from over-reacting to your poor play in XXII by playing almost the exact opposite of how you played then. But you have to step up and continue posting your reads. What got you in trouble then was vote-swapping without giving much explanation. As long as you give an explanation for your reads, don't be afraid to FoS and vote. What you're doing now makes you look just as scummy as how you looked in XXII. ##FoS: GolbatYourHarry:I haven't forgotten about you. However poorly I feel you'd be playing as town by playing the way you are right now, I can't say it would be inconsistent with what I'd expect based on your previous play. I'm not un-FoS-ing you but I'm not ready to vote you as my top scum read right now either. is it shit? yes. But that was town GK, and this is town GK On March 17 2013 14:46 Wade Fell wrote: Like look he LITERALLY calls golbat scummy for the same reason he votes Jyuht. That's not GK setting up a voteswap, that's just how the man thinks. On March 17 2013 14:48 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:46 VisceraEyes wrote: Wait wait that doesn't look the same at all. He gives a shitty summary of their play in this game and in that post he goes into detail explaining why he thinks the way he does. Ok yes in NMMXXIV he is more legit. He talks a bit about the play of the people, he's less shitty. But the idea that GK is bad because he's not evenly applying his criteria for scumminess, or that he's scum for having an easy swap is not correct. On March 17 2013 14:49 Wade Fell wrote: I will note one deviation from meta, though, and that is that town GK typically is asking questions of people and prodding a lot in thread, and this one is not. Still, though, his slow-movingness indicates town GK to me and not the quick-drawing scum GK from LVII On March 17 2013 14:53 Wade Fell wrote: :|
I don't like to think I'm wrong about this kind of thing. GK are you here On March 17 2013 14:56 Wade Fell wrote: Ok here's what I'm going to do
i still think GK isn't scum and testsubject IS scum. I know it's privileging the hypothesis but all the evidence around testsubject points to him being scum, and GK seems off but not entirely off. I don't want to be wrong, but if i'm wrong I want to be voting the right guy
So I'm going to go fluff my komodo dragon's feathers for a bit and think on this. Even though GK's statements all seem scummy his TONE sounds like town GK, and yes I know that's not going to convince anyone but it has me convinced right now. I'll figure out what his deal is and why this is town GK and i'll show you all who's right and who's wrong
testsubject be a man and post some serious case rather than flailing around like you are now if you ever want me not to lynch you today
On March 17 2013 14:57 Wade Fell wrote: tl;dr: I'm right and you're all wrong, I'm just not sure how yet. I will find a way On March 17 2013 14:58 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:57 GreYMisT wrote:On March 17 2013 14:45 Wade Fell wrote:Yeah I gotta admit the new GK post isn't super sexy :| but GK is not a sexy man. contrast his "promised post" in NMMXXIV though (link) and it's like exactly the friggen same. This is town GK. I'll even quote his post so you can see it and I like never do that + Show Spoiler +On August 16 2012 15:24 goodkarma wrote:Okay, my long promised "case post." I'm sorry for the hype, as this is going to be short and possibly a bit disappointing for those that were anticipating it + Show Spoiler +(like latest Batman movie disappointing  ) . But here's my case. It's going to be short and sweet.: A big part of day one is establishing a good future town atmosphere. To that end, there are several people that are not participating as they should. The guiltiest of these are: Jhuyt and Golbat. Jhuyt:Jhuyt is especially suspicious to me right now. I have read the recent case presented against him by Archrun above. I tend to agree heavily with his first point: about Jhuyt's experience with Solar's post history on TL being consistent with his posting. I'm not ready to call Jhuyt a liar, but claiming Solar is troll/emotional generally on TL requires further explanation. Upon looking through some of his posts, I haven't seen this to be the case. If he is lying, this is enough reason to lynch him. Now the other part of Jhuyt that is scummy is how wishy-washy he is in the limited amount of content he has posted. Let's look at his latest post. In bold are his current "reads" on certain people. Notice how hesitant he is to take a stance on anyone.: Show nested quote +On August 15 2012 20:18 Jhuyt wrote: Hmm, you're right, I should try to be more helpful.
On Solar: This is just how he is in general from what I've seen on TL, so I don't have anything there.
On Shady: Shady tries to control the game, which is an act that I don't often see in normal townies, I've most often encountered it when a scum tries to make everybody think he's the sheriff. It is, however, a game of high risk and relies heavily on the actual sheriff being useless. He might be the sheriff as well, and this is why I think the first day is kinda silly, I don't know what to think solely based on his posts, they seem consistent.
I still think that YourHarry is something scummy simply because his posting behavior is strange, on everybody else, I need more evidence before making up my mind. Also, he is currently the winner of the "lurker prize." It is clear from what he has contributed that he has little interest in scum hunting. Therefore: ##Vote: JyuhtConsider it both a vote based on scum behavior and on "lurker policy." In the absence of a stronger scum read my vote goes on him. Golbat:I expected more from you. I know that it really sucks being mislynched day 1, and I haven't ruled out your lurkiness as being from over-reacting to your poor play in XXII by playing almost the exact opposite of how you played then. But you have to step up and continue posting your reads. What got you in trouble then was vote-swapping without giving much explanation. As long as you give an explanation for your reads, don't be afraid to FoS and vote. What you're doing now makes you look just as scummy as how you looked in XXII. ##FoS: GolbatYourHarry:I haven't forgotten about you. However poorly I feel you'd be playing as town by playing the way you are right now, I can't say it would be inconsistent with what I'd expect based on your previous play. I'm not un-FoS-ing you but I'm not ready to vote you as my top scum read right now either. is it shit? yes. But that was town GK, and this is town GK They are the same structurally, because that's simply how he posts and thinks. That will usually not change between being town and scum. However, a difference I can note is how much more specific he is here, and how he cites specific examples, and tries to convince others that this is the correct choice. In his current cases and thread presnse, I do not get that feeling from him. I get the "Look at my vote and contribution!" feeling :| GK this would be a great time to rise to your own defense or something On March 17 2013 14:58 Wade Fell wrote: cause I got nothin
really On March 17 2013 15:05 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 15:02 TestSubject893 wrote:On March 17 2013 14:46 TestSubject893 wrote:On March 17 2013 14:42 VisceraEyes wrote:On March 17 2013 14:40 TestSubject893 wrote:Ok, VE, I can go into a little detail. geript:The RNG stuff doesn't seem very indicative to me, but the tarot card speculation rubbed me the wrong way. It seems like he's posting just to post. I really don't think anyone could think that speculating about similarities to tarot cards could get us anything, so it stuck out to me as scummy. zare:Zare's post here basically just seems like a summary. It struck me as an attempt to just blend into the crowd. He doesn't add anything to the discussion really, but takes 3 paragraphs to do it. Very much a feigning contribution kind of post. If I had to pick right this second I'd vote to lynch zare. How about you give me your thoughts on the overwhelming vote leader right now, GoodKarma? Thank you for providing your lynch preferences, but those points seem a little weak and the case on GK grows stronger with every post he makes. I'd like your thoughts on why the majority of voters are wrong and we should vote for one of your guys. Honestly, I totally null on him right now, not because of anything he's posted but because I don't really remember any of his posts and didn't take any notes on him. I guess I'll take this opportunity to look closer and get back to you. Ok, so I was looking through his posts, feeling pretty good about him, saying to myself "I could see him being town. I'm sceptical of all this SAST stuff too.", but then BAM. On March 17 2013 14:09 goodkarma wrote: I would say that my stance on VE has been that he was being silly. That coag attempted to go into the group though convinced me that I needed to be sure it didn't gain momentum as it was not a very pro-town plan. I'm not against "town circles," however, if they're done right.
This doesn't make sense as town to me. Even if he thinks its dumb "being sure it doesn't get momentum" is a waste of time for anyone but scum. Almost as much of a waste of time as your setup speculation on Ve's role in a normal game On March 17 2013 15:14 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 15:09 VisceraEyes wrote:On March 17 2013 15:05 Wade Fell wrote:On March 17 2013 15:02 TestSubject893 wrote:On March 17 2013 14:46 TestSubject893 wrote:On March 17 2013 14:42 VisceraEyes wrote:On March 17 2013 14:40 TestSubject893 wrote:Ok, VE, I can go into a little detail. geript:The RNG stuff doesn't seem very indicative to me, but the tarot card speculation rubbed me the wrong way. It seems like he's posting just to post. I really don't think anyone could think that speculating about similarities to tarot cards could get us anything, so it stuck out to me as scummy. zare:Zare's post here basically just seems like a summary. It struck me as an attempt to just blend into the crowd. He doesn't add anything to the discussion really, but takes 3 paragraphs to do it. Very much a feigning contribution kind of post. If I had to pick right this second I'd vote to lynch zare. How about you give me your thoughts on the overwhelming vote leader right now, GoodKarma? Thank you for providing your lynch preferences, but those points seem a little weak and the case on GK grows stronger with every post he makes. I'd like your thoughts on why the majority of voters are wrong and we should vote for one of your guys. Honestly, I totally null on him right now, not because of anything he's posted but because I don't really remember any of his posts and didn't take any notes on him. I guess I'll take this opportunity to look closer and get back to you. Ok, so I was looking through his posts, feeling pretty good about him, saying to myself "I could see him being town. I'm sceptical of all this SAST stuff too.", but then BAM. On March 17 2013 14:09 goodkarma wrote: I would say that my stance on VE has been that he was being silly. That coag attempted to go into the group though convinced me that I needed to be sure it didn't gain momentum as it was not a very pro-town plan. I'm not against "town circles," however, if they're done right.
This doesn't make sense as town to me. Even if he thinks its dumb "being sure it doesn't get momentum" is a waste of time for anyone but scum. Almost as much of a waste of time as your setup speculation on Ve's role in a normal game Do you disagree with his point? What town motivation is there to "make sure it doesn't get momentum"? If it's a waste of time, it's MY waste of time, not his. Commenting on it and discrediting it does nothing to find scum, especially if he doesn't find me scummy for it. Yeah okay his point is bad, and even pushing it wasn't helping any conceivable town agenda, even assuming he thought it was true :| On March 17 2013 15:14 Wade Fell wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 15:11 TestSubject893 wrote:On March 17 2013 14:53 GreYMisT wrote: TestSubject really hasn't said much of anything (hypocritical from me right?). The main thing that stands out to me about him is that a significant exchange between him and Wade Fell took place regarding punishing bad town play. TestSubject supports this argument with his main entrance post, calling for pressure against Coag. However, He doesnt attempt to pressure him at all, and really fails to significantly mention him.
I can see where he is coming from with his read on zare, but overally Test doesnt seem like the best lynch candidate to me at the moment. Pressuring Coag is moot as long as BH is willing to stick his neck out for him, and will be even less effective now that we've vocallized that we're not all that serious about following through with a lynch on him. I don't have as many opinions as others because I'm 16 hours behind everyone else on this game due to my internet being out....
On March 17 2013 14:57 Wade Fell wrote: tl;dr: I'm right and you're all wrong, I'm just not sure how yet. I will find a way How does this make sense as town? Read the longer post. Every single one of these posts was within an hour and I didn't even select every single post within that specific hour. At some point in life I might actually have to read the guys filter or rest of the damn game. Wade makes an excellent point about this post. Unlike Ryu who comments on the matter and lets it pass, TPS goes to the trouble of finding and quoting all of these Wade posts he didn't like. Why? What's the point? They're already in the thread once and he's bitching about it. WHY PUT THEM IN THE THREAD AGAIN? ##Unvote: goodkarma ##Vote: ThePeashooter You don't say that someone makes an excellent point, and then totally ignore it when evaluating their play. But that is what VisceraEyes tries to do. He sweeps away something that he himself called "an excellent point" and misconstrues Wade Fell as wasting all his time D1 defending goodkarma, which isn't even scum indicative as his posting shows. Additionally you can see in this post that VisceraEyes drops his initial case on goodkarma. The vote switch indicates that whatever point Wade Fell brought up was strong enough to pursue than his original case on goodkarma. Therefore, the magnitude of VisceraEyes' misinterpretation is greater for he is a hypocrite in saying that Wade Fell did nothing, when he himself asserts that Wade Fell made an excellent point. Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 13:03 VisceraEyes wrote: But that's not all he's done. Wade Fell is also a mason. I know this because he's been masoned to me all during this phase. He claims to have been masoned to GK during the day. All he's done in this mason convo has been push his same weak arguments he made in the thread at first, then just passively agree with anything I said. He wasn't trying to divine my alignment. And if his posts are to be believe he didn't mason GK to divine his alignment either. He's been masoning town-reads. To what end? He's not bringing anything new to the table in mason chats, that's for sure.
Again, more misinformation. Here VisceraEyes tries to push the idea that Wade Fell's usage of the mason role is indicative of him being scum. He asserts that the mason role should be used to determine alignment first and foremost. Well that's blatantly wrong. There is nothing wrong, and in fact there is something very valuable with masoning a town read in order to bounce around thoughts and ideas. Wade Fell himself explains his mason choice: Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 13:39 Wade Fell wrote: As an aside, another reason I masoned GK is that I've interacted with him in QTs before when I coached him, and I knew I'd be able to get a perfect read on him from doing so, as well as help his scumhunting.
How is that not a sensible response? It helps Wade Fell solidify his read on goodkarma, and also helps direct goodkarma's scumhunting as Wade Fell acted as his coach. There is very good townie motivations to mason a town read. However VisceraEyes tries to push the idea that Wade Fell used his role poorly and therefore must be scum. Let's explore that next. Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 13:03 VisceraEyes wrote: This leads me to conclude that Wade Fell is some sort of scum mason attempting to manipulate townies. He claims he can mason a different person every phase, and phase one he chose GK and phase 2 he chose me.
Ok. VisceraEyes' hypothesis is that Wade Fell is a scum mason trying to manipulate townies. Where in this post does VisceraEyes consider goodkarma as scum? He doesn't. Let me hash that out again. In the starting sections of my post I demonstrated that VisceraEyes considered goodkarma scum. Additionally he disparaged Wade Fell's play in defending goodkarma (another contradiction), but now he is trying to push Wade Fell as scum on the basis that he is masoning goodkarma, which is one of his town reads? How is Wade Fell masoning goodkarma supporting evidence that Wade Fell is a scum mason attempting to manipulate townies? It isn't. VisceraEyes is getting muddled up in his pile of lies. Either you think goodkarma is town and that Wade Fell's mason choice was to manipulate him, or you think goodkarma is scum and that Wade Fell fake masoned a scum partner. What VisceraEyes is doing is calling both goodkarma and Wade Fell scum, and using "town goodkarma" as evidence of Wade Fell scum. Only scum do this. Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 13:13 VisceraEyes wrote: I don't think I'm allowed, which is part of why I revealed him. Without the ability to post the mason logs, it seems weak anyway and it's a large portion of what makes him scummy to me. So VisceraEyes admits himself that his case seems weak without the mason logs. However, once Wade Fell releases the mason logs, he doesn't talk about the content at all! If the strongest body of evidence comes from the mason logs, and they were released, wouldn't you go in and use that as evidence to convince people that Wade Fell is scum? Well VisceraEyes doesn't, because there is nothing that alignment telling in there. He himself says Wade Fell doesn't push his ideas in the QT but he himself presents very flimsy contributions himself. Where is his push of DarthPunk? He called him scummy all D1, left his vote on DarthPunk and checked out, and has picked up some new targets. Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 04:11 VisceraEyes wrote: For the record, I'm still very much good with a GK lynch. I just find myself more sure about DarthPunk having filtered him and thought about it. No more comments on DarthPunk. No more comments on goodkarma. Just hopping along wagons when he can, and dropping them without explanation. His original case on DarthPunk was very shoddy. Additionally is the nonsense about him taking a hit. Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 17:09 Ace wrote: Why would you claim Vet though as Town? Even if the Scum clearly know they shot you, they have no idea how the hit failed. Roleclaiming serves no purpose here.
seems like a subtle way to move focus off of BH and onto VE who is confirmed non-scum as of N1 and likely most of D2. More importantly there seems to be the following post which makes me far more questionable of CC:On March 22 2013 06:57 cosmicomics wrote:Show nested quote +On March 22 2013 06:17 Vivax wrote: Cosmicomics where did this opinion go? Who will you lynch first tomorrow?
Depends on the night results. His behavior and actions aside, VisceraEyes' vet claim is very strong indicator that he isn't scum if it is true. The key phrase is "if it is true". Because this game has a closed setup, we do not know the nature of scum KP. There is no reason to suppose that it should go by standard precedent ( in which I suspect 3 initial KP for scum), and with the flip of a role like Nightmare, I don't find it a stretch to think scum were compensated with other forms of KP. Why is there any reason before the N2 NKs are posted to suspect 3KP? If Scum have 3 KP then 1 was protected against and VE is vet OR VE was double-stacked and is unkillable at night somehow. I also don't see how it's a stretch think that a twist on Day Vig requires compensation with additional KP. Rather, this makes me think that scum may have 3KP and BH had a really good read on GK being blue. I know that people are assuming that Vivax shot GK, but isn't there equal reason to suspect that Vivax shot BH?
Here's my problem with WoS: where did the roleblock go night 1? Nobody claimed one. I don't think VE would be alive if he had been roleblocked. That leaves 4 options a scum JOAT, a buried roleblock on Keirethi, an unclaimed roleblock on the 3P or WoS is lying. 1. A scum JOAT seems exceptionally unlikely to me as using the role for extra KP makes the most sense to me. 2. Burying a roleblock on Keiethi makes no sense to me as, if VE is blue, VE is likelier to better use his role having played D1 instead of playing catchup. 3. An unclaimed Roleblock on 3P seems insane to me. It would explain only 2 NK N1. However, if we believe Test is a Vig and shot BH, then Vivax likely shot GK and 3P lacks KP which would mean that there's no reason to not claim the roleblock. Ther's an outside shot that Twst is 3P which explains the vig claim and the BH push against him, but that would be a total mindfuck and doesn't seem consistent with his play. 4. WoS is lying and is scum. A scum role checker would also help explain the Vivax hit (if you assume that we're off base on CC/wiggles).
I'm traveling until late today and won't likely be able to post or read for 12 hours.
On March 23 2013 18:51 WaveofShadow wrote: How exactly would me being a rolechecked explain the Vivax death? Because it there's strong reasoning to kill a solid player with a KP role. It's just a
On March 23 2013 18:44 WaveofShadow wrote: Here's my problem with you: that's dumb and you didn't consider the fact that maybe they didn't RB D1 for whatever reason. I see no reason for them not to RB someone if it's available.
VE I have a question for you. When you got the pm saying that you took a hit, was it straight forward or did it have flavor in it?
@Cosmic I don't think VE would be crazy enough to do that. After listening to the podcast he seems to have a distinct plan going through his head and leaving good players alive doesn't make any sense in that regard. Besides, earlier VE seemed off and was bouncing around which was very different from how he played in LX, but in reviewing his previous games that's something he's done previously as town. How do you feel about Glurio and WoS?
@Kenpachi What's your stance on WoS? Do you believe the claim?
On March 25 2013 11:36 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +On March 25 2013 10:48 geript wrote: @Kenpachi What's your stance on WoS? Do you believe the claim? I'm pretty sure almost everyone believes my claim right now but you. If you're really town Geript, just think back to the games we've played together and ask yourself what makes the most sense based on my play this game and my past play. I'm going to have a look into cosmiccomics right now and try and write up that case on glurio as well, though I must admit my confidence has been shaken since Wiggles flipped town. I don't feel good about our chances this game at all. Collectively we as a town have been playing like absolute balls, and most of the town flips thus far are partly to blame for it as well. If we lose 3 more townies tonight I'm pretty sure we're fucked. I don't care who believes your claim. Most everyone believed BH's claim. Almost nobody's been listening to me this whole game even when I've brought up valid points. As far as your claim, I see no reason to believe it unless we get a scum roleblocker or JOAT flip.
@DYH should I just throw out my notes and reread making new notes then?
So re-read and make new notes then compare. k.
Hot damn that's a good case.
I'd rather know the reasoning for why he'd try to suggest TPS was blue? Hadn't TPS already claimed green?
My thoughts on NKs:
On March 19 2013 13:03 VisceraEyes wrote: Here are my thoughts.
Wade Fell is SCUM!!
He has done nothing this game. The last game I played with him he aggressively pushed his reads and pressured suspects. He's done nothing like that in this thread. He showed early aggression based on weak reasoning, but all he's done since is defend GK. Literally.
But that's not all he's done. Wade Fell is also a mason. I know this because he's been masoned to me all during this phase. He claims to have been masoned to GK during the day. All he's done in this mason convo has been push his same weak arguments he made in the thread at first, then just passively agree with anything I said. He wasn't trying to divine my alignment. And if his posts are to be believe he didn't mason GK to divine his alignment either. He's been masoning town-reads. To what end? He's not bringing anything new to the table in mason chats, that's for sure.
This leads me to conclude that Wade Fell is some sort of scum mason attempting to manipulate townies. He claims he can mason a different person every phase, and phase one he chose GK and phase 2 he chose me.
Factor in the fact that we've already flipped one town-aligned mason role in Nightmare and I'm inclined to believe that WF's role is scum aligned even more.
So WF is scum. Talk about it. Anyone could've noticed this. There are some other things in there that should likely be read, but since we've only flipped BH so far then I think that we need to take a serious look at this being the primary reason for targeting VE. Notice something similar from Keirathi here:
On March 19 2013 14:18 Keirathi wrote:Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 14:17 Wade Fell wrote:On March 19 2013 14:15 Keirathi wrote:On March 19 2013 14:14 Wade Fell wrote:On March 19 2013 14:09 Mocsta wrote:On March 19 2013 14:07 Wade Fell wrote:Look, you guys can say "Blazinghand isn't playing like he did last game" all you want, but last game D1 scum was obvious, and every day after that I had a red check on an obvious scum player. I'll reference Mario mini where people said "BH isn't playing like his town play" and basically wehre after me for meta reasons (link) You bought yourself time with this argument. I have no counter, because the point is indeed valid. doesn't matter, I'm either dead anyways due to NK and what you think is meaningless, or I have 48 hours to push my reads and how "long" it takes to convince you is not relevant. On March 19 2013 14:11 Mocsta wrote:On March 19 2013 14:09 Wade Fell wrote:On March 19 2013 14:07 VisceraEyes wrote: I wouldn't call masoning with me "risky" and I'm sure most of the vets on this site would agree with me...but that's a conversation for another time because that part of the argument IS WIFOM.
The fact of the matter is that during the day I made no secret about having a town-read on you based on your early play - if you'll recall I invited you in this thread to be on The Team. Obviously any assertion that you were "at risk" by masoning me is pretty much null considering that scum have to take risks to win the game. It becomes a question of when, and what kinds of opportunities arise. Not because of your read on me, VE-- at the end of D1 EVERYONE had a townread on me basically. Because we've played dozens of games together, and out of everyone here you are the single player who knows me best. If there's anyone in this game I wouldn't mason as scum, it would be you. Not because of your reads, not because you're some super scumhunter (though you are talented), but because you know me best. That's why you and GK are both risky for me as a scum player to mason, but both excellent for me as a town player to mason: you know me well. This isn't WIFOM, it's WTHTD. Nah.. i masoned a guy in personality that knew me best out of everyone.. and i was scum its even more powerful if you can convince that guy you are town.. surely that skill level is not beneath u BH? not buying that argument. Actually, as scum? Yes. :| Anyone who has seen me play scum can tell you I am literally the least talented scum player in existence, as untalented as scum as I am talented at town. You weren't the worst scum player in Parallel. Yeah but we had a shit scumteam also my play this game has literally nothing in common with my play in parallel It does have a few similarities (you latch on to a "weak" player and refuse to let go), but for the most part I agree. At least until I see some flips.
On March 19 2013 14:23 Keirathi wrote:Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 14:22 Wade Fell wrote:On March 19 2013 14:22 Keirathi wrote:On March 19 2013 14:21 Wade Fell wrote:On March 19 2013 14:20 Keirathi wrote:On March 19 2013 14:19 Mocsta wrote: Keirathi, you reminding me a lot of u in hydra
All The guy Kei replaced.. was he a town, null or scum read? The guy I replaced had 0 posts. lol I know, right? I actually had a HYOOOJ townread on the guy you replaced Scum.
So both Keirathi and VE called BH out on his bullshit Night 1 and both took hits. The major prioritization on N1 looks to be like threats to finding and focusing on BH preventing his death and/or the need to bus him until as late as possible. It does, however, seem a bit mean to NK someone just as they replaced in.
On March 19 2013 16:01 sciberbia wrote: And here are people I think have a decent chance of being scum: geript WoS BH glurio zarapeth
trancestorm cosmicomics
On March 22 2013 00:17 Vivax wrote:Actually I might be wrong on one of zarepath/cosmicomics and DYH is scum instead of them, I excluded him earlier cause of THIS, but his whole D2 play is inconsistent with those reads. Utterly and completely. I also don't like how he joined the wagons. So yeah, if scum isn't among these I will put up a dunce cap. BH/GK/TS/ZARE/COSMIC/DYH
On the assumption that the NK's were prioritization for those who were on track, then BH/Cosmic are the ones who are implicated.
Night 3 has the oddest of kills, but it seems like confirmed towny (VE) and an independent kill.
On March 25 2013 14:16 Coagulation wrote: ryu and geript are who im looking at for lynch tomorrow. I dont think WOS has faked his claim. Kenpachi looks legit cosmicomic im 50/50 on I dont really know if anything I have seen makes him scummy. doyouhas is flying low. kita has also been flying real low. Hes ignoring me alot too I dunno why. Same with Dbz. Only people who are not ignoring me are people who never played with me before. anyway im town. I know it looks like shit that I wanted to lynch wiggles but I honestly considered him a good chance to flip scum.
Most of Coag's filter is unusable IMO. Essentially it's a series of one liners with very little reason given for any of them. My guess is that scum wanted to keep a combination of sheep and Coag doesn't seem to sheep as much as other townies.
Overall, I think that one could make a case against Zare or Cosmic for the N2 NKs, however, it's WIFOM and could just be because BH was on both lists. Right now I'm leaning towards Cosmic being scum, but I'm not sure it's the most rock solid case out there. Once I get done with doing my pathophysiology stuff I'm going to look into WoS, Layabout, Zare, Cosmic and Glurio again taking into account the NKs and other dead townie's opinions.
First off, here's the Kita case. Everyone should read it over again. + Show Spoiler +On March 20 2013 08:54 kitaman27 wrote:Finally have some spare time. I'll respond to a couple relavent issues, but first I wanted to get out a post on one of my strongest scum reads. I may have a second post about another player I'm suspicious of, depending on how much time I have. WaveofShadowThe first player I'd like to bring up is WaveofShadow. Whenever I try to look at a player, the most important thing to look at in my opinion is motive. During the first few cycles of a game, it can be quite difficult to differentiate a townie post and a mafia post. The easiest way to tell the difference is to ask yourself, what is a player trying to accomplish with these posts and what does this player care most about. When I read through the filter of Wave, I can't help but notice that he is much more willing to play through others, than to put himself out there. On numerous occasions, we can see him prodding other players with questions, but there has been very little follow through. He questions other players reads, but fails to come to significant conclusions. Wave has approached the first two cycles in a way that shows me that he has little interest in being the guy that gets a player lynched. He is more interested in selecting a bandwagon based on the arguments of other players. In his support for the day one lynch, he posts the following: Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 04:16 WaveofShadow wrote: I CAN, however get behind a vote on DP. I support VE's case though I do not necessarily support his town circle; call that scummy if you wish but having never seen one in a game before I have no idea of their risks or benefits and it just seems manipulative to me.
Vote: Darthpunk This is the first time in the game he actually mentions Darthpunk. He states in a single line that he supports VE's case, yet provides no reasoning for why he agrees. Notice how defensive he gets with his vote. In reference to his disapproval of VE's circle he states "Call that scummy if you wish." At a point where he has selected his preferred lynch candidate, he is still spending more time discussing VE's completely irrelevant circle. For the sake of keeping this post legible, I've edited out the previous part of this quote, but he spends a whole paragraph discussing the deal with yamato. Why is it that he is spending more time discussing events not relevant to his scumread, than the actual vote itself? It would be one thing if VE's case was so convincing that he had nothing to add. However, when I ask myself, does he care about this lynch, I come to the conclusion that he does not. Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 12:00 WaveofShadow wrote: I can also see it isn't likely that DarthPunk is goin' down but I want a chance to re-read before changing anything. I remember thinking that zare isn't scum but I don't remember why. DarthPunk is his preferred lynch candidate, but at this point he has put absolutely no effort in pushing his selection. He is more than willing to comment on unrelated issues, but when it comes to the part of the game that should be most relevant, he shows little interest. This post shows me that his scum read is influenced by whether or not he believes the town views it as a viable lynch. When a mafia player selects a bandwagon, they often due it based on where the town's sentiment lies. Once he realizes that DarthPunk isn't going to get lynched, he backs off, simply stating that he has responded well to pressure. Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 05:19 WaveofShadow wrote: No excuses here, but of the people I know in this game, very few have posted thus far so I can't read much into meta Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 13:18 WaveofShadow wrote: My meta reads are overall fairly weak thus far into my mafia career though so I'm not yet comfortable lynching zare based on that evidence. Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 04:16 WaveofShadow wrote: Meta reads are going to be something I will not be very good at until I play quite a few more games with all of you guys, so I can't look back at Yamato and try to find out if Vivax's claim is legitimate. Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 23:17 WaveofShadow wrote: My meta reads are very weak as I have stated earlier. Back to my point about his "defensive" phrasing of his vote, he has been acting quite defensive during the first two cycles. While a town player plays with confidence, Wave seems quite careful with his actions and is quite concerned with other's view of himself. Look how important it is to him for others to realize his meta based scum-hunting skills are sub-par. On four different occasions he makes this statement. Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 22:50 WaveofShadow wrote: It's also nice how everyone is going to be real fucking quick to jump down my throat thanks to GM randomly naming me before he dies (multiple times) without anything to back it up. I love how just like in LX I get ignored half the game and no one responds to anything I say, and as soon as somebody randomly decides to point fingers at me suddenly the whole fucking thread is up in arms.
(Expletives deleted, don't want DrH yelling at me), I'm lone wolfing this game. In response to suspicion, he reacts quite strangely. Look how worked up he gets when GM names him as a scum read. There is essentially no pressure or votes on him at this point, yet he is responding as if he is about to be hammered. Show nested quote +On March 18 2013 23:17 WaveofShadow wrote: But please, by all means keep it coming and tunnel me instead of hunting for real scum. It's not like this is a distraction or anything from the real point of the game. Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 03:28 WaveofShadow wrote: Wat. GL with that. And as for responding to post-flip pressure, it just pisses me off that I don't get listened to at all on certain days; people only tend to pay attention to me when they think I'm scummy which has been...let's see....NEVER. These are more examples of how important it is to him that he is seen in good light. Note how he has spent more time talking about his annoyance of getting suspected, than he does about DarthPunk earlier. His vote of GreYMisT also occurred at a time where GreYMisT was suspicious of him. Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 03:34 WaveofShadow wrote: Haha wow I guess I really do have to be more careful what I post in these games...I make mistakes wayy too often that get seen as scummy. I guess it's good that people are pointing this shit out 'cause I didn't notice, and eventually I'll stop fucking myself over with these mistakes. I dunno, not much to say about that. I'll blame it on lack of sleep due to 3 month old baby.
Finally, I come to this post which is what caused me to look at him further. Look how squirmish he is in his response. This is at a point where he accidentally mentioned to a lynch, rather than a night kill. It was a 100% typo and a non-issue. Yet here is his talking about how his has to be more careful about not making mistakes and coming up with more excuses. Wave has show that he cares more about himself, than town. He is willing to share opinions on less important issues, while skimping in pushing town objectives when it comes to the lynch. He responds in a mafia manner to suspicion and posts with an attitude that lacks the look of a town player. I think he would make an excellent lynch today.
Here's my updates on WoS. I put it in spoilers to make it more readable. + Show Spoiler [Meta] +On March 19 2013 15:59 WaveofShadow wrote: Because you were talking about the logs and Geript a lot in the same post. Sorry it wasn't clear to me. If I had to say one way the other I'd lean town on BH. The differences people have been coming up with in the thread don't seem that big to me, and I'm certainly not 100% of VE's scumclaim against him. There's nothing specifically damning about this (especially as this was during N1), but it should be noted. The next thing that stood out to me is the following interaction: On March 19 2013 16:01 sciberbia wrote: And here are people I think have a decent chance of being scum: geript WoS BH glurio zarapeth trancestorm cosmicomics On March 19 2013 16:02 WaveofShadow wrote: Aside from BH, I see a common theme in your scum list, that is, players who either have barely contributed or could be seen as newbies.
I don't like it, and not just because I'm included. This is a flat out deflection away from lurkers. In the 3 games that I've played with WoS, lurkers have comprised 60+% of the scum team and 100% of the 3P. In fact, it's such that I'm very tempted to just lynch based on filter length today (but won't for obvious reasons). Sure Glurio, WoS, Zarapeth, and myself are new (Trance I'm unfamiliar with), but does that exclude ignoring lurkers? Hell Cosmic--a clear smurf--just got up to 3 pages. I don't really understand why a townie who has played with nothing but lurky scum would completely ignore obvious lurkers. + Show Spoiler [Crumb] +I consider the fact that there are breadcrumbs null for a few reasons. First, he could've easily been told to do in order to setup a fake claim as it's mostly nondescript. Second, nothing about the statements are particularly uncharacteristic of either scum or bad town. Third and most damning, I see absolutely no reason for a DT to try and crumb his findings instead of scumhunt. The people most likely to pickup on the tell are scum and therefore puts yourself at more risk for a freebie blue snipe by flip-flopping on a position for no apparent reason instead of actually doing your damn job as town. I especially see no reason to try and defend a smurf VT; mislynches happen and are acceptable up to an extent. But risking a DT for a presumed veteran VT who isn't doing much isn't worth it in any regards to me. This claim looks fake to me. On March 20 2013 05:26 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +On March 20 2013 05:23 VisceraEyes wrote: I'm a Coward. I act as a Veteran as far as I can tell. This confused me a little VE. Do you not know what your role does? It seemed odd when you were claiming too: Show nested quote +On March 19 2013 16:20 VisceraEyes wrote: I took a hit.
I'm....not sure what that implies. I'm gonna sleep on it. I love you, town. And then right after you state it's because you're Vet. Explain? I find this attack on VE especially ironic. The main reason why I bring up this quote is to point out the fact that he attacks VE for some of the exact reasons we're suspicious of him. He doesn't seem to know how his role works. He's twice 'checked' someone who's ended up dead. He gets only a 'flavor' response and essentially says, "Oh hi guyz. I can't believe that I didn't get a result from my check. I'm guessing I got roleblocked." If he really were the DT, I for one would know that I would ask a few questions about rolechecks on dead players to see if I could distinguish between 'dead' results and 'roleblock' results. There's also the fact that VE said that it was distinct that he took a hit; there was flavor, yes, but the intent was clear; that's nothing like WoS' response at all. + Show Spoiler [Mafia Mentality] +On March 20 2013 09:41 WaveofShadow wrote: Oh and kita, cute case. I defy you to go through my meta and find something I've done differently this game than any of my others. I have never once lied in a mafia game thus far and have never been anything but town, including this game. Vivax already gave you one of my typical defenses; hell I'll even add to it to attempt to appease you. The reason I want to be seen in a good light is because I'm town, and don't want people wasting their time trying to point out my dumb mistakes when they should be scumhunting for REAL scum. This is his initial response to the Kita case. Nothing but complete deflection. Notice one key phrase: "The reason I want to be seen in a good light is..." No. Town doesn't give a rat's ass about how they're viewed. Being seen as town is useful for pushing your agenda, but it's not #1. Town #1 goal is hunt scum. Scum's #1 goal is to look towny. What's his next action not 4 minutes off? + Show Spoiler [Mafia Fear] +On March 20 2013 09:45 WaveofShadow wrote: I think I am comfortable enough to vote Wiggle right now though because he really just doesn't appear to give a shit. Vote: Mr. Wiggles That's right pure survival instinct. When the pressure comes to a head, what does he continue to do? Push the wiggles lynch. As a matter of fact the reason why DP voted WoS was: On March 20 2013 10:34 DarthPunk wrote: Kita's case is ridiculously good. It completely exposes a mindset of not caring about the lynch and just following popular trends. Which is NOT a town mindset.
Pure sheeping and following popular trends. + Show Spoiler [Claim] +Just the way in which he claims rolecop is tenuous. I personally read it as scummy, but someone else (I forget who) had seen it before as bad town. I see no reason as town to soft claim blue and lead people on for a while. The fact that multiple people were confused as to what exactly he was claiming doesn't feel townie to me. It just shit up the thread on something that we could've moved forward on. I feel like this is the weakest point however. + Show Spoiler [Scumslip re:Claim] +On March 21 2013 12:07 WaveofShadow wrote: That was hours ago. I know I read him as town but FUCK. How in the hell are we ever going to win this game if we have townies like this guy?? I don't care how angry or how hard I'm trying to push a case or what not, I can't think of any way when I got a 100% confirmed town check on someone I would "read" them as town. I just have an exceptionally hard time buying that this isn't a scumslip on a grand proportion. Especially when you combine this with the fact that of the 3 people he's scanned one is green, two are dead and he got roleblocked twice. Beside that point, of the two dead townies Vivax looked pretty town IMO as he was putting major effort into the game and VE was a claimed BLUE. That's right. The town rolecop after a claimed hit with a missing NK checks the claimed Veteran to see if he's really blue or red? If you chose to dismiss VE for wiggles and thought that Wiggles was 100% scum, what do you really expect to learn about VE? That he become scum/3P? Ok maybe. But if he's 3P, then with 2 mislynches, only 1 Scum death, 4 town night deaths and 1-2 presumed townie modkills then 3P is on town's side. Why would you check to see that? If he's scum, then why wouldn't he continue to push to try and get a read on him. TL;DR 1. Defenses of BH and lurkers especially odd considering heavy scum lurking in games he's played 2. Action of breadcrumbing makes no sense from townie perspective 3. Wants Townie cred 4. Constantly sheeps popular trends 5. Non-townie method to claiming 6. I see absolutely no reason to believe this claim especially considering the claimed series of the actions.
On March 26 2013 13:41 cosmicomics wrote: geript: why hasn't scum shot kitaman27 yet? That's all WIFOM. It's the same as asking why haven't they shot DYH, DP or any of the smurfs. My personal opinion was that N1 and N2 they focused on people who were threats so that if they had to bus BH they could at least grab the town cred for it. I think the N2 kills could be because both Scib/Vivax had 2 scum on their list, but that's a guess. As for the N3 hits (really though specifically Coag), I don't know. It's not the call I would've made by any stretch as, by reputation, he seems like someone who you could've gotten to shit up the thread and bury every good point and force town to policy lynch him (or get modkilled).
I saw your case on kita; I remember liking it. But I also liked Zare's case on Layabout. I'll get to it tomorrow after school and work. I've been trying to focus on re-evaluating all my reads but there's still a number of people. There are a number of people I intend to take another look at, yourself included, tomorrow.