On July 20 2012 16:56 Q-bert-Z wrote: As far as suspects, I can say before I sleep that Foolishness's play strikes me as...hidden. I feel like he's got a lot more going on than he's saying all at once, and that more or less agrees with what I know of him from his town play. Definetly not his lurk till day three then rape, but it doesn't strike me as scum. Either way not conclusive, and all around a bad lynch.
GGQ still reads scum to me, though there really hasn't been much change to what he's done since I last mentioned that.
Blazinghand looks like scum, with the exception of the amount of effort that he's putting into posting. (even if a lot of it isn't helpful)
If I were around tomorrow, I would push GGQ, but I'm not going to be. I agree with most of what has been said about Layabout and Zealos, and would vote for them if GGQ wasn't an option.
Oh, I thought he meant he was going to be killed like for sure or something.
Yeah, hope Paps is doin okay Q. :/
Well Chez, it's been exhilarating. I hope you get the chance to confuse the holy piss out of me again soon. ^^.
"We can't afford to lynch town here"
As if we aren't like over a game-week away from LYLO at the present rate.
As if we have mislynched even once this game.
As if we have ANYTHING to fear in lynching Kurumi today all things considered.
Bill I'd like you to elaborate on your read of me please. It will help town get a better read on you, if you won't do it for me because "I'm scum" or something asinine.
Syllo will you read my Night-Kill Analysis and tell me your thoughts?
Yes I remember. And like Magic Mini, I'm just going to suck ass and disagree with you because I think the fact that he's not doing anything is scummy as shit.
Chez sent me a message last night Marv. What do you make of that?
I mean today - last night as in overnight IRL. :/
BH got a message too, I couldn't tell if Chez admitted to sending it. Cause you know...it's Chez.
Kill sand if you want to know the truth... there be some communicahtions that are goingz about... these messages takes a lots of the times to get to where they be the be going... so you beetter bees the living when you the gets this! or your gonna have to the protect the Director of the Communication!
Is the message I received. I received it shortly after guessing that Chez is a message sender and he confirmed sending it to me.
Here's what I think should happen. IMO Sandroba should send me a message to confirm that he can (can we agree that it's probable that scum aren't going to "fall" for his shenannies anymore if he's town?).
If Sandroba is unable to send me a message, then he's an Executive and has been bussing his department. If he IS able, then tomorrow we figure out which of Sandroba/Chezinu is scum. Because two people having that power on town side seems ridiculously unfair to scum, I think that would make one of them scum. Does anyone disagree with this?
So you disagree - hence my question. Thanks for your input Hiro. <3
I find it interesting that you didn't take issue with the FIRST assumption, that if he is UNABLE, then he's certainly scum bussing his department...which is more of an empirical statement and actually more of an assumption. :/
I'd like everyone's thoughts plz.
On July 21 2012 02:49 Meapak_Ziphh wrote:Show nested quote +-The Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of Marketing know 3 minions each. They can send orders to one minion every half cycle. Seems to me that as soon as sandro sends a message to 4 people he'll be confirmed, I see no reason to kill him until it becomes apparent he can't do this.
You're pretty loose with your interpretation of the rules MZ. :/
Can I maybe completely flip my reads if I want? I mean, that's allowed right?
I'm gonna go read some stuff and I'll be back. Kurumi, you're best bet for lynch bud but please don't lose your shit. I've been paying extra special close attention to your posts and IF you flip town, they won't be ignored I promise.
On July 21 2012 05:58 syllogism wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2012 05:56 austinmcc wrote:On July 21 2012 05:49 syllogism wrote:On July 21 2012 05:45 Kurumi wrote: You are getting this all wrong syllogism. If I flip mafia (which I won't) then sandroba's actions are nullified. Then you need to back your actual reads with analysis. When I flip Town, then it becomes transparent that sandroba's Town(there is a chance he's a minion with a wonky power, but... that'd hurt my head.) Sandie, I've never asked: Why did you pick me to send this message? Sandroba would never sacrifice two minions (remember, Zealos also confirmed being messaged by him) to earn himself some town cred when the most likely result of that town cred would be getting shot by mafia ceo n1. Even if we knew nothing else, that is enough to consider him pretty much confirmed town. You're entirely wrong... If Sandroba had the option to "sacrifice two minions" then you're saying he's the President of Marketing or Chairman of the Board. Those are the two roles with minions to be sacrificed. If Sandroba were either of those roles, then the CEO would know him, because CEO knows the identity of those two roles. You are right about the CEO part, but you can ignore that part and it still makes no sense at all.
Nonono, you used that as the entire argument as to why he wouldn't do that as scum syllo. Why wouldn't he do that as scum if that's the case? Town-cred is fucking potent in this setup.
If mafia get safe-claims (which hasn't been confirmed or denied by the hosts as far as I can see,) that makes it even MORE likely that Sandroba is scum bussing right now.
Reason syllo, I know you're capable. Why wouldn't sandro-scum bus 2 of his minions to buy the town-cred necessary to coast through the rest of the game?
Wait town-cred is like..meaningless in this setup isn't it? :/
Okay I'm willing to wait on Sandro. I really wish he'd confirm that he can send messages to townies though, because his aim is bordering on too phenomenal to be earnest.
Kurumi was a piss-poor choice, as Probulous pointed out. Kurumi was likely to pretend to be mafia regardless of his alignment as far as I'm concerned, so that makes that particular choice terrible.
Zealos was decent IF HE WAS LOOKING FOR MINIONS...but Sandro has been onboard with Operation: CEObliterate since inception...it doesn't make sense that he'd try and fool ZEALOS if he's hunting for Executives.
Kurumi you were calling Sandroba stupid for THE WHOLE of D1 for his choice. Calling my bad now is simply laughable considering.
Everyone please think of the kill structure for a moment.
The CEO must kill someone off the list of names submitted by his underlings
This means he cannot just choose someone at random, he has a list he has to pick from.
And he chose WBG from that list rather than Sandroba, the wily scum-hunting messenger? HONESTLY GUYS?! REALLY?!
On July 19 2012 09:54 sandroba wrote: For today killing kurumi is fine. Starting tomorrow we begin a chase for the executives:
Win Conditions:
Town wins when all the Mafia are dead Mafia wins when all the town are dead.
As long as the higher ups are still alive this game is horribly imbalanced in favor of mafia. But IF we can kill them off soon all communication will be lost and this will be a long drawn out game where mafia and town both have to eliminate each other completely to win. So that should be our goal for the following days.
On July 21 2012 03:37 sandroba wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2012 03:36 Mattchew wrote:On July 21 2012 03:09 Mattchew wrote: Sandroba, what was your reasoning behind picking Zealos? I picked someone I thought was mafia, I thought was minion and I believed there was a fair chance didn't get messaged already. Zealos seemed to be an optimal choice.
You can't lynch Execs unless you find them. Sandroba's reasoning for choosing Zealos is contradictory to his stated aims for tomorrow.