On February 22 2012 16:56 wherebugsgo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2012 15:55 VisceraEyes wrote: And BC is your strongest read right now Syllo? Like, without question?
Did you ever get around to looking at the whole WBG/chaoser thing sir? I feel like that exchange means something. chaoser's defense was solid, but I didn't mind WBG's attack either.
However, chaoser still seems to be interested in finding scum, while WBG has only recently been calling red scum...he's been tunneled in on chaoser ever since that argument.
I'm starting to get a red read on WBG. did you just accuse me of tunneling chaoser? LOL. I guess you don't know what tunneling means. If you want to see me tunneling chaoser, look at Steamship.
stfu scum!
VisceraEyes Lynch List of Storm's End BloodyC0bbler - My complaints echo the complaints of players such as DocH and Syllogism...he's had plenty of opportunity to come look for scum - he hasn't. He placed a vote on redFF without saying whether he thought he was scum or not. I was less than satisfied with his responses to my posts, and I've been unimpressed with his effort so far in the game. I voted for this guy in L, and while I was herpin and a derpin, he was finding scum and establishing his innocence.
wherebugsgo - WBG has similarly not been interested in finding scum. He called chaoser scum lightly at the beginning of the day, but it looked more like an excuse to get into a conversation with him than anything. This is directly after he just got done buddying him in his introduction post. Followed up with calling redFF bad ad nauseum. Very clear to not say scum - only very bad. Suddenly this all changes after red sheeps after Jackal? Sheeping is something scum and town do in equal parts - verily, many a veteran townies count on a few sheep to push their agendas. Claims that most of what red has done can be explained 'with scum motivations'. Fails to elaborate or support this idea. Just throws it out there.
RebirthOfLegenD - my weakest read - I'm really only interested in showing RoL rope if he doesn't start looking for scum. This redFF wagon essentially pushed itself, and he's making it his MISSION to make it happen. I don't even know if RoL thinks red is scum or not. But it's pretty clear that he wants red to die. TODAY.
I can support a lynch of any of these three players, my preference is WBG, followed by BC, with RoL being my least favorite choice.
Ya it's cool, I like being ignored except by people calling me scum.
I'm looking into prplhz now and I'll be back in a bit.
I'm just going to come out and say it - I don't see anything that indicates scum in prplhz filter. Unless you feel like his 'inactivity' is lynch-worthy, but he has more actual 'content' than players such as Blazinghand or Tyrran.
Yeah, not feeling a prplhz lynch today gents.
Actually, RoL can be safely removed from my lynch list and replaced by BH - this guy is active to a fault in games he rolls town - I haven't seen that at all this game. All I've seen is a bunch of mudslinging and sheep-voting. Not diggin it.
Blazinghand relaced RebirthOfLegenD on my Lynch-List.
Syllo, you imagine that someone with 3 votes has less of a chance of getting lynched than a new target? SWRONGWITCHOO?
On February 23 2012 03:17 prplhz wrote: So what about the timing?
I don't have a lot of time, try read the game carefully, make a ton of notes, see that you're pushing me and I say that I'm here. Would it be more townie of me not to say that I'm here when I'm about to get lynched or what are you getting at?
I don't think that redFF is scum because his claim timing and his lack of activity was announced in the thread beforehand, his activity and putting-himself-outthere seems very townie. The wagon is also rolling too easy. It was stupid of me to say that we'd have to lynch him at some point, you have pointed out that we don't and that's a pretty simple conclusion and I support that. I think BloodyC0bbler is more scummy, but I think there might be better targets today that I'm more comfortable with. This is like Responsibility Mafia! where BloodyC0bbler was just gone, but he has been scummy so far.
So do you think BC is scum or not? You said he's more scummy, but then cited a game that "this is like" in which BC is town - so which is it? Do you think he's inactive town or scum?
Okay guys, I'm switching to BH. I think he's scum too, and I can at least admit that we're losing less (no offense) being mistaken and lynching BH than we are being mistaken and lynching BC.
On February 23 2012 03:43 Blazinghand wrote:Show nested quote +On February 23 2012 03:35 VisceraEyes wrote: Okay guys, I'm switching to BH. I think he's scum too, and I can at least admit that we're losing less (no offense) being mistaken and lynching BH than we are being mistaken and lynching BC. ;_; man I don't see what the issue here is with the redFF lynch
Well, he believably claimed tracker and (at least for my part) my scumreads want him dead. That's MY issue with the redFF lynch.
Treat BC as you'd treat anyone in this game. It's a semi-invite game. Most everyone here, by Palmar's estimation, should be able to handle this, a more difficult setup. If you think BC is scummy, vote him. Make him contribute. It's not even about pressure - if he's not willing to come show you that he's town, then he's scum and needs to die.
##Unvote: Blazinghand ##Vote: BloodyC0bbler
Just like that.
I know you think I'm scum. I can't figure out why, but I'm aware of it. What I'm saying transcends my alignment. If you're town, you need to do the town thing and vote for who you think is scum.
On February 23 2012 05:19 syllogism wrote: There's no one arguing against the BC lynch, which I guess is bad. Getting the votes hasn't been particularly easy, but still now would be the time for there to start being some resistance in terms of thread activity. I suppose some people may not be around yet and I still think the lynch is better than redff one.
WBG has been thrashing around calling prplhz scum for thinking bad things about BC for the majority of the day.
Even now 2 hours before deadline, neither WBG or BC have come in here to even try to defend. Money on whether they show up now though?
DocH too. You too. He's a chainsaw machine, that one.
BC would be on 5 with prpl'z vote. If I recall correctly, DocH is already on BC.
On February 23 2012 05:36 Jackal58 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 23 2012 04:34 prplhz wrote:Actually, Jackal58 looks terrible. Those points I just mentioned, his weird defense of me (it was a meta-y defense and I don't think I looked anything like I usually do), saying that syllogism is a better lynch than me which is just crazy considering the information he had available. This post which is guilty of the same thing we're accusing BloodyC0bbler of, complaining about thread without providing an alternative direction. The only thing that speaks in Jackal58's defense is that it's usually hard to distinguish his scum from his town play. I'm easily more willing to lynch Jackal58 today than redFF. Show nested quote +On February 22 2012 07:42 redFF wrote: I usually enjoy mafia but wbg has made this game incredibly unfun. wbg if you're sole goal in playing has been to make me mad, consider it accomplished. im out.
inb4 lol, AtE, drama queen, w/e, you're a fucking dick and you actively drive people from this forum.
peace. Try reading instead of listening to the voices man. I know red has been online since this.
Jackal switch to BC man. He's scum. Let's kill the scum.
On February 23 2012 05:42 Dirkzor wrote: I've thought about the whole RedFF thing. Whatever allignment he is doesn't matter right now. There are no indication that he wants to play. When/if he returns we can take a stance on him. Should we lynch him today we gain nothing going forward anyway so I would much rather lynch someone else.
I'm still want BH to hang. I think my case on him was pretty solid and he have done NOTHING to convince me otherwise.
I'll read up on BC now and the posts made against him. (It is Syllo, prp and who else who have made cases on him?)
I'm with you on BH, but BC has more support and is more detrimental to town if he's scum. (inb4 BC says I'm fearmongering) Also, BH is more likely to slip-up and confirm his alignment the longer he's alive.
<3 you laya.
Vote for BC. A vote for BC is a vote for town victory!
On February 23 2012 05:50 layabout wrote:Show nested quote +On February 23 2012 05:49 VisceraEyes wrote: <3 you laya.
Vote for BC. A vote for BC is a vote for town victory! Sheeping you is a vote for hypocrisy.
I'm not scum bro, you're completely mistaken. But you know, feel free to keep not making any sense. You don't even have a case against me, you quoted a bunch of my posts and said "timing is a bitch" which doesn't mean anything without context.
Now shut up, vote BC or you die overnight. I'm 100% serious here.
On February 21 2012 13:06 VisceraEyes wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2012 12:15 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On February 21 2012 12:09 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 21 2012 12:03 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On February 21 2012 11:59 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 21 2012 11:49 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On February 21 2012 11:42 Jackal58 wrote: Dear redFF and WBG You both suck. Sincerely, Jackal58 I endorse this statement fully and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for letting me know I am not insane. Why are we debating Policy lynches this early into the day? Seriously? This isn't a game with a player like 2010 bill murray who spams while being a dick, this isn't a game with a mod hating spammer named showtime. Instead we have for the most part a fairly solid crew devoid of spammy trolls. If you want to lynch someone for being bad, wait till they start being bad / scumlike, dont lynch them for shits and giggles. Policy lynching people on retarded reasoning is worse than RNG votes for early discussion. Cut the nonsense out. Anyone who keeps talking about it from this post on be warned. as a side note, VE since you are making moderate sense for the first time ever I have to give you props for impressing me two games in a row. /salute What are your thoughts on redFF BC? I'm almost convinced that he's just bad and not scum, but I'd like your thoughts before I act on it. Honestly I think he may be suffering from something like a bat to the back of the head. That or a level of arrogance unseen since showtime. As it stands now short of recommending a terrible idea and being a retarded troll (which is a smiteworthy offense if he keeps it up) I see him more as someone to mock / ignore than take seriously. I know I am moderately guilty of this via my last few posts, however anyone continuing the trend of useless discussion / just trading insults with redff are most likely not playing with town interests in heart. There are a few players already guilty of this obviously. I am currently more intrigued at the people who have let policy discussion run so damn rampant for even this short a duration of a game who (in my mind) should know better. Come on guy....COME ON. You know what I'm asking. Do you think he's scum? Also, I thought we were well beyond policy-discussion - I've put forth a scum-candidate and several people have joined the wagon (with little to no reasoning)....and some (and by some I mean WBG) have even gone on to defend him - citing meta resources that point to badTownRedFF. I mean, did you miss all this in reading? Why are you trying to color this all as policy discussion? What's up yo? its what? 5 hours into the day? I would like to believe redff isn't this horrendous as scum to be caught this quickly. However that is wifom with someone of his experience. The only read I have on him as of now is Bad. Bad town or bad mafia. Hell, I think chaoser is also bad for defending posting town reads as a viable move at this stage in the game. It is only at all useful if people are posting clear scum reads along with clear town reads to make them fully accountable rather than "contributing" without doing much. As for coloring it up to policy discussion, the main point you first raised (I will re-read to see what your entire argument is in exact detail so i stress the first point i saw) was his push on tyrran via policy of being bad. Factor in the mass level of general annoyance with him via his recent behaviour outside of game it is not outside the realms of possibility people are "policy" pushing him based on him being a total wad. I'm mulling over this post. The first thing I noticed about it is that it still doesn't answer my question. I mean, yeah. Okay. I get it. It's early in the game. But you don't even have a read on the guy? Regardless of the fact that he has almost 25% of the posts since the game started? I realize that's a gross exaggeration, but you see what I'm getting at - you should have more of a read on him than "bad" in my opinion. The next thing I noticed is that you respond to my soft accusation of you coloring the discussion surrounding red as 'policy discussion' by boiling down the argument against him I've made to "his push on tyrran via policy is bad". I get that he's kinda a tool outside this thread, but my argument has to do with his actions/decisions in THIS thread. If anyone is voting for him on policy based on his behavior out-of-thread, that's their thing...but that's absolutely not why I'm voting for him, and that's absolutely not what the discussion for the last few pages has been about. Is it possible that people are voting him on policy? Sure I guess. Has that been the subject of discussion, like, ever? Not so much. This is why I said you "colored" the discussion recently as "policy discussion"...because by my estimation, we've been talking about lynching red because he's scum, and you come in and say "why are we still talking about policy-lynch?" I mean, am I missing something here?
No BH. This has nothing to do with him being uncharismatic or mad for no reason...at least for me. BC came right out of the gates with scumminess.
Do we have enough to swing a BH lynch?