On February 22 2012 06:37 wherebugsgo wrote: syllo can you give me your opinion on redFF?
I think I was completely wrong about him.
Pretty much all you've said about him is "he's bad, that's all I can say"
Are you now saying that you really actually had a read on him you weren't sharing in spite of being asked repeatedly and that now you're reversing it?
Or are you thinking you were wrong and redFF's play has actually been good all this time? Or what are you saying here?
On February 22 2012 06:46 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2012 06:43 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 22 2012 06:39 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:On February 22 2012 06:29 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 22 2012 06:19 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:On February 21 2012 10:14 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 21 2012 09:59 wherebugsgo wrote: VE stfu you suck
Everyone else sucks marginally less ATM. Mostly chaoser is doing the least sucking.
Blazinghand learn to play
I have to program for a few hours so I'll bbl. Till then I suggest you all brush up on Ver's guide since the last page has made my eyes bleed. Ho boy, this is good play here. GOOD play. Let me count the ways. 1) Throwing out random insults. While I can appreciate the occasional well-deserved jibe, just saying someone "sucks" is...not productive. 2) Buddying up to chaoser. Apparently I suck - but I don't know why and Bugs' post does nothing to explain it. But chaoser is the only one NOT sucking - let's explore that. chaoser was the first one to jump on-board redFF's PL of Tyrran, and besides red himself has been the first one to jump off it as well. Furthermore, chaoser has spent a fair amount of time defending redFF against my accusations by agreeing with him that I am being 'hypocritical'....except, as it turns out this was based on faulty information that stems from APPARENTLY misreading the thread (thinking I said something DocH actually said). So as it turns out, chaoser is doing MORE sucking than several others in-thread already. 3) "I have to program for a few hours so I'll bbl." - WBG I guess this means he wasn't programming before, but is now? So where has he been during all this time? Why not stop by and tell me what a dick I am BEFORE I called him out for not being in-thread yet? Why not come in and defend redFF if my case was so bad last page? Your guess is obviously as good as mine, but I suspect his has something to do with sharing an alignment with a certain someone the last page has been discussing. 4) "...since the last page has made my eyes bleed." - WBG So....I guess he thinks redFF is town or something? Or he just thinks my argument is shit? Or he thinks the last page is some kind of stigmata? I have no idea. He's just tossing doubt around as if he's some kind of authority. Guess what guys - THIS IS HIS FIRST POST. HE HASN'T EARNED THE RIGHT TO CALL ANYONE BAD YET IN THIS GAME BECAUSE HE HASN'T DONE SHIT HIMSELF. 5) (and most importantly) ...... NO U 101 ways to miss the point by VisceraEyes. On February 21 2012 09:43 VisceraEyes wrote: Ho boy, the thread died fast. That worries me a little, but that could just be paranoia.
chaoser - so by your correction and apology, should I assume that you're no longer agreeing with red's assessment that I'm being a hypocrite?
kitaman27 - what are your thoughts on chaoser?
Jackal, BC, syllo, WBG, you guys care to weigh in on this? I mean, it's early but I'd have expected to hear what an idiot I am at least twice between those 4 players.
Remember this post? He was jesting at what you said lol about him making fun of you. Way to get pious over something you caused. Oh RoL. Thanks bro. Was that the most important thing you've found in the thread? Me bantering with WBG? Just making an observation d00d, I found it noteworthy. Plus when I was reading it said we were only on page 15, when I posted that it was 19. I thought I had f5ed recently. But hey, care to explain why you created a situation to get indignant in? Most of that post was about his buddying of chaoser if you'll read it carefully. And I didn't really get indignant, I only pointed out that while WBG was saying I was bad, someone he said was NOT being bad was in reality being worse. Care to explain what's noteworthy about the exchange? Do you imagine that I was trying to invent a reason to attack WBG without him so much as posting in the thread yet or something? Yes actually, that's what I was thinking. But I should probably just assume you didn't realize he was referencing a joke. I think inventing reasons to attack someone is a bit out of your skill range.
On February 22 2012 06:49 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2012 06:47 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 22 2012 06:46 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:On February 22 2012 06:43 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 22 2012 06:39 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:On February 22 2012 06:29 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 22 2012 06:19 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:On February 21 2012 10:14 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 21 2012 09:59 wherebugsgo wrote: VE stfu you suck
Everyone else sucks marginally less ATM. Mostly chaoser is doing the least sucking.
Blazinghand learn to play
I have to program for a few hours so I'll bbl. Till then I suggest you all brush up on Ver's guide since the last page has made my eyes bleed. Ho boy, this is good play here. GOOD play. Let me count the ways. 1) Throwing out random insults. While I can appreciate the occasional well-deserved jibe, just saying someone "sucks" is...not productive. 2) Buddying up to chaoser. Apparently I suck - but I don't know why and Bugs' post does nothing to explain it. But chaoser is the only one NOT sucking - let's explore that. chaoser was the first one to jump on-board redFF's PL of Tyrran, and besides red himself has been the first one to jump off it as well. Furthermore, chaoser has spent a fair amount of time defending redFF against my accusations by agreeing with him that I am being 'hypocritical'....except, as it turns out this was based on faulty information that stems from APPARENTLY misreading the thread (thinking I said something DocH actually said). So as it turns out, chaoser is doing MORE sucking than several others in-thread already. 3) "I have to program for a few hours so I'll bbl." - WBG I guess this means he wasn't programming before, but is now? So where has he been during all this time? Why not stop by and tell me what a dick I am BEFORE I called him out for not being in-thread yet? Why not come in and defend redFF if my case was so bad last page? Your guess is obviously as good as mine, but I suspect his has something to do with sharing an alignment with a certain someone the last page has been discussing. 4) "...since the last page has made my eyes bleed." - WBG So....I guess he thinks redFF is town or something? Or he just thinks my argument is shit? Or he thinks the last page is some kind of stigmata? I have no idea. He's just tossing doubt around as if he's some kind of authority. Guess what guys - THIS IS HIS FIRST POST. HE HASN'T EARNED THE RIGHT TO CALL ANYONE BAD YET IN THIS GAME BECAUSE HE HASN'T DONE SHIT HIMSELF. 5) (and most importantly) ...... NO U 101 ways to miss the point by VisceraEyes. On February 21 2012 09:43 VisceraEyes wrote: Ho boy, the thread died fast. That worries me a little, but that could just be paranoia.
chaoser - so by your correction and apology, should I assume that you're no longer agreeing with red's assessment that I'm being a hypocrite?
kitaman27 - what are your thoughts on chaoser?
Jackal, BC, syllo, WBG, you guys care to weigh in on this? I mean, it's early but I'd have expected to hear what an idiot I am at least twice between those 4 players.
Remember this post? He was jesting at what you said lol about him making fun of you. Way to get pious over something you caused. Oh RoL. Thanks bro. Was that the most important thing you've found in the thread? Me bantering with WBG? Just making an observation d00d, I found it noteworthy. Plus when I was reading it said we were only on page 15, when I posted that it was 19. I thought I had f5ed recently. But hey, care to explain why you created a situation to get indignant in? Most of that post was about his buddying of chaoser if you'll read it carefully. And I didn't really get indignant, I only pointed out that while WBG was saying I was bad, someone he said was NOT being bad was in reality being worse. Care to explain what's noteworthy about the exchange? Do you imagine that I was trying to invent a reason to attack WBG without him so much as posting in the thread yet or something? Yes actually, that's what I was thinking. But I should probably just assume you didn't realize he was referencing a joke. I think inventing reasons to attack someone is a bit out of your skill range. <3 JUST SAYING BRO, YOU SACRIFICED YOURSELF IN HAMMER WITHOUT USING YOUR POWER.
I did at that. It's certainly not one of my prouder scum moments. Thx for reopening that wound bro.
Don't forget this beaut that follows the posts you just quoted. I smell a freakin rat bro.
On February 22 2012 05:55 redFF wrote: VOTE DIRKZOR THEN CHOWSER
##Vote: redFF
On February 22 2012 07:05 wherebugsgo wrote: ...but first of all, get the sand out of your crotch and stop thinking everything's a conspiracy to make you confused.
On February 22 2012 07:05 wherebugsgo wrote: ...and yes, I'm going back on everything I said earlier.
On February 22 2012 07:13 redFF wrote: I don't see how thats scummy VE, chowser has been attacking dirkzor for a while and his attacks on him seem a lot stronger than his attacks on me have been.
I misread your post. I thought you were calling for a Dirkzor lynch, then lining up a chaoser lynch, in spite of you yourself supporting a Toad lynch. My bad.
On February 22 2012 07:19 wherebugsgo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2012 07:16 VisceraEyes wrote:On February 22 2012 07:05 wherebugsgo wrote: ...but first of all, get the sand out of your crotch and stop thinking everything's a conspiracy to make you confused.
On February 22 2012 07:05 wherebugsgo wrote: ...and yes, I'm going back on everything I said earlier. wat? about redFF. he's too much of a liability to town atm to keep him alive, and everything he's been done can actually be explainable from a scu perspective. Almost none of it can be explained from a town perspective. When I reread the thread this morning I took note to look for redFF's motivations for the things he was posting and I can't really justify anything he's done from town perspectve. I was wrong; I now think he is readable. Tell me, do you think a blue claim @ 5 votes, 24 hours into day 1 is something town would do?
It's certainly something I'd expect bad town to do, sure. Plus he's claimed other powers which I'd expect given Palmar has made it clear that this is a hard setup. Are you of the opinion that he's lying scum and has received some kind of "safeclaim" or something?
On February 22 2012 07:25 redFF wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2012 07:22 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:On February 22 2012 07:14 redFF wrote: inb4 lying about claim, doesn't matter, its fairly easy to confirm a tracker, and you don't lynch a claimed blue day 1, especially a strong one like tracker. Cool cool. So how do you propose this works where you claim tracker and can confirm it? You claim your tracks every night? I can't wait for the "I was roleblocked" to come out D2 like it almost certainly will, and you could also claim that you saw nothing while tracking someone which is null unless they counterclaim that they had an action, at which point you out a blue. But lets look at it from the if-you-are-a-townie perspective. Now you need to claim your targets everyday and what you saw which will out blues and if you don't claim it we can't believe you. If you claim roleblock we can't know if you are telling the truth. So congrats, your "easy to confirm" role screws us more than helps us. Now you put us in a kill you to keep the game straightforward scenario since we can't discern your real alignment. heh, if i claimed roleblocked erryday then feel free to lynch me. I don't know what else you would want me to do? Not claim and let town lynch a powerful blue role day 1?
What about stop playing like a scummy dickhole and not worry about your role? Fucks sake red.
(I never actually got around to voting in the thread, so this is just for posterity)
How do you propose we move forward red? Scum likely have a RB, and if they don't RB/kill you then I'll literally shit my pants...so do you have any final thoughts?
On February 22 2012 07:42 redFF wrote: I usually enjoy mafia but wbg has made this game incredibly unfun. wbg if you're sole goal in playing has been to make me mad, consider it accomplished. im out.
inb4 lol, AtE, drama queen, w/e, you're a fucking dick and you actively drive people from this forum.
In what way Red? By repeatedly calling you bad/stupid? Go reread your filter from Sleeper Cell and ask yourself if you have ANY RIGHT to be upset by that. Go on, I'll wait.
It's a little different when you're on the receiving end isn't it? Now, I'm not going to browbeat you repeatedly about it because now you're probably going to get modkilled - but you have to realize that you willingly participated in this game, an advanced game by most standards. And Palmar is fucking hosting it red - Mr. Everyone-But-Me-Is-A-Fucking-Retard....so go ahead and throw your little tantrum I guess, but understand that A) it's accomplishing nothing but helping the opposing faction regardless of your alignment and B) it makes you look like someone worse than bugs - someone who can dish out the insults to others, but can't take them himself.
My 2c
Okay yeah, I went back and reread redFF's filter - I don't believe the claim. He's spent too long being wishy-washy about his reads, pushing a policy lynch he didn't even believe in and bickering for me to comfortably lynch anyone else.
##Vote: redFF
I mean, I guess I'm a little worried how little resistance this lynch has...anyone else getting this feeling?
On February 22 2012 11:14 prplhz wrote:Okay I don't think that redFF is scum because he's been pretty out there. The scummiest he has done in my opinion is his claim which was oddly timed. Right now he's a terribly easy lynch, because we'll have to lynch him at some point. I'd like to see wherebugsgo explain how everything redFF has done can be explained by scum motivation and can not be explained by town motivation. The worst thing about this whole redFF thing is that the lynch is so easy that everybody can just pile onto him and then the day is kinda ruined, we aren't going to find anybody else. I don't think that redFF is scum because he's just been putting himself too much in the line of fire. BloodyC0bbler isn't taking syllogism's accusations seriously (for some reason, nobody is even though syllogism is pretty good at mafia). There are more in the accusations than just "BloodyC0bbler doesn't have a read 5 hours in", he is saying that your mindset doesn't seem focused on finding scum. I totally agree with this. He specifically quotes this: Show nested quote +On February 21 2012 12:03 BloodyC0bbler wrote: [...] I am currently more intrigued at the people who have let policy discussion run so damn rampant for even this short a duration of a game who (in my mind) should know better. You see that the discussion is bad, you say that people should try to find whoever is responsible for this, but you never do this. You are the one guilty of strawman arguing when you insinuate that syllogism's accusation was just based around how you didn't have any reads 5 hours into the game. Additionally there's plenty of bad stuff in your filter. This post where you complain about what's being discussed without providing anything of an alternative. You were just as guilty in letting the initial discussion get out of hand as those people whose existence you alluded to but never tried to find. I understand that you might not like how redFF was being a douche towards Ace but your comments on that doesn't count as a contribution. You didn't post a single read this entire game, and I don't care if anything is 5 hours into the game or whatever, reads are what push this game foward, AMIRITE? So, BloodyC0bbler, is redFF scum or is he just best lynch because of the situation he's gotten himself in? Do you have other scum reads? I'll vote redFF to avoid no lynch. I kinda assume that this is an extended majority lynch where we can end up in a no lynch sitaution, but the OP doesn't really say anything about that. But like, redFF probably isn't scum, come on. There's also plenty good in having him around since scum can't role block anybody else no matter redFF's alignment. The lynch today comes down to "We very likely have to lynch redFF at some point, should it be today or do we have something better?". Right now, I think it's too early to say.
I'm kinda feeling this too prpl, but right now I can't analyze in-depth right now. Are you more down with a BloodyC0bbler lynch? Because I mean, it wouldn't take much convincing for me, as I'm less than impressed with his...what, 5 posts? Not much there. That's my main issue, but then, if we didn't lynch people who don't participate, scum would just sit there silent e'ry day.
Ugh, I just need like, FIVE HOURS ALONE with the thread...that's all I need - I feel like a few scums have revealed themselves. :d
Daaaaang dude that's like a 262 avg.
On February 22 2012 12:38 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2012 12:30 Jackal58 wrote:On February 22 2012 12:24 kitaman27 wrote:On February 22 2012 12:23 Jackal58 wrote: All I have at my disposal this game is my vote. And I don't know where it's going yet. "hey guys. Look at me quote the standard generic town role pm." *wink wink* I rolled a 788 tonight Kita. Kiss my derriere. It was awful nice of them to turn the bumpers on just for you.
DocH I'm intrigued by your ideas and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Ya I did it.
##Unvote redFF ##Vote BloodyC0bbler
And BC is your strongest read right now Syllo? Like, without question?
Did you ever get around to looking at the whole WBG/chaoser thing sir? I feel like that exchange means something. chaoser's defense was solid, but I didn't mind WBG's attack either.
However, chaoser still seems to be interested in finding scum, while WBG has only recently been calling red scum...he's been tunneled in on chaoser ever since that argument.
I'm starting to get a red read on WBG.
On February 22 2012 16:33 syllogism wrote: It's not without a question; I've a quite a few town reads and out of the remaining people BC has looked worst, but despite him personally likely not being around to convince me, I will look into others today.
Also, I think that if there is a scum tracker, there is likely a town tracker as well and thus if there is another tracker out there, it might be worthwhile to counter claim redff at some point today. Tracker is a useful role, but not essential and certainly worth outing if it almost guarantees a scum lynch on day 1. Since I believe redff really is a tracker rather than just scum fake claiming, no counter claim would be relatively strong evidence of him being a town aligned tracker. Tracker is also a role that isn't easy to use, so it makes sense to be present in this setup, considering that this is supposedly a challenging one.
Redff while your outburst feels genuine, you should keep posting today.
Wait, so you think that if redFF is scum, you still believe his claim? Why would scum volunteer information to town like that?
That was dangerously close to role-fishing syllo - the existance of one town-tracker doesn't preclude a second town-tracker. Am I missing something?
On February 22 2012 16:47 syllogism wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2012 16:42 VisceraEyes wrote: That was dangerously close to role-fishing syllo - the existance of one town-tracker doesn't preclude a second town-tracker. Am I missing something? You are right, that is the possible weak point in the plan. I do not think that it is likely that there are two town aligned trackers, however. It's a setup with only 18 players and knowing palmar/sandroba, I don't think they would have opted to include two identical and relatively uninteresting blue roles.
Not even if said 'uninteresting blue roles' are hard to use? I've been a tracker before, it's not easy.
Imagine also if the scum KP are person to person - increasing the difficulty for town, you'd have to similarly increase the difficulty for scum, and giving them KP in the form of player-to-player seems...well you'd probably know better than me. Does that seem likely?