On June 21 2011 11:14 Mataza wrote:
There has to be another hit or save tonight:
Hiro suicided Node
Sandroba died. Mafia KP was cut by one for mismodkilling aidnai yesterday. So you let it leak you were blue to RoL, and they popped Sandroba and you? Did anyone else know about this plan? ANYONE.
BC, for instance? ...Time to look at vote lists.
On June 21 2011 11:30 Mataza wrote: Alright, no I didn´t send someone else. Nobody else claimed hit so far, that´s all I have in my favor.
I claimed veteran to my other contact earlier, just without the Sandroba telling RoL part, if that helps. Well your other contact is probably town. Mafia would not of hit you if they knew you were veteran. What did sandroba tell RoL you were?
Who came up with the idea to let it slip you were blue to RoL? Was RoL and Sandroba + other contact that is 99% green the only people that knew you were blue, and knew about this plan to trap RoL?
A little update for the vote list, with confirmed. Day 1 Votes for ilovejonn (7): Mataza, syllogism, Shraft, DeMorcerf, aidnai, youngminii, hiro protagonist,
Votes for sinani206 (3): Mig, FudgeMunkey, grassgiraffe
Votes for Kenpachi (2): RebirthOfLeGenD, sinani206
Votes for Impervious (1): GGQ
Votes for grassgiraffe (5): BloodyC0bbler, LandenC, Jacinto, Node, Mr. Wiggles
Votes for hiro protagonist (6): sandroba, Varpulis, VisceraEyes, Kenpachi, ilovejonn, ~OpZ~,
Votes for syllogism (1): Scamp
Votes for Mr. Wiggles (1): Impervious
Day 2 Votes for RebirthOfLeGenD (2): FudgeMunkey, Node,
Votes for syllogism (10): RebirthOfLeGenD, GGQ, Jacinto, Mr. Wiggles, Kenpachi, Shraft, hiro protagonist, LandenC, ~OpZ~, BloodyC0bbler
Votes for hiro protagonist (7): sandroba, Varpulis, Mataza, youngminii, VisceraEyes, DeMorcerf, syllogism
Votes for Node (1): sinani206
I just can't get my eyes off youngmini and shraft. Maybe Demorcerf. I gotta go through posts, but you aint been as vocal since the ILJ instance YM...
On June 21 2011 11:45 Mataza wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 11:34 ~OpZ~ wrote:On June 21 2011 11:30 Mataza wrote: Alright, no I didn´t send someone else. Nobody else claimed hit so far, that´s all I have in my favor.
I claimed veteran to my other contact earlier, just without the Sandroba telling RoL part, if that helps. Well your other contact is probably town. Mafia would not of hit you if they knew you were veteran. What did sandroba tell RoL you were? Who came up with the idea to let it slip you were blue to RoL? Was RoL and Sandroba + other contact that is 99% green the only people that knew you were blue, and knew about this plan to trap RoL? To explain in full: I have another contact who knew I am blue night 0 and who I told I am actually Vet day 1. This person (hopefully) knows I contacted Sandroba. I am pretty sure I informed him. I proceeded to randomly ask Sandroba a couple of meaningfull questions, which he thought was suspicious, so he told RoL. After I explained to him in a way that made sense, he realised it was probably a mistake to tell RoL right away. We proceeded to call it a plan from then on. PM's....you can post them good sir.
I want the part where the blue slip is mataza...where you mention this, where this is discussed...I'm confused. how the plan came together. where you mentioned with him the part about BC for the next night....that's all I want.
On June 22 2011 07:58 VisceraEyes wrote:Show nested quote +On June 22 2011 07:33 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: I looked over my notes and I saw him push aidnai a bit day 1. That was actually what confirmed him as town to me, since ILJ was obviously a bad lynch the mafia have no reason to try to add more targets into the fray. I find it interesting how you're distorting the timeline around OpZ. 1st, OpZ pushes aidnai, based on spam. 2nd, OpZ claims indifference to lynching either aidnai, Sinani and ILJ 3rd, OpZ tunnels ILJ hard 4th, OpZ scum-switches to GG, an inactive lynch target that was already on the docket. GTFO scum. Did not switch to grass giraffe....fyi...only to save ILJ.
On June 22 2011 00:50 youngminii wrote: stop being silly lynching opz or rol is nothing more than a crapshoot
get a lurker, the lurkers at this stage are just scummy as all hell landenc (and probably demorcerf) would have been modkilled for inactivity if they weren't mafia, the fact that they are keeps them coming back to make one single post
obvious lynches Don't defend me and RoL in the same post...seriously...I've even pointed out you disappearing after the ILJ shit?
And gtfo viscera...
On June 22 2011 01:22 VisceraEyes wrote: Man, YM, you're ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about lurkers...if I wasn't so convinced of RoL and OpZ, I'd be all about your agenda - especially since in this game, preference was given to people with proven inactivity. But I hardly think that OpZ and RoL are crapshoots...did you even read my analysis? Did you not hear Mataza? Obviously RoL is going to say it's bullshit. He's just been as good as outed as red. Would YOU own up to it if it was you?
RoL is also messing up the details in defending me. I'm interested in seeing what he is. If he is mafia, it'll make me look bad, but I can handle that.
On June 23 2011 03:02 VisceraEyes wrote: Okay, I've made my final decision.
##Vote: RebirthOfLeGenD
While I hate that there's no proof of Sandroba telling RoL in no uncertain terms that Mataza is blue.
While I'm suspicious of Mataza's reaction to BC requiring proof.
There's something I can't get past.
RoL claimed Vigilante. First of all, the outside view of Vigilantes is the exact same as scum. They kill someone at night. Second, the only time I've EVER seen someone claim vig BEFORE someone is shot and killed....is when it's scum trying to save their life. What good does claiming do if it's true? Mafia will likely role-block him, so his plan of killing FudgeMunkey is out. All it serves to do is to save himself. Furthermore, I agree with Mataza's assessment that if the Mafia wanted RoL dead, they would have killed him n2 instead of FAKING some kind of super-play, and do so knowing there's no proof.
As far as RoL's behavior, d2 he did literally just WAIT until a few hours before the deadline, then start throwing around insults until enough votes were off him. He's been actively lurking since the very beginning. I'm sure he and BC will tell you that it's because there's no point in playing until d3...but in doing so, town has literally been put in a position where we have to either trust in Mataza's plan, or believe someone as scummy as RoL to survive. If we don't hit scum today, we're dead.
And I believe RoL is scum. I believe he's been actively lurking, sniping blues (they've had EXCEPTIONAL aim), and watching 24 the whole game.
I conclude this post with something everyone should factor in.
I'm masoned with Mataza. He claimed Veteran to me d1. This means that if he's scum, he fake claimed me d1, put on a show of crumbing DT (he's not very good at it, obviously), and ultimately waited until d3 to put his fake plan. It's too much of a stretch for me. Vote RoL.
I asked for proof before anyone else btw viscera...Just gonna point that out there, home boi.
If there is another vig in the town, I would please beg you to publically role claim, as you posting would make this a world of ease simpler in finding out whether or not lynching RoL is a good idea. Srsly, you're a regular townie after you use your kill, and you will have a target after this lynch that is probably 90 to 95% sure mafia. So plz claim.
On June 23 2011 04:48 Shraft wrote: Yes, claiming vig won't really help much at all.
Call me gullible or stupid, but I'm starting to lean more and more toward not lynching RoL. I have had this feeling all game long that he was blue or green. Counter claiming would give us plenty of information.
so far we know there are 30 players, 6 scum, 2 dt's, 1 med, 1 veteran, 1 hatter. That's just all we know, but thats 6 scum, 5 blues, and 1 miller. Counter claiming vig, will open the vig up for a better hit, discredit RoL, and just make this less of a head ache.
On June 23 2011 05:10 VisceraEyes wrote: I was under the impression that alignments are randomly generated. Is that not the case? ...Too possible vigs, Plz Publically role claim. I explain why on page 52.
And to answer your question, the host has the final say in alignment. They will often not stack two very bangin players on the mafia without considerably good players as town. Give a fair chance to both sides.
On June 21 2011 12:57 youngminii wrote: I like the lurker attack.
Out of the lurkers, landenc seems the most scummy to me. Fudgemunkey seems like a townie that became bored towards the later stages. Vote going to landenc for now. YoungMinni and Fudgemonkey have been very buddy buddy actually....Fudge agrees with YM on everything, and YM protects Fudgemonkey?
On June 22 2011 01:55 youngminii wrote: yeah okay there's quite a decent chance that they're all red
the only reason i was hesitant on lynching rol was because he's masoned to so many people but yeah all the evidence points against him, if he ends up non-red though i will not be happy Went from defending, to a decent chance....Okay....
On June 22 2011 04:03 youngminii wrote: You gave us an alternative lynch yesterday. Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us.
You've had 3 days to 'dominate' and use your PM network. It seems as if your recurring theme this game is "fuck you I'll dominate this game later".
Anyway if you don't end up scum then mataza will obviously have some explaining to do. ...And now your getting more certain....Even though nothing really happened...
On June 22 2011 09:25 youngminii wrote:wiggles i'm curious as to why you put so much effort into defending RoL then you make one line saying 'i agree with this guy' especially when: Show nested quote +On June 18 2011 06:50 Mr. Wiggles wrote:On June 18 2011 06:32 sandroba wrote: okay so who would you protect instead? If I were a medic? aidnai, youngminii, maybe someone else. Blues should use their own discretion though. surely you'd have to have thought i was pretty townie if you wanted a medic to use their save on me i don't want this to be ignored, answer it when you're here Shit changes over time YM....Shit changes.
Anyway...I was just going through your post history, and shit was bugging me. But after rereading Fudge's and your posts...I'm noticing a two way connection. Do you care to...idk...explain how RoL's assumptions of you two is incorrect? You do realize if RoL doesn't pop red, you're dead tomorrow YM?
On June 23 2011 05:16 VisceraEyes wrote: Balance cannot be used as far as I can see. Anyone got anything else? Time is ticking. Further evidence backing up RoL's case against youngminii and fudgemonkey.
Personally I would rather we just move all the votes to fudgemonkey, allow RoL to Vig YM at night (given he is actually a vig), and go from there. That seriously seems like the best course of action, because if YM isn't red, then it's down to BC and RoL.
On June 23 2011 05:57 Mataza wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 05:00 Kenpachi wrote:On June 22 2011 23:57 Mataza wrote: My plan is the most simple explanation you can give for this. There is no way BC can actually think it is total wtf shit. Bloodyc0bbler for Godfather
I am still accepting masons for people who do not want to organize through Godfather, the BloodyC0bbler. For this to be true, RoL cant be mafia (Or Flamewheel is the most evil villain in all of TLMafia) I mean, it would make sense if it was BC youngminii FudgeMunkey (Node is dead) 1 2 but the 1 or 2 cannot be RoL because i stated it early Based off the meta game, a BC/RoL team would be completely imbalanced and the town already lost from the start. Oh ya, arent you a lynch RoL advocate? You have a point, but as was said already, balance is a weak argument for someone to be scum or town. The way this game presents itself to me I´m inclined to heavily question everyone on the zodiac list. I wrote down the initial reactions of the players after I claimed veteran and my plan. Show nested quote +Rebirthoflegend - is being attacked by Mataza/attacks YM
BloodyC0bbler - keeps finding reasons to play down my plan
Node - was bussed by Bloodyc0bbler
Mr.Wiggles - tries to salvage RoL by sheeping the YM attack
Kitaman - flipped green
Opz - distances himself from RoL already, began analysing votes of day 1 & day 2 for no reason
Youngminii - "lynching rol or opz is a crapshoot, let´s lynch landenc"
Scamp - flipped blue And the one question I ask is, why does BC fight against my plan in order to save RoL? He tried really hard to debunk my plan and discredit my conclusion. He then came to the conclusion that my plan is extremely convoluted and the easy explanation is that I am scum doing a really laughable play. And that same person is the one who found Node in a sea of inactives that is half the players. By virtue of being on the zodiac list and not being helpful, unlike the other inactives who weren´t helping. Also the vets on this list had no comments for this at all. Only Youngminii commented on this, and he is the lynch proposed by RoL. Analysing votes was never helpful in a game without heavily debated lynchs or votelist checks. If these people are supposed to save the town with their experience, I damn well want to see at least something. "Newbie attacks RoL and BC, let´s analyse the day 1 and day 2 votes and distance ourself from RoL." This is NOT what I was expecting. I wanted a god damn updated Vote list with confirmed players on it. Wtf is wrong with that. I'm not as eloquent as BC and RoL. I'm not as disciplined. I was hoping to see a pattern. I'd rather lynch Fudgemonkey then lynch YM or RoL at this point, but I'm almost sure 1 of them two is mafia, and I'm damned close to sure fudgemonkey is. It's like he's been with YM since the beginning...oh wait...He probably has.
Fudgemonkey IS LIKELY scum, and WILL give us more information than RoL.
-_-...I'm cereal guys, so so so cereal.
On June 23 2011 06:22 Mataza wrote:If you count balance as evidence, I have my special evidence right here: Show nested quote +Votecounts Day 3 Vote Tally
Votes for RebirthOfLeGenD (9): Mataza, youngminii, Shraft, Jacinto, GGQ, Kenpachi, sinani206, FudgeMunkey, VisceraEyes
Votes for youngminii (5): RebirthOfLeGenD, Mr. Wiggles, Varpulis, ~Opz~, Bloodyc0bbler
Look, it´s almost the entire zodiac list. I don´t believe in coincidences. I don´t believe the results of last night just looked like my plan worked, but actually didn´t. I don´t believe that Bloodyc0bbler actually thinks it is the best explanation that I am scum with a very questionable plan. I don´t believe that everyone on the zodiac list has had very few comments for this and in unison think that youngminii is scum, when RoL should be under heavy suspicion again. I don´t believe that RoL is a vigilante. Fact is there has been no scum on the lynch block yet. Aside from RoL, all major suspects flipped innocent. RoL is the only person to get away alive from being nearly lynched. I don´t think this is a coincidence either. I'm nowhere near saying RoL isn't likely scum! I'm just not willing to lynch him. You're missing that nail in the coffin. Remember me asking you to post your pms and logs? That's why. That's what I was looking for. I needed to see what was said to make RoL think you were blue. Instead I come up with a better lynch candidate, and no one will change to him. I want to lynch Fudgemonkey because of his buddy buddy ties to YM and his lack of activity, shoddy defence, and RoL's post. Even if he is outed as mafia, RoL is not clear unless YM pops red during the night phase by RoL's vig hit, that may/may not happen, but would confirm him if it did. @_@....SERIOUSLY, WTF LOOK AT THAT AND TELL ME WHATS BAD ABOUT THAT?
On June 23 2011 06:42 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 05:59 VisceraEyes wrote: I haven't ignored it. I'm trying to compartmentalize information received from RoL because I suspect him. Him claiming Vig on the block killed any credibility he might've garnered since he's actually started playing, at least for me. I have played enough games to know it would look like a desperate mafia ploy, but it's true and I figure it's more important that you know I am a vigilante before you go murdering away your hopes of winning this game. According to you, you can kill YM during the night phase. So it doesn't matter, if you're certain about both. I agree with it on YM. I believe I've said that before. In the thread or in a pm to you, i can't recall.
On June 23 2011 07:29 VisceraEyes wrote: And a slight correction: The vets aren't voting for you because they think Mataza is wrong...not because they think you're town. There's a big difference. That's only really me who feels that way.
-_-...Mataza...Whoever is pushing me as scum to you is ridiculous.....
7- YM 6- RoL
@_@...RoL....these people who came outta no where...shraft for instance?
Shraft, How do you feel about YoungMinii? Why is he suspicious to you?
Why do you Doubt Mataza being correct about RoL being scum?
Oh...I might as well say it....I'm dying tonight.
I've had a bomb on BC since Night one....
On June 23 2011 10:21 Mr. Wiggles wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 10:13 ~OpZ~ wrote: Oh...I might as well say it....I'm dying tonight.
I've had a bomb on BC since Night one.... Hmmm? Do you mean mafia's going to shoot you? Or you're going to suicide into someone? You're keeping the bomb on BC, or are you telling us because you're moving it? Also, what made you want to claim, and aren't you afraid of RB? Nope. Don't care anymore...Just don't care. Plain and simple. Lmao. No one's claimed Role Block yet, so if the RB'er out there, the mafia ain't been using him. But hey, that doesn't mean he aint right?
Sup Wiggles! Party at your house tonight?
On June 23 2011 10:44 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: A roleblock is only known to blues who get roleblocked and have active actions, so theoretically the reds could have just failed to ever role block a blue. They shoulda role blocked Hiro then...lmao...or mataza if you knew he was blue and you are mafia as they say...
Didn't realize flamewheel changed RB'er for this game...