03[14:48] * Now talking in #TLMafia
03[14:48] * Topic is 'No discussing ongoing games'
03[14:48] * Set by GMarshal|Nestea on Sat Feb 25 16:31:18
[14:49] <gonzaw> With how many stocks do people start with?
[14:49] <Cephiro> 3 stocks unless special role
[14:49] <Cephiro> YES
01[14:49] <johnnywup> are we playing
01[14:49] <johnnywup> irc
01[14:49] <johnnywup> mafia
01[14:49] <johnnywup> :O
[14:49] <Cephiro> YEAH
[14:49] <Cephiro> IN
01[14:49] <johnnywup> ./in
[14:49] <Cephiro> OH GOD YES
[14:49] <Cephiro> that's 4 (5 if memento is in)
03[14:49] * Retrieving #TLMafia modes...
[14:49] <gonzaw> lol Ceph, maybe you are a little over excited there :D
01[14:49] <johnnywup> NO
01[14:49] <johnnywup> HE IS NOT
[14:50] <memento> lol now that I know how this works I will be around more. Something came up, can't commit :*( c u guyz later
[14:50] <Cephiro> YEAH! ^_^
02[14:50] * memento (webchat@blk-7-145-2.eastlink.ca) Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[14:50] <Cephiro> ... Fak
[14:50] <Cephiro> Well
01[14:50] <johnnywup> :|
[14:50] <Cephiro> There's 4 of us at least!
01[14:50] <johnnywup> !!!
[14:50] <Cephiro> That's enough for a game
[14:50] <Cephiro> But more people would be nice
[14:50] <risk7nuke> Im up fro vengence mafia
[14:50] <Cephiro> (So get your irl friends on irc)
01[14:50] <johnnywup> uh
[14:50] <Cephiro> Well...
01[14:50] <johnnywup> ill see if i can
01[14:50] <johnnywup> hold up
[14:50] <Cephiro> Maybe we'll start with vengeance?
[14:50] <Cephiro> That's 5 since risk would be in
[14:50] <Cephiro> Sounds ok?
[14:50] <risk7nuke> because vengence mafia doesn't actually suck
[14:51] <iGrok> ping me when you need me
[14:51] <gonzaw> hey ceph poke me when the game starts
[14:51] <gonzaw> ping me
[14:51] <gonzaw> whatever
[14:51] <Cephiro> And in the meanwhile we can wait for more
[14:51] <Cephiro> Shush you swede
[14:51] <gonzaw> I forget that name thing :P
[14:51] <Cephiro> Can't we start now?
03[14:51] * Cephiro^ (webchat@gprs-prointernet-ffa7c200-6.dhcp.inet.fi) has joined #TLMafia
[14:51] <Cephiro^> We got 5
[14:51] <Cephiro^> If we play vengeance
[14:51] <Cephiro^> igrok, you can host that right?
[14:52] <iGrok> whats vengance
01[14:52] <johnnywup> ;o
[14:52] <Cephiro^> [url=http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Vengeful_Mafia]http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Vengeful_Mafia[/url]
01[14:52] <johnnywup> GET IT RIGHT
04[14:52] <Cephiro^> so me, risk, crazymonkey, johnny, gonzaw
01[14:52] <johnnywup> just kidding i have no clue lol
01[14:53] <johnnywup> hey uh
01[14:53] <johnnywup> whats the point of a godfather
[14:53] <Cephiro^> lol! xD
[14:53] <gonzaw> wat is vengeance
[14:53] <Cephiro^> read link pls
01[14:53] <johnnywup> whats the point of gf without dt
[14:53] <Cephiro^> :P
01[14:53] <johnnywup> OH
01[14:53] <johnnywup> gotcha
01[14:53] <johnnywup> i was like that makes no sense
[14:53] <Cephiro^> [url=http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Vengeful_Mafia]http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Vengeful_Mafia[/url] <--- Anyone who hasn't played vengeful before, check that
[14:53] <Cephiro^> If I am correct, we have 5 players in now
01[14:53] <johnnywup> Kk
[14:53] <Cephiro^> Please confirm by /in
[14:53] <Cephiro^> . /in
01[14:54] <johnnywup> ./in
[14:54] <CrazyMonkey_> ./in
[14:54] <gonzaw> ./in
[14:54] <iGrok> what
[14:54] <risk7nuke> .7in
[14:54] <iGrok> are we doing vengeful
[14:54] <Cephiro^> Yep
[14:54] <Cephiro^> To start with
[14:55] <Cephiro^> since risk doesn't like ssb
[14:55] <Cephiro^> (Curse you swede!)
[14:55] <Cephiro^> No offense thou
[14:55] <iGrok> risk is scum
[14:55] <Cephiro^> <3
[14:55] <risk7nuke> it's not that I don't like it
[14:55] <iGrok> :p
[14:55] <Cephiro^> So iGrok, can you host it?
[14:55] <Cephiro^> We'll start w/ vengeful
[14:55] <iGrok> yeah sure
[14:55] <Cephiro^> see if more people turn up
[14:55] <Cephiro^> since bigger ssb = Awesomer ssb
[14:55] <risk7nuke> it's just that nobody wants to play ssbb the right way so it sucks
[14:55] <Cephiro^> Maybe I'll grab a castle next game
[14:55] <Cephiro^> :D
[14:55] <Cephiro^> risk7nuke: What do you mean the right way?
04[14:55] <gonzaw> ##Vote: johnnywup
[14:55] <gonzaw> Did we start already?
[14:55] <gonzaw> :P
[14:56] <Cephiro^> ##vote gonzaw
[14:56] <gonzaw> :O
[14:56] <risk7nuke> The correct way is to lynch everyone down to one life
[14:56] <Cephiro^> OMGUS = Omg U scum
[14:56] <gonzaw> Why would you do that to me :(
01[14:56] <johnnywup> what
[14:56] <Cephiro^> risk7nuke: No that's not T_T
01[14:56] <johnnywup> i dont know my role
[14:56] <Cephiro^> Everyone to one life = Scum gets upper hand by far
[14:56] <Cephiro^> it's not possible
[14:56] <Cephiro^> scum would nightkill
[14:56] <Cephiro^> whenever someone gets close enough
[14:56] <Cephiro^> you just need to l2p it instead of thinking you figured out the right way :P
[14:56] <risk7nuke> the point is to try to keep everyones lifes balanced
01[14:56] <johnnywup> wait i need a role though
01[14:57] <johnnywup> D:
[14:57] <iGrok> OK
[14:57] <iGrok> WRITTEN UP
[14:57] <risk7nuke> so when you start killing people (for real) and get flips
02[14:57] * Cephiro (webchat@gprs-prointernet-ffa7c200-6.dhcp.inet.fi) Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:57] <Cephiro^> risk7nuke: They flip on first stock loss
[14:57] <Cephiro^> i mean
[14:57] <Cephiro^> role revealed
[14:57] <risk7nuke> only role
[14:57] <risk7nuke> not alignment
01[14:57] <johnnywup> hows your day igrok
01[14:57] <johnnywup> thats my question
[14:57] <risk7nuke> and the role is useless
[14:57] <Cephiro^> risk7nuke: Don't you remember what happened in that game where toad was time shifting dragon
[14:57] <Cephiro^> and you were inventor
[14:57] <Cephiro^> and i tried to balance?
[14:57] <Cephiro^> It did NOT work out
[14:57] <Cephiro^> So yeah
[14:57] <risk7nuke> I won that one didn't I?
[14:58] <Cephiro^> :D
[14:58] <Cephiro^> ye
[14:58] <Cephiro^> because I was an idiot
[14:58] <Cephiro^> Because toad did such weird stuff
[14:58] <Cephiro^> I blame him
[14:58] <marvellosity> ##voat Toadesstern
[14:58] <marvellosity> that's how you spell vote
[14:58] <marvellosity> :<
[14:58] <iGrok> crazymonkey change your name to monkey please
[14:58] <Cephiro^> :D
01[14:58] <johnnywup> I STILL DONT KNOW MY ROLE
[14:58] <Cephiro^> iGrok: err
[14:58] <Cephiro^> What's the point of that?
[14:58] <risk7nuke> I seriously don't know how I talked my way out of visiting the nightkill
[14:58] <Cephiro^> :D
[14:58] <iGrok> makes hosting easier
[14:58] <risk7nuke> I said something like I got framed to visit the nightkill
[14:59] <risk7nuke> and then I made some evil potions
[14:59] <iGrok> w/e i'll just know it
[14:59] <iGrok> OK SHUT UP ITS GAME TIME
[14:59] <risk7nuke> the inventor role was awesome
[14:59] <iGrok> ROLES GOING OUT
[15:00] <iGrok> GAME STARTS IN 5
[15:00] <iGrok> 4
[15:00] <iGrok> 3
[15:00] <iGrok> 2
[15:00] <iGrok> 1
[15:00] <iGrok> IT IS NOW DAY 1
[15:00] <Cephiro^> GOGOGO GL HF
01[15:00] <johnnywup> hi guys
01[15:00] <johnnywup> glgl
01[15:00] <johnnywup> im not scum
01[15:00] <johnnywup> :)
[15:00] <Cephiro^> Yeah sure you aren't
[15:01] <Cephiro^> I'm neither
[15:01] <Cephiro^> And I bet the other three aren't
[15:01] <Cephiro^> So this is a troll jester game
[15:01] <gonzaw> lol that was fast
[15:01] <Cephiro^> And we all lose
[15:01] <Cephiro^> Gg
01[15:01] <johnnywup> uh
01[15:01] <johnnywup> ok
01[15:01] <johnnywup> so
01[15:01] <johnnywup> anyone wanna claim scum?
[15:01] <CrazyMonkey_> hello
[15:01] <Cephiro^> ^ Suspicious
[15:01] <gonzaw> yeah I don't really know how to play these lol
[15:01] <risk7nuke> did he just claim scum?=
[15:01] <Cephiro^> said hello instead of hi
[15:01] <risk7nuke> scumteam crazymonkey and gonzaw
[15:01] <risk7nuke> calling it now
[15:02] <risk7nuke> what do you think about that?
[15:02] <gonzaw> hmm
[15:02] <Cephiro^> Well, it's your usual town play
01[15:02] <johnnywup> based on what?
[15:02] <Cephiro^> you just shush
[15:02] <Cephiro^> come with some miracle solution
[15:02] <Cephiro^> and think it's gg
[15:02] <risk7nuke> based on opening posts
[15:02] <Cephiro^> Please don't tell me you're trying to go by the time of the posts
[15:02] <risk7nuke> nope
01[15:02] <johnnywup> yeah dont do that
[15:02] <gonzaw> well, what do opening posts have to di with it?
[15:02] <gonzaw> *do
[15:02] <risk7nuke> I'm analyzing their meaning
01[15:03] <johnnywup> your overanalyzing, you scum?
[15:03] <iGrok> A TORNADO HAS APPEARED! ;)
01[15:03] <johnnywup> #grab
[15:03] <gonzaw> who did "claim scum" risk?
[15:03] <Cephiro^> Okay so CrazyMonkey_ , you're surprisingly quiet
[15:03] <Cephiro^> ##GRAB TORNADO
[15:03] <risk7nuke> like why did they say "hello" rather then "lets lynch this guy" or "should we roleclaim" and what not
[15:03] <Cephiro^> WIN
[15:03] <risk7nuke> feeling CM might be the gf
01[15:03] <johnnywup> uh
[15:03] <Cephiro^> Why should we roleclaim in vengeful?
01[15:03] <johnnywup> because saying "lets lynch this guy" first post is super scummy
01[15:03] <johnnywup> o.o
[15:03] <risk7nuke> cause I don't think gonzaw is the gf so by process of elimination
[15:03] <gonzaw> there is no difference with GF and goon here right?
[15:03] <risk7nuke> ##Vote crazymonkey
01[15:04] <johnnywup> gf killed=win for town
[15:04] <risk7nuke> if we lynch the gf scum loose
[15:04] <Cephiro^> Err... I'm not really sure if I agree with your logic yet
[15:04] <Cephiro^> I want to see him respond first
01[15:04] <johnnywup> yeah me neither
[15:04] <gonzaw> oh right,...why? lol
[15:04] <Cephiro^> He hasn't said anything yet
01[15:04] <johnnywup> lurking=scum right guys? !!!
[15:04] <risk7nuke> his doing something much more scummy then responding
[15:04] <risk7nuke> lurking and thinking
[15:04] <risk7nuke> like "how do I get out of this mess"
01[15:04] <johnnywup> uh
01[15:04] <johnnywup> he could be going to eat a banana
01[15:04] <johnnywup> i do that all the time
01[15:05] <johnnywup> :D
[15:05] <Cephiro^> possible. But you're clearly leading the discussion at the moment
[15:05] <gonzaw> in epicmafia players are AFK all the time
01[15:05] <johnnywup> yeah scum trying to take hold of town earlier?
[15:05] <risk7nuke> crazy still haven't said anything but hello
[15:05] <risk7nuke> that guy is terrified of dying
[15:05] <risk7nuke> gf
[15:05] <risk7nuke> lynch and win
01[15:05] <johnnywup> and all youre doing is accusing someone who hasnt even responded
01[15:05] <johnnywup> after he only says hello
01[15:05] <johnnywup> scummy as shit
[15:05] <Cephiro^> He's taking awfully long though
[15:05] <risk7nuke> his sitting in the other chat with gonzaw
[15:05] <gonzaw> Is there a time limit here?
01[15:05] <johnnywup> scum would respond earlier, partner would tell him to respond
[15:05] <risk7nuke> who isn't talking ither
01[15:05] <johnnywup> imo
[15:06] <Cephiro^> Well, if he doesn't respond by 1:08
[15:06] <CrazyMonkey_> sorry I've never played before :)
[15:06] <Cephiro^> He has my vote
[15:06] <risk7nuke> just pops up now cause i said his name
[15:06] <risk7nuke> so he got a beep
01[15:06] <johnnywup> who do you think is scum crazy
01[15:06] <johnnywup> crazymonkey_
01[15:06] <johnnywup> whos scum dood
[15:06] <risk7nuke> just vote and kill crazymonkey
01[15:06] <johnnywup> I WANT HIS RESPONSE MAN
[15:07] <risk7nuke> I stake my dandiest hat he's scum gf
02[15:07] * Jitsu (webchat@c-75-69-16-89.hsd1.me.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:07] <CrazyMonkey_> hard to say ^^
01[15:07] <johnnywup> first time in mafia altogether
01[15:07] <johnnywup> or just first time in irc
[15:07] <Cephiro^> Really?
01[15:07] <johnnywup> mafia
[15:07] <Cephiro^> ^ Wut
[15:07] <gonzaw> hey crazy, could you at least tell us what you think of each player?
[15:07] <CrazyMonkey_> 1st time mafia yeah
01[15:07] <johnnywup> ok
01[15:07] <johnnywup> then i dont think hes gf
01[15:07] <johnnywup> yet
01[15:07] <johnnywup> if its his first time
[15:07] <Cephiro^> (He's played once irl face to face with me and a few buddies)
[15:07] <Cephiro^> But yeah he's relatively new
03[15:07] * kitaman27 (~kitaman27@ has joined #TLMafia
01[15:07] <johnnywup> i dont think we should lynch just yet
[15:08] <Cephiro^> kita, join for ssb after this
[15:08] <risk7nuke> johhny dont be dumb
[15:08] <risk7nuke> he's not talking
[15:08] <risk7nuke> kill him
[15:08] <risk7nuke> ceph
[15:08] <Cephiro^> It's hard to say out of new players
[15:08] <gonzaw> we lose with 1 misslynch right?
[15:08] <risk7nuke> no
[15:08] <Cephiro^> Not necessarily
[15:08] <Cephiro^> Vengeful shot
[15:08] <risk7nuke> we loose if we mislync hand he mishoots
[15:08] <gonzaw> Oh yeah
01[15:08] <johnnywup> hmmm
[15:09] <gonzaw> But if Crazy is town, do you think he would shoot scum with his shot?
01[15:09] <johnnywup> no
[15:09] <risk7nuke> if crazy is town
01[15:09] <johnnywup> probably not
[15:09] <risk7nuke> i'lltell him who to shoot
[15:09] <Cephiro^> LOL
01[15:09] <johnnywup> if hes town
[15:09] <Cephiro^> Yeah
01[15:09] <johnnywup> ill tell him
01[15:09] <johnnywup> to shoot you
[15:09] <gonzaw> We should lynch someone that, if he were to be town, at least he would shoot some scum
01[15:09] <johnnywup> risk
[15:09] <Cephiro^> You're telling everyone what we should do
[15:09] <risk7nuke> gonzaw
[15:09] <Cephiro^> I don't like that idea
[15:09] <risk7nuke> that logic is why you're his scumbuddy
[15:09] <gonzaw> you can't tell him who to shoot risk
[15:09] <gonzaw> town should
[15:09] <risk7nuke> here is what we will do
[15:09] <Cephiro^> gonzaw: And let me guess, you would totally shoot scum?
01[15:09] <johnnywup> yeah thats actually shitty logic
[15:09] <risk7nuke> lynch crazy
01[15:10] <johnnywup> im comfortable voting gonzaw
[15:10] <risk7nuke> crazy is gf we wim
01[15:10] <johnnywup> ##vote gonzaw
[15:10] <risk7nuke> crazy is goon we kill gonzaw
[15:10] <risk7nuke> crazy is town, crazy shotos gonzaw
01[15:10] <johnnywup> you just said crazy is gf
01[15:10] <johnnywup> make up your mind
[15:10] <risk7nuke> where is charlie sheen to describe my strategy
[15:10] <Cephiro^> CrazyMonkey_: Are you keeping up at all? What do you think
[15:10] <gonzaw> I don't know if I would shoot scum, I have to make up my mind a little bit ceph
[15:10] <Cephiro^> risk7nuke: It's a bad strat if you need to be on drugs to describe it
[15:11] <gonzaw> I think jonny is town, so I'd either shoot you or risk
01[15:11] <johnnywup> i think risk is scum
[15:11] <risk7nuke> the word I was looking for was winning
[15:11] <gonzaw> By the way he's manipulating town/crazy I'd shoot risk
[15:11] <risk7nuke> you guys are so damn stupid
[15:11] <risk7nuke> lynch me
[15:11] <risk7nuke> ill shoot crazy
01[15:11] <johnnywup> ##unvote ##vote risk
01[15:11] <johnnywup> go for it
[15:11] <risk7nuke> then you better lynch gonzaw
[15:11] <Cephiro^> Err..
[15:11] <Cephiro^> Are you serious?
[15:11] <risk7nuke> me?
[15:11] <Cephiro^> Yeah you
[15:11] <risk7nuke> you're the ones beeing morons
[15:11] <gonzaw> what risk? do you think crazy is goon or gf?
01[15:11] <johnnywup> vote risk lets kill scum gogo
[15:11] <risk7nuke> ofc you dhouldn't lynch me
[15:11] <risk7nuke> you dumbasses
01[15:12] <johnnywup> what the fuck is crazy doing though
04[15:12] <Cephiro^> johnny seemed to like a fast lynch on him though
[15:12] <Cephiro^> He's been jumping on everyone so far I think
01[15:12] <johnnywup> lol
04[15:12] <gonzaw> johnny, so you think I'm scumbuddy with risk?
04[15:12] <risk7nuke> johnny is paranoid
01[15:12] <johnnywup> totally scum tell right?
01[15:12] <johnnywup> uhhh
01[15:12] <johnnywup> unsure
[15:12] <risk7nuke> either paranoid or faking paranoid
01[15:12] <johnnywup> im pretty sure risk is scum though
[15:12] <risk7nuke> it's not that difficult
[15:13] <risk7nuke> your dumb as conclusion that I am scum
[15:13] <risk7nuke> are astonishing though
[15:13] <risk7nuke> like. Hey this guys is taking command
01[15:13] <johnnywup> fight off with attacks to me rather than defense?
01[15:13] <johnnywup> :U
[15:13] <risk7nuke> this guy is generating discussion
[15:13] <risk7nuke> this guy got a plan
04[15:13] <Cephiro^> I think that johnny and risk are of different alignment
[15:13] <Cephiro^> But I am not sure whom is whom
[15:13] <risk7nuke> imma shoot this guy
01[15:13] <johnnywup> crazymonkey_ where they fuck are you
[15:13] <CrazyMonkey_> I'm here lol
01[15:14] <johnnywup> then say stuff
01[15:14] <johnnywup> participate
[15:14] <CrazyMonkey_> stuff
01[15:14] <johnnywup> zzzz
[15:14] <gonzaw> and wanted crazy to shoot me
01[15:14] <johnnywup> dont be a smartass
[15:14] <gonzaw> the weird thing I got from risk, is how he wanted to lynch crazy
[15:14] <risk7nuke> ##vote crazymonkey
[15:14] <gonzaw> if crazy is town we lose instantly
[15:14] <risk7nuke> a second time
[15:14] <risk7nuke> because you didn't get it last time
[15:14] <CrazyMonkey_> ##vote risk7nuke
[15:14] <risk7nuke> this is the part where you say ##vote crazymonkey
[15:14] <Cephiro^> O_o wut
[15:14] <Cephiro^> that seems so omgus
01[15:14] <johnnywup> risk is scum
[15:14] <gonzaw> crazy wtf?
[15:15] <risk7nuke> as I said
[15:15] <iGrok> VOTECOUNT: R 2 (J,M) || M 1 (R)
[15:15] <iGrok> M IS CRAZYMONKEY
[15:15] <risk7nuke> my dandiest hat says gonzaw and crazy are scumbuddies
[15:15] <Cephiro^> ##vote crazymonkey
[15:15] <Cephiro^> Doesn't make enough sense
[15:15] <risk7nuke> ##applause
[15:15] <risk7nuke> now johhny
[15:15] <gonzaw> hmm
[15:15] <Cephiro^> If you're scum
[15:15] <Cephiro^> I hope he shoots you
01[15:15] <johnnywup> lol
[15:15] <gonzaw> lol
01[15:15] <johnnywup> yes risk?
[15:16] <risk7nuke> johhny lynch crazy
[15:16] <gonzaw> ceph, so you think risk is town then?
[15:16] <risk7nuke> trust me, im smart
01[15:16] <johnnywup> I WILL NOT GIVE INTO PEER PRESSURE
[15:16] <Cephiro^> gonzaw: What's that?
[15:16] <risk7nuke> *Jedi Mindtrick: Yes you will!!*
01[15:16] <johnnywup> who hasnt voted, igrok
[15:16] <gonzaw> you voted crazy
[15:16] <iGrok> GONZAW HAS NOT VOTED
[15:16] <gonzaw> Do you think both crazy and risk could be scum rogether?
[15:16] <gonzaw> *together
[15:16] <gonzaw> oh yeah lol
[15:16] <Cephiro^> Nah
[15:16] <Cephiro^> Highly unlikely
[15:16] <gonzaw> I'm making up my mind here
[15:16] <Cephiro^> That would be one heck of a bus
01[15:16] <johnnywup> possibly but im pretty sure risk is scum unsure about crazy
[15:16] <Cephiro^> Since the start
[15:17] <risk7nuke> johhny
[15:17] <risk7nuke> you are doing a classic newb mistake
[15:17] <risk7nuke> which is sucking
[15:17] <risk7nuke> you suck
[15:17] <risk7nuke> badly
01[15:17] <johnnywup> :(
[15:17] <risk7nuke> vote razymonkey
[15:17] <risk7nuke> and win
[15:17] <gonzaw> risk, could you give a thorough reasoning why crazy is scum and not newb town?
[15:17] <risk7nuke> gonzaw can't
01[15:17] <johnnywup> doesnt change that youre scum
[15:17] <risk7nuke> because cm is gf
[15:17] <risk7nuke> so he would loose
[15:17] <risk7nuke> otherwise he would had bussed
01[15:17] <johnnywup> youre so fucking sure
01[15:17] <johnnywup> how?
[15:17] <risk7nuke> to seem less scummy
04[15:17] <Cephiro^> johnny, if you think risk is scum, why haven't you lynched him yet?
01[15:17] <johnnywup> I voted him
01[15:17] <johnnywup> lol
01[15:17] <johnnywup> o.o
[15:17] <risk7nuke> I'm smart
[15:17] <gonzaw> Okay, this is how we win
[15:18] <Cephiro^> Err.. gonzaw hasn't voted?
01[15:18] <johnnywup> yeah
[15:18] <gonzaw> Crazy, if you are town, shoot risk
[15:18] <Cephiro^> my bad
[15:18] <gonzaw> yeah that's a plan
[15:18] <gonzaw> ##Vote: Crazymonkey
[15:18] <CrazyMonkey_> haha
[15:18] <iGrok> HMAMAR
[15:18] <risk7nuke> gonzaw needs to die
[15:18] <iGrok> EVERYONE SHUTUP
[15:18] <gonzaw> no, he shoots you and we live another day
[15:18] <iGrok> :d
[15:18] <iGrok> CRAZY WAS TOWN
[15:18] <gonzaw> if he were town
01[15:18] <johnnywup> you fucking moron gonzaw
01[15:18] <johnnywup> :(
[15:19] <gonzaw> wut
[15:19] <risk7nuke> hrm?
01[15:19] <johnnywup> i dont understand
01[15:19] <johnnywup> LOL
01[15:19] <johnnywup> i get you igrok
[15:19] <risk7nuke> ##Revive risk!
01[15:19] <johnnywup> wait
01[15:19] <johnnywup> CRAZYMONKEY_
[15:19] <iGrok> 10
[15:19] <gonzaw> wtf? lol
01[15:19] <johnnywup> CHOOSE
[15:19] <risk7nuke> shoot him!
[15:19] <iGrok> 9
[15:19] <iGrok> 8
[15:19] <iGrok> 7
[15:19] <risk7nuke> shoot him!
[15:19] <iGrok> 6
[15:20] <gonzaw> Everybody except Ceph is dead lol
[15:20] <iGrok> 5
01[15:20] <johnnywup> wtf
[15:20] <risk7nuke> shoot him!
[15:20] <iGrok> 4
[15:20] <iGrok> 3
[15:20] <risk7nuke> shoot him!
01[15:20] <johnnywup> crazy
[15:20] <iGrok> 2
01[15:20] <johnnywup> yomg
[15:20] <risk7nuke> fast
[15:20] <iGrok> 1
01[15:20] <johnnywup> omgomgg
[15:20] <iGrok> 0
01[15:20] <johnnywup> LOL
[15:20] <iGrok> CEPHIRO IS ALIVE
[15:20] <gonzaw> AHHHH
01[15:20] <johnnywup> AHHHHH
[15:20] <iGrok> HE WAS
[15:20] <iGrok> GOON
[15:20] <iGrok> GG SCUM WINS
01[15:20] <johnnywup> risk was gf
01[15:20] <johnnywup> im sure of it
01[15:20] <johnnywup> D:<
[15:20] <risk7nuke> johhny were you gf?
01[15:20] <johnnywup> i was town
[15:20] <gonzaw> risk was scum
[15:20] <gonzaw> gg
[15:20] <Cephiro^> KEKEKEKEKEKEKE <:3~~ Nice modkills. xD
[15:20] <gonzaw> lol ceph good game :P
[15:21] <gonzaw> wtf happened there anyways? lol
[15:21] <risk7nuke> wtf igrok
01[15:21] <johnnywup> can we get someone who actually says stuff next time
01[15:21] <johnnywup> risk
01[15:21] <johnnywup> what was your role
01[15:21] <johnnywup> o.o
[15:21] <risk7nuke> town
01[15:21] <johnnywup> wtf
[15:21] <iGrok> GONZAW WAS GF
[15:21] <iGrok> CEPH GOON
01[15:21] <johnnywup> :O
[15:21] <iGrok> ALL OTHER TOWN
[15:21] <Cephiro^> my bad kind of, I was pushing him to join quickie :P
01[15:21] <johnnywup> goddamint
[15:21] <risk7nuke> sigh
[15:21] <Cephiro^> But he's a bit shy for now I suppose. :D
01[15:21] <johnnywup> wp gonzaw
[15:21] <risk7nuke> crazymonkey you can't lurk that hard
[15:21] <gonzaw> lol irc mafia is hard to keep up with
01[15:21] <johnnywup> its fun though
01[15:21] <johnnywup> HassyBaby you there?
[15:22] <iGrok> so
[15:22] <Hassybaby> hai
[15:22] <Hassybaby> :3
[15:22] <iGrok> what did you learn
01[15:22] <johnnywup> Play with us?
[15:22] <risk7nuke> igrok why the modkills?
[15:22] <Cephiro^> /in for anythin
01[15:22] <johnnywup> ./in
[15:22] <iGrok> ?
[15:22] <Cephiro^> risk7nuke: You talked
[15:22] <iGrok> when i say shut up
[15:22] <risk7nuke> lol
[15:22] <iGrok> i mean it
01[15:22] <johnnywup> OH
01[15:22] <johnnywup> go it
01[15:22] <johnnywup> got it
01[15:22] <johnnywup> kk
01[15:22] <johnnywup> lets play same setup again
01[15:22] <johnnywup> imo
[15:22] <Cephiro^> hassy
[15:22] <gonzaw> wait I have to do some uni stuff, I'll be back later perhaps
[15:22] <Cephiro^> innn
[15:22] <Cephiro^> :D
01[15:22] <johnnywup> kitaman27 you in?
[15:22] <Hassybaby> i did!
[15:22] <Hassybaby> o
[15:22] <iGrok> if you want in, pm me /in
[15:22] <risk7nuke> kitaman can't play vengence mafia
[15:22] <Hassybaby> i didn't :3
[15:22] <Hassybaby> ./in
01[15:22] <johnnywup> why not
[15:22] <risk7nuke> it's free win for town
01[15:23] <johnnywup> lol wat
[15:23] <risk7nuke> cause he's gf 9/10 times
01[15:23] <johnnywup> marvellosity you in?>
[15:23] <risk7nuke> ./in
01[15:23] <johnnywup> ./in fo sho
[15:23] <Cephiro^> me & gonzaw scum again = town can gg already
01[15:23] <johnnywup> wp with that
01[15:24] <johnnywup> lol
[15:24] <gonzaw> lol that's true :D
[15:24] <Hassybaby> :D
01[15:24] <johnnywup> ok igrok you gonna host another ?
[15:24] <iGrok> i've only got 2 ins
01[15:25] <johnnywup> uh
01[15:25] <johnnywup> i saw at least 3-4
[15:25] <Hassybaby> wat
[15:25] <Hassybaby> ./in
01[15:25] <johnnywup> me risk ceph hassy
[15:25] <Cephiro^> ... seriously
[15:25] <Cephiro^> You people are pro at reading
[15:25] <Cephiro^> :D
[15:25] <Cephiro^> "[01:23] <iGrok> if you want in, pm me /in"
[15:25] <risk7nuke> lol ceph getting cocky
01[15:25] <johnnywup> oh
[15:25] <risk7nuke> I was on to gonaw
01[15:25] <johnnywup> ..
[15:25] <risk7nuke> and crazy was just ery bad
[15:25] <Cephiro^> Nah not cocky, just casually thrashtalking :P
[15:25] <risk7nuke> :p
[15:26] <Hassybaby> in my defense
01[15:26] <johnnywup> we need 1 more i think
[15:26] <Cephiro^> Crazy is new tho, he just has to get used to the irc rhythm
[15:26] <Hassybaby> i'm sheeping the others
[15:26] <Cephiro^> ##shoot Hassy
[15:26] <Cephiro^> okay
[15:26] <risk7nuke> still no reason to post once every fifth minute
06[15:26] * Cephiro^ proceeds to eat sheep
01[15:26] <johnnywup> yeah lol
[15:26] <Hassybaby> you made a good argument
[15:26] <Hassybaby> plus i aws playing dota
[15:26] <Hassybaby> DOTA
01[15:26] <johnnywup> who made good argument
[15:27] <Cephiro^> I WOULD TOO IF I COULD
[15:27] <Cephiro^> I'd take some epic ranged char
[15:27] <Cephiro^> And p000n
[15:27] <Hassybaby> <Cephiro^> hassy
[15:27] <Hassybaby> <gonzaw> wait I have to do some uni stuff, I'll be back later perhaps
[15:27] <Hassybaby> <Cephiro^> innn
[15:27] <Hassybaby> totally convinced me
[15:27] <iGrok> ive got 4 now
[15:27] <Cephiro^> <3 Luv you too
[15:27] <iGrok> what are we playing
[15:27] <Cephiro^> And your catfaces
01[15:27] <johnnywup> annul derpladee kitaman27 marvellosity palmar anyone in?
[15:27] <Hassybaby> :3
03[15:27] * nj (webchat@02da55ab.bb.sky.com) has joined #TLMafia
01[15:27] <johnnywup> nj you in?
[15:27] <Cephiro^> nj! /in ???
[15:27] <nj> .in
01[15:27] <johnnywup> :D
[15:27] <nj> ./in
01[15:27] <johnnywup> pm to igrok
[15:28] <nj> on TL?
01[15:28] <johnnywup> uh
01[15:28] <johnnywup> IRC
01[15:28] <johnnywup> pm him with /in
[15:28] <nj> since when did we start doing that?
[15:29] <nj> (i did it)
[15:29] <Cephiro^> up to the host
01[15:29] <johnnywup> we're doing vengeful setup
[15:29] <Cephiro^> If I host, you have to make a poem to /in
[15:29] <Cephiro^> That's just how it is
[15:29] <Cephiro^> [01:23] <iGrok> if you want in, pm me /in
[15:29] <iGrok> its better this way
[15:29] <Cephiro^> w/c
[15:29] <Cephiro^> sec
01[15:29] <johnnywup> 3town 1gf 1goon, if gf is lynched town wins, if town is lynched day1 they get a vig shot as they die
[15:29] <Cephiro^> [url=http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Vengeful_Mafia]http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Vengeful_Mafia[/url] <---
[15:29] <Hassybaby> don't remember pplaying vengeance before
01[15:29] <johnnywup> if gf is shot that way town doesnt autowin
[15:29] <Hassybaby> :D
[15:30] <Hassybaby> Ceph marry me
[15:30] <Cephiro^> this is a bit fast
[15:30] <iGrok> brb
[15:30] <Cephiro^> But I just might
[15:30] <Cephiro^> :D
[15:30] <Hassybaby> Dota 2 key as dowry
01[15:30] <johnnywup> lool
[15:30] <Cephiro^> Okay totally
[15:30] <Cephiro^> Where's our honeymoon?
[15:30] <Hassybaby> wherever there's mafia
[15:30] <Cephiro^> (I am not a materialist btw)
[15:30] <Cephiro^> :D
[15:30] <Cephiro^> Ah great
03[15:30] * Radfield (webchat@ has joined #TLMafia
[15:31] <Cephiro^> radfield! you should /in for mafia
[15:31] <Radfield> mmmm good evening
[15:31] <Cephiro^> 6 people is already a bit, could get some ssb going soon too
[15:31] <Radfield> I'm cooking dinner though, so beware
[15:31] <Radfield> in
[15:31] <Cephiro^> Well dw, we can play a vengeful meanwhile
[15:31] <Cephiro^> igrok asked to pm /in's
[15:31] <Cephiro^> and he's brb
[15:31] <Radfield> /in
[15:31] <iGrok> 3 minutes
[15:31] <Radfield> so in
01[15:32] <johnnywup> how are we gonna do this
01[15:32] <johnnywup> with 6
[15:32] <Cephiro^> We'll see. :D
[15:32] <Hassybaby> we have a woodstump
[15:33] <risk7nuke> Shit gonna have a radfield doped on chicken
[15:33] <Cephiro^> or then just ssb, or some random 6p setup
01[15:33] <johnnywup> :O
[15:34] <iGrok> ok, I'm ere
[15:34] <Radfield> very doped. I'm making homemade chicken pot pie
[15:34] <iGrok> i've got 5 /ins
[15:34] <Radfield> the gravy is just thickening
[15:34] <risk7nuke> btw, radfield you got an honorary mention in IX day 1 post. did you see it?
[15:34] <Radfield> I did not!
[15:34] <Radfield> I will check it out
[15:34] <Radfield> That might be the first time I have ever made a Day 1 post
01[15:34] <johnnywup> WB
03[15:34] * MrZentors (webchat@h13.26.23.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) has joined #TLMafia
[15:34] <Cephiro^> I guess we'll do a vengeful for the 5 players and see how many are in the next?
01[15:34] <johnnywup> oh god now thats 7
[15:34] <iGrok> what game we playing
[15:34] <risk7nuke> I though it appropriate since you're the newbie boss now
[15:34] <Cephiro^> OH WOOT
[15:34] <Radfield> it's always qatol this, ver that. Even Gmarshal gets his due
01[15:34] <johnnywup> if zentor ins
[15:34] <MrZentors> Hey
[15:35] <Radfield> :)
[15:35] <MrZentors> I want to play :)
[15:35] <iGrok> DropBear got a mention rad
[15:35] <Cephiro^> Radfield, you need to _PM_ igrok to /in
[15:35] <iGrok> :p
01[15:35] <johnnywup> you gotta pm igrok /in
01[15:35] <johnnywup> ok
[15:35] <Cephiro^> then we would be 7
01[15:35] <johnnywup> 7p setup
[15:35] <Cephiro^> that'd be enough for either a big vengeful or then ssb
[15:35] <Cephiro^> or both
[15:35] <iGrok> if you want in, pm me ./in
[15:35] <Radfield> PM him on TL?
[15:35] <Hassybaby> <Radfield> the gravy is just thickening
[15:35] <iGrok> no
[15:35] <Hassybaby> biggest innuendo ever
[15:35] <iGrok> here
[15:35] <MrZentors> How do I /in?
[15:35] <iGrok> whisper
[15:35] <iGrok> w/e
[15:35] <Cephiro^> click his name at the list, then query
[15:35] <Cephiro^> and it opens a magic pm box up
[15:35] <Cephiro^> like a whole new channel
[15:35] <Cephiro^> or world
[15:36] <iGrok> zentors if you want to play, whisper me ./in
[15:36] <Radfield> you know it hassybaby
[15:36] <iGrok> 6 ins atm
[15:36] <Hassybaby> :D
01[15:36] <johnnywup> zentor
[15:36] <Radfield> I have never played dota
[15:37] <Radfield> nor any such game
[15:37] <Hassybaby> huh
[15:37] <MrZentors> I don't know how to whisper in quake -.-
[15:37] <Cephiro^> I can make a team, but I won't be able to play xD how's that?
[15:37] <Cephiro^> Haha
[15:37] <Cephiro^> MrZentors: Click name, click query
[15:37] <Cephiro^> from the list at right
[15:37] <Hassybaby> this is sickening
[15:37] <Cephiro^> then a new "channel" will open at the uppermost bar
[15:37] <Hassybaby> BC isn't sure if Curu, Mig or himself can play either ._.
[15:37] <Cephiro^> which is a straight one-to-one private discussion with the lucky receivant
[15:37] <Radfield> who is 'nj'?
01[15:38] <johnnywup> nj is nj and thats just how it is
[15:38] <Hassybaby> the only people who are Mafia reps in there right now are ET and Drazerk...that's not right
[15:38] <Radfield> good to know
01[15:38] <johnnywup> IS NJ STILL HERE?
01[15:38] <johnnywup> caps
[15:38] <nj> yep
[15:38] <Cephiro^> Free meta-game tip:
[15:38] <Cephiro^> If I am scum
[15:38] <Cephiro^> gonzaw is too
[15:38] <Cephiro^> If gonzaw if scum
[15:38] <Cephiro^> I may or may not be
[15:38] <Cephiro^> :O
01[15:38] <johnnywup> :U
[15:39] <Radfield> got it
[15:39] <Hassybaby> :3
[15:39] <nj> i am trying to figure out a puzzle
[15:39] <nj> and i isnt having luck
01[15:39] <johnnywup> what setup are we using
[15:39] <Cephiro^> (I really don't get why everyone always tries to meta each other so hardcore, it's not like good players can't change up their play) x_x
[15:39] <Cephiro^> just wait for igrok to tell us all the exciting stuff once he sorts the /ins and stuff
[15:39] <Cephiro^> zentor
[15:39] <Cephiro^> did you get your in already
[15:40] <MrZentors> I'm failing to whisper -.-
[15:40] <iGrok> I sent him a whisper
[15:40] <iGrok> and still no reply
01[15:40] <johnnywup> what client do you use zentor
[15:40] <Hassybaby> lol
[15:40] <Cephiro^> I told you how to
[15:40] <Cephiro^> ... really?
[15:41] <iGrok> trying to get hesmyrr to play too
[15:41] <Hassybaby> this is gonna be fun :3
03[15:41] * Cephiro (webchat@gprs-prointernet-ffa7c200-6.dhcp.inet.fi) has joined #TLMafia
[15:41] <iGrok> ceph will you ping everyone for a final /in check please
[15:41] <iGrok> which ceph is the real ceph
04[15:41] <Cephiro> Q: BloodyC0bbler Eiii Annul Cephiro^ CrazyMonkey_ derpladee gonzaw Hassybaby iGrok johnnywup kitaman27 marvellosity MrZentors nj Palmar Radfield RI
[15:41] <Cephiro> risk7nuke:
[15:41] <Cephiro> This one
[15:41] <Cephiro> D/ced again
[15:41] <Cephiro> I hate my netstick
[15:41] <Cephiro> I'd eat it if I didn't need it
[15:42] <risk7nuke> ./in
[15:42] <nj> ./in
[15:42] <Cephiro> ./in
[15:42] <Hassybaby> ./in
01[15:42] <johnnywup> ./in
[15:42] <iGrok> playing: RISK CEPH JOHN HASS NJ RADF
01[15:42] <johnnywup> mrzentor ..
01[15:42] <johnnywup> :(
[15:42] <iGrok> sorry zentors, figure out how to whisper or you cant play
[15:42] <Hassybaby> lol
[15:43] <iGrok> if you can't even read them i cant send you your role
[15:43] <iGrok> so its impossible for you to play
[15:43] <iGrok> alright
[15:43] <iGrok> everyone good with ssb64?
01[15:43] <johnnywup> yeye
[15:43] <Hassybaby> yep
[15:43] <Cephiro> OH FUCK YEA
[15:43] <Cephiro> :3
[15:43] <iGrok> [url=http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=160747¤tpage=5#98]http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=160747¤tpage=5#98[/url]
[15:43] <nj> hellz yeah
[15:43] <Cephiro> Seriously all those catfaces by hassy have made me use them a lot lately
03[15:43] * Hesmyrr (webchat@Hesmyrr.users.quakenet.org) has joined #TLMafia
[15:43] <Cephiro> And toad too
[15:43] <iGrok> HESMYRR
[15:43] <iGrok> 6 playing
[15:43] <iGrok> JUST IN TIME
[15:44] <Cephiro> Hesmyrr, you want in?
[15:44] <nj> but you nerfed my character :(
[15:44] <Hassybaby> I saw toad use it :3
[15:44] <Hassybaby> was awesome
[15:44] <Cephiro> :D Haha
[15:44] <Cephiro> Toad uses it a lot
[15:44] <Hesmyrr> what's the setup? O.O
[15:44] <iGrok> [url=http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=160747¤tpage=5#98]http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=160747¤tpage=5#98[/url]
[15:44] <iGrok> mwuhahaha
03[15:44] * radfield_ (webchat@ has joined #TLMafia
01[15:44] <johnnywup> HI
[15:44] <radfield_> apologies, not sure what happened
[15:44] <Cephiro> Np, webchat sucks sometimes
[15:44] <Cephiro> [url=http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=160747¤tpage=5#98]http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=160747¤tpage=5#98[/url] <--
[15:45] <Cephiro> you're /in
[15:45] <Cephiro> SSB round
[15:45] <Cephiro> read da rules and get ready
[15:45] <Cephiro> for some tornado grabbing
[15:45] <iGrok> hesmyrr are you playing?
01[15:45] <johnnywup> should we send in role yet igrok?
[15:45] <Hesmyrr> hmm
[15:45] <Hesmyrr> maybe not, I'll just watch since I have no irc maf experience at all
01[15:45] <johnnywup> no better time to learn than the present
[15:45] <iGrok> ok
[15:45] <iGrok> 6 playing
01[15:45] <johnnywup> but ok
[15:46] <Cephiro> Toad is scum
[15:46] <Cephiro> wait...
[15:46] <Hesmyrr> also [s]procrastinating[/s] studying for finals atm
01[15:46] <johnnywup> BBCODEDOESNTWORKHERE
02[15:46] * Cephiro^ (webchat@gprs-prointernet-ffa7c200-6.dhcp.inet.fi) Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:46] <Hesmyrr> OSHITENO
06[15:47] * Cephiro .... emptiness
[15:47] <iGrok> zentors might have figured out whisper
[15:47] <Hassybaby> lol
[15:47] <iGrok> alright
[15:47] <iGrok> so zentors is in
01[15:48] <johnnywup> yeye
[15:48] <Cephiro> Hassy, because we're married, we're not killin each other, right?
[15:48] <radfield_> brb, gotta get some pie
[15:48] <Cephiro> We just make cute catfaces and stuff.
[15:48] <risk7nuke> can you make me a texas cop
[15:48] <Hassybaby> :3
[15:48] <risk7nuke> so i can shoot him?
02[15:48] * Radfield (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:48] <Cephiro> :3 Exactly
[15:48] <MrZentors> I'm going to kill all of you
[15:48] <MrZentors> regardless of my role
[15:48] <iGrok> Zent you've read the rules right?
[15:48] <Cephiro> I vote for policy lynch zentor
[15:49] <nj> no pregame voting!
[15:49] <MrZentors> I can't find the rules
[15:49] <Cephiro> What's a texas cop btw?
[15:49] <Cephiro> [url=http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=160747¤tpage=5#98]http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=160747¤tpage=5#98[/url] <----
[15:49] <Cephiro> RULEZ
[15:49] <Cephiro> I almost feel like facepalming but....
[15:49] <Cephiro> ^.^
[15:49] <iGrok> -_-
[15:49] <iGrok> still need chars from 2 people
[15:49] <Hassybaby> c|:3>
[15:50] <Cephiro> Mexican cat
[15:50] <Cephiro> Sombrero
[15:50] <radfield_> what are the stocks and how do they work?
[15:50] <Cephiro> Stock = Life
[15:50] <nj> maracas
[15:50] <Cephiro> Lynched = -1 stock + role reveal
[15:50] <Cephiro> Lose all stock = You die
[15:50] <risk7nuke> ./out
[15:50] <risk7nuke> can't stans ssbb
[15:50] <Cephiro> risk newb
01[15:50] <johnnywup> :(
[15:51] <risk7nuke> fine.
[15:51] <iGrok> really /out?
[15:51] <Hassybaby> YEAH PEER PRESSURE
[15:51] <radfield_> how much stock does every one have?
[15:51] <iGrok> 3 each unless otherwise stated
01[15:51] <johnnywup> 3
[15:51] <iGrok> is that not in there? O.o
[15:51] <radfield_> k
[15:51] <iGrok> I'll patch that in later
[15:51] <nj> risk why you gotta be so uncool with the /ouy?
[15:51] <iGrok> OK
01[15:51] <johnnywup> btw how do you earn roles
[15:52] <Cephiro> by being awesome, helping out, secret stuff
01[15:52] <johnnywup> gotcha
[15:52] <iGrok> EVERYONE READY?
[15:52] <Hassybaby> yep
[15:52] <iGrok> 7 PLAYING
[15:52] <MrZentors> Also. what are the mafia roles?
[15:52] <nj> yes
[15:52] <radfield_> y
[15:52] <MrZentors> I don't see them
01[15:52] <johnnywup> same roles as town
01[15:52] <johnnywup> he gives you alignment
01[15:52] <johnnywup> after you choose role
[15:52] <iGrok> 1 MORE THING
[15:52] <iGrok> STOP TYPING
[15:52] <iGrok> GOT IT?
[15:53] <Hassybaby> yep
[15:53] <MrZentors> Got it!
[15:53] <radfield_> ~
01[15:53] <johnnywup> gotcha
[15:53] <Cephiro> /got it
[15:53] <iGrok> OK
[15:53] <iGrok> STAGE SELECT
[15:54] <radfield_> brb, more pie
[15:54] <Hassybaby> :D
[15:56] <iGrok> GAME STARTS IN 10
[15:56] <iGrok> 9
[15:56] <iGrok> OH WAIT
[15:56] <iGrok> THIS IS SSB64
[15:56] <iGrok> 3!!!!!
[15:56] <iGrok> 2!!!!!
[15:56] <iGrok> 1!!!!!
[15:56] <iGrok> FIGHT!!!!!!
[15:57] <MrZentors> AHHHH
01[15:57] <johnnywup> haha this stage
01[15:57] <johnnywup> is thebest
[15:57] <nj> down + B
[15:57] <MrZentors> I'm afraid
01[15:57] <johnnywup> hehe
[15:57] <nj> z
[15:57] <Cephiro> Don't worry
[15:57] <Hassybaby> eagerly awaiting tornadoes to grab
[15:57] <nj> z
01[15:57] <johnnywup> up up down down ba ba enter?
[15:57] <Cephiro> I will save you from pesky tornadoes
01[15:57] <johnnywup> anyways
01[15:57] <johnnywup> ok
[15:57] <Cephiro> Right+B+A+A
[15:57] <MrZentors> Shouldn't the first person to dodge get something?
[15:57] <nj> i am Town
[15:57] <radfield_> you forgot select start
01[15:57] <johnnywup> no zentors thats not how it works D:
[15:57] <Hassybaby> nj is clearly kenpachi
[15:57] <MrZentors> That would be cool
[15:58] <nj> hassaababy call me out first
[15:58] <radfield_> is there potential for mass roleclaim in this setup?
01[15:58] <johnnywup> im town too nj, what are the chances
[15:58] <nj> ##vote hassababy
[15:58] <Cephiro> Kenpachi = always claims town first for whatever reason?
[15:58] <Hassybaby> ##vote nj for spelling my name wrong twice
[15:58] <Cephiro> Okay, can we please just skip the "we all are town" stage
[15:58] <Cephiro> It's pointless
[15:58] <Cephiro> ._.
01[15:58] <johnnywup> yeah lol
01[15:58] <johnnywup> true
01[15:58] <johnnywup> ok
[15:58] <nj> ##vote Hassybaby
[15:58] <MrZentors> lol
[15:58] <radfield_> ceph isn't town!
[15:58] <nj> OMGUS much?
[15:58] <nj> scum
01[15:58] <johnnywup> nj and hassy with the stupid votes
01[15:58] <johnnywup> :U
[15:58] <Cephiro> .. Are you saying that just because I didn't scream I am town at start?
[15:59] <Hassybaby> i could call you bj, would you like that? :3
[15:59] <radfield_> nope
[15:59] <nj> my vote is not stupid
[15:59] <Cephiro> Happy?
[15:59] <radfield_> so
[15:59] <risk7nuke> sure
[15:59] <radfield_> nope
[15:59] <risk7nuke> you seem trustworthy
[15:59] <radfield_> if someone is lynched they dont die?
[15:59] <nj> correct
[15:59] <radfield_> thay lose 1 of 3 lives?
[15:59] <Hassybaby> they lose 1 stock
01[15:59] <johnnywup> im townier ceph
01[15:59] <johnnywup> D:<
01[15:59] <johnnywup> w/e
[15:59] <nj> but i am falcon
[15:59] <Cephiro> Hassybaby is even more
01[15:59] <johnnywup> ##gtrab
[15:59] <Cephiro> ##GRAB STAR WAND
[15:59] <Hassybaby> ##grab
[15:59] <MrZentors> ##GRBQBA
[15:59] <nj> ##grab star wand
01[15:59] <johnnywup> FUCK
[15:59] <MrZentors> ##GRAB
[15:59] <Cephiro> IMBA CEPH
[15:59] <MrZentors> GRRR
[15:59] <radfield_> LAG SPIKE
01[15:59] <johnnywup> nice dood
[16:00] <Cephiro> +1 vote ^_^ Wohoo.
[16:00] <Hassybaby> :3
[16:00] <iGrok> OH BTW! WITH 7 ALIVE, ITS 4 TO LYNCH
01[16:00] <johnnywup> ty!
01[16:00] <johnnywup> ok
[16:00] <radfield_> is no lynch an option?
[16:00] <iGrok> YES
[16:00] <radfield_> k
[16:00] <nj> so why aren't you voting for hassy yet?
01[16:00] <johnnywup> radfield why dont you want to lynch scum
[16:00] <Cephiro> Because he has catfaces.
01[16:00] <johnnywup> you scum?
[16:00] <MrZentors> I almost think a random lynch is better than a no lynch :/
[16:01] <Cephiro> MrZentors: But you won't even mention trying a logical lynch?
[16:01] <Cephiro> Who says it has to be a no lynch or a random one?
[16:01] <MrZentors> I'm stating how bad a no lynch is
04[16:01] <radfield_> I want to know the setup johnny
[16:01] <radfield_> I don't actually think we should no lynch
[16:01] <MrZentors> By comparing it to a random lynch
[16:01] <Cephiro> Also, risk is hiding behind the curtains again
01[16:01] <johnnywup> Gotcha
[16:01] <nj> because there is rarely logic used in these games
01[16:01] <johnnywup> yeah risk was way more active last game
01[16:01] <johnnywup> last irc game
[16:01] <risk7nuke> yeah im super scummy
01[16:02] <johnnywup> NOT SAYINGYOURE SCUMMY
[16:02] <nj> activity=/= alignment
[16:02] <MrZentors> I CALL THEE FORTH RISK
01[16:02] <johnnywup> IM POINTING OUT A FACT
[16:02] <risk7nuke> it's not at all because I hate ssb64
[16:02] <Cephiro> I didn't say you were scummy, but you defended yourself
01[16:02] <johnnywup> ceph
01[16:02] <johnnywup> wtf
01[16:02] <johnnywup> youre saying hes scum because he defended himself?
[16:02] <radfield_> the lynched player also has their role revealed?
[16:02] <risk7nuke> jujjujb logic. He's defending himself. he's scum!
[16:02] <Hassybaby> pants.on.head
01[16:02] <johnnywup> *high five risk
[16:02] <Cephiro> ... facepalm
[16:02] <nj> get voting
[16:02] <Cephiro> You can't be serious
01[16:02] <johnnywup> nj why do you want to have quick vote so bad? you scum?
[16:03] <Cephiro> I said that I didn't say that he was scummy, but he still defended himself without being accused of anything
[16:03] <nj> if we never vote
[16:03] <Cephiro> Why would someone defend themselves before even being accused?
[16:03] <nj> this will take forever
01[16:03] <johnnywup> true
01[16:03] <johnnywup> ok
01[16:03] <johnnywup> hm
01[16:03] <johnnywup> hassy lurking
[16:03] <nj> cus he scum
[16:03] <MrZentors> I think hassy/risk would be a good lynch
[16:03] <Hassybaby> i was waiting for an epiphany from you
[16:04] <Hassybaby> disappoint
[16:04] <nj> he is worried about posting about his teammate
[16:04] <radfield_> why zeontors?
01[16:04] <johnnywup> :(
[16:04] <risk7nuke> I think we should lynch radfield
01[16:04] <johnnywup> why
[16:04] <radfield_> why risk?
[16:04] <MrZentors> Hassy is lurking
[16:04] <MrZentors> Risk is acting scummy
[16:04] <risk7nuke> he's checking out the setup
04[16:04] <Hassybaby> I think we should lynch Zentors for sheeping johnny
[16:04] <risk7nuke> scummy behavior
[16:04] <MrZentors> Oooo
[16:04] <radfield_> it's true, i don't deny it
[16:04] <nj> radfield if you had a dayshot , who would you shoot?
[16:04] <radfield_> I'm even reading the other page that explains the rules
[16:04] <Cephiro> But didn't you say you were the sheepy sheep before? :P
[16:05] <MrZentors> You're just mad because I want you dead, Hassy :p
[16:05] <Hassybaby> I'm not a sheep
[16:05] <Hassybaby> i'm a cat
[16:05] <Hassybaby> :3
01[16:05] <johnnywup> radfield not acting very scummy imo
[16:05] <Hassybaby> :3
[16:05] <radfield_> somebody quiet
[16:05] <nj> btw prepare a ##DODGE just in case
[16:05] <Cephiro> Preparing is for newbs
01[16:05] <johnnywup> ##dodge
[16:05] <radfield_> define "prepare"
[16:05] <Cephiro> ##DODGE
[16:05] <Hassybaby> ##DODGE
[16:05] <nj> ##DODGE
[16:05] <radfield_> #dodge
[16:05] <risk7nuke> ##dodge
[16:05] <MrZentors> ##DODGE
[16:05] <radfield_> lol
[16:05] <radfield_> slow asses
[16:06] <iGrok> HE HAS LOST 1 STOCK
[16:06] <MrZentors> Back off
[16:06] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 2 STOCK
01[16:06] <johnnywup> do we know his role?
[16:06] <radfield_> haha
[16:06] <nj> slow because they were PM ing
[16:06] <radfield_> lol
03[16:06] * Toad| (webchat@c-71-200-211-226.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #TLMafia
[16:06] <Hassybaby> clearly
[16:06] <Toad|> hi guys
01[16:06] <johnnywup> thats stupid logic imo
[16:06] <Hassybaby> (hey toad :3)
[16:06] <Cephiro> (Hey toad >:3 SSB!)
[16:06] <Cephiro> kekeke
[16:06] <nj> no one ever pms in this
[16:06] <Toad|> hi cephiro
[16:06] <iGrok> QUIET PLEASE TOAD
[16:06] <Toad|> SHUT UP IGROK
[16:06] <radfield_> um, lets kill someone
01[16:06] <johnnywup> OK guys lets seriously get on a lynch this will take forever
[16:06] <radfield_> and by kill, i mean moderately wound
[16:06] <Toad|> hey its radfield!
[16:06] <nj> can we lynch hassy yet?
[16:06] <Hassybaby> ^
[16:06] <Cephiro> Votecount?
04[16:07] <nj> johnny such a sheep
01[16:07] <johnnywup> such a sheep dood
[16:07] <radfield_> why are we voting hassy again?
01[16:07] <johnnywup> SO SHEEPY
01[16:07] <johnnywup> lol
04[16:07] <radfield_> johnny who do you want to lynch?
[16:07] <Hassybaby> seems like we have 2 sheep
[16:07] <nj> cus he called my town claim BS
01[16:07] <johnnywup> risk prob
[16:07] <Hassybaby> and a cat
[16:07] <risk7nuke> yeah im going there ##vote radfield. Who is your buddy?
[16:07] <radfield_> and by lynch i mean moderatly wound
[16:07] <nj> and he is lurking like a scared goon
[16:07] <Hassybaby> no, i just called you kenpachi
01[16:07] <johnnywup> ##vote risk7nuke
[16:07] <MrZentors> Yeah risk is scummy
[16:07] <radfield_> you're my buddy risk
[16:07] <risk7nuke> johhny quit beeing bad
01[16:07] <johnnywup> :(
[16:07] <MrZentors> ##vote risk7nuke
[16:07] <Cephiro> You guys don't make any sense >_>
[16:07] <risk7nuke> look
[16:07] <Cephiro> Oh wait
[16:08] <risk7nuke> zentor wants to kill me
[16:08] <iGrok> STOP
[16:08] <Cephiro> I got a doublevote
[16:08] <iGrok> QUIET
[16:08] <Cephiro> Votecoutn?
[16:08] <risk7nuke> this is proof of my innocence
[16:08] <radfield_> lol
[16:08] <iGrok> HE LOSES 1 STOCK
[16:08] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 2 STOCK
[16:08] <iGrok> HE WAS...
[16:08] <iGrok> SAMUS
[16:08] <iGrok> IT IS NIGHT 2
[16:08] <iGrok> NIGHT 1
[16:08] <iGrok> W/E
[16:08] <radfield_> HE IS.....
[16:08] <iGrok> QUIET.
[16:09] <Toad|> ##Dodge Tornado
[16:10] <iGrok> AWAITING ACTIONS
[16:10] <Toad|> HEY CEPHIRO HURRY UP
[16:12] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 2 STOCK
[16:12] <iGrok> CEPHIRO HAS LOST 1 STOCK
[16:12] <Hassybaby> my face
[16:12] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 2 STOCK
[16:12] <iGrok> DAY 2
[16:12] <iGrok> 3!!!!
[16:12] <iGrok> 2!!!!
[16:12] <nj> suck it hassy
[16:12] <iGrok> 1!!!!
[16:12] <iGrok> FIGHT!!!!!!!
[16:12] <risk7nuke> Either Zentor is townie. And then im town because zentor is pretty bad and as a rule generally wrong. Or zentor is scum and then im town because zentor is trying to kill me. It's pretty solid reasoning.
[16:12] <MrZentors> Can scum shoot one of their partners?
[16:12] <Cephiro> Nj, falco claim?
[16:12] <nj> yeah
[16:12] <nj> ages ago
[16:13] <Hassybaby> well that was unnecessary
[16:13] <Cephiro> So that means I got the scum kp unless there is another falco
[16:13] <MrZentors> That tells us nothing risk
[16:13] <nj> so we know scum hit ceph
[16:13] <risk7nuke> it's proof im town
01[16:13] <johnnywup> there could be a scum falco
[16:13] <risk7nuke> and how the hell did you 2 singlehandedly lynch me
[16:13] <MrZentors> idk
[16:13] <MrZentors> lol
01[16:13] <johnnywup> were pikachus
01[16:13] <johnnywup> obv
01[16:13] <johnnywup> use your brain
[16:13] <risk7nuke> yeah but
01[16:13] <johnnywup> 2+2=4
[16:13] <nj> there couldn't because i am town falco
[16:13] <MrZentors> oh
[16:13] <MrZentors> right..
[16:14] <Cephiro> ... two pikachus is gonna be dangerous
[16:14] <risk7nuke> yeah but then that messes up everything
[16:14] <risk7nuke> look
01[16:14] <johnnywup> looking
01[16:14] <johnnywup> what am i looking at
[16:14] <risk7nuke> if both scum took pikatchus
[16:14] <risk7nuke> they could just rush
[16:14] <risk7nuke> and be unstoppable
[16:14] <nj> who voted risk
01[16:14] <johnnywup> ##grab pokeball
[16:14] <Hassybaby> ##grab pokeball
[16:14] <Cephiro> ##GRAB POKEBALL
04[16:14] <iGrok> JOHNNY HAS A POKEBALL
[16:14] <MrZentors> you guys are too fast
[16:14] <risk7nuke> we're not 7 4 majority lynch. we're atleast 9 where 5 is majority lynch
[16:15] <Hassybaby> BAH
[16:15] <nj> TT such slow typing
01[16:15] <johnnywup> What pokemons in it
01[16:15] <johnnywup> how do i activate it
04[16:15] <radfield_> so johnny and zentor are double voters
[16:15] <iGrok> ##USE POKEBALL
[16:15] <Cephiro> And I have the star rod thingy
[16:15] <Cephiro> Which is +1 vote
[16:15] <risk7nuke> yes
[16:15] <Cephiro> Which I haven't used yet
[16:15] <Cephiro> Since yesterday passed by so fast
[16:15] <risk7nuke> my lynch was bogus
[16:15] <nj> it suspect that zentor is scum
[16:15] <risk7nuke> igrok you need to adjus for extra votes
01[16:15] <johnnywup> yeah rad im DV
04[16:15] <Cephiro> Well I'll agree with that, I'm fairly sure that either johnny or zentors is scum
[16:15] <nj> ##vote zentor
[16:15] <MrZentors> Woah
[16:16] <MrZentors> Guys
[16:16] <nj> ##vote MrZentors
01[16:16] <johnnywup> ##vote zentors
[16:16] <MrZentors> I AM INNOCENT
01[16:16] <johnnywup> i agree
[16:16] <Hassybaby> that was quick
04[16:16] <Cephiro> lol johnny wtf
[16:16] <risk7nuke> where the hell did that come from?
[16:16] <Cephiro> hammer much
[16:16] <Cephiro> I think two pikachus in a scumteam would be quite imba
01[16:16] <johnnywup> 2 DV on one team is imba
[16:16] <radfield_> ok...
[16:16] <MrZentors> and hassybaby is too
01[16:16] <johnnywup> since im town he has to be scum
[16:16] <Cephiro> How do you know hassy is innocent?
04[16:16] <risk7nuke> lets kill johnny or nj
[16:16] <risk7nuke> or radfield
[16:16] <MrZentors> Well I don't
[16:16] <MrZentors> I just made that up
[16:16] <MrZentors> but don't kill me
[16:16] <Cephiro> I really want to hammer you
[16:17] <Cephiro> Just for that
[16:17] <Hassybaby> ##vote Mrzentors
[16:17] <Hassybaby> got it
[16:17] <iGrok> HAMMER
[16:17] <Hassybaby> at elast give a reason
[16:17] <iGrok> QUIET
[16:17] <nj> ##GRAB HAMMER
[16:17] <iGrok> I WONT WARN YOU AGAIN
[16:17] <iGrok> QUIET WHEN I SAY QUEIT
[16:17] <iGrok> ZENTORS LOSES 1 STOCK
[16:17] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 1 STOCK
[16:20] <iGrok> WAITING....
[16:21] <Toad|> STILL WAITING....
[16:21] <iGrok> ZENTOR HAS LOST 2 STOCK
[16:22] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT -1 STOCK
[16:22] <iGrok> ZENTOR HAS DIED
[16:22] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 1 STOCK
[16:22] <iGrok> 3!!!!
[16:22] <iGrok> 2!!!!
[16:22] <iGrok> 1!!!!
[16:22] <iGrok> FIGHT!!
[16:22] <nj> I punched hassy again
01[16:22] <johnnywup> wait roles/alignment for zentor?
[16:22] <Cephiro> 3 kp, what the fuck?
[16:22] <Hassybaby> hardcose tunneling
[16:22] <Hassybaby> wtf
[16:22] <iGrok> OH
[16:22] <iGrok> SORRY
01[16:22] <johnnywup> O_O
01[16:22] <johnnywup> that doesnt make sense
[16:23] <nj> lets see who bandwagoned
[16:23] <Cephiro> Wait wtf
[16:23] <Cephiro> didn't he claim doublevoter?
01[16:23] <johnnywup> he had to be pikachu wtf
[16:23] <Cephiro> Now I'm confused
01[16:23] <johnnywup> that makes no sense
01[16:23] <johnnywup> me and him got majority d1
04[16:23] <nj> johnny and hassy
[16:23] <Hassybaby> wait, did someone else vote for risk?
[16:23] <risk7nuke> now can we punch the idiot entor rush voters
01[16:23] <johnnywup> oh he copied someones power got it >_>
01[16:23] <johnnywup> im retarded
04[16:24] <Cephiro> Oh so... he copied johnny
[16:24] <Cephiro> No wait
[16:24] <Cephiro> but that was d1
[16:24] <risk7nuke> sec let me reread
[16:24] <Cephiro> wasn't it?
01[16:24] <johnnywup> yeah wtf
01[16:24] <johnnywup> that makes no sense either
[16:24] <risk7nuke> igrok who exacly voted for me day 1?
[16:24] <Hassybaby> i'm so confused
[16:24] <risk7nuke> for clarification
[16:24] <iGrok> PAUSE
[16:24] <iGrok> let me reread
[16:25] <iGrok> ok, I know what happened
[16:25] <iGrok> the system i use to keep track of votes counted risk's vote for radfield as a vote for risk
[16:26] <radfield_> haha
[16:26] <Hassybaby> dat selfharm
[16:26] <radfield_> suck it risk
[16:26] <iGrok> sec, updating system
01[16:26] <johnnywup> ALSO I thought falco can't give killing blow?
[16:26] <nj> i suggest we kill hassy
[16:26] <nj> falco cant
[16:26] <Hassybaby> he can't
[16:26] <radfield_> falco shot hassybaby
[16:26] <Hassybaby> twice
01[16:26] <johnnywup> oh it was kp
[16:26] <radfield_> risk, did you shoot zentor?
[16:26] <radfield_> how did zentor get 2 KP?
[16:26] <iGrok> ##ok, system fixed. shouldn't happen again
01[16:26] <johnnywup> musta been falco and 1 kp
[16:26] <iGrok> unpause ready?
[16:26] <Hassybaby> 2 falcos?
[16:26] <Hassybaby> yeah
[16:26] <Cephiro> Nj you're tunneling hardcore on hassy
01[16:27] <johnnywup> looks like it
[16:27] <marvellosity> ##kill radfield
[16:27] <Cephiro> Also, wasn't risk samus
[16:27] <risk7nuke> i didn't shoot zentor
[16:27] <nj> cus i think he is scum
[16:27] <Cephiro> Samus = Unblockable shot on even nights
[16:27] <nj> and you have to get a person 3 times to kill them
[16:27] <Cephiro> nj, you haven't really provided anything to say why he is scum, you just keep going at his stock
[16:27] <nj> i also know that i am town and that two otther played lynched zent with me
[16:27] <Hassybaby> you can only fire every toher shot with samus
[16:27] <radfield_> that means hassy or ceph is falco?
[16:27] <iGrok> ok, UNPAUSE i guess
[16:27] <Cephiro> You do realize that scum could finish him off so easily if he is town?
[16:27] <iGrok> lol
04[16:27] <nj> so we should get johnny or hassy
[16:28] <nj> and killing hassy seems best
[16:28] <risk7nuke> I shot radfield
[16:28] <risk7nuke> igrok
[16:28] <risk7nuke> why didnt radfield loose a life
[16:28] <iGrok> RISK GETS +1 STOCK
01[16:28] <johnnywup> O_o\
[16:28] <iGrok> FOR MOD ERROR
[16:28] <Hassybaby> my brain
[16:28] <iGrok> SORRY
[16:28] <risk7nuke> Igrok it's fine actually
[16:28] <Hassybaby> oh ok :3
03[16:28] * shrug_ (webchat@c-68-45-110-111.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #TLMafia
[16:28] <radfield_> why did you shoot me risk
[16:28] <risk7nuke> it's more fair then to undo the lynch
[16:28] <risk7nuke> cause I think you're scum
[16:28] <risk7nuke> the real question is why didn't you loose a life
[16:28] <nj> risk got some splianing to do...
01[16:29] <johnnywup> radfield seems town enough to me
01[16:29] <johnnywup> why shoot him
01[16:29] <johnnywup> why is he scum?
[16:29] <iGrok> goddamnit
[16:29] <iGrok> PAUSE
[16:29] <iGrok> AGAIN
[16:29] <iGrok> Stupid system hates risk/rad
[16:29] <iGrok> so i've fixed it, but i fixed after n1
[16:29] <Toad|> hi shrug
[16:30] <shrug_> hi toad
[16:30] <iGrok> actual n1 results: Zentor -1 life to 0, Radfield -1 lif to 2
[16:30] <iGrok> but its fixed now
[16:30] <risk7nuke> hi sheth
[16:30] <iGrok> fuck damnit
[16:30] <iGrok> alright
[16:30] <iGrok> everyone got that?
[16:30] <radfield_> zentor was at 2... -1 = 0?
[16:30] <nj> yep
[16:30] <risk7nuke> yes
[16:30] <iGrok> ## STOCK RISK 3 CEPH 2 JOHN 3 HASS 1 NJ 3 RADF 2 ZENT 0
[16:31] <iGrok> ok
[16:31] <iGrok> unpause
[16:31] <Hassybaby> huh
[16:31] <iGrok> sorry about that
[16:31] <Cephiro> Nj, john and risk all at 3 stock
[16:31] <Cephiro> Err...
[16:31] <Hassybaby> so, waiting for that reason nj
01[16:31] <johnnywup> yeah i dunno why i havent been shot either tbh
[16:31] <radfield_> nj is probably town
[16:31] <risk7nuke> zentor went to minus -1
[16:31] <risk7nuke> this night
[16:31] <nj> the kenpachi rule
[16:31] <risk7nuke> we should lynch nj
[16:31] <radfield_> no need to hammer away like that if you are scum
[16:31] <risk7nuke> while i keep shooting rad
[16:31] <iGrok> Zentor went to 0
[16:31] <risk7nuke> man, radfield are you just rying to mess with me now? :o
[16:32] <Cephiro> ##vote nj (Use Starwand = +1 vote)
[16:32] <Cephiro> I don't like your tunneling on hassy
[16:32] <radfield_> dont vote nj
[16:32] <Hassybaby> why rad risk?
[16:32] <Cephiro> And you're at full stock
[16:32] <risk7nuke> ##vote nj
[16:32] <nj> who here is acting as if they are scared to post?
[16:32] <risk7nuke> rad im pretty confident is scum
[16:32] <iGrok> WITH 6 ALIVE, 4 TO LYNCH
[16:32] <nj> who here is voting for the town vig
[16:32] <Cephiro> Rad, why are you buddying to nj?
03[16:32] * Mattchew (webchat@ has joined #TLMafia
[16:32] <Mattchew> yo
01[16:32] <johnnywup> what was your kp again
[16:32] <iGrok> QUIET MATT
[16:32] <Cephiro> nj: If you are the town vig, why haven't you got hit once yet?
[16:32] <Hassybaby> (hey mattchew)
01[16:32] <johnnywup> nj
[16:33] <radfield_> because there is no reason for scum to go so hard at someone like that
04[16:33] <risk7nuke> pretty sure nj or johnny is scumbuddy with rad
[16:33] <Toad|> yo mattchew
[16:33] <nj> who here hammered a townie?
04[16:33] <radfield_> johnny i agree may be scum
04[16:33] <radfield_> ##vote johnnywup
01[16:33] <johnnywup> :U
[16:33] <risk7nuke> ##vote johhnywup
04[16:33] <radfield_> where ya been johnny?
01[16:33] <johnnywup> YOU CANT VOTE FOR 2 PEOPLE RISK
01[16:33] <johnnywup> reading dood
[16:33] <risk7nuke> ""unvote
[16:33] <risk7nuke> ##unvore
[16:33] <radfield_> lol
[16:33] <risk7nuke> ##vote johhnywup
[16:33] <iGrok> DW ABOUT UNVOTES
[16:33] <risk7nuke> happy?
01[16:33] <johnnywup> lol yes ty <3
04[16:34] <Cephiro> johnny at 3, nj at 2, right?
04[16:34] <Hassybaby> johnny or nj
[16:34] <nj> i will hammer now
[16:34] <nj> if that's okay
01[16:34] <johnnywup> ##vote nj
[16:34] <iGrok> HAMMER
04[16:34] <radfield_> johnny at 2
[16:34] <iGrok> NJ HAS BEEN LYNCHED
04[16:34] <Hassybaby> or johnny can hammer
[16:34] <iGrok> QUIET
[16:34] <Cephiro> igrok.. u sure? he should be at 3
[16:34] <iGrok> I'M SURE
[16:35] <iGrok> NJ IS FALCON
[16:35] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 2 STOCK
[16:36] <Toad|> WAITING...
[16:36] <iGrok> lol
[16:36] <marvellosity> :>
[16:36] <iGrok> TOAD YOU IN NEXT GAME?
[16:36] <Hassybaby> :3
[16:37] <Toad|> obv
[16:37] <Toad|> =)
[16:37] <iGrok> ^^
[16:37] <marvellosity> go toad
[16:40] <iGrok> HASSY WAS TOWN KIRBY
[16:40] <Hassybaby> :3
[16:40] <iGrok> NJ HAS LOST 1 STOCK
[16:40] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 1 STOCK
[16:40] <iGrok> 3!!!!
[16:40] <iGrok> 2!!!!
[16:40] <iGrok> 1!!!!
[16:40] <iGrok> FIGHT
04[16:40] <nj> i punched johnny, for his sudden and unwarranted attack on me
01[16:41] <johnnywup> nj tunneled hassy so much and it turns out that hassy was town
01[16:41] <johnnywup> yeah i understand nj
[16:41] <nj> hassy was scummy
01[16:41] <johnnywup> i woulda done the same thing
01[16:41] <johnnywup> ##dodge
[16:41] <Cephiro> What the fuck, 4 kp? O_o
[16:41] <nj> ##DODGE
[16:41] <Cephiro> ##DODGE
[16:41] <risk7nuke> ##dodge
[16:41] <Toad|> ##Dodge
[16:41] <radfield_> #dodge
[16:41] <kitaman27> ##dodge
01[16:41] <johnnywup> kita you arent in this game
[16:41] <Hassybaby> ##GRAB
01[16:41] <johnnywup> or toad
[16:41] <iGrok> RADFIELD LOSES 1 STOCK
[16:41] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 1 STOCK
[16:41] <risk7nuke> want to see what alignement rad had?
[16:41] <risk7nuke> just yes/no don't vote
01[16:42] <johnnywup> scum mighta killed hassy to frame nj
01[16:42] <johnnywup> i dunno
[16:42] <risk7nuke> is it me rad johhny and nj still alive?
[16:42] <nj> and ceph
[16:42] <radfield_> ceph
[16:42] <Cephiro> I am alive
[16:42] <iGrok> ## STOCK RISK 2 CEPH 2 JOHN 2 HASS 0 NJ 1 RADF 1 ZENT 0
[16:42] <nj> so with two scum
01[16:42] <johnnywup> ##USE POKEBALL
[16:42] <nj> and me on 1 life
[16:42] <risk7nuke> and ceph
[16:42] <risk7nuke> lets wait with radfield
[16:42] <Cephiro> Also, where did 4 kp come from? 1 from me, 1 from falco, 1 from scum?
[16:42] <nj> its lylo
[16:42] <iGrok> ##HITMONLEE
[16:42] <iGrok> NOTHING HAPPENS
[16:42] <risk7nuke> actually lets just kill radfield
[16:42] <nj> why?
[16:43] <risk7nuke> actualyl no again
01[16:43] <johnnywup> well thats unuseful
01[16:43] <johnnywup> lol
01[16:43] <johnnywup> wtf risk
01[16:43] <johnnywup> "lets just kill radfield"
[16:43] <risk7nuke> he said he was doing a sheat, his getting pluspoints for that so he lives
01[16:43] <johnnywup> wtf is that shit
[16:43] <Cephiro> risk, aren't you able to shoot him unblockably anyway?
[16:43] <iGrok> WITH 5 ALIVE, 3 TO LYNCH
01[16:43] <johnnywup> ##vote risk7nuke
[16:43] <risk7nuke> yeah but now I don't want to
04[16:43] <radfield_> ##Vote johnnywup
[16:43] <risk7nuke> thinking johhny
04[16:43] <risk7nuke> ##vote johnnywup
04[16:43] <nj> johnny if you are town
[16:43] <Cephiro> Hmm..
[16:43] <nj> why are you leaving doublevote on people?
01[16:43] <johnnywup> oh yeah
01[16:43] <johnnywup> ##unvote
[16:43] <radfield_> lol
01[16:43] <johnnywup> i should think about that before voting
01[16:43] <johnnywup> lol
[16:44] <radfield_> because he doesnt care :)
[16:44] <nj> which would allow scum to insta hammer for the win
[16:44] <risk7nuke> rad assuming you're town
[16:44] <risk7nuke> who do you think the scum is
01[16:44] <johnnywup> well scum didnt insta hammer that so risk=scum?
04[16:44] <radfield_> johnny
01[16:44] <johnnywup> yes
01[16:44] <johnnywup> :O
[16:44] <risk7nuke> since this might be your last day (I wont kill you)
04[16:44] <Cephiro> I'm really thinking of hammering johnny at the moment but something doesn't make sense to me right now
[16:44] <radfield_> no, becuase he wouldnt have died
[16:44] <nj> if your scum then they can't insta hammer
[16:44] <Cephiro> ##GRAB MTION-SENSOR BOBM
[16:44] <risk7nuke> ##grab
[16:44] <Cephiro> ##GRAB MOTION-SENSOR BOBM
[16:44] <radfield_> not nj, ceph got shot
[16:44] <Cephiro> ##GRAB MOTION-SENSOR BOMB
[16:45] <Cephiro> fucking hell
[16:45] <radfield_> wtf
[16:45] <Toad|> ##Grab Motion-Sensor Bomb
[16:45] <Cephiro> 2 typos
[16:45] <Toad|> frick
[16:45] <iGrok> <3
[16:45] <Hassybaby> ##DODGE
[16:45] <Cephiro> I typoed twice...
01[16:45] <johnnywup> lool
01[16:45] <johnnywup> uh
01[16:45] <johnnywup> ok
[16:45] <Cephiro> Err
[16:45] <nj> i typed dodge then thought it would hit me
01[16:45] <johnnywup> what doesnt make sense cephiro
[16:45] <Cephiro> But this makes things interesting
04[16:45] <Cephiro> johnnywup: The amount of kp last night
[16:45] <risk7nuke> ##vote cephiro
[16:45] <Cephiro> I just can't add it up to be enough
[16:46] <nj> cephiro you have not done shit
01[16:46] <johnnywup> samus right?
[16:46] <nj> what gives?
[16:46] <risk7nuke> I want you down to 1
01[16:46] <johnnywup> samus can kill n2
[16:46] <Cephiro> But it was N3
[16:46] <Cephiro> Wasn't it?
01[16:46] <johnnywup> oh
01[16:46] <johnnywup> wait
[16:46] <Cephiro> So no samus kp
01[16:46] <johnnywup> idk
01[16:46] <johnnywup> so
[16:46] <radfield_> hassy probably shot
01[16:46] <johnnywup> whys that make you not want to vote me?
[16:46] <radfield_> with his kirby power
[16:46] <risk7nuke> cephiro and johhnywup?
[16:46] <radfield_> could be
[16:47] <Cephiro> ... Are you kidding or are you just retarded?
01[16:47] <johnnywup> answer my question cephiro lol
[16:47] <radfield_> with 3 lives shooting yourself for town cred on n1 is very plausable
01[16:47] <johnnywup> why does the kp last night make you not want to kill me
[16:47] <Cephiro> Why I didn't hammer you yet?
[16:47] <Cephiro> It's not the kp last night that does not make me want to not kill you
[16:47] <risk7nuke> because 2 scum 2 townies doesn't mean scum wins in ssbb
[16:47] <Cephiro> Why do you assume that?
[16:47] <Cephiro> I said I was thinking about that, but that's not the reason I haven't hammered you
[16:47] <Cephiro> You're just making up claims
[16:47] <Cephiro> Votecount?
[16:48] <radfield_> risk you get to shoot again tonight?
[16:48] <risk7nuke> yes
01[16:48] <johnnywup> oh ok
01[16:48] <johnnywup> i thought thats what you meant
01[16:48] <johnnywup> didnt make sense
[16:48] <nj> nj cephiro risk radfield johnnywub
01[16:48] <johnnywup> to you voting me
[16:48] <radfield_> do me a favor and dont shoot me
[16:48] <nj> nj is town
[16:48] <risk7nuke> I wont
[16:48] <iGrok> COULD REVEAL ROLES
[16:48] <risk7nuke> I hope you weren't bullshitting me about the spreadsheet now
[16:48] <Cephiro> Eh ok
01[16:48] <johnnywup> you could say who voted
[16:48] <risk7nuke> cause then I got served as hell
[16:48] <radfield_> I can copy past it if you like :)
[16:48] <risk7nuke> I believe you
[16:48] <radfield_> it only tracks names, roles, life
[16:49] <risk7nuke> especially now that you offered that
[16:49] <iGrok> VOTING: RISK->CEPH || RAD-> JOHN
01[16:49] <johnnywup> hmmm
[16:49] <nj> rad would you vote for cephiro?
[16:49] <risk7nuke> ##unvote
[16:49] <radfield_> what's your claim again ceph?
[16:49] <risk7nuke> ill reread
[16:49] <radfield_> falco as well?
[16:50] <Cephiro> Yes.
01[16:50] <johnnywup> what are lives again
[16:50] <nj> who did you shoot?
[16:50] <Cephiro> I shot no-one during the first two nights, I shot radfield N3
[16:50] <radfield_> what are your night shots?
[16:50] <Cephiro> But radfield did not get shot last night
[16:50] <radfield_> I didnt take a hit last night
01[16:50] <johnnywup> o_O
[16:50] <Cephiro> Which means he must have bussed himself
[16:50] <Cephiro> Which means he has to be the yoshi
[16:51] <Cephiro> Unless someone is lying about their role
01[16:51] <johnnywup> like you mb
[16:51] <radfield_> lol
[16:51] <radfield_> why would you shoot me ceph?
[16:51] <nj> everyone claim!
01[16:51] <johnnywup> Pikachu
[16:51] <Toad|> I'm picachu
[16:51] <nj> fcaptain falcon
[16:51] <Cephiro> nj, everyone has claimed or been revealed
[16:51] <risk7nuke> samus
[16:51] <radfield_> that's why he needs a spreadsheet
[16:51] <radfield_> :)
[16:51] <nj> rad?
[16:51] <Cephiro> Well radfield, lets see your claim?
[16:52] <Cephiro> Aren't you yoshi?
[16:52] <radfield_> really you guys are just asking me to claim
01[16:52] <johnnywup> didnt you take a hit n2?
01[16:52] <johnnywup> or no that was igroks mistake
01[16:52] <johnnywup> thats right
[16:52] <Cephiro> it was unblockable by samus
[16:52] <Cephiro> Samus's hit cannot be bussed
[16:52] <iGrok> ## STOCK RISK 2 CEPH 2 JOHN 2 HASS 0 NJ 1 RADF 1 ZENT 0
[16:52] <Cephiro> If I remember right
03[16:52] * VisceraEyes (webchat@108-215-37-235.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) has joined #TLMafia
[16:52] <iGrok> VOTING: RAD->JOHN
01[16:53] <johnnywup> whats rads role then if he has < 3 lives?
[16:53] <Toad|> hi ve!
[16:53] <risk7nuke> do we kill john or ceph today? and radfield your role?
[16:53] <VisceraEyes> Oh hai
[16:53] <Hassybaby> (hai VE)
[16:53] <Hassybaby> (night guys :3)
01[16:53] <johnnywup> i think its reasonable to ask role rad
[16:53] <iGrok> (NIGHT HASSY o3o)
01[16:53] <johnnywup> at this point
02[16:54] * Hassybaby (~Hassybaby@host-92-21-10-244.as13285.net) Quit (Quit)
04[16:54] <radfield_> I'm yoshi, N1 risk_>johnny, N2 myself and zentor, N3 myself and risk.
01[16:54] <johnnywup> gotcha
01[16:54] <johnnywup> uh
01[16:54] <johnnywup> hm
01[16:55] <johnnywup> anyone here lol?
[16:55] <nj> is there a way we can make a mistake without losing?
[16:55] <Cephiro> Yeah.
[16:55] <risk7nuke> ##vote cephiro
[16:55] <radfield_> which means that i got shot on n2
[16:55] <radfield_> because zentor died
01[16:56] <johnnywup> someone claimed that they shot you i think
[16:56] <radfield_> why did you shoot me ceph?
[16:56] <Cephiro> Risk, are you claiming that if I am scum, either me or my scumbuddy would have shot myself N1?
[16:56] <radfield_> why not?
04[16:56] <nj> i am town, if rad is also town, then that leaves risk, ceph or johnny
01[16:56] <johnnywup> why do you keep saying "i am town"
04[16:56] <risk7nuke> one of ceph and johnny needs to die today
[16:56] <risk7nuke> pick 1
[16:56] <radfield_> why didn't you shoot either of the first two nights
[16:56] <nj> cus it's the only thing i know
[16:56] <Cephiro> radfield_: Well, it all adds up. I was thinking that you and risk could be scumbuddies bussing each other, and now that you are at 1 kp
[16:56] <Cephiro> risk isn't pushing for you anymore
[16:57] <Cephiro> For a reason that is "I was making a spreadsheet"
[16:57] <Cephiro> coincidence?
[16:57] <Cephiro> I think not?
[16:57] <risk7nuke> nvm, cepihro it is
[16:57] <nj> that is quite contrived
01[16:57] <johnnywup> uhh oO
[16:57] <risk7nuke> cephiro you claim you didn't use your kill the first 2 nights?
[16:57] <risk7nuke> why
[16:58] <Cephiro> Because mis-shots early game could cost us the game
[16:58] <Cephiro> And since I saw we had another falco after N1
01[16:58] <johnnywup> mis-shots on n3 are worse
[16:58] <Cephiro> 2 falcos shooting at people could get everyone down to low stock really quickly
01[16:58] <johnnywup> that makes no sense
[16:58] <radfield_> when everyone has 3 lives? why even bother taking falco?
[16:58] <radfield_> take the medic....
[16:58] <Toad|> Measuring..
04[16:58] <Cephiro> johnny, you do realize that I might have better reads by N3 than N1?
[16:58] <nj> but i alway play falco on SSB
01[16:59] <johnnywup> Yeah probably but less room for error
[16:59] <risk7nuke> cephiro is so full of red goo
[16:59] <risk7nuke> it's sprouting out his nose
[16:59] <radfield_> agreed
[16:59] <Cephiro> radfield_: Because I wanted to try another character than kirby for once and wanted to be able to punish scummy play?
[16:59] <Cephiro> oh yeah risk, you are blaming me for shooting myself
[16:59] <Cephiro> And look who agrees
[16:59] <Cephiro> radfield, whom you shot at start
[16:59] <radfield_> why again?
[16:59] <radfield_> so you punished me...
[16:59] <Cephiro> but now you aren't even suspicious
[16:59] <Cephiro> That's just retarded
01[16:59] <johnnywup> i dont think ceph is scum
[17:00] <risk7nuke> so because I am not tunneling
[17:00] <Cephiro> I mean really risk, why do you think radfield is suddenly town?
[17:00] <Cephiro> after I got him down to 1kp
[17:00] <risk7nuke> I am suspicious
[17:00] <Cephiro> You suddenly changed your mind
[17:00] <Cephiro> When you were about to kill him earlier
[17:00] <Cephiro> And your claim for changing your read is poor
[17:00] <Cephiro> You're like
[17:00] <Cephiro> "You made a spreadsheet, that's a plus"
[17:00] <Toad|> 5 MINUTES TILL NIGHT.
[17:00] <Cephiro> Seriously wtf?
[17:00] <Cephiro> And now all you say is
01[17:00] <johnnywup> ##dodge
[17:00] <risk7nuke> He said he was making a spreadsheet, which no scum player would do in an irc mafia
[17:00] <Cephiro> "I'm still suspicious"
[17:00] <nj> ##vote cephiro
[17:00] <risk7nuke> ##dodge
[17:00] <Cephiro> ""DODGE
[17:00] <nj> ##DODGE
[17:00] <Toad|> ##Dodge
[17:00] <Cephiro> ##DODGE
[17:00] <risk7nuke> radfield dammit
[17:00] <nj> ##unvote
01[17:00] <johnnywup> OH LOl
[17:00] <risk7nuke> gonna be slowest again
[17:01] <Cephiro> risk, would you believe everyone that says such?
[17:01] <radfield_> fuck
[17:01] <iGrok> HE LOSES 1 STOCK
[17:01] <radfield_> i was reading the OP thing
[17:01] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 0 STOCK
[17:01] <Toad|> looool rad XD <3
01[17:01] <johnnywup> :O
[17:01] <radfield_> god damn
[17:01] <iGrok> RADFIELD WAS
[17:01] <iGrok> SCUM YOSHI
[17:01] <radfield_> i had forgotten how i got to 1 life!
[17:01] <risk7nuke> lol
[17:01] <radfield_> lollolol
01[17:01] <johnnywup> ##vote risk7nuke
[17:01] <risk7nuke> godammit
[17:01] <Cephiro> LOL
[17:01] <Cephiro> SEE
[17:01] <radfield_> it was the other tornado
[17:01] <radfield_> !!!!!
[17:01] <risk7nuke> you tryhard
01[17:01] <johnnywup> ceph hammer
[17:01] <Cephiro> ##vote risk7nuke
[17:01] <iGrok> WITH 4 ALIVE, 3 TO LYNCH
01[17:01] <johnnywup> gj ceph
[17:01] <iGrok> HAMMER
[17:01] <risk7nuke> jesus
01[17:01] <johnnywup> :D
[17:01] <iGrok> QUIET
[17:01] <risk7nuke> dumb people
[17:02] <iGrok> CURRENTLY AT 1 STOCK
[17:02] <iGrok> (HE IS SAMUS)
[17:02] <iGrok> CURRENTLY NIGHT
[17:02] <iGrok> ## STOCK RISK 1 CEPH 2 JOHN 2 HASS 0 NJ 1 RADF 0 ZENT 0
[17:04] <Toad|> WAITING...
[17:05] <iGrok> LOL
[17:05] <iGrok> NJ HAS LOST 1 STOCK
[17:05] <iGrok> CURRENTLY 0 STOCK
[17:05] <iGrok> NJ WAS TOWN FALCON
[17:05] <iGrok> ## STOCK RISK 1 CEPH 2 JOHN 1 HASS 0 NJ 0 RADF 0 ZENT 0
[17:06] <iGrok> WIT H3 ALIVE, 2 TO LYNCH
[17:06] <iGrok> 3!!!!!
[17:06] <risk7nuke> ceph
[17:06] <iGrok> 2!!!!
[17:06] <iGrok> 1!!!!!
[17:06] <iGrok> FIGHT
[17:06] <Cephiro> Yeah?
[17:06] <risk7nuke> why didn't you use your abillity
[17:06] <Cephiro> I couldn't
[17:06] <Cephiro> falco can't kill
[17:06] <Cephiro> I would've killed you otherwise
[17:06] <risk7nuke> your a moron
[17:06] <risk7nuke> a huge moron
04[17:06] <Cephiro> I believe johnny is town
[17:06] <Cephiro> So I didn't want to waste his stock either
01[17:06] <johnnywup> mmm
[17:07] <Cephiro> ##vote risk7nuke
01[17:07] <johnnywup> Igrok, i shouldnt be able to instantly hammer
04[17:07] <Cephiro> If johnny is scum, then wp
01[17:07] <johnnywup> when theres 3 people
[17:07] <iGrok> YOU CAN
[17:07] <Cephiro> But you dropping that easily on radfield
01[17:07] <johnnywup> shouldnt be able to i mean
04[17:07] <Cephiro> And then shooting johnny
[17:07] <iGrok> BUT YOU CAN
[17:07] <Cephiro> Right the night after
[17:07] <risk7nuke> ceph just superbuddying with johhny
[17:07] <iGrok> ENJOY
[17:07] <Cephiro> instead of shooting me
[17:07] <risk7nuke> and johhny haven't hammered
[17:07] <risk7nuke> so i suppose heisnt mafia
[17:07] <risk7nuke> ##vote cephiro
[17:07] <risk7nuke> johhny
[17:07] <risk7nuke> look
01[17:07] <johnnywup> looking
[17:08] <risk7nuke> hrm how do I prove to a moron that cephiro is scum
[17:08] <risk7nuke> in the final stage
01[17:08] <johnnywup> why you calling me a moron :(
[17:08] <risk7nuke> because you lynched
[17:08] <risk7nuke> me
[17:08] <risk7nuke> like asap
01[17:08] <johnnywup> also whats your role? keep forgetting ._.
[17:08] <risk7nuke> took 5 seconds
[17:08] <Cephiro> risk is samus
[17:08] <risk7nuke> semus
01[17:08] <johnnywup> you were buddying with a scum
[17:08] <Cephiro> I am falco
[17:08] <risk7nuke> I shot you tnogiht, sorry bout that
[17:08] <Cephiro> ... Are you serious?
[17:09] <risk7nuke> mainly because I thought you were the scum from when you yelled at cephiro to hammer me
01[17:09] <johnnywup> you were buddying with scum
[17:09] <Cephiro> You just keep flipflopping all the damn time
[17:09] <Toad|> what if igrok was the last mafia..
[17:09] <risk7nuke> look
[17:09] <iGrok> SHHHH
[17:09] <iGrok> ITS A SECRET
[17:09] <Cephiro> You suddenly start buddying with radfield when he is almost dead
[17:09] <risk7nuke> I was going after radfield from the start
04[17:09] <Cephiro> Then you shoot JOHNNY
[17:09] <risk7nuke> then he does something
[17:09] <Cephiro> and now you are trying to convince him that I am scum?
[17:09] <risk7nuke> that legitimitly nobody doed
01[17:09] <johnnywup> what did he do risk
01[17:09] <johnnywup> that made you think hes town
[17:09] <risk7nuke> he went and put effort into making a spreadsheet
[17:09] <Cephiro> He made a spreadsheet.
[17:10] <Cephiro> Or, claimed to make one
[17:10] <risk7nuke> nobody does that
01[17:10] <johnnywup> did you see the spreadsheet?
01[17:10] <johnnywup> lol
[17:10] <Cephiro> Risk, you said no scum would do that
[17:10] <Cephiro> Wasn't he?
[17:10] <Cephiro> But he was scum
[17:10] <risk7nuke> If i was faced with the choice of makign a spreadsheet and getting lnched as scum
[17:10] <risk7nuke> I would still not make it
[17:10] <risk7nuke> cause thats to tryhard
[17:10] <risk7nuke> nobody does that
01[17:10] <johnnywup> o.o
[17:10] <risk7nuke> so I legitmityl got less suspicious of radfield
[17:10] <Cephiro> Your logic doesn't make any sense
[17:10] <risk7nuke> and he was doen to 1 stock
01[17:10] <johnnywup> thats shitty logic
[17:10] <risk7nuke> so I considered him less of a risk
01[17:10] <johnnywup> but that doesnt immediately make you scum
06[17:10] * shrug_ slaps nj around a bit with a large fishbot
[17:10] <risk7nuke> then you and cephiro
06[17:11] * nj slaps shrug_ around a bit with a large fishbot
01[17:11] <johnnywup> risk
[17:11] <nj> :P
[17:11] <risk7nuke> my logic is not shitty
[17:11] <risk7nuke> look
[17:11] <Cephiro> I'd like to remind you that I am a falco and I could have attacked you tonight, and you would have died because risk shot you
[17:11] <Cephiro> ##GRAB POKEBALL
01[17:11] <johnnywup> ##grab pokeball
[17:11] <shrug_> lol nj i didn't realize what that did
[17:11] <risk7nuke> ##grab pokeball
[17:11] <risk7nuke> look reread the thread
[17:11] <shrug_> i was just randomly clicking
[17:11] <Cephiro> ##USE POKEBALL
[17:11] <risk7nuke> and look what cephiro has been doing
[17:11] <iGrok> WAIT
[17:11] <iGrok> N
[17:11] <risk7nuke> his done nothing
[17:11] <iGrok> NO
04[17:11] <iGrok> JOHNNY HAS AP OKEBALL
01[17:12] <johnnywup> wait
[17:12] <Cephiro> No I dont?
01[17:12] <johnnywup> he used his wand
01[17:12] <johnnywup> earlier
[17:12] <iGrok> MSB
[17:12] <Cephiro> Oh wait
[17:12] <Cephiro> LOL
01[17:12] <johnnywup> oh yeah
[17:12] <Cephiro> I FORGOT I HAVE THAT
[17:12] <Cephiro> FUCK
01[17:12] <johnnywup> hmmm
[17:12] <risk7nuke> motion bomb
[17:12] <Cephiro> I could've got risk killed
01[17:12] <johnnywup> ##use pokeball
01[17:12] <johnnywup> FUCK
[17:12] <risk7nuke> lol
[17:12] <Cephiro> .. lol
[17:12] <risk7nuke> johhny listen now
01[17:12] <johnnywup> THAT DOESNT HELP IGROK
[17:12] <risk7nuke> cephiro did nothing
[17:12] <risk7nuke> up untill he started to pull the me and radfield are buddying
[17:12] <risk7nuke> card
01[17:13] <johnnywup> Risk i needa ask you something
01[17:13] <johnnywup> if you're town
[17:13] <Cephiro> I might not have been tunneled a scumbuddy like you did all game
01[17:13] <johnnywup> and hes mafia
[17:13] <risk7nuke> which he was going to use to kill radfield
[17:13] <risk7nuke> and make me look like fucking shit
[17:13] <risk7nuke> which is whathappend
01[17:13] <johnnywup> wait listen
[17:13] <risk7nuke> yea
01[17:13] <johnnywup> if hes mafia
01[17:13] <johnnywup> and youre town
01[17:13] <johnnywup> we lynch him
01[17:13] <johnnywup> wait
01[17:13] <johnnywup> yeah
01[17:13] <johnnywup> we lynch him
01[17:13] <johnnywup> you cant kill him tonight
01[17:13] <johnnywup> he kills me
01[17:13] <johnnywup> maf is even
01[17:13] <johnnywup> with town
01[17:13] <johnnywup> so maf wins
[17:13] <Cephiro> It's 2v1 isn't it?
01[17:13] <johnnywup> cause ceph has 2 lives
[17:13] <risk7nuke> hrm shit
01[17:13] <johnnywup> so my best chance of winning
[17:13] <risk7nuke> you're right
01[17:14] <johnnywup> is lynching you
01[17:14] <johnnywup> ##vote risk7nuke
[17:14] <iGrok> HAMMAR
[17:14] <risk7nuke> you're stil dumb
01[17:14] <johnnywup> :U
[17:14] <iGrok> HE HAS 0 STOCK
[17:14] <iGrok> HE WAS
[17:14] <iGrok> TOWN SAMUS
01[17:14] <johnnywup> ggwp ceph
04[17:14] <radfield_> good logic johnny, bad result
[17:14] <iGrok> GG SCUM WINS
[17:14] <Cephiro> Gg wp ^^
01[17:14] <johnnywup> yeah
[17:14] <radfield_> YEAH YEAH
01[17:14] <johnnywup> man
[17:14] <Toad|> Cephiro fighting
[17:14] <Cephiro> Guess what was hilarious?
[17:14] <marvellosity> gg
[17:14] <MrZentors> Nice Ceph
[17:14] <Toad|> radfield good team play
[17:14] <MrZentors> lol
[17:14] <Cephiro> IF I USED THE BOBM
[17:14] <radfield_> I actually DO have a spreadsheet
[17:14] <Cephiro> BOMB*
01[17:14] <johnnywup> LOL
[17:14] <Cephiro> I forgot about the bomb
01[17:14] <johnnywup> man
[17:14] <risk7nuke> radfield
[17:15] <Cephiro> I really did
[17:15] <Cephiro> lmfao
[17:15] <Cephiro> :D
01[17:15] <johnnywup> sick game thoughj
[17:15] <risk7nuke> damn tryhard
[17:15] <Toad|> sick
[17:15] <radfield_> lol
01[17:15] <johnnywup> manb
[17:15] <radfield_> that's me
[17:15] <risk7nuke> lol <3
[17:15] <marvellosity> what risk said
01[17:15] <johnnywup> i was gona lynch ceph
[17:15] <Cephiro> Ceph needs no bombs to win! >:D
[17:15] <marvellosity> ^^
[17:15] <Toad|> who all is in for another game now ?
01[17:15] <johnnywup> if i didnt realizre
[17:15] <iGrok> ok, i've got time for 1 more
[17:15] <Cephiro> /in
[17:15] <Mattchew> me
01[17:15] <johnnywup> ./ni
[17:15] <iGrok> WHISPER ME /IN TO PLAY
[17:15] <radfield_> I can do 1 more
01[17:15] <johnnywup> ./in
[17:15] <risk7nuke> I mean it, If I was forced to make a spreadsheet
[17:15] <risk7nuke> i'd rather just die
[17:15] <Toad|> would u host a non ssb igrok ?
[17:15] <marvellosity> lol
[17:15] <risk7nuke> to much effort
01[17:15] <johnnywup> risk, if it makes you feel better, i knew you were right but it was too late
[17:15] <Toad|> or want another ssb ?
[17:15] <iGrok> I'd rather host ssb if its my last for the night
01[17:15] <johnnywup> ssb imo
01[17:15] <johnnywup> :D
[17:15] <risk7nuke> makes me feel alittle better
[17:15] <risk7nuke> but my reasoning was so bad
[17:15] <iGrok> but I'll host an area 53 if we have 7 players exactly
[17:15] <Cephiro> SSB! :D
[17:15] <Cephiro> Btw
[17:15] <risk7nuke> I mean cephiro had me dead
[17:15] <Cephiro> guess what
[17:15] <Cephiro> I WAS KIRBY
[17:16] <Cephiro> NOT FALCO
02[17:16] * MrZentors (webchat@h13.26.23.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[17:16] <radfield_> all my spreadsheet is, is player names, roles and lives
[17:16] <radfield_> thats it
03[17:16] * MrScummy (webchat@h13.26.23.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) has joined #TLMafia
[17:16] <marvellosity> tryhard!
[17:16] <risk7nuke> well 1 thing is
01[17:16] <johnnywup> loool
01[17:16] <johnnywup> risk
[17:16] <risk7nuke> I kept forgetting that cephiro said he didnt use his power
01[17:16] <johnnywup> im sorry for disappointing