Execute: flamewheel91
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United States3652 Posts
Execute: flamewheel91 MWUWHHAHAHA WHO WILL HOST NOW?!!? | ||
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United States3652 Posts
I guess... I dunno... Citi.zen is just crazy? Plausible.. | ||
United States3652 Posts
On March 11 2010 01:58 Zona wrote: I plan on ignoring BM for the entire game, his posts and PMs - and I suggest the town does the same, rather than wasting the first lynch. If BM is mafia - keeping him alive will probably hurt the mafia a lot in the long run, so there's the benefit there. If BM is town - it's a waste of a lynch to get rid of him, as otherwise we could have gained more information somewhere else. The day 1 lynch needs to be a natural vote, not based on factors external to this particular game, so that these votes later can be scrutinized for possible mafia activity. On March 11 2010 04:15 Versatile wrote: one thing i've noticed in these games is that there's always someone/ multiple people calling for someone to be lynch because of said person's performance in another game. each game is different, and while someone may just really be a dumbass, i really don't see the point of deciding who to lynch before we've even had elections based on their actions in another game. let's lynch people playing stupidly and scummy in THIS game. BM Defenders must Die.... If BM is mafia, we kill Versatile and Zona....Agreed? | ||
United States3652 Posts
On March 11 2010 07:17 Fulgrim wrote: It isn't safe for normal mafia to run for office, so they won't do that, the main danger here is GF. (Being unfamiliar with the busdriver rules, a mafia aligned one could switch the DT check off the elected official maybe?) Regardless we want to avoid getting a GF into office. Right now we have JeeJee, L, and BC running for office, chances are one of them is going to be GF. I'm going to withhold my vote until I see some more from the candidates or if there are anymore people that announce their campaign. Mafia get to select GF AFTER the election. So if a normal mafia runs, they would just make that mafia member the GF if he wins or comes close to winning. | ||
United States3652 Posts
On March 11 2010 11:45 L wrote: Show nested quote + On March 11 2010 11:34 Incognito wrote: On March 11 2010 11:12 L wrote: ermm, ace was innocent last game so that example actually goes against your argument. Yeah, hence why Ace's actions were misleading. But the issue is that while he looked like the GF, he wasn't fooling anyone but the town. In the end he got shot for it.If a member of the mafia wins mayor/pardonner, isn't it GUARANTEED that he'll be the Godfather? Not even remotely. Mafia can grab both spots, put the goon in the mayor role, have him swing around with his 3 votes for a day or 2, then have the GF pardoner gain credibility by pushing the lynch of the mayor. Then lategame comes, we're in a lylo situation and... oh shit, we can't lynch because he pardons. The reason why they can't is the threat of having DTs check both, yet people are here saying "well, its useless to check". Wrong. checking is the threat itself, and there's a 100% chance that you find someone legit in either mayor or pardoner. If the GF goes up, what role does he take? What if his counterpart is blue and gets confirmed through role usage? Can the GF have his team hit the BGs in order to take out the confirmed protected blue? If he does, he needs to kill both BGs or reveal a goon (or just reveals a goon), then he needs a GOOD reason for why HE isn't dead the next day. Either way, the threat of checking both elected positions is massive, especially because if a GF doesn't run, then you have a set of DTs and protected blues that have tools to confirm each other. A medic mayor, for instance, who blocks a hit is a huge "oh shit" moment for mafia. Letting two potential blues have that position is also huge. Additionally, there's the question of 'what blue'? Who does the GF take? If he's a safe role, why would he run for mayor? If he's an active role, he needs to lie carefully and can be found out if he tries to claim. And that's another point; Pretty much any blue that gets elected is probably going to claim immediately. So the GF can't fucking putz around. You guys simply don't see how powerful having a blue office holder that can be checked is. Qatol was shitting bricks about it earlier, which is why the BGs are public, but we can abuse that too. Just wait, champs. Think for a bit and build a strategy given our game format; its highly abusable. Uh a bit confusing here. But what happens if the GF just picks green? Nothing to prove and nothing to hide. How do we abuse that instance? Why the fuck are you running for mayor as green? L "Admitting" he's blue, by scolding incog about running for mayor as green. His logic makes a little sense....we can only confirm greens on death....Riiiiight....Okay...So lets vote L... On March 11 2010 13:52 Vivi57 wrote: citizen, I agree with L. In a game where we can have CONFIRMED blues in office, only the blues should be running. Yes, it sucks if the mafia manage to get the gf into office, but the power of having an unkillable blue is just too much to pass up on. Having a green run also dilutes the pro town votes towards mayor NO This IS NOT HOW THINGS WORK. Let's just give all of our power roles away?! Lulz! FTW. | ||
United States3652 Posts
On March 11 2010 23:03 L wrote: Show nested quote + On March 11 2010 18:34 Bill Murray wrote: He insinuated he was a detective, and BloodyC0bbler PM'ed Vivi57 (so vivi says) saying he was a detective too. In my post above, in the top spoiler, BloodyC0bbler says he doubts that there would be more than 1 detective with the amount of rolechecks he can do in the current system. I would also rather someone PM claim than try to claim on the thread by hinting at something. In the second part of my post, in the bolded sections, it is important to read where L actually said "if the other DT wants to check him, that's fine" the -other- dt. I'm re-iterating something that Zona caught through this post. MY purpose is that we do not need to trust L. He almost had me convinced he wasn't the Godfather.... if he dies, and he's the detective, we can pretty much catch the Godfather.. Bloodyc0bbler. Bloodyc0bbler himself said that he only believed there would be one detective. Speak up, guys L, BloodyC0bbler WHICH ONE OF YOU IS IT? maybe you all are used to liars in office, but i'm sick of it. it doesn't have to be this way. I am hereby announcing my campaign for the Mayoral position. I pray that I am not diluting the mayoral pool with another town aligned player; it'd be nice if i didn't jeopardize the other truly town aligned players by taking votes from them, but that's the only way that I am for sure going to be able to stay alive in this game. Do the right things, guys, change the world and save my life. 1) Your bullshit here is obviously some self-serving stunt to survive. 2) No one should overtly claim until we have BG protection. 3) Given that you shouldn't run unless you have a role that can abuse the protection, did you just claim to be some form of blue? 4) Don't see how you're pro-town by building a candidacy purely on "I don't want to die and I don't like anyone else" without putting down any real non accusatory content. I now feel L is mafia. -_- At any rate, him or BC is probably. Having them Role Check each other won't work either. FML. Sorry L, he caught you claiming DT on day one. Sorry you didn't do it "overtly," but you indirectly claimed DT, which might as well be doing it directly if we caught on. | ||
United States3652 Posts
On March 12 2010 02:21 L wrote: That however, relies on the ability of us to focus our only medic on the BGs, which means that roleclaimed non-office blues present us with protection problems; Unless we have a bus claim to a confirmed office member, we can't really protect both extra and intra office blues. This is why I didn't want people explicitly claiming, and that's why it didn't matter if I said people shouldn't run as green: the candidacies were already in and no one had claimed at that point, so we were ironclad. If you guys think that my refusal to tell you what role I am is presents some sort of odd scumtell; you're retarded. You guys simply haven't been thinking about how to win. There's more to mafia than not have town members die; you need to develop a plan forward with the aim of winning otherwise you lose. This game has no clues, it has no list checks, it has very little kp on both teams. Its going to last for quite a while, so think ahead to days 3-4. Unlike in previous games wherein the game is basically over by then, that's simply not the case here. I personally have a plan that's almost assured to have us win. Once elected, I want a DT check thrown at me with a PM once they know my role. At that point, it should be pretty obvious what I'm trying to do from the DT's perspective and the town will have a relatively safe way to roleclaim. That said, there's a potential mafia bus driver problem, but I can get around that if I'm elected by using our bus and a few pms. I'll explain further during the night, and I'll need a few people to trust me, but if everything works out the game's pretty much won for town. It ignores the Bus Driver of doom, occuring on the BGs. Using them against role check of mayor = stupid. Bus driving a BG, = Smart. Needs coordination though, but like I said, Vivi is the Bus Driver. =P The don Boss L? Bad idea for the "other dt." Don't PM him. We can't trust him. Well fuck it. Pm him. If you show up dead we kill L. Plain and simple. DO IT, DO IT!!!!! Seriously, I'll follow through with that revenge lynch even if the dt dies by random. 2/20 people and dt gets picked, FAIL. | ||
United States3652 Posts
Arghhhh Now another post to post in the fucking archives >< On March 11 2010 14:03 Incognito wrote: Show nested quote + On March 11 2010 14:00 L wrote: On March 11 2010 13:58 Incognito wrote: Awesome. Another out of the blue vote for the Cobbler. Anybody care to explain? Anybody care to explain why these phantom voters like you/cobbler over me? ![]() You're getting a decent amount of love. You and I have been posting frequently enough. But BC seems to have just made one giant post and then not that much else since. One giant post that ran in circles and didn't truly say much iirc... On March 11 2010 14:27 Vivi57 wrote: oh and I think it'll be very obvious very quickly if he's trying to pull fake rolechecks I GOT BUS DRIVET'd -_- Seriously...That's the only argument the mayor/pardoner has to make if they say they used their ability (medic) and still died. Whomever the detective is, RC whoever the mayor/pardoner claims to have "protected." If they are DT, rc who ever they rc. p.s. Flamewheel, their shoulda been 3 bg's, or only one bus driver lol =( On March 11 2010 14:49 johnnyspazz wrote: as long as both of them aren't green or red, i think our town is bound to win! Mayor can be killed by night 2. Very easily. Not to mention one of the BG's could be mafia. On March 11 2010 15:32 Vivi57 wrote: Show nested quote + On March 11 2010 14:32 L wrote: On March 11 2010 14:27 Vivi57 wrote: oh and I think it'll be very obvious very quickly if he's trying to pull fake rolechecks So you're basically trying to claim DT for him without him actually claiming it. OK. I'm going to sleep, but this is pretty hilarious. No I *am* claiming dt for him you've claimed "not green" and expect to be mayor, don't really see much difference. Stop being retarded. Believing him that he is DT.... He just showtime'd you. And you'll be butt hurt by the end of the game. And think about it, WHY would he claim to you. Because you look townie? I does it for the Lulz. On March 11 2010 18:01 Bill Murray wrote: is it just me or are L and BloodyC0bbler both claiming DT? I'd like to reference this post: "+ Show Spoiler + there are most likely only 1 of each blue role, i would keep that in mind. 2 meds could perma protect someone in this game, so most likely only one. Dt's have unlimited rc's so most likely only 1. Hatter has 2 kp (with bombs) so most likely is only one hatter, or 1-2 vigi's as having both roles would have too high a KP (would be more than the mafia in one night). Possibly 1 vet, millers 1-2. Do you want a Mafia mayor? Why are you all voting for BloodyC0bbler or L? We need to have neither of them in office, or at most one as pardoner, and figure out which of them is the real detective based upon SOMEONE ELSE roleclaiming through a hit or protection. We can PM one of them to check that person, and they only have a certain percentage of guessing it correctly if they are mafia. Given this turn of events, I feel it is necessary for Incognito and PREFERABLY someone else to be in office together. When I say someone else, I mean someone needs to step up to the plate and garner the town's votes. I don't trust either one of these guys until we can confirm them. I am more wary of a donkey in a lion's skin than the actual lion himself. in response to : + Show Spoiler + On March 11 2010 12:40 Zona wrote: Show nested quote + On March 11 2010 12:26 citi.zen wrote: On March 11 2010 05:04 L wrote: I got a role that makes me want mayor. Mayor is DT checkable in this game, keep that in mind, so even if the other DT wants to check, he can, then the confirmed train can go to town. Mafia will be forced to burn through bodyguards, and if they have a member he'll become pretty obvious after the kill. So yeah, I'm still planning on killing Bill Murray and I think I'm a pretty cool guy, so vote for me. In terms of plans; You guys must be joking if you think that killing the town driver is a good idea. The town driver can literally swap mafia hit BACK AT MAFIA. ITS ABSOLUTELY BALLS OFF THE WALL AWESOME. After I'm elected, I've got a small roleclaim based play to go with; I'll ask DTs to check certain people during the night so that we can get groups started. Should be a pretty simple game from there. Might as well roleclaim at this point so we can confirm you one way or another. Or not. You've said too much already and are a mafia target anyway. If you are DT I do not want you dead. Considering his sentence includes "the other DT"...it seems like he's claiming DT. The thing is - we probably only have one DT. It's pretty clear that hes outlining a scenario with two dt's not RCing. L will run for office in any game, and specifically said he had a fun role, that would more imply he got a KP role, or bus driver. The example of the "other dt" or "second dt" has already been used by multiple people thus far. Really, L? I believe the last game got to your head. I like you, I'm sorry it happened that way, my bad. I was wrong. "Fun Role" = The Boss, Mafia Godfather! But BM, reread what you're quoting, and holy fuck. L did claim DT too. hahahahhahahahahahahahaha. BC and L claiming DT?! This is epic. Because we all know L would get the GF role if he was mafia, as would BC. Lololol. It's a guarantee now, even if one loses the election. But that's just fucking great if we got two DT's this game and they both just Role claimed. About the amounts in the game, remember tho BM, that's just a thought. That isn't concrete. Another suggestion had like 2 of almost every role that seemed just as plausibly, so stop arguing against voting them. Mayor's are EASILY killed this game. That's the easy part. AND AMAZING CATCH BM. AMAZING. and you're the only one who noticed that he not only claimed blue, but claimed DT...Do remember though, this is how L got redtooth in Incog's game cuz redtooth made a syntax error in a post and it was like he "admitted" he was mafia.... But regardless "the other dt can check me" is kind of a bold statement. I didn't notice L said that. And also, if a miller gets office, LULZ. Oh, and Vivi for Mafia aligned bus driver. That's my guess for this game. On March 12 2010 00:41 XeliN wrote: If Bill gets a vote and I end up with none I'm going to have to invest in some razor blades. Out of all the candidates so far, apart from me cos I already know I'm town, Incognito seems to be the strongest candidate. That said if BC//L are legitimately claiming blue roles and they do not get into office then they may end up being prime targets for the Mafia to hit so I would suggest medic protection on them might not be a bad thing until the DT's can verify, although I wouldn't put it past them to claim that just to try get into office whether town or mafia. We can't afford medic protection on them. maybe bus driver....But we can't protect them. Protection is for the BG's... The town will be forced to play this without our "vets" that we love. GG, L, Incog, BC. If any of you live without being mayor (one of you most certainly will live through atleast one night), I shall be greatly surprised. Deadly format for cruelty, but face it everyone, we all must step up and go after the mafia. Even if they aren't here to help us. So, with that said, if the vets would like to post some ideas that we should follow to win with this format, please do! | ||
United States3652 Posts
Life is a beach. So don't kill BM L. Don't DO IT! | ||
United States3652 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + To: JeeJee [ Profile | Buddy ] Subject: Re: Fw: hey Date: 3/13/10 15:28 Is it not extremely suspicious mass switching votes before the right at the end? I could just change it now. I really don't get why wait right to the end. This is suspect as fuck JeeJee....But you pming me is kind of retarded if you are mafia.... lol...I dunno...L looks suspect as shit. No lie there. ----------------------------------------- Original Message: hey i am really not trusting L at the moment, and am anxious to see him not get into office. at the moment it looks like i will be switching to incog to push L out (and I trust incog), since c0bbs looks to be in for a role barring some major changes in the votes do you agree with my thinking on L? what do you think about switching votes towards the end (so that if mafia still want to push L in, they'd have to make it pretty obvious instead of gradually shifting over a 10-12 hour timespan) what do you think? ----------------------------------------- Original Message: i want you to switch votes with me from L to c0bbles at the last minute if it looks like L is going to get in ok? | ||
United States3652 Posts
On March 13 2010 13:45 Bill Murray wrote: So I suspiciously voted for the person I wanted to vote for originally? you all make me laugh. The timing of it was off because I wasn't even thinking "you know, you can totally screw this guy who wanted to lynch you" until JeeJee brought it to my attention. Tough shit, L. Sorry you didn't get to lynch me. If BC does, that's his decision. I'm going to like him whether he does it or not. If he does lynch me, though, I guaran-fucking-tee you I'm going to be flipping blue, green, or black. Anyone want to step up and put their head on the line for Day 2 if I don't flip red? I can't trust anyone, because I'm the only person I know is a townie. I have noone. I'll put myself up. Let's go to hell and back together BM! | ||
United States3652 Posts
On March 13 2010 15:33 Zona wrote: I would like to call out L, nemY, and Bloodycobbler for voting for d3_crescentia. Not being allowed to abstain in votes is a huge plus for town members as votes reveal information that can be used to evaluate a player later in the game. Yet the three of you subvert that by essentially abstaining by voting for someone who has basically not participated in the game so far. Explain yourselves - why can you not commit to helping the town by leaving a paper trail of your opinion? Well L and BC obviously weren't going to vote for each other....Lol.... Nemy is another story, but L and BC weren't gonna vote, L, Incog, or BC. That would just give their opponent more votes....common sense? | ||
United States3652 Posts
Oh, and detectives, BRING IT OOOOOOOON!! You can get some too!? -_- My one release after another Terrible fucking day. p.s. if I stop posting all of a sudden flamewheel and don't vote, please don't ban me from mafia, I might end up being arrested ;>> Ex and her ex got their comeuppance, but I think I may of went a lil too far. And I don't think I'm done. Very distraught. Sorry fella's, I'll stop writing books bout my personal life. =( But I should be getting DT checked, so I'll enjoy the PMs. | ||
United States3652 Posts
So I'll be mafia yea! plus the bitch... | ||
United States3652 Posts
On March 14 2010 13:44 madnessman wrote: I have a question. Mafia KNOWS L is a confirmed blue role. And yet they don't kill him. Does nobody else find this odd? Show nested quote + On March 14 2010 04:59 L wrote: On March 14 2010 04:47 Iaaan wrote: I am disappointed that jeejee died, even if I can see how his vote switching was suspicious. Definitely going to be interesting to go back and look at his posts, I remember that he was very persistent at calling people out. Don't see how you can be disappointed that a green who actively tried to fuck with the town is gone via the day 1 lynch. This was probably one of the best day 1 lynches in history. Just because people don't want you in a mayoral position... How does them make them trying to "fuck" with town? How can they be fucking with the town if we don't even know for certain that you're blue? Maybe you're mafia and they're actually doing the town a favor? It's pompous posts like this that caused me to change my vote. And to those questioning my voting patterns... We have three of the most experienced players ALL RUNNING FOR MAYOR AND ALL CLAIMING BLUE. How can I vote with absolute certainty and without any qualms whatsoever when this is quite suspicious, and I am filled with uncertainty and suspecting that one of them might be lying..but don't know which one? First thing to do is jump and pin L? Mafia ploy to insight riot against L bust not killing L?! Fuck it, lynch him, LETS GO! | ||
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