TL Mafia XVIII - Page 128
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United States7432 Posts
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United States3044 Posts
On February 28 2010 07:11 Chezinu wrote: looks like town is in for another setback... Couldn't have said that better | ||
Canada4732 Posts
On February 28 2010 07:07 Chezinu wrote: Almost done. L hurry up and write a bug speech to give town the info you know before you die. May the Circles guide you! | ||
Canada4732 Posts
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7815 Posts
Something I've noticed is that Scamp has actually taken the time to legitimately defend himself. I remember when we were going to lynch Mystlord, he hardly said a thing and most of what he said only incriminated him more. Right now the only thing incriminating Scamp is L. Also when QS was going to be lynched he came up with the stupid modkill plan that had no way working. Scamp hasn't tried to pull anything of that caliber. It seems to me he's arguing as a townsperson. To the town, L has already convinced you to lynch our Mayor/medic. What's going to happen when Scamp turns up innocent? We'll be in a bigger mindfuck than we are right now. tree.hugger is clearly the safer vote right now. It's no doubt that if Scamp does not get lynched, L will continue to incriminate him. If Scamp is indeed mafia, he's going to slip up somewhere. | ||
United States7432 Posts
On February 28 2010 07:30 ShoCkeyy wrote: I think it's pretty clear right now that the town should not be voting to kill Scamp. He is right in that at best all L has is some shaky clue analysis. In fact, most of L's clue analysis is directed at other players (Chez, johnny, me) and not at Scamp, go read his posts if you don't believe me. Something I've noticed is that Scamp has actually taken the time to legitimately defend himself. I remember when we were going to lynch Mystlord, he hardly said a thing and most of what he said only incriminated him more. Right now the only thing incriminating Scamp is L. Also when QS was going to be lynched he came up with the stupid modkill plan that had no way working. Scamp hasn't tried to pull anything of that caliber. It seems to me he's arguing as a townsperson. To the town, L has already convinced you to lynch our Mayor/medic. What's going to happen when Scamp turns up innocent? We'll be in a bigger mindfuck than we are right now. tree.hugger is clearly the safer vote right now. It's no doubt that if Scamp does not get lynched, L will continue to incriminate him. If Scamp is indeed mafia, he's going to slip up somewhere. You are totally convincing me to change my vote back to Scamp.. there are no clues against me...especially not from L. Scamp stretched the clue pointing to him to me which there was really no connection. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
8. Vivi57 11. XeliN 12. Amber[Light] 16. dozko 18. tree.hugger 19. ShoCkeyy 23. Chezinu 24. Scamp 26. L 28. Iaaan 29. ~OpZ~ 30. sidesprang 33. ohN 34. Abenson 38. CynanMachae 40. tredmasta 44. [NyC]HoBbes 45. Versatile 47. Malongo 50. Foolishness 51. madnessman These are our remaining players. 11 of them are mafia. 5 are Gambino. 6 are Sumiyoshi. 11 are LEGITZ. So, currently my thoughts on which teams are which: Gambino: Johnnyspazz CynanMachae ShoCkeyy Dozko XeliN Sumiyoshi: Scamp Tree.hugger ohN Amber[Light] Abenson Malongo Or chez is full of shit and: Iaaan ohN Abenson Hobbes Chezinu Scamp Reasoning: Gambino: Johnny: + Show Spoiler + Rofl you serious? CynanMachae: + Show Spoiler + Cynan’s name is essentially a warrior king and the spirits of war. Search Cynan and Machae seperately. The death by pike in day 2 and the ritual killing during day 5 point towards him really, really well. ShoCkeyy: + Show Spoiler + Repeated instances of the word shock during day don’t really point to him. A better link is: "Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent, leave the house before you find something worth staying in for." And the following clue: When the three Mafiosi made it to the city gate, they each decided to go in their separate directions, moving swiftly towards the houses of their victims. The first Mafioso went straight for the town center. When he finally arrived at his victim’s house, he noticed that the door had been left wide open. Cautiously, he peeked in the window, noticing that a pot of soup was still cooking on the stove. A pencil and a few charts were also spread on the table, but the Mafioso could not notice that anything important or telling about the papers. Figuring that his victim had been alerted to his presence and had hidden all his important documents before hastily vanishing, the Mafioso tiptoed upstairs, careful not to make any noises that could alert his victim. Upon reaching the upstairs bedroom, the Mafioso noticed fresh tracks beneath the window, and jumped down, careful not to disturb the tracks. He raced through the forest, and soon found his robed target sitting by the lake. Ace felt no surprise as he turned around to greet the Mafioso. He was about to warn the Mafioso that he couldn’t hide in the darkness, when suddenly the Mafioso sprayed gasoline all over Ace and quickly lit a match. As he left the scene, Ace’s attacker muttered to himself, thinking how much fun it would be to terrorize the town not only in the darkness, but also in the light. Additionally, the quote is ascribed to banksy, who is a prominent graffitti artist. The graffitti red herring during the 2 men bickering clue that some people attributed to nikoner works against shockeyy instead. Dozko: + Show Spoiler + Dozko has a few links to him that are rather artfully done. I’m not 110% sure of the link because of just how artfully done most of them are. The main one is here: Seeing that his partner had succeeded, the last Mafioso decided that luck was on his side. He lurched through the shadows, eager to finish his last kill. After all, his target was the lowly decafchicken. Upon reaching the house, Caller knocked on the door. For some reason, decafchicken’s friend opened the door, and was slightly suspicious of Caller, and accused him of his unwanted behaviors: rigging the market, sabotaging the financial system, and supporting the aristocracy of money. Caller however, was not disturbed by the accusations, smashed the door in, knocking decafchicken’s friend to the floor. He soon found decafchicken in the kitchen. Unfortunately, decafchicken had time to prepare due to his friend’s attempt to stall, and thrust a kitchen knife at Caller’s chest. But Caller was well prepared, and began to taunt decafchicken, who quickly became angry. In a matter of moments, Caller’s had decafchicken decapitated by his own knife. Content, Caller thought he should finish the job completely, and walked toward the front door, ready to finish decafchicken’s friend off. Unfortunately, the man was gone. Frantic, Caller ran out into the street, looking for any signs of the missing man. But he did not see his doom approaching or hear the voices of warning coming from the bridge above. In a matter of seconds, Caller was turned into a pincushion as he was hit from the side. The only traces of any action came from the dust cloud that was disappearing in the distance. Important here is that this paragraph has 2 deaths, so there’s plenty of room for extra clues in there. Johnny seems to link to the dust cloud, since he’s a speedy hedgehog, but who’s the rest of the clue talking about? In the first part, Caller’s friend criticizes Caller on the subject of economics. Dokzo’s profile quote: A comprehensive guide to economics: In the second portion, Caller returns to finish the job, but lo and behold, his procrastination made the friend get away, and ultimately fucked caller over. Dozko’s pic? Procrastination... is like masturbation its good in the beginning, but in the end, you realize you’ve just fucked yourself. Dozko's attack might also be a wind that papercuts people, in which case some of the kills we've attributed to johnny are wrong XeliN: + Show Spoiler + Was recently mentioned in the thread and forced me to re-look at the clues. This, alongside dozko are probably the two people i’m least certain of clue-wise. XeliN’s link is essentially to those repeated instances of bars throughout the thread. Ver dies after visiting a bubble tea place, Incog dies after getting drunk. There are many repeated instances of ‘drink’ in its various forms being placed aroudn crime scenes, disproportionately so. Sumiyoshi: Scamp: + Show Spoiler + At first I figured that the shitter clue was the only thing that really linked to scamp, but then I realized that wasn’t quite true. There are many other instances of links which pop up. First: Scamp has a theme of ‘blocking’ ascribed to him. There are scattered instances of this all over. The other theme, and perhaps the more important. The sphinx. Wikipedia: A sphinx (Ancient Greek: Σφίγξ / Sphinx, sometimes Φίξ /Phix) is a mythological figure which is depicted as a recumbent lion with a human head. So essentially its a Cat/human hybrid that is in that sitting position. Scamp’s picture? Bam, cat in the right position. The third Mafioso headed toward the construction site, where workers had been trying to rush build a new town jail. From the building above, the third Mafioso noticed his target working in the guard tower across the jail courtyard. Smiling to himself, he snuck around to near the tower and took control of a crane that he had hidden nearby. Only a few of the workers noticed the large shadow blocking out the bright artificial light necessary to light the construction site. A few yelled at the workers to get out of the way, and fortunately everyone did but one. BloodyC0bbler did not notice as a miniature version of a stone sphinx came crashing down on the site, demolishing the guard tower and spraying blue blood everywhere. Note how we essentially have a cat burglar type character who’s able to infiltrate a prison, who blocks the light, then drops a sphinx onto people. Originally I thought this was attributable to mystlord, but it wouldn’t make sense to put clues to the same person in days 1 and 2 concurrently given the rest of the history we’ve seen so far. Tree.hugger: + Show Spoiler + Already repeated ad nauseum. Essentially he’s part of the shikyo death and herringed earlier at the phrubazk kill. ohN: + Show Spoiler + Recently stated in thread as well; The morning at night which killed our DT combined with herrings pointing to people thinking about their afterlife. Amber: + Show Spoiler + Repeated quite a bit recently too: Gummibear killer. Amber’s profile really doesn’t have anything that’s remotely good to use as a clue besides that one line. Here’s the clue itself: In a dark secluded area of town, LucasWoJ awoke to the sound of a thick, deep laugh. Still groggy from sleep, LucasWoJ decided to wake up to check what the noise was all about. He tried to sneak out of his house carefully to avoid suspicion, but stumbled on a coffee mug, a toothbrush, and an empty water bottle, resulting in a jumble of sound as he fell face flat on the floor. The laughing figure immediately noticed and galloped over to LucasWoJ’s house, smashed the door, and began to mock him sarcastically. By this time, LucasWoJ was enraged at the intruder’s actions, and grabbed the nearest object he could find. At first, he scared his attacker with a kitchen knife and almost sliced his jaw in half, but succumbed to ferocity of the attacker’s vile and barbaric actions. The figure snarled and taunted LucasWoJ before biting his neck and ripping out a piece of his trachea. Before long,LucasWoJ was cold and dead on the floor, his attacker nowhere to be seen. The real tell here is that the jaw was so easily cut; You guys should know that normal knives do not cut bone. You need a fucking bone saw to go through them, or you need to pin them up against something and use a cleaver. This was neither of those cases, hence Amber as the gummibear. This is one of the clues i’m most solidly certain of.Abenson:+ Show Spoiler + Day 1 horsepair. Re-reading it, however, make it seem like both chess horses are travelling slowly to and fro. They’re also able to go straight through a wall and land directly on someone. Here’s the clue: Sure enough, the two horsemen began slowly approaching the town. They did not rush across the field, but drifted in and out of the shadows, taking cover from the shadows cast by the clouds. Dreamflower became more nervous, and pointed her gun out the window, waiting for the horsemen to approach. However, she was startled as she noticed a figure walking towards the horsemen. She breathed a sigh of relief when she recognized Qatol. But what was Qatol doing out so late at night? Dreamflower was puzzled, but was snapped back into reality as she noticed the horsemen were only a football field away from her location. Thinking quickly, she decided not to fire a shot, but ran outside to get Qatol to safety. She tried to run in the shadows, but was caught in the middle of the road as the moon pierced through the cloud layer and shone directly on her. The horses neighed, and the first horseman charged dreamflower, spear aimed low at her gut. Dreamflower was blinded from the moonlight that reflected off the horseman, and was a little slow to react. She leaped to the left, and narrowly avoided death. But the second horseman just cackled loudly. Noticing Qatol sneak quietly into the barn to his right, he charged and leaped through the thin walls of the barn, landing straight on Qatol, who died instantly. Malongo:+ Show Spoiler + Quite frankly, it has to do with this black liquid, and here’s where the analysis gets interesting; If Malongo is innocent, then Chez is guilty. If Chez is guilty than Malongo’s innocent. I’m not at all certain of this clue link, so I was forced to make an entirely seperate team profile. Iaaan: + Show Spoiler + Recently mentioned in the text, but it goes further than that; Iaaan was checked early and would be the sumiyoshi GF. He posted early, garnered attention, then he just immediately quieted up. If he’s a sumiyoshi, he is a pale guy who attacks with tuning forks. Additionally, this would explain quite a bit about how so many of our blues got hit and why Iaaan was so willing to just vomit out that PM from Ver. Its quite possible that its been tampered with and that a number of people who were actually known to be legit aren’t on there. It would also make sense given the amount of blue targets that have been hit. The DT died the day that Iaaan supposedly got the list, and meeple was taken out the next day, both, it would seem, by sumiyoshi. Hobbes: + Show Spoiler + Why hobbes? Because if Hobbes isn’t legit per the Chez check, then Hobbes actually has the same qualities that amber’s gummibear does, because he’s a stuffed animal. Both are savage beasts. Both have easily cut jaws. As you can see, I have many alternate mafia members depending on if Chez is bullshitting us or not, hence why I wanted scamp dead to check so bad. Chezinu: + Show Spoiler + Chez and I have been Pming most of the game, but as per the usual, he talks dumb shit all the time. Has he said anything suspicious? Yes. Plenty. Is everything suspicious when chez says it? Yes. So frankly I can’t tell. I think he’s innocent and that he’s telling the truth because of the fact that no one else has really stepped up, but Day 5’s black wave with creatures inside it matches chez’s picture directly, though, and again, its between him and malongo. Scamp flipping red doesn’t really make chez ‘legit’ but now malongo and he are in that position. For tomorrow if i’m not here: Hey brosefs what’s up. If you’re reading this and I flip green, shit we wasted a lynch . But not to worry! We can still win! First step you guys need to get on is posting PRODUCTIVE COMMENTS ASAP. Fishball did this. Malongo’s doing this. I’m doing this. Dokzo’s doing this. Get out and analyse. Make a case for someone and make sure its good. Next: reduce variables. Don’t know if chez’s list is accurate? Make for certain by killing him. Doing that gives the mafia a 5 member do not hit zone, which puts the town above the 4 people you need to keep alive to coast to a win. Next; fucking make sure you keep mafia numbers as equal as possible. When you analyse someone’s behavior, it isn’t enough to say ‘oh he’s mafia’ because the town needs to be going “oh he’s sumiyoshi, and they’re up one.” Or “oh he’s gambino and they’re up one”. If I’m dead, I sure hope the other target is a sumiyoshi, because if you knock out a gambino, for instance, they might be dead in 2 days because it doesn’t seem like we have extra medics. For reference: I'm most certain of Cynan ohN and Amber, but I dont' think we can get enough votes on them quickly enough. Anyways, that’s all :3 Best of luck. | ||
United States1086 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + From: Chezinu [ Profile | Buddy ] Subject: Re: You way out Date: 2/28/10 06:10 Will do. ----------------------------------------- Original Message: Yeah, I think it's a fear of everyone (including the mods and maybe excluding the other team) that a mafia family may quit when they get down to two. But if people did that then they'll be banned from future games. Plus there is technically a way to win still, difficult as it may be. You can still win if you eliminate the other family and the town has equal/less people than you. This means reducing the town to two before you kill the other family. Difficult but possible. I am not really above saving myself just for the sake of saving myself. I'm not going to just save myself in order to kill someone I think is innocent. Technically L is still being killed in front of me, so I don't need to vote for both. There's probably going to be a last-second flurry of activity, so I'm worried. So while Ver was innocent that doesn't mean his analysis is correct. I'm still slightly skeptical of tree.hugger being scum, but his recent activity of popping in once then disappearing again isn't doing him any favors. Cyan I suspect more because of his behavior and voting record. I just wish I could find some kind of clue link to support my analysis. Do you know who that guy is in his profile? So yeah, let your supporters know that I will change my vote to tree.hugger and Cyan if the support to lynch them increases. But please let them also know that it is not to save my own ass but because I genuinely suspect that they are mafia. ----------------------------------------- Original Message: If you vote tree.hugger and Cyan I think you might be able to save yourself. I know a lot of people suspect Cyan and I'm willing to take my vote off of you and on to him if it doesn't kill me. I wouldn't want you to die if that means you are taking L with you. Plus, some of people I've been talking to think you are innocent and out of them some are voting for you just to save me. Our best hope is that the town will be active enough to change votes and the mafia that is against Cyan. But if your townie and not a blue role, your going to die already unless the other mafia has better targets... I think I'm the only blue left so if your town switching to Cyan can't hurt. Even if your mafia and cyan is on your team, he will probably die tonight soon... Well, I guess this lynch isn't about lynching mafia so much.. It's about saving me and L. With L, town has a hostage. With me, they gain one more rolecheck before I die. But if I live I also benefit the would they even hit me? With two mafia teams, lynches really aren't all or nothing except when it comes to medics, DT, and elected roles. Well, so far that went bad... now it's just me and L left... Even if L is mafia, killing him would be dumb for town. town can let two members of each mafia team live and still win. with L protected it will make mafia wonder if they can win without lynching him. Uh oh.. I just thought of something.. What if a mafia team gets down to two members? Will those members not vote and modkill themselves thus ending the game before town could win? Does that mean there is no hope for town unless both mafia teams kill themselves all in one night? -this has been the thoughts of Chezinu as he reflects what is the best move for town, if it even exists and if there is more than one route to reach the town's goal. Town success depends on the mafia's success. May the mafia kill well tonight. By that I mean not kill me since that would be dumb because the other mafia might kill me... maybe one mafia is smarter than the other... but I don't have that hope anymore for two medics are down. Meeple the clue analyzer and Redtooth our Great mayor, the protector of the unprotected who detected the detective, the one who made the town go round and round. The one who took a tangent path at the site of the BcraftstarII bomb. Let the matters guide you. for had matters, especially when letters in front of 2 and 3 switch their places. | ||
7815 Posts
On February 28 2010 07:33 Chezinu wrote: You are totally convincing me to change my vote back to Scamp.. there are no clues against me...especially not from L. Scamp stretched the clue pointing to him to me which there was really no connection. Cough. Please read the thread. | ||
7815 Posts
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Canada4732 Posts
On February 28 2010 07:44 ShoCkeyy wrote: L nice clue research, but to bad it's easy to find that out. Not much of clue hunting to begin with, anybody can find that out, it's to simple of a clue and to obvious of a clue to even be me. Like every other mafia game, clues aren't so obvious. Yeah, nearly none of these clues are obvious, sorry. Obvious would be linking you to shock like others tried to do. Instead I have you linked on two seperate accounts to graffitti and the house murder. | ||
7815 Posts
On February 28 2010 07:48 L wrote: Yeah, nearly none of these clues are obvious, sorry. Obvious would be linking you to shock like others tried to do. Instead I have you linked on two seperate accounts to graffitti and the house murder. Which are still obvious, google banksy and people know immediately it's graffiti. Not only that, a lot of people know who banksy is. And the house murder, it's obvious that it would "supposebly" be me. I'm like the only person that has such an obvious house quote in their profile. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
On February 28 2010 07:50 ShoCkeyy wrote: Which are still obvious, google banksy and people know immediately it's graffiti. Not only that, a lot of people know who banksy is. And the house murder, it's obvious that it would "supposebly" be me. I'm like the only person that has such an obvious house quote in their profile. Oh, so having to google to find out the meaning of names, like I did with you and Cynan, makes the clues obvious? I fucking had NO IDEA what that ritual killer murder was and couldn't cleanly fit abenson's clues together until I realized that Cynan was implicated by an entirely different set of clues. Sorry if that was all 'obvious' to you. Guess you shoulda posted it and helped me out instead of letting me stare at fucking profiles and google nearly every term in each one for 8 hours. | ||
United States7432 Posts
On February 28 2010 07:54 L wrote: I fucking had NO IDEA what that ritual killer murder You didn't like my amber theory? | ||
United States7432 Posts
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7815 Posts
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United States1086 Posts
Also would you guys read my last post and take a good look at Chezinu? He has absolutely no authority over his "town circle" and those players haven't coordinated once over the course of the entire game. | ||
Canada4122 Posts
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United States7432 Posts
remember: For citi.zen, citizens was in first day clue Phrujbaz has white particles Caller was an ultra bat previous games: Scamp -> cheese factory decafechicken -> coffee and another time chicken | ||
United States7432 Posts
On February 28 2010 08:25 Scamp wrote: Abenson I know you're there. Explain why you're voting me. Also would you guys read my last post and take a good look at Chezinu? He has absolutely no authority over his "town circle" and those players haven't coordinated once over the course of the entire game. I know... I suck at tip 5... The only times people listen to me is when I spam the thread or when I'm the godfather on my mafia team... hobbes goes and kills himself and vivi not answering his pm's.. geez | ||
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