On December 04 2014 18:32 TitusVI wrote: Okay everyone writes down 2 champs that wickd will play this tournament. The winner will get the coaching position at alliance.
On December 07 2014 05:25 nafta wrote: Sad how jungle starts for bot lane are still a thing .Has been well known since day 1 and riot still haven't fixed it :/.
we've come full circle ever since the blueside golem starts 2 years ago and riot trying to fix it ^^
On December 07 2014 05:41 nafta wrote: Really don't understand the leblanc picks.Saw it a lot in ogn didn't do anything there either.
Gave ogn the benefit of the doubt because the leblanc was laning twice against faker and that maybe she is indeed good now (I haven't played much for 2 weeks) but I simply don't see what changed that puts her above Orianna, Ahri, Lissandra, Syndra which are the top mages off the top of my head.
On December 07 2014 05:41 nafta wrote: Really don't understand the leblanc picks.Saw it a lot in ogn didn't do anything there either.
Gave ogn the benefit of the doubt because the leblanc was laning twice against faker and that maybe she is indeed good now (I haven't played much for 2 weeks) but I simply don't see what changed that puts her above Orianna, Ahri, Lissandra, Syndra which are the top mages off the top of my head.
Morellonomicon being more cost efficient than Athene's?
On December 07 2014 05:41 nafta wrote: Really don't understand the leblanc picks.Saw it a lot in ogn didn't do anything there either.
Gave ogn the benefit of the doubt because the leblanc was laning twice against faker and that maybe she is indeed good now (I haven't played much for 2 weeks) but I simply don't see what changed that puts her above Orianna, Ahri, Lissandra, Syndra which are the top mages off the top of my head.
Game is snowbally right now and we all know, who is queen of snowballing. And it's not Orianna or Syndra.
+ Honestly, OGN always had plenty of LeBlanc players, who can bring her in any situation.
On December 07 2014 05:41 nafta wrote: Really don't understand the leblanc picks.Saw it a lot in ogn didn't do anything there either.
Gave ogn the benefit of the doubt because the leblanc was laning twice against faker and that maybe she is indeed good now (I haven't played much for 2 weeks) but I simply don't see what changed that puts her above Orianna, Ahri, Lissandra, Syndra which are the top mages off the top of my head.
Game is snowbally right now and we all know, who is queen of snowballing. And it's not Orianna or Syndra.
+ Honestly, OGN always had plenty of LeBlanc players, who can bring her in any situation.
Syndra is the queen of snowballing actually not leblanc.We'll see how it goes but so far have yet to see a game where leblanc did anything that makes her a good pick.
On December 07 2014 05:41 nafta wrote: Really don't understand the leblanc picks.Saw it a lot in ogn didn't do anything there either.
Gave ogn the benefit of the doubt because the leblanc was laning twice against faker and that maybe she is indeed good now (I haven't played much for 2 weeks) but I simply don't see what changed that puts her above Orianna, Ahri, Lissandra, Syndra which are the top mages off the top of my head.
Game is snowbally right now and we all know, who is queen of snowballing. And it's not Orianna or Syndra.
+ Honestly, OGN always had plenty of LeBlanc players, who can bring her in any situation.
idk what to say when you honestly think that leblanc in her current state without the silence and most players going a low ap 20% cdr item like athene/morello snowballs harder than Syndra. Also the risk of betting on snowballing as leblanc is way too high compared to her uselessness if she doesn't get a kill unlike, say Lissandra or Ori who can change entire teamfights with their cc as long as they stay even.
I don't understand these early adc picks by Lyon. It's not like either teams are fighting over their adc picks. UoL also haven't shown any indications of banning adcs.
On December 07 2014 05:57 Kenpark wrote: Kikis' seems pretty on point with his plays. Havent seen much of him, but he seems pretty strong.
Honestly, I think PoE, Hylissang, and Vizi carry their jungler pretty hard. It's also why they were able to qualify with a different jungler, and why they haven't needed to change their playstyle with the new jungler. Vardags gets carried too. Vardags reminds me of how Cop played in Curse.
On December 07 2014 07:04 TitusVI wrote: UoL take down TSM
Heard good things about TSM scrims, bad things about All scrims
Which is exactly why All should be favored over TSM, who gives a fuck abiout word-of-mouth twittery "i heard tsm's like best in the world in scrims" garbage.
On December 07 2014 07:04 TitusVI wrote: UoL take down TSM
Heard good things about TSM scrims, bad things about All scrims
Which is exactly why All should be favored over TSM, who gives a fuck abiout word-of-mouth twittery "i heard tsm's like best in the world in scrims" garbage.
Well confidence is an important thing in this game.
Do we have info if Saint and Monte get to cast actual games? Personally I don't want to see Snoopeh cast since he'd probably be terrible (just my assumption but maybe he can surprise me if he casts)
On December 07 2014 08:40 TitusVI wrote: How low must you feel as a korean to join a brazilian team.
i'd be upset i can't understand 90% of what my team is saying and they suck. But I will take one look at my bank account be like "k this isn't bad lols". BR scene got $$$ to spend.
Man I love this tricast so much. Joe/Deman play-by-play, Monte/Kobe analysis and Saint/Snoopeh/Jatt for pro player insight. Might be my favorite League cast so far.
Though I wish the replay transition wasn't so bright.
On December 07 2014 08:40 TitusVI wrote: How low must you feel as a korean to join a brazilian team.
i'd be upset i can't understand 90% of what my team is saying and they suck. But I will take one look at my bank account be like "k this isn't bad lols". BR scene got $$$ to spend.
And brazilian carneval can be really interesting so
On December 07 2014 09:42 krndandaman wrote: i just tuned in, was c9 really shaky as the commentators are saying? cause I see c9 with double the kills and 2-0 sweep
In my opinion, they weren't playing the most seriously. They were playing extra aggressive because everything worked for them. PaiN showed they have a long road to go still.
On December 07 2014 09:46 zer0das wrote: The fights weren't pretty, but they weren't going to lose at any point in either game unless they got hit by a massive blue shell.
Additionally the objective control seemed weaker than it should have been(even ignoring the baron steal)
Get fucking hyped, rofl. Imagine if they win now, soloqueue will fucking suffer harder than after Kikis won with Fizz jungle against Gambit in Promotions.
0-4 Bjergsen getting solokilled 3 times. That's literally more than in whole NA splits, i'm pretty sure because i can't recall anything outside of Hai killing him in Spring finals.
It's not over though, even if it is, TSM gotta focus on botlane, not on other lanes next game. And Santorin has to do at least something, i'd say, lol.
On December 07 2014 10:40 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: 0-4 Bjergsen getting solokilled 3 times. That's literally more than in whole NA splits, i'm pretty sure because i can't recall anything outside of Hai killing him in Spring finals.
Yea, bjergsen usually doesn't get solokilled like this. It's pretty crazy. I don't think he will even try to push past river now without someone else near him.
On December 07 2014 10:40 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: 0-4 Bjergsen getting solokilled 3 times. That's literally more than in whole NA splits, i'm pretty sure because i can't recall anything outside of Hai killing him in Spring finals.
Yeah i think the only time he got solokilled were vs hai gragas, shiphtur ahri and pawn fizz during the whole 2014 season. Never seen him getting rekt so hard 1v1
On December 07 2014 10:43 krndandaman wrote: on the brightside for tsm fans, tsm has always looked terrible from the beginning of season/spring split until they finally adjust by summer
It's just one game where curveball was thrown at TSM, don't think anyone gotta judge it outside of heavy fanboys.
It was Hai's LeBlanc though, which solokilled him, was Gragas as well? :D Q max LeBlanc as well, glorious.
On December 07 2014 10:46 krndandaman wrote: also does anyone know how to tell which enchantment the junglers got? im guessing warrior for panth and devourer for tf but i honestly can't tell
Ur correct, santorin had 2 longswords earlier and jatt mentioned stacks on kikis
On December 07 2014 10:57 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Honestly, UoL are playing atrocious with their advantage, that's some soloqueue level of closing games out.
On December 07 2014 10:57 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Honestly, UoL are playing atrocious with their advantage, that's some soloqueue level of closing games out.
That's honestly nothing new for newer teams though. All the challengers teams who get into LCS have this issue(which is usually why there is hype for those teams, but they will never be favorites to win any of their games against LCS teams)
On December 07 2014 10:59 Alaric wrote: They had Gnar, that couldn't have been manly at all with the base stats he has. Would be harder to dive with farmed Mundo who's got ult up.
On December 07 2014 11:02 AlterKot wrote: GET REKT NA :^)
I'm seeing a lot of (actual) potential in UoL, give them a split and a decent analysist and they'll up their clousblerghing-out games game.
Inb4 they're getting dumped in LCS with something like 2-16 if 18 games and disband shortly after. Clear overexaggeration, but i can see EU teams just camping botlane, Hylissang dying for Vardags's sins and PoE not being able to carry. Good thing though that we're seeing them playing like that in tournaments, that's glorious.
Locodoco gotta rage, giving up Gnar for Pantheon seems hilarious. And even more hilarious - getting Pantheon first pick ahead of Bjergsen's LeBlanc, random Corgi or Lucian and having 0 profit from it.
On December 07 2014 10:59 Alaric wrote: They had Gnar, that couldn't have been manly at all with the base stats he has. Would be harder to dive with farmed Mundo who's got ult up.
Alaric, why are you always so salty???
Gimme a diving Malphite, Udyr, etc. and I'll be excited, but Gnar's at the same status as Riven wherre his numbers are so bullshit it doesn't really matter what you do with him, there's not as much merit to it.
I was more interested by the Sivir pick but I don't know what it was supposed to accomplish in the end (didn't seem to mesh well with the rest of the picks so I was curious) or the jungle TF.
Yes they were playing a bit chicken and everything while ahead, but I feel they are very organized. I think given a split they will be a good contender for top spot on EULCS.
On December 07 2014 11:07 Sufficiency wrote: UoL looks really good.
Yes they were playing a bit chicken and everything while ahead, but I feel they are very organized. I think given a split they will be a good contender for top spot on EULCS.
Hype is fine and all that, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. This team is good, and fun to watch. Why try to speculate something that far in the future?
On December 07 2014 11:07 Sufficiency wrote: UoL looks really good.
Yes they were playing a bit chicken and everything while ahead, but I feel they are very organized. I think given a split they will be a good contender for top spot on EULCS.
Hype is fine and all that, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. This team is good, and fun to watch. Why try to speculate something that far in the future?
No I actually see potential in this team. This team is not like another CoL doomed to be last spot.
I mean I guess Kikis was historically inconsistent but you could say same about Shook and people still praise him. Both Visics and PoE are nothing but impressive and if Vaardags turns out to be too much of a bottleneck then get fucking Candypanda or whoever's first in the ladder, worked well for Youngbuck. I think you are too reserved about them, can't see that team going 2-16.
BTW any idea where can I find those "I am a gamer" and "SK chris" Intel ads?
On December 07 2014 11:15 AlterKot wrote: I mean I guess Kikis was historically inconsistent but you could say same about Shook and people still praise him. Both Visics and PoE are nothing but impressive and if Vaardags turns out to be too much of a bottleneck then get fucking Candypanda or whoever's first in the ladder, worked well for Youngbuck. I think you are too reserved about them, can't see that team going 2-16.
BTW any idea where can I find those "I am a gamer" and "SK chris" Intel ads?
Also, don't forget about Hylissang. That dude will carry/carries Vardags hard every game. Top and Mid are highlighted a lot, but Hylissang is a really really good support for that team.
On December 07 2014 11:25 GhandiEAGLE wrote: TSM didn't get outdrafted very much, it at all, I think you guys saying so are crazy...
It's not about out drafted to me. I think they have a draft that doesn't utilize their strengths enough. I feel like TSM are a much better team with early game champions than what they have at the moment.
On December 07 2014 11:25 GhandiEAGLE wrote: TSM didn't get outdrafted very much, it at all, I think you guys saying so are crazy...
It's not about out drafted to me. I think they have a draft that doesn't utilize their strengths enough. I feel like TSM are a much better team with early game champions than what they have at the moment.
I disagree. I think putting a comp on a powerful Bjergsen hard-carry champion and safe lanes + good roaming is pretty standard TSM.
I don't think Santorin is playing as badly as a lot of people are saying. it seems like the fact that he's not a playmaker (surprise, he's playing Nunu) makes a lot of people assume he's doing poorly when things go south for the team. He's had great peeling so far though.
I think TSM doesn't look good here, but they're still in a good position to win the game.
On December 07 2014 11:47 GhandiEAGLE wrote: I don't think Santorin is playing as badly as a lot of people are saying. it seems like the fact that he's not a playmaker (surprise, he's playing Nunu) makes a lot of people assume he's doing poorly when things go south for the team. He's had great peeling so far though.
I think TSM doesn't look good here, but they're still in a good position to win the game.
Santorin is playing okay with this game, but he hasn't actually helped any of his laners.
everything on morello's is not unique apart from the wounds, not a terrible buy if you can use all the stats. Will also solve every single mana regen problem with 200% mana regen.
On December 07 2014 11:49 Amui wrote: everything on morello's is not unique apart from the wounds
Do you know if it is a legit build for Azir?
I'm not an azir player, but it's 4200 gold of ridiculous cost efficiency. Paying 1000 gold(based off NLR cost), for 40%CDR, 200% mana regen, and the grevious wounds passive.
TSM only lost that because Power of Evil did so much work. Azir really wrecked that backline. I like TSMs chances still, though I sound like a broken record.
And they were just saying how great of a shotcaller Bjergson has turned into. Holy shit that was a terrible call by tsm. Stall it out for the 5th drag, it was their only chance.
Sad thing is the dragon steals were the only remotely good things tsm did all series but not good enough that the live crowd could start the iconic tsm cheers because they got rekt in den teamfights...
On December 07 2014 12:07 AsnSensation wrote: Sad thing is the dragon steals were the only remotely good things tsm did all series but not good enough that the live crowd could start the iconic tsm cheers because they got rekt in den teamfights...
I wouldn't even consider taking free drags a "good" thing. More like UoL just gifted it to them. TSM didn't really show anything resembling competence this series.
On December 07 2014 12:01 krndandaman wrote: lol oh god
tsm is going to get whipped by regi tonight
Whoever is in charge of their P&B needs to get whoped.
Both games UOL had P/B which gave them the initiative and advantage.
And Bjergsen needs 1000 games of solo-Q going athene's first so he knows where the item is.
Can't really blame them for the P&B in game 1, noone expected the jungle tf that tricked them into xerath.
I can respect that. But even then why would you pick Xerath and not Le Blanc into a supposed TF mid?
And first picking pantheon over gnar.
Honestly though, Xerath is about as good as LB vs TF. Plus Burgerking is more comfortable on Xerath.
We'll have to disagree on that. LB imo gives more pressure because of solo-kill potential and roaming. The ability to influence and pressure the map should be more valuable that Xerath who isn't as mobile.
Can't argue Bjergsen will more likely be more comfortable on Xerath though. It was one of his key champions for last NA split.
On December 07 2014 12:01 krndandaman wrote: lol oh god
tsm is going to get whipped by regi tonight
Whoever is in charge of their P&B needs to get whoped.
Both games UOL had P/B which gave them the initiative and advantage.
And Bjergsen needs 1000 games of solo-Q going athene's first so he knows where the item is.
Can't really blame them for the P&B in game 1, noone expected the jungle tf that tricked them into xerath.
I can respect that. But even then why would you pick Xerath and not Le Blanc into a supposed TF mid?
And first picking pantheon over gnar.
Honestly though, Xerath is about as good as LB vs TF. Plus Burgerking is more comfortable on Xerath.
We'll have to disagree on that. LB imo gives more pressure because of solo-kill potential and roaming. The ability to influence and pressure the map should be more valuable that Xerath who isn't as mobile.
Can't argue Bjergsen will more likely be more comfortable on Xerath though. It was one of his key champions for last NA split.
TSM more used to playing with Xerath, and he fit the sort of "distanced engage" that TSM wanted to have with Rumble.
On December 07 2014 12:01 krndandaman wrote: lol oh god
tsm is going to get whipped by regi tonight
Whoever is in charge of their P&B needs to get whoped.
Both games UOL had P/B which gave them the initiative and advantage.
And Bjergsen needs 1000 games of solo-Q going athene's first so he knows where the item is.
Can't really blame them for the P&B in game 1, noone expected the jungle tf that tricked them into xerath.
I can respect that. But even then why would you pick Xerath and not Le Blanc into a supposed TF mid?
And first picking pantheon over gnar.
Honestly though, Xerath is about as good as LB vs TF. Plus Burgerking is more comfortable on Xerath.
We'll have to disagree on that. LB imo gives more pressure because of solo-kill potential and roaming. The ability to influence and pressure the map should be more valuable that Xerath who isn't as mobile.
Can't argue Bjergsen will more likely be more comfortable on Xerath though. It was one of his key champions for last NA split.
TSM more used to playing with Xerath, and he fit the sort of "distanced engage" that TSM wanted to have with Rumble.
Hopefully no one is taking anything away from UoL vs TSM. As much as I would love to shit on TSM cuz TSM, they're notorious for being terrible when new major patches kick in.
Damn I really underestimated UoL. Simply because we have only seen them so far against challenger teams and struggling Millenium where they didnt even dominate.
But they styled all over TSM even if they made quite a few bad decisions. And they showed that you can play more than just this siege/poke stuff.
On December 07 2014 12:01 krndandaman wrote: lol oh god
tsm is going to get whipped by regi tonight
Whoever is in charge of their P&B needs to get whoped.
Both games UOL had P/B which gave them the initiative and advantage.
And Bjergsen needs 1000 games of solo-Q going athene's first so he knows where the item is.
Can't really blame them for the P&B in game 1, noone expected the jungle tf that tricked them into xerath.
I can respect that. But even then why would you pick Xerath and not Le Blanc into a supposed TF mid?
And first picking pantheon over gnar.
Honestly though, Xerath is about as good as LB vs TF. Plus Burgerking is more comfortable on Xerath.
We'll have to disagree on that. LB imo gives more pressure because of solo-kill potential and roaming. The ability to influence and pressure the map should be more valuable that Xerath who isn't as mobile.
Can't argue Bjergsen will more likely be more comfortable on Xerath though. It was one of his key champions for last NA split.
TSM more used to playing with Xerath, and he fit the sort of "distanced engage" that TSM wanted to have with Rumble.
Hopefully no one is taking anything away from UoL vs TSM. As much as I would love to shit on TSM cuz TSM, they're notorious for being terrible when new major patches kick in.
Describing TSM as a "terrible" team has never been incorrect though.
Maybe they were strong in S1 or something, I don't know since I wasn't playing back then, but they have been absolutely irrelevant on the international scene for a long while now (just like any EU or NA team tho).
I'm not surprised that UoL can beat TSM because I view this IEM and western LoL in general as the bronze league of competitive LoL : everything can happen and anyone can win because every team is utterly incompetent.
Missed the entirety of IEM so far (too busy catching up on the Summit >_>), someone rec games to watch pls :D From reddit/twitter seems like UOL upset TSM? @_@ How'd that happen?
Well the thing is Athenes is one item that gives you all you want for a start. Lots of mana regen, a devent amount of ap and some important mr for the early laning. And after its done your comletly open to build full damage or a bit more tanky. Especially when the enemy is having a lead you dont want to spend half the game building up these morellos.
On December 07 2014 20:16 ShootAnonymous wrote: Missed the entirety of IEM so far (too busy catching up on the Summit >_>), someone rec games to watch pls :D From reddit/twitter seems like UOL upset TSM? @_@ How'd that happen?
somewhat outpicked because of interesting jungle choices into powerofevil outplaying bjergsen and uol just playing better
other games were ok, but nothing special, c9 played double ad both times and took longer to win than expected
On December 07 2014 20:16 ShootAnonymous wrote: Missed the entirety of IEM so far (too busy catching up on the Summit >_>), someone rec games to watch pls :D From reddit/twitter seems like UOL upset TSM? @_@ How'd that happen?
somewhat outpicked because of interesting jungle choices into powerofevil outplaying bjergsen and uol just playing better
other games were ok, but nothing special, c9 played double ad both times and took longer to win than expected
thanks for the reply, will watch the UOL-TSM VOD later
On December 07 2014 12:01 krndandaman wrote: lol oh god
tsm is going to get whipped by regi tonight
Whoever is in charge of their P&B needs to get whoped.
Both games UOL had P/B which gave them the initiative and advantage.
And Bjergsen needs 1000 games of solo-Q going athene's first so he knows where the item is.
Can't really blame them for the P&B in game 1, noone expected the jungle tf that tricked them into xerath.
I can respect that. But even then why would you pick Xerath and not Le Blanc into a supposed TF mid?
And first picking pantheon over gnar.
Honestly though, Xerath is about as good as LB vs TF. Plus Burgerking is more comfortable on Xerath.
We'll have to disagree on that. LB imo gives more pressure because of solo-kill potential and roaming. The ability to influence and pressure the map should be more valuable that Xerath who isn't as mobile.
Can't argue Bjergsen will more likely be more comfortable on Xerath though. It was one of his key champions for last NA split.
TSM more used to playing with Xerath, and he fit the sort of "distanced engage" that TSM wanted to have with Rumble.
Hopefully no one is taking anything away from UoL vs TSM. As much as I would love to shit on TSM cuz TSM, they're notorious for being terrible when new major patches kick in.
Describing TSM as a "terrible" team has never been incorrect though.
Maybe they were strong in S1 or something, I don't know since I wasn't playing back then, but they have been absolutely irrelevant on the international scene for a long while now (just like any EU or NA team tho).
I'm not surprised that UoL can beat TSM because I view this IEM and western LoL in general as the bronze league of competitive LoL : everything can happen and anyone can win because every team is utterly incompetent.
It has nothing to do with international scene, when TSM is playing against the likes of UoL, so your point about international scene is completely moot.
TSM has always struggled with brand new patches, it happened in s3, and it happened in s4. It's just inherent in their extremely standard playstyle. They rely on beating people with already fleshed out strategies simply due to being better players, when a new patch like this comes out TSM tends to flounder quite a bit.
On December 08 2014 00:58 TitusVI wrote: Weird that there is no price money to win for the teams. They basically play for nothing while in SC2 there is price money.
Where did you get this from? I cant believe that is true.
On December 08 2014 00:58 TitusVI wrote: Weird that there is no price money to win for the teams. They basically play for nothing while in SC2 there is price money.
Where did you get this from? I cant believe that is true.
On December 08 2014 05:37 Fusilero wrote: I remember that smebpanda went glory on maokai. Can't remember if he went RoA (I wanna say no though)
Righteous glory is last item we're going to see from this comp, lel. It's like repeat of their first game at Worlds, just with Rekkles instead of Tabzz and Shook not throwing game randomly flashing forward.
Don't get this at all. A haven't grouped to do anything and then Wickd goes first completed item as an Aegis? Even EG vs Secret which had TB vs Naga was more exciting than this. The playstyle of just doing nothing is so silly.
This is just so sad. Do nothing into tactical feed. If you never try win the game you are just going to lose to the team that is trying. Literally everyone on A is a non-factor. Vote SK in at least :<
On December 08 2014 05:48 Numy wrote: This is just so sad. Do nothing into tactical feed. If you never try win the game you are just going to lose to the team that is trying. Literally everyone on A is a non-factor. Vote SK in at least :<
Alliance got invited but still #FreeSK And then the POWER OF AEGIS
On December 08 2014 05:48 Numy wrote: This is just so sad. Do nothing into tactical feed. If you never try win the game you are just going to lose to the team that is trying. Literally everyone on A is a non-factor. Vote SK in at least :<
Alliance got invited but still #FreeSK
Oh shit did they. I'm so confused about IEM structure so my bad .
Rekkles won that duel, but man, I felt like Sneaky played that teamfight super well. Both balls and sneaky living with slivers of health for a while and still staying to do their damage.
On December 08 2014 05:41 Numy wrote: Whenever I watch A they always seem shit. Don't know if I just catch their bad games or what. How did they win EU LCS again?
EU scene was pretty weak tbh, only SK and fnatic only competition for them, and Fnatic was looking mediocre most of the season, and SK just got out classed mechanically.
lol wickd just soaked up like 5k dmg. If ALL is winning fights when u focus froggen what makes u think you'll win when u focus the tankiest dude in the game :x
On December 08 2014 05:51 AsnSensation wrote: REKKLESS MA BOY
also is this tournament the breakdown of our danish midlane prodigies?
Soren's time to shine :>
I'm personally expecting new Swedish overlords :^)
I wanted to say that I think this is the best ALL teamfighting we've ever seen but that was almost 10 minutes ago and stuff happened since then. Though Rekkles shining as always.
btw you earlier discussed Mao builds and iirc it's either Righteous Glory or RoA, not both.
On December 08 2014 06:03 Gator wrote: sneaky's lucian is so slick godd dam
Both ADC's are playing out of their mind. Unfortunately the game isn't going to be based on the ADC, it has to do with their drunken teammates who cant' seem to position correctly.
On December 08 2014 06:03 Gator wrote: sneaky's lucian is so slick godd dam
Both ADC's are playing out of their mind. Unfortunately the game isn't going to be based on the ADC, it has to do with their drunken teammates who cant' seem to position correctly.
It comes down to how many spells froggen can hit, if it's above zero alliance wins.
On December 08 2014 06:03 Gator wrote: sneaky's lucian is so slick godd dam
Both ADC's are playing out of their mind. Unfortunately the game isn't going to be based on the ADC, it has to do with their drunken teammates who cant' seem to position correctly.
It comes down to how many spells froggen can hit, if it's above zero alliance wins.
On December 08 2014 06:03 Gator wrote: sneaky's lucian is so slick godd dam
Both ADC's are playing out of their mind. Unfortunately the game isn't going to be based on the ADC, it has to do with their drunken teammates who cant' seem to position correctly.
It comes down to how many spells froggen can hit, if it's above zero alliance wins.
Froggen only good at hitting minions. hue.
On December 08 2014 06:03 Gator wrote: sneaky's lucian is so slick godd dam
Both ADC's are playing out of their mind. Unfortunately the game isn't going to be based on the ADC, it has to do with their drunken teammates who cant' seem to position correctly.
It comes down to how many spells froggen can hit, if it's above zero alliance wins.
On December 08 2014 06:03 Gator wrote: sneaky's lucian is so slick godd dam
Both ADC's are playing out of their mind. Unfortunately the game isn't going to be based on the ADC, it has to do with their drunken teammates who cant' seem to position correctly.
It comes down to how many spells froggen can hit, if it's above zero alliance wins.
Froggen only good at hitting minions. hue.
Just needs to share more farm with his ADC huehue.
On December 08 2014 06:12 Sufficiency wrote: Is 5 dragon actually that strong? Isn't it 30 true damage per second after auto? That's not that strong...
it also doubles all your other buffs.
Triples* :D 50 damage actually per second, 150 per 3.
On December 08 2014 06:12 Sufficiency wrote: Is 5 dragon actually that strong? Isn't it 30 true damage per second after auto? That's not that strong...
it also doubles all your other buffs.
tbh, 5 dragons gunna be extremely rare. this was a 50ish minute game, in which alliance got 0 dragons, and c9 got 5 dragons (barely). so... 5 dragons going to 1 team is gunna make up maybe 5% of the games...
On December 08 2014 06:12 Sufficiency wrote: Is 5 dragon actually that strong? Isn't it 30 true damage per second after auto? That's not that strong...
it also doubles all your other buffs.
tbh, 5 dragons gunna be extremely rare. this was a 50ish minute game, in which alliance got 0 dragons, and c9 got 5 dragons (barely). so... 5 dragons going to 1 team is gunna make up maybe 5% of the games...
On December 08 2014 06:12 Sufficiency wrote: Is 5 dragon actually that strong? Isn't it 30 true damage per second after auto? That's not that strong...
On December 08 2014 06:12 Sufficiency wrote: Is 5 dragon actually that strong? Isn't it 30 true damage per second after auto? That's not that strong...
it also doubles all your other buffs.
Triples* :D 50 damage actually per second, 150 per 3.
On December 08 2014 06:12 Sufficiency wrote: Is 5 dragon actually that strong? Isn't it 30 true damage per second after auto? That's not that strong...
it also doubles all your other buffs.
tbh, 5 dragons gunna be extremely rare. this was a 50ish minute game, in which alliance got 0 dragons, and c9 got 5 dragons (barely). so... 5 dragons going to 1 team is gunna make up maybe 5% of the games...
Yea A is also one of the few teams that is known for giving up Dragons and not doing anything. Don't know how often the 5th dragon will be anything more than a "win more" mechanic.
On December 08 2014 06:12 Sufficiency wrote: Is 5 dragon actually that strong? Isn't it 30 true damage per second after auto? That's not that strong...
it also doubles all your other buffs.
tbh, 5 dragons gunna be extremely rare. this was a 50ish minute game, in which alliance got 0 dragons, and c9 got 5 dragons (barely). so... 5 dragons going to 1 team is gunna make up maybe 5% of the games...
On December 08 2014 06:12 Sufficiency wrote: Is 5 dragon actually that strong? Isn't it 30 true damage per second after auto? That's not that strong...
it also doubles all your other buffs.
tbh, 5 dragons gunna be extremely rare. this was a 50ish minute game, in which alliance got 0 dragons, and c9 got 5 dragons (barely). so... 5 dragons going to 1 team is gunna make up maybe 5% of the games...
Sounds like najin's dream
I think Riot just wanted a way for strong early game comps (weak late game comps) for a way to contest fight despite worst scaling.
On December 08 2014 06:33 AsnSensation wrote: I really hope ALliance doesn't think devourer glasscanon warwick is going to work against a coordinated team ~~
you can just leave it a devouerer into full tank, without grabbing BotRK.
On December 08 2014 06:33 AsnSensation wrote: I really hope ALliance doesn't think devourer glasscanon warwick is going to work against a coordinated team ~~
you can just leave it a devouerer into full tank, without grabbing BotRK.
should have told that to the Pain jungler yesterday xD that was just painful.
On December 08 2014 06:33 AsnSensation wrote: I really hope ALliance doesn't think devourer glasscanon warwick is going to work against a coordinated team ~~
you can just leave it a devouerer into full tank, without grabbing BotRK.
should have told that to the Pain jungler yesterday xD that was just painful.
i don't speak brazilian need to work on my huehuehuehue's
On December 08 2014 06:49 nafta wrote: Problem isn't lucian.Problem is they pick janna into soraka and try to 2v2....
problem is froggen, and shook are playing full retard.
On December 08 2014 06:50 krndandaman wrote: this is definitely c9's patch
it's always c9's patch, it's scary how good they are no matter the meta. especially meteos, he just seems so comfortable no matter which junglers are meta, and huge jungle change patch.
I have no idea how the ranking of the EU teams is going to go this season ^^ I'm guessing it'll be another clusterfuck with everyone losing to everyone ^^
On December 08 2014 06:53 Promises wrote: I have no idea how the ranking of the EU teams is going to go this season ^^ I'm guessing it'll be another clusterfuck with everyone losing to everyone ^^
One day people will stop trying to call standings bunch of patches before actual season. Not tonight though.
On December 08 2014 07:10 nafta wrote: Why is janna not next to graves.....
Should Rekkles be more in the middle of the team or is that on Nyph?
Both honestly now that I looked again at situation.Shook getting silenced so he couldnt ult hai really fucked them as well.If shook could ult graves couldve used his heal and killed j4.
On December 08 2014 07:10 nafta wrote: Why is janna not next to graves.....
Should Rekkles be more in the middle of the team or is that on Nyph?
It's on nyph not being at the right place
I dunno, that path from Rekkles was pretty bad, he should have hovered with his team where maokai+liss+janna is there to peel for him, as opposed to away from all his team's cc.
On December 08 2014 07:14 RouaF wrote: I wouldn't be surprised if UoL wins it all. C9 is having a hard time beating a very shaky alliance
Well C9 is still the smartest team at the event I think, just Balls is playing badly and Hai is Hai. UoL may just beat them or A by being better individually at every position except jungle possibly
I hope we get to see more Lissandra this season, there seems to have been a few picks already. She makes teamfights so cool, plus manly picks are always fun to see.
Even if Froggen has subpar series, still making shit real. Hai on the other hand :D Wickd played out of his mind though, Maokai ban inc and Wickd's Gnar? Does he even play him, lol.
On December 08 2014 07:16 Alaric wrote: I hope we get to see more Lissandra this season, there seems to have been a few picks already. She makes teamfights so cool, plus manly picks are always fun to see.
she's essentially pick/ban status in ogn preseason
On December 08 2014 07:16 Alaric wrote: I hope we get to see more Lissandra this season, there seems to have been a few picks already. She makes teamfights so cool, plus manly picks are always fun to see.
she's essentially pick/ban status in ogn preseason
On December 08 2014 07:18 RouaF wrote: lmao froggen with the airball zhonya and shook just sits there in the cataclysm and doesn't ulti anyone and dies
On December 08 2014 07:16 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Even if Froggen has subpar series, still making shit real. Hai on the other hand :D Wickd played out of his mind though, Maokai ban inc and Wickd's Gnar? Does he even play him, lol.
Gnar is the second most played champion on his alliance mike NA account with a grand sample size of 21 matches.
Naturally gnar is behind irelia. Lissandra is third interestingly enough
I have no idea how to play Lissandra mid. Last time I did I was against an Elise, so... @_@ (interestingly enough I more or less won the lane, despite being against a D III dude).
On December 08 2014 07:27 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone know how successful IEM San Jose is so far? Wasn't it a pretty controversial location choice to have an IEM?
No idea, but ESL is doing a lot random shit lately. Also not having TSM on final day didn't help.
On December 08 2014 07:27 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone know how successful IEM San Jose is so far? Wasn't it a pretty controversial location choice to have an IEM?
I'm not sure if it's changed by when I spoke to Neo yesterday he said the place was pretty empty and sent me some pics. The stream numbers for league have been pretty good at least. SC2 is still barely scrapping more than solo streamers at this point though.
Zed and talon is reasonable waveclear. He also played a decent amount of syndra but syndra's about as much utility as hai gets since lulu mid got the axe from riot disapproval.
He was also a jayce player but hasn't played jayce in a while. He does play orianna when the team wants him to but it's basically dade levels of at the bottom of the pool
On December 08 2014 07:27 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone know how successful IEM San Jose is so far? Wasn't it a pretty controversial location choice to have an IEM?
I'm not sure if it's changed by when I spoke to Neo yesterday he said the place was pretty empty and sent me some pics. The stream numbers for league have been pretty good at least. SC2 is still barely scrapping more than solo streamers at this point though.
Ugh that really sucks, really wished it got a lot more love. I forgot who's tweet i read, I think it was carmac or one of the higher ups pretty much saying they were banking a lot on this IEM to be a success.
Sort of makes you wonder if thorin's comment about hosting IEM in poland was right.
On December 08 2014 07:34 Fusilero wrote: Zed and talon is reasonable waveclear. He also played a decent amount of syndra but syndra's about as much utility as hai gets since lulu mid got the axe from riot disapproval.
Talon's wave clear is not safe, very short ranged, cant do anything vs a 5v5 siege. Zed can't fight if he's constantly wave clearing due to energy management.
Yeah, Zed actually has really good wave clear for an energy champ+assassin. Talon's decent damage-wise (not sure how he holds with the changes to increase minions' HP though, it actually hurts physical waveclear more than magical), and Rake only has 600 range so it's nowhere near enough when getting sieged (he has no escape too, E on a minion doesn't work in these situations).
On December 08 2014 07:27 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone know how successful IEM San Jose is so far? Wasn't it a pretty controversial location choice to have an IEM?
I'm not sure if it's changed by when I spoke to Neo yesterday he said the place was pretty empty and sent me some pics. The stream numbers for league have been pretty good at least. SC2 is still barely scrapping more than solo streamers at this point though.
think how much work and money they put into these starcraft 2 tournaments for 20k viewers while qtpie just sits in front of his pc and gets double the amount.
On December 08 2014 07:27 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone know how successful IEM San Jose is so far? Wasn't it a pretty controversial location choice to have an IEM?
I'm not sure if it's changed by when I spoke to Neo yesterday he said the place was pretty empty and sent me some pics. The stream numbers for league have been pretty good at least. SC2 is still barely scrapping more than solo streamers at this point though.
think how much work and money they put into these starcraft 2 tournaments for 20k viewers while qtpie just sits in front of his pc and gets double the amount.
Ye at this point I don't know why they putting money into SC2 instead of Dota 2. I get there's a lot of dota events these days and they may be too late but dam it's better to be late than stuck on a ship that's all but sunk at this point.
On December 08 2014 07:27 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone know how successful IEM San Jose is so far? Wasn't it a pretty controversial location choice to have an IEM?
I'm not sure if it's changed by when I spoke to Neo yesterday he said the place was pretty empty and sent me some pics. The stream numbers for league have been pretty good at least. SC2 is still barely scrapping more than solo streamers at this point though.
think how much work and money they put into these starcraft 2 tournaments for 20k viewers while qtpie just sits in front of his pc and gets double the amount.
Ye at this point I don't know why they putting money into SC2 instead of Dota 2. I get there's a lot of dota events these days and they may be too late but dam it's better to be late than stuck on a ship that's all but sunk at this point.
sc2 at blizzcon world championship was pretty hype, small tourney feels so under watched though.
On December 08 2014 07:27 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone know how successful IEM San Jose is so far? Wasn't it a pretty controversial location choice to have an IEM?
I'm not sure if it's changed by when I spoke to Neo yesterday he said the place was pretty empty and sent me some pics. The stream numbers for league have been pretty good at least. SC2 is still barely scrapping more than solo streamers at this point though.
think how much work and money they put into these starcraft 2 tournaments for 20k viewers while qtpie just sits in front of his pc and gets double the amount.
Ye at this point I don't know why they putting money into SC2 instead of Dota 2. I get there's a lot of dota events these days and they may be too late but dam it's better to be late than stuck on a ship that's all but sunk at this point.
sc2 at blizzcon world championship was pretty hype, small tourney feels so under watched though.
On December 08 2014 07:27 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone know how successful IEM San Jose is so far? Wasn't it a pretty controversial location choice to have an IEM?
I'm not sure if it's changed by when I spoke to Neo yesterday he said the place was pretty empty and sent me some pics. The stream numbers for league have been pretty good at least. SC2 is still barely scrapping more than solo streamers at this point though.
think how much work and money they put into these starcraft 2 tournaments for 20k viewers while qtpie just sits in front of his pc and gets double the amount.
Ye at this point I don't know why they putting money into SC2 instead of Dota 2. I get there's a lot of dota events these days and they may be too late but dam it's better to be late than stuck on a ship that's all but sunk at this point.
sc2 at blizzcon world championship was pretty hype, small tourney feels so under watched though.
iem sponsored Fighting Game tourney when?
IEM way too esports for the FGC
Imagine the hype doe.
Although I could already see three quarters of the invited players banned out for using the word "rape". lol.
On December 08 2014 07:27 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone know how successful IEM San Jose is so far? Wasn't it a pretty controversial location choice to have an IEM?
I'm not sure if it's changed by when I spoke to Neo yesterday he said the place was pretty empty and sent me some pics. The stream numbers for league have been pretty good at least. SC2 is still barely scrapping more than solo streamers at this point though.
think how much work and money they put into these starcraft 2 tournaments for 20k viewers while qtpie just sits in front of his pc and gets double the amount.
Ye at this point I don't know why they putting money into SC2 instead of Dota 2. I get there's a lot of dota events these days and they may be too late but dam it's better to be late than stuck on a ship that's all but sunk at this point.
sc2 at blizzcon world championship was pretty hype, small tourney feels so under watched though.
iem sponsored Fighting Game tourney when?
IEM way too esports for the FGC
Imagine the hype doe.
Although I could already see three quarters of the invited players banned out for using the word "rape". lol.
I'm pretty sure any IEM sponsored smash tourney would feature zero Europeans
On December 08 2014 07:45 AlterKot wrote: Aren't CS:GO, Dota2 and Hearthstone all ahead of SC2 in viewership at this point? I wonder if SF4 will be at some point :p
I think Carmac implied that EMS-kind of event for a fighitng game isn't unimaginable at some point.
Everyone's waiting for Overwatch messiah anyway :p
Yes all of those are ahead of SC2. I guess they have ESL One for Dota 2 so it could just be the IEM brand is going to die. At this point they can only hold events when Riot let LCS teams play since their other game can't hold up on it's own. Not an enviable position.
On December 08 2014 07:45 AlterKot wrote: Aren't CS:GO, Dota2 and Hearthstone all ahead of SC2 in viewership at this point? I wonder if SF4 will be at some point :p
I think Carmac implied that EMS-kind of event for a fighitng game isn't unimaginable at some point.
Everyone's waiting for Overwatch messiah anyway :p
Dota 2 + LoL is kind of a no no tho so its one of the other and then LoL probably brings them more money/viewers.
On December 08 2014 07:58 AlterKot wrote: I vaguely remember people calling him best top laner in the West. And I'd put Quas and Ackerman over him any day of the week but that's another story.
Just let me enjoy seeing him get shit on :p
when Quas is not in Curse prison is he's fucking godly good. Ackerman is very meh tbh, he was only so deadly when Renekton was ridiculous.
On December 08 2014 08:00 skykh wrote: One bad tournament, player is overrated as fuck, love this retarded community
Balls been on a decline since the beginning of last split. He only looked dominant in their first 2 split because literally the only competition was dyrus, the mediocre.
On December 08 2014 06:53 Promises wrote: I have no idea how the ranking of the EU teams is going to go this season ^^ I'm guessing it'll be another clusterfuck with everyone losing to everyone ^^
One day people will stop trying to call standings bunch of patches before actual season. Not tonight though.
I wasn't trying to call anything ^^ But (admittedly based on very little information) i do think EU lacks consistent top teams, which would then most likely lead to a clusterfuck =)
On December 08 2014 07:53 AlterKot wrote: So I heard Balls isn't an overrated toplaner :^)
how was he overrated lol? most people agreed he was best (or at least equal with dyrus) top laner in NA but not much more than that.
both dyrus and balls are extremely meh tier, it's just the rest of the toplane in NA is complete joke.
Zion is the only true toplaner in NA. Brownflame >>balls~dyrus.
soon to be maknoob and calitrlolz to be hyfy toplane gods this split though.
Pretty sure Quas shits all over NA top laners. Dyrus is bad and hasn't been not bad since forever. Balls had a really good season then sincce then he's been meh. Zion most overrated top laner in the universe. He's the Cop of top lane.
On December 08 2014 06:53 Promises wrote: I have no idea how the ranking of the EU teams is going to go this season ^^ I'm guessing it'll be another clusterfuck with everyone losing to everyone ^^
One day people will stop trying to call standings bunch of patches before actual season. Not tonight though.
I wasn't trying to call anything ^^ But (admittedly based on very little information) i do think EU lacks consistent top teams, which would then most likely lead to a clusterfuck =)
Don't worry I'm sure youngbuck and boys will remain consistent
On December 08 2014 07:53 AlterKot wrote: So I heard Balls isn't an overrated toplaner :^)
how was he overrated lol? most people agreed he was best (or at least equal with dyrus) top laner in NA but not much more than that.
both dyrus and balls are extremely meh tier, it's just the rest of the toplane in NA is complete joke.
Zion is the only true toplaner in NA. Brownflame >>balls~dyrus.
soon to be maknoob and calitrlolz to be hyfy toplane gods this split though.
Pretty sure Quas shits all over NA top laners. Dyrus is bad and hasn't been not bad since forever. Balls had a really good season then sincce then he's been meh. Zion most overrated top laner in the universe. He's the Cop of top lane.
lol, zion the cop of top lane? rofl plz. cop couldn't carry a game against bots.
On December 08 2014 06:53 Promises wrote: I have no idea how the ranking of the EU teams is going to go this season ^^ I'm guessing it'll be another clusterfuck with everyone losing to everyone ^^
One day people will stop trying to call standings bunch of patches before actual season. Not tonight though.
I wasn't trying to call anything ^^ But (admittedly based on very little information) i do think EU lacks consistent top teams, which would then most likely lead to a clusterfuck =)
Don't worry I'm sure youngbuck and boys will remain consistent
On December 08 2014 08:04 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Sneaky is a beast on lucian.
You mean he pressed R on a cc'd target?
Weird how Alliance lost so many people on the initial fight though, they really didn't need to keep fighting that. Then agan, Froggen's positioning this series hasn't been stellar...
If froggen didn't get hooked wickd could have gone in and it'd have been a won fight for alliance. Lomonation's death sentence from the grave saved the day
On December 08 2014 08:05 krndandaman wrote: yes quas is really good but i'd be hesitant to claim he's better than balls when balls has pretty much played like 2x the amount of games quas has and has had much more difficult matches to have his weaknesses exposed.
think about it, if you only count the games balls has played in NA LCS/up to semi finals of LCS playoffs (because thats how far curse went), he's a fucking top lane god. im pretty sure he has a near 80-90% win ratio with that sample size and has looked bad in tops 1 game. im not saying quas has got to win worlds or anything before we start comparing him, but come on.
Win ratio doesn't mean anything when looking at players. It only really matters for teams. Balls has looked shaky for over 6 months now. It's part of the reason C9 started struggling really bad as both him and Hai started being bad. Sneaky just became an absolute god to make up for it.
Nyph's actually been playing pretty well. Sad thing Froggen is jst so damn bad this series. He even blew his ult that fight and it didn't seem to do much.
Aaaand Wickd sees people doing stuff near baron, he still keeps pushing, wtf. Shook pls, clearly enemy red > mid t2. Wtf.
I can't recall much of C9 struggling, except the beginning of one split (which they quickly reversed). Just because you don't 28-2 a split does't mean youre struggling.
Quas is way better than Balls, lol, if he's not starved for resources. With Voyboy gone, he should blossom this season unless Piglet starts struggling really hard.
I'm pretty sure that it's best Hai's Orianna game i've seen in 2 years.
On December 08 2014 08:15 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Quas is way better than Balls, lol, if he's not starved for resources. With Voyboy gone, he should blossom this season unless Piglet starts struggling really hard.
I'm pretty sure that it's best Hai's Orianna game i've seen in 2 years.
if anything quas is overrated. he hasn't achieved anything yet people are already claiming hes best top na. I do think quas can become best top na this split if things work out, but at the moment its just retarded to claim that when he hasn't proven anything of substance.
Quas is literally only reason that Curse almost got to Worlds instead of getting relegated last season. Check stats and achievements is cute, but you can't judge everyone by it.
Curse almost got to worlds because of iwilldominate/voyboy if anything. Then vooby picked akali and that sucked. Quas was shoehorned into a role player due to voyboy's playstyle but he executed his role incredibly well and when he was given the opportunity to carry he did exactly that. I think that quas is at least equal to dyrus/balls but I want to judge him if curse decides to shift him from a role player with the new mid. Honestly if anything given how hard many players struggle to move from soloQ into a role player (WELL HELLO THERE SERAPH) it makes his ability to play with less even more impressive.
On December 08 2014 08:15 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Quas is way better than Balls, lol, if he's not starved for resources. With Voyboy gone, he should blossom this season unless Piglet starts struggling really hard.
I'm pretty sure that it's best Hai's Orianna game i've seen in 2 years.
if anything quas is overrated. he hasn't achieved anything yet people are already claiming hes best top na. I do think quas can become best top na this split if things work out, but at the moment its just retarded to claim that when he hasn't proven anything of substance.
Quas is literally only reason that Curse almost got to Worlds instead of getting relegated last season. Check stats and achievements is cute, but you can't judge everyone by it.
then what are you judging quas by? I see this quas circle jerk on reddit for the past few months and theres literally nothing of substance
On December 08 2014 08:15 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Quas is way better than Balls, lol, if he's not starved for resources. With Voyboy gone, he should blossom this season unless Piglet starts struggling really hard.
I'm pretty sure that it's best Hai's Orianna game i've seen in 2 years.
if anything quas is overrated. he hasn't achieved anything yet people are already claiming hes best top na. I do think quas can become best top na this split if things work out, but at the moment its just retarded to claim that when he hasn't proven anything of substance.
Quas is literally only reason that Curse almost got to Worlds instead of getting relegated last season. Check stats and achievements is cute, but you can't judge everyone by it.
then what are you judging quas by? I see this quas circle jerk on reddit for the past few months and theres literally nothing of substance
Based on functioning eyes mostly.
amazing argument.
Well he has good stats and no accomplishments.What else is there?A lot of pros hyped him up and said he is the best I guess.
On December 08 2014 08:15 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Quas is way better than Balls, lol, if he's not starved for resources. With Voyboy gone, he should blossom this season unless Piglet starts struggling really hard.
I'm pretty sure that it's best Hai's Orianna game i've seen in 2 years.
if anything quas is overrated. he hasn't achieved anything yet people are already claiming hes best top na. I do think quas can become best top na this split if things work out, but at the moment its just retarded to claim that when he hasn't proven anything of substance.
Quas is literally only reason that Curse almost got to Worlds instead of getting relegated last season. Check stats and achievements is cute, but you can't judge everyone by it.
then what are you judging quas by? I see this quas circle jerk on reddit for the past few months and theres literally nothing of substance
Based on functioning eyes mostly.
amazing argument.
Well he has good stats and no accomplishments.What else is there?A lot of pros hyped him up and said he is the best I guess.
that's the point. theres nothing to show for him being best top laner na yet theres this huge circlejerk about how hes the best. let him prove himself then we can say hes the best. also which pros said hes the best top laner na? lots of people said hes good but i dont recall anyone saying hes the best/better than balls/dyrus/etc.
The other top laners in na lcs.
Don't see what is so shocking about a player being considered the best and not having accomplishments lol.Sktt1 performed very similar to curse overall in the last season yet faker is still a god.Maybe not undisputed like last season but still.
On December 08 2014 08:15 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Quas is way better than Balls, lol, if he's not starved for resources. With Voyboy gone, he should blossom this season unless Piglet starts struggling really hard.
I'm pretty sure that it's best Hai's Orianna game i've seen in 2 years.
if anything quas is overrated. he hasn't achieved anything yet people are already claiming hes best top na. I do think quas can become best top na this split if things work out, but at the moment its just retarded to claim that when he hasn't proven anything of substance.
Quas is literally only reason that Curse almost got to Worlds instead of getting relegated last season. Check stats and achievements is cute, but you can't judge everyone by it.
then what are you judging quas by? I see this quas circle jerk on reddit for the past few months and theres literally nothing of substance
Based on functioning eyes mostly.
amazing argument.
Well he has good stats and no accomplishments.What else is there?A lot of pros hyped him up and said he is the best I guess.
that's the point. theres nothing to show for him being best top laner na yet theres this huge circlejerk about how hes the best. let him prove himself then we can say hes the best. also which pros said hes the best top laner na? lots of people said hes good but i dont recall anyone saying hes the best/better than balls/dyrus/etc.
The other top laners in na lcs.
Don't see what is so shocking about a player being considered the best and not having accomplishments lol.Sktt1 performed very similar to curse overall in the last season yet faker is still a god.Maybe not undisputed like last season but still.
maybe because faker played against the best of the best and only ever looked bad vs the best (aka pawn)? so it was a reasonable way to see how he matched up against others despite his team being bad.
however for quas the best opponents he faced were balls, dyrus, etc. and he didn't convincingly beat them or anything. we shit on balls/dyrus for underperforming vs the best international teams/players yet quas hasn't even gotten the chance to play them. we have limited information on quas so its best to reserve judgment on whether he's the best top laner or not until he faces them or convincingly dominates his counterparts. both of which he hasn't done.
looking good on a shitty team is the only similiarity faker/quas comparison has.
Who the fuck has been talking about quas being the best overall lol?It's just about na.He is also playing top lane not exactly easy to shitstomp if your opponent plays average even.
Unicorns winning would mean they are good in a tournament format. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but doesn't mean much in reality where 90% of the season is round robin games.
Also I thought part of the purpose of the thread was to express how good we think certain players are based on our own eyetest :p ?
On December 08 2014 08:15 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Quas is way better than Balls, lol, if he's not starved for resources. With Voyboy gone, he should blossom this season unless Piglet starts struggling really hard.
I'm pretty sure that it's best Hai's Orianna game i've seen in 2 years.
if anything quas is overrated. he hasn't achieved anything yet people are already claiming hes best top na. I do think quas can become best top na this split if things work out, but at the moment its just retarded to claim that when he hasn't proven anything of substance.
Quas is literally only reason that Curse almost got to Worlds instead of getting relegated last season. Check stats and achievements is cute, but you can't judge everyone by it.
then what are you judging quas by? I see this quas circle jerk on reddit for the past few months and theres literally nothing of substance
Based on functioning eyes mostly.
amazing argument.
Well he has good stats and no accomplishments.What else is there?A lot of pros hyped him up and said he is the best I guess.
that's the point. theres nothing to show for him being best top laner na yet theres this huge circlejerk about how hes the best. let him prove himself then we can say hes the best. also which pros said hes the best top laner na? lots of people said hes good but i dont recall anyone saying hes the best/better than balls/dyrus/etc.
The other top laners in na lcs.
Don't see what is so shocking about a player being considered the best and not having accomplishments lol.Sktt1 performed very similar to curse overall in the last season yet faker is still a god.Maybe not undisputed like last season but still.
maybe because faker played against the best of the best and only ever looked bad vs the best (aka pawn)? so it was a reasonable way to see how he matched up against others despite his team being bad.
however for quas the best opponents he faced were balls, dyrus, etc. and he didn't convincingly beat them or anything. we shit on balls/dyrus for underperforming vs the best international teams/players yet quas hasn't even gotten the chance to play them. we have limited information on quas so its best to reserve judgment on whether he's the best top laner or not until he faces them or convincingly dominates his counterparts. both of which he hasn't done.
looking good on a shitty team is the only similiarity faker/quas comparison has.
Bro, I just want to say that I think u are right. No one in his right mind would say that quas is the best toplaner in NA when this award clearly belongs to innox.
On December 08 2014 08:18 krndandaman wrote: [quote]
if anything quas is overrated. he hasn't achieved anything yet people are already claiming hes best top na. I do think quas can become best top na this split if things work out, but at the moment its just retarded to claim that when he hasn't proven anything of substance.
Quas is literally only reason that Curse almost got to Worlds instead of getting relegated last season. Check stats and achievements is cute, but you can't judge everyone by it.
then what are you judging quas by? I see this quas circle jerk on reddit for the past few months and theres literally nothing of substance
Based on functioning eyes mostly.
amazing argument.
Well he has good stats and no accomplishments.What else is there?A lot of pros hyped him up and said he is the best I guess.
that's the point. theres nothing to show for him being best top laner na yet theres this huge circlejerk about how hes the best. let him prove himself then we can say hes the best. also which pros said hes the best top laner na? lots of people said hes good but i dont recall anyone saying hes the best/better than balls/dyrus/etc.
The other top laners in na lcs.
Don't see what is so shocking about a player being considered the best and not having accomplishments lol.Sktt1 performed very similar to curse overall in the last season yet faker is still a nicolas cage.Maybe not undisputed like last season but still.
maybe because faker played against the best of the best and only ever looked bad vs the best (aka pawn)? so it was a reasonable way to see how he matched up against others despite his team being bad.
however for quas the best opponents he faced were balls, dyrus, etc. and he didn't convincingly beat them or anything. we shit on balls/dyrus for underperforming vs the best international teams/players yet quas hasn't even gotten the chance to play them. we have limited information on quas so its best to reserve judgment on whether he's the best top laner or not until he faces them or convincingly dominates his counterparts. both of which he hasn't done.
looking good on a shitty team is the only similiarity faker/quas comparison has.
Bro, I just want to say that I think u are right. No one in his right mind would say that quas is the best toplaner in NA when this award clearly belongs to innox.
Innox is a carry top which automatically makes you better than these maokai playing utility shitters :>
On December 08 2014 08:20 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: [quote]
Quas is literally only reason that Curse almost got to Worlds instead of getting relegated last season. Check stats and achievements is cute, but you can't judge everyone by it.
then what are you judging quas by? I see this quas circle jerk on reddit for the past few months and theres literally nothing of substance
Based on functioning eyes mostly.
amazing argument.
Well he has good stats and no accomplishments.What else is there?A lot of pros hyped him up and said he is the best I guess.
that's the point. theres nothing to show for him being best top laner na yet theres this huge circlejerk about how hes the best. let him prove himself then we can say hes the best. also which pros said hes the best top laner na? lots of people said hes good but i dont recall anyone saying hes the best/better than balls/dyrus/etc.
The other top laners in na lcs.
Don't see what is so shocking about a player being considered the best and not having accomplishments lol.Sktt1 performed very similar to curse overall in the last season yet faker is still a nicolas cage.Maybe not undisputed like last season but still.
maybe because faker played against the best of the best and only ever looked bad vs the best (aka pawn)? so it was a reasonable way to see how he matched up against others despite his team being bad.
however for quas the best opponents he faced were balls, dyrus, etc. and he didn't convincingly beat them or anything. we shit on balls/dyrus for underperforming vs the best international teams/players yet quas hasn't even gotten the chance to play them. we have limited information on quas so its best to reserve judgment on whether he's the best top laner or not until he faces them or convincingly dominates his counterparts. both of which he hasn't done.
looking good on a shitty team is the only similiarity faker/quas comparison has.
Bro, I just want to say that I think u are right. No one in his right mind would say that quas is the best toplaner in NA when this award clearly belongs to innox.
Innox is a carry top which automatically makes you better than these maokai playing utility shitters :>
On December 08 2014 08:20 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: [quote]
Quas is literally only reason that Curse almost got to Worlds instead of getting relegated last season. Check stats and achievements is cute, but you can't judge everyone by it.
then what are you judging quas by? I see this quas circle jerk on reddit for the past few months and theres literally nothing of substance
Based on functioning eyes mostly.
amazing argument.
Well he has good stats and no accomplishments.What else is there?A lot of pros hyped him up and said he is the best I guess.
that's the point. theres nothing to show for him being best top laner na yet theres this huge circlejerk about how hes the best. let him prove himself then we can say hes the best. also which pros said hes the best top laner na? lots of people said hes good but i dont recall anyone saying hes the best/better than balls/dyrus/etc.
The other top laners in na lcs.
Don't see what is so shocking about a player being considered the best and not having accomplishments lol.Sktt1 performed very similar to curse overall in the last season yet faker is still a nicolas cage.Maybe not undisputed like last season but still.
maybe because faker played against the best of the best and only ever looked bad vs the best (aka pawn)? so it was a reasonable way to see how he matched up against others despite his team being bad.
however for quas the best opponents he faced were balls, dyrus, etc. and he didn't convincingly beat them or anything. we shit on balls/dyrus for underperforming vs the best international teams/players yet quas hasn't even gotten the chance to play them. we have limited information on quas so its best to reserve judgment on whether he's the best top laner or not until he faces them or convincingly dominates his counterparts. both of which he hasn't done.
looking good on a shitty team is the only similiarity faker/quas comparison has.
Bro, I just want to say that I think u are right. No one in his right mind would say that quas is the best toplaner in NA when this award clearly belongs to innox.
Innox is a carry top which automatically makes you better than these maokai playing utility shitters :>
On December 08 2014 08:21 krndandaman wrote: [quote]
then what are you judging quas by? I see this quas circle jerk on reddit for the past few months and theres literally nothing of substance
Based on functioning eyes mostly.
amazing argument.
Well he has good stats and no accomplishments.What else is there?A lot of pros hyped him up and said he is the best I guess.
that's the point. theres nothing to show for him being best top laner na yet theres this huge circlejerk about how hes the best. let him prove himself then we can say hes the best. also which pros said hes the best top laner na? lots of people said hes good but i dont recall anyone saying hes the best/better than balls/dyrus/etc.
The other top laners in na lcs.
Don't see what is so shocking about a player being considered the best and not having accomplishments lol.Sktt1 performed very similar to curse overall in the last season yet faker is still a nicolas cage.Maybe not undisputed like last season but still.
maybe because faker played against the best of the best and only ever looked bad vs the best (aka pawn)? so it was a reasonable way to see how he matched up against others despite his team being bad.
however for quas the best opponents he faced were balls, dyrus, etc. and he didn't convincingly beat them or anything. we shit on balls/dyrus for underperforming vs the best international teams/players yet quas hasn't even gotten the chance to play them. we have limited information on quas so its best to reserve judgment on whether he's the best top laner or not until he faces them or convincingly dominates his counterparts. both of which he hasn't done.
looking good on a shitty team is the only similiarity faker/quas comparison has.
Bro, I just want to say that I think u are right. No one in his right mind would say that quas is the best toplaner in NA when this award clearly belongs to innox.
Innox is a carry top which automatically makes you better than these maokai playing utility shitters :>
Honestly Jiji's build for Yi is terrible, Hydra and Blackcleaver are two of the worst items for him in ARAM. When you have guranteed money just build frikking IE/Shiv. It's not that hard.
0K, UoL are being dumb as fuck with how little map awareness they show, and PoE has about as much impact as Froggen... well, as much positive anyway. He's got less overall because he doesn't feed.
Braum just got hooked, so... does that mean PoE just pulled off a Zuna with fucking Lux?
What a joke of a game. PoE made it a 4v5, couldn't even waveclear properly, and then the rest of the team decided that they loved to ignore the map and either stay too long or 2v2 people then end up in a 2v4. Meh, guess I was too happy to see a decent team yesterday, but it looks like the exception more than the norm now. ><
On December 08 2014 10:38 Alaric wrote: It's not even C9 playing especially well. UoL are playing significantly worse than in the semis, especially wrt their map movements.
Y'know, they could also really use a fucking Locket. Or even two.
I actually disagree. Their warding is worse, but that's because it was easy to ward against a TSM team that never really shoved and more or less rolled over and died in the laning phase. With C9 pressuring lanes, Meteos is able to control vision better than Kikis. I don't think UoL is playing worse at all. TSM just played like shit.
On December 08 2014 10:40 Alaric wrote: Braum just got hooked, so... does that mean PoE just pulled off a Zuna with fucking Lux?
What a joke of a game. PoE made it a 4v5, couldn't even waveclear properly, and then the rest of the team decided that they loved to ignore the map and either stay too long or 2v2 people then end up in a 2v4. Meh, guess I was too happy to see a decent team yesterday, but it looks like the exception more than the norm now. ><
How does one waveclear properly against a Syndra as Lux?
Meteos played like a beast, essentially allowed Hai to keep pushing over and over again without being scared of Kikis at all.
Meteos didn't snowball much, botlane got ahead when there was that retarded "gank" while Lucian was still at the t2, with their t1 down, and Balls' TP got both of them killed, while Lucian burnt his dash to try and finish Lemonation, meaning he was a free kill for Corki+Lee without tower nor escapes.
Maokai was actually ahead in farm despite the first blood, and beating Lissandra in trades, the first blood didn't snowball her or anything. UoL would have needed to actually group, and be content with towers. When they could get a tower they'd just take ages to act upon it and then Braum/Lux autos the tower twice before C9 arrives and they have to leave, or when they take the tower they stay for an additional creep wave then try to fight, and get 3v5'd.
No reads on the map, bad rotations, and getting caught in bad fights because they lack vision/don't pay attention to the one they have.
On December 08 2014 10:40 Alaric wrote: Braum just got hooked, so... does that mean PoE just pulled off a Zuna with fucking Lux?
What a joke of a game. PoE made it a 4v5, couldn't even waveclear properly, and then the rest of the team decided that they loved to ignore the map and either stay too long or 2v2 people then end up in a 2v4. Meh, guess I was too happy to see a decent team yesterday, but it looks like the exception more than the norm now. ><
How does one waveclear properly against a Syndra as Lux?
Meteos played like a beast, essentially allowed Hai to keep pushing over and over again without being scared of Kikis at all.
More in the sense that they lost their t2s way too easily, especially when they sent Lux back to protect it while 3 were taking C9's top t2. She didn't do anything, and C9 had all the time in the world to kill the tower, then move to flank the 3. PoE was generally too late in the right lane, if he was there at all. Awkward when he's their waveclear.
Obviously WW flash-ulting Orianna when LB's not in a position too follow and/or he knows Lee is there ready to intervene doesn't play a role in that at all.
But seriously, Balls. You just press tp first and don't wait for Poppy to finish her tp.
On December 08 2014 11:22 Alaric wrote: If he TPs first he'll get Ed, though. Where they in range to hide in a bush before the TP? We didn't even see how he died in the end (I didn't see where he tp'd, didn't pay attention enough).
Everyone compared to Balls is literal Looper this tournament.
If he TPs first he'll get Ed, though. Where they in range to hide in a bush before the TP? We didn't even see how he died in the end (I didn't see where he tp'd, didn't pay attention enough).
UoL's greed doing work again... for C9. They have a shit sieging/dragon contesting team, why do they try that? They're better off getting picks in the jungle than trying to dive like that, Poppy won't do crap if she has to chase.
And did WW just get cc'd by a Tornado he flashed over, after it was past him? Oo Kikis' ult decision making is still super dumb in that case but how the heck did his ult get cancelled, Lee was the only one in range and he didn't ult.
Reminds me of those movies where the monster finds a side character and jumps him as he screams, futilely firing round after round on it, hoping it'd die.
PoE seems surprised that going in on W cd ended up gifting Maokai a free kill. Zzz. Also Poppy "I don't need my ult for fights I'll just burn it whenever people catch me because fuck it yolo 420 noscope farm without wards".
Doesn't matter because Poppy's Q changes all of the auto's damage (including stuff like Spellblade passive) to magic, and most of her damage comes from said Q.
Yes, mr. Also C9 got a baron and free drakes and got away with them, but that's just in brackets.
Not to mention WW couldn't/didn't build neither bork or wit's end, so he was an ult-bot, but they could never cooridnate black-shield-mww ult correctly. (or they did just ori screwed them? not sure)
orianna vs leblanc mid + janna save poppy steam rolling mid killing lucian baron fight + flash synergy maokai following leblanc through 2 distortions with the root @ mid inhib poppy 1v3 bot
Can anyone explain why poppy would buy ghostblade after trinity and botrk?
I mean, I know the active is strong, but otherwise the stats are really not that great for poppy. Armor pen is not particularly effective given that all of Q damage is magic, and the AD is nice but it doesn't give a whole lot. CDR also doesn't seem particularly necessary as well. If you want a more crit centric build why not just buy components of IE?
IDK, I am a noob but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
On December 08 2014 11:58 petered wrote: Can anyone explain why poppy would buy ghostblade after trinity and botrk?
I mean, I know the active is strong, but otherwise the stats are really not that great for poppy. Armor pen is not particularly effective given that all of Q damage is magic, and the AD is nice but it doesn't give a whole lot. CDR also doesn't seem particularly necessary as well. If you want a more crit centric build why not just buy components of IE?
IDK, I am a noob but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Well, it helps him to stick and chase down priority targets even faster, for one. Crit wth trinity crit combined with the movespeed aren't that bad either, and you can deal horrific damage even when your q is on cd. Their team (corki burst, ww burst, lb burst) was also about killing targets asap, and ghostblade is a great item in that regards.
Not sure if it was that was the best buy, but it's definitely not a bad one.
On December 08 2014 11:57 Volband wrote: Yes, mr. Also C9 got a baron and free drakes and got away with them, but that's just in brackets.
Not to mention WW couldn't/didn't build neither bork or wit's end, so he was an ult-bot, but they could never cooridnate black-shield-mww ult correctly. (or they did just ori screwed them? not sure)
But yes, mr.
He kept flash-ulting away from his team, and at times when he knew there were people with shields/cc nearby who'd be able to react in time. Their comp was also shit at contesting dragons (WW/LB/Poppy don't do well in stand-offs).
On December 08 2014 11:53 Alaric wrote: Doesn't matter because Poppy's Q changes all of the auto's damage (including stuff like Spellblade passive) to magic, and most of her damage comes from said Q.
Wait what? I did not know this. I always thought it was separated like everyone else's.
On December 08 2014 11:58 petered wrote: Can anyone explain why poppy would buy ghostblade after trinity and botrk?
I mean, I know the active is strong, but otherwise the stats are really not that great for poppy. Armor pen is not particularly effective given that all of Q damage is magic, and the AD is nice but it doesn't give a whole lot. CDR also doesn't seem particularly necessary as well. If you want a more crit centric build why not just buy components of IE?
IDK, I am a noob but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Well, it helps him to stick and chase down priority targets even faster, for one. Crit wth trinity crit combined with the movespeed aren't that bad either, and you can deal horrific damage even when your q is on cd. Their team (corki burst, ww burst, lb burst) was also about killing targets asap, and ghostblade is a great item in that regards.
Not sure if it was that was the best buy, but it's definitely not a bad one.
It's mostly bought cuz of the MS active, it allows you to continually re-position for wall slams.
It also applies both on-hit and on-spell effects according to the wiki. It doesn't state explicitly whether or not on-hit are changed to magic damage though, so I'm not sure how BotRK's passive works. She's an exception to the rule (I think the only one).
UoL keep suiciding out of greed. "We want Fizz!" Lucian dashes in and Sneaky goes "hey, thanks for the free double! Helps me have people hail me as the second coming even when I only last hit people".
On December 08 2014 12:26 Alaric wrote: It also applies both on-hit and on-spell effects according to the wiki. It doesn't state explicitly whether or not on-hit are changed to magic damage though, so I'm not sure how BotRK's passive works. She's an exception to the rule (I think the only one).
UoL keep suiciding out of greed. "We want Fizz!" Lucian dashes in and Sneaky goes "hey, thanks for the free double! Helps me have people hail me as the second coming even when I only last hit people".
Holy shit did you see that rocket to kill Lucian and then auto to kill syndra?
On December 08 2014 12:34 Lmui wrote: Holy shit perfect targeting by sneaky at the end there, just enough damage to kill everyone with no overkill damn
He actually missed Luc by like 2 HP on the first rocket.
Hecarim suicided there, he didn't need to ult into both of them to get away after they didn't follow-up on the hook. :/ Then again suicides are a recurring occurrence with UoL.
On December 08 2014 11:57 Volband wrote: Yes, mr. Also C9 got a baron and free drakes and got away with them, but that's just in brackets.
Not to mention WW couldn't/didn't build neither bork or wit's end, so he was an ult-bot, but they could never cooridnate black-shield-mww ult correctly. (or they did just ori screwed them? not sure)
But yes, mr.
He kept flash-ulting away from his team, and at times when he knew there were people with shields/cc nearby who'd be able to react in time. Their comp was also shit at contesting dragons (WW/LB/Poppy don't do well in stand-offs).
UOL lost it at baron, when C9 completely outplayed them. They should've massacred C9 but they played it really good, or UOL played it really bad, pick a side. Poppy ulting randomly barely affected anything. Once, it was after the baron-fiasco, secondly, his teammates died randomly every time. Well, PoE not so randomly, because he was always sooo close and if he had pulled those off we would praise him even more, but the shields...
IMO meteos deserves MVP, mostly because of how much better he was compared to competition. Sneaky did well, but you could see Rekkles do just a well in their match vs ALL. Meteos was at least 2 to 3 tiers above any other jungler in this tourney.
On December 09 2014 03:40 NeoIllusions wrote: Balls looked worse than par. Hai is pretty trash imo. Meteos is a god Sneaky is nearing god tier too and poor Lemon.
Sneaky has been stepping up for a long time now and his consistency is unquestionable at this point imo. I don't see any other NA ADC nearing his level. RIP Double.
I was making excuses to my friend for Balls while watching C9 play ALL but it simply didn't improve in the finals. Balls rekts kids in lane but his positioning in team fights left a lot to be desired. I think he can def clean it up before Spring Split starts though. C9 may or may not roller coaster up and down but I don't think they'll have a meltdown again, a la Summer Split regional finals.
On December 09 2014 04:01 onlywonderboy wrote: Oh yeah, I'm not saying he hasn't been improving, that's undeniable. I just remember their first split and thinking they were going to cut Sneaky.
Sneaky's laning is still his "weakness", I rarely seem him eek out large farm gaps in lane. But his teamfighting is undeniably godly.
On December 09 2014 13:03 O-ops wrote: UOL saving EU LCS, giving hope to fans everywhere that this season won't be a 3 team circlejerk anymore like the last 5000 splits or so.
Really? I dont see a single reason to put UOL in top3 over other EU LCS teams. Besides EU LCS was always very close and more even in skill than other regions.
On December 09 2014 13:03 O-ops wrote: UOL saving EU LCS, giving hope to fans everywhere that this season won't be a 3 team circlejerk anymore like the last 5000 splits or so.
Really? I dont see a single reason to put UOL in top3 over other EU LCS teams. Besides EU LCS was always very close and more even in skill than other regions.
Are they even playoff material without their Thresh/Irelia/Gnar, lol. Outside of CW and second seed from ET, i don't see a single team who is weaker than them, assuming that H2K qualifies as first.
On December 12 2014 04:11 cLutZ wrote: I'm undoubtedly late to the party, but why do teams still draft comps that can only go in one direction? Specific offender being tsm v uol g2.
because in general LoL teams still suck at drafting.
Also TSM have always been dumb as bricks when it comes to drafting, seems like even changing new members doesn't matter. Previously they just used to have a preplanned draft and did that regardless of situation. Hopefully with Loco they not THAT bad still.
It feels so much worse than that though. Its not just TSM. Even Korean teams used to play comps that basically if they aren't going forward like Nidalee/Vayne/Nunu.
Its sometimes hard to think of examples (mostly because teams usually pick Xerath, Ahri, Ziggs, Ori, etc) but you just see the comp and are like, "What the heck, this comp can't do anything if they are not way ahead."