On June 13 2013 23:35 NeoIllusions wrote: I'm not sure that karma is the right word though. A overhaul was entirely necessary and warranted but one might say it still wasn't enough.
The biggest question in the KR scene atm isn't about the OGN Finals, it's about what MakNooN is going to do next. He can't sign on with another KR team because rosters are locked atm.
On June 13 2013 23:35 NeoIllusions wrote: I'm not sure that karma is the right word though. A overhaul was entirely necessary and warranted but one might say it still wasn't enough.
The biggest question in the KR scene atm isn't about the OGN Finals, it's about what MakNooN is going to do next. He can't sign on with another KR team because rosters are locked atm.
He becomes Dyrus' personal coach until the rosters open up again.
On June 14 2013 14:15 glzElectromaster wrote: What's up with all of the speculation of Maknoon moving? Will he not stay on KTA if they don't participate in Champions Summer?
KTA is out of Champions. They lost in the second round of the qualifier into the Summer qualifier. If Maknoon doesn't go to a foreign team, he won't be playing in the LCS for the next six months. He's pretty fucked since the Korean rosters are locked for the summer season. Don't know if NA or EU LCS have the same roster freeze.
Thoughts on SKT T1 discharging their players (except their jungler)? I thought they actually did quite well this season, considering that they hadn't had all that much competitive experience beforehand, and also considering the relatively short length of this season. But I suppose their good achievements were overshadowed by their sister team.
Apparently if at least three of the players join/form a new team, they will inherit SKT T1's qualification for next season, but then I'm not sure what this could mean given that the rosters are already locked?
On June 15 2013 02:09 AsnSensation wrote: Cool Interview, Imp probably best AD in korea at the moment but still gotta root for my boys from CJ Blaze tomorrow.
Offtopic: I freaking love Seo Yuri, she's hilarious in SNL Korea. Also I think she is rumored to be Doublelift's GF.
She has personally denied this on twitter I think, but let's not turn this into a gossip thread