Those Karma Changes...she was hovering around the meta but now I could definitely see her becoming a bigger pick. Especially because her movement speed bonus is flat and not decreasing.
So, Morde is now a solo laner again, perhaps more top than mid? I mean the supposed to be design? Maybe he will be the 2nd AP bruiser in the game after Singed now or is he going full ap?
On June 12 2019 16:18 M2 wrote: So, Morde is now solo laner again, perhaps more top than mid? I mean the supposed to be design? Maybe he will be the 2nd AP bruiser in the game after Singed now or is he going full ap?
We just forgetting my boy swain now huh
On June 12 2019 16:26 AdsMoFro wrote:Show nested quote +On June 12 2019 16:18 M2 wrote: So, Morde is now solo laner again, perhaps more top than mid? I mean the supposed to be design? Maybe he will be the 2nd AP bruiser in the game after Singed now or is he going full ap? We just forgetting my boy swain now huh What about Swain? That he is an AP bruiser? I dont think so, he goes full AP like all the other supposed to be AP bruisers. Bruiser is a champ who builds one or two damage (or half damage - cleaver, Trinity, liandry, zhonia, RoA etc) items and then go full tank. In the past there were such AP champs like RoA Maokai or RoA Malphite, Vlad, Singed, I think even Morde in one of his forms, there were others I cant recall now, aa ChoGath, but Riot decided to remove that class from the game and all of them transitioned either to tanks or to AP champs. Vlad and Swain are not bruisers while they build only AP items. So Singer is the last AP bruiser in the game atm imo.
On June 12 2019 16:40 M2 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 12 2019 16:26 AdsMoFro wrote:On June 12 2019 16:18 M2 wrote: So, Morde is now solo laner again, perhaps more top than mid? I mean the supposed to be design? Maybe he will be the 2nd AP bruiser in the game after Singed now or is he going full ap? We just forgetting my boy swain now huh What about Swain? That he is an AP bruiser? I dont think so, he goes full AP like all the other supposed to be AP bruisers. Bruiser is a champ who builds one or two damage (or half damage - cleaver, Trinity, liandry, zhonia, RoA etc) items and then go full tank. In the past there were such AP champs like RoA Maokai or RoA Malphite, Vlad, Singed, I think even Morde in one of his forms, there were others I cant recall now, aa ChoGath, but Riot decided to remove that class from the game and all of them transitioned either to tanks or to AP champs. Vlad and Swain are not bruisers while they build only AP items. So Singer is the last AP bruiser in the game atm imo. Champions that only build one or two damage items are usually Juggernauts in my mind.
Jax for instance the flagship bruiser builds nothing but damage items. Bruisers for me are strong duelists that build bulky enough to dive (Titanic/Phage item/Steraks is a retarded trinity of damage + bulkiness) - Jax, Kled and Irelia for instance. I guess we are wandering into the dangerous subject of "what is a bruiser".
My quick patch review:
Glad Sylas got nerfed and while this nerf is definitely more than enough I’m a bit annoyed they buffed his passive main target ability and his w, as the miss everything win trade was more frustrating than his wave clear, but the shield nerf means dodging his e actually wins you the trade now so it’s cool. I just hope when they rebuff him, because he will need it, they give him some waveclear back but don’t rebuff his trading, because he will still blast you if he hits e as is.
Ryze rework seems weak but probably worth learning because any buff and he’ll be good. I do find it funny w root finally removed as an assassin is being added to the game, but they tried with old w so I’ll let it slide
I hate yuumi I hope she gets nerfed more, I don’t like playing as/with or against her and at her current power level it feels really coin flip, if both the adc and the support know how to play the champion bot lane is a wrap but then sometimes you pick yuumi and ppl cancel your q right before it hits 9/10
Irelia and Aatrox nerfs both deserved, not sure why Irelia got hit harder but it’s workable
Ashe has been low key good since essence reaver got over statted so this buff is questionable to me but probably not a big deal.
And lastly I don’t love the corruption changes I think the choice of starting items was pretty balanced, but at least they didn’t do the 2 charge change. This probably pushes dblade and dring over the top for my pool
im a bit sad they did the change on Nauts. I like im as a support and he was finally viable. he is still probably usefull but still a bit sad
Morde hotfix nerf announced already, he was already permabanned by the time I got home last night so i really can’t comment beyond that.
Mini-reworked Ryze actually feel surprisingly decent and must now be the most cancerous champion to play against as melee. Not having the free shield took the entire day to get used to.
In Aftershock match ups being able to control when it procs is sooooo nice.
I tried out Ryze in practice tool and he felt good, I didn't end up picking him in any of my games though
I'm starting to really really like "new" Ryze. He just feels so much smoother and off-tank drain Ryze with Ravenous Hunter and Visage is so much fun it should be illegal.
The cost reduction on RoA and potential rework/buff later just makes everything even better. Hope he stops being picked in pro so Riot will buff him due to his low winrate. :D
Have anything ever had as high pick/ban in soloQ as Mordekaiser (90+%) maybe Juggernaut rework Skarner?
Besides just making sure he's banned I've been thinking Fiora might have a decent chance to dominate? She can easily avoid his Q by just procing her own on another side of him, his E is so telegraphed it can just be riposted, Executioners and her ult (if she actually can 1v1) means Mordekaiser basically dont have an ult himself against her.
Mordekaisers W needs to be roundhouse kick nerfed and then hammer nerfed and finally buried alive. I have no idea what the design team were smoking when they made it, but it must be some pretty hefty stuff.
Today I learned that it is apparently possible to Zhonya new Morde ult, where it goes on CD but doesn't drag you into it. The time window is very small though, but the thought is pretty funny, hope to see in pro play.
I've actually seen this happen with walking into the brush at the exact moment he ulted someone on my team and it went on cd
I believe you can QSS it too in the .5s window.
On June 19 2019 08:34 Gahlo wrote: I believe you can QSS it too in the .5s window. You can QSS it while inside the realm dont think you can in the cast time window and Olaf can get out by using his ultimate. Dont know if you can GP orange it, but I would imagine since it's basically QSS+heal.
I suppose it counts as 'delayed' CC? Maybe you can avoid it by using an unstopable ability in the window too. Almost 100% Fizz can dodge it with his E, had an ARAM where a Mordekaiser gave up (I think*) on trying to ult him.
* English grammar question: Should it be 1) "had an ARAM where a Mordekaiser (I think) gave up on trying to ult him", 2) "had an ARAM where (I think) a Mordekaiser gave up on trying to ult him" 3) As written originally. It was a game of ARAM, with a Mordekaiser trying to ult a Fizz and eventually gave up. So I assume 1) or 3) or should it be worded differently all together?