So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
On October 28 2012 23:05 jcarlsoniv wrote: So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
Soniv, janna's ap ratios are extremely high, get a negatron and pray for the best :'c
Jokes aside... never seen a hurricane since they don't happen at all at my country (just major earthquakes like the one in 2010), sounds like that hurricane is quite big and destructive D:
On October 28 2012 23:05 jcarlsoniv wrote: So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
Pssh, Springfield is fine, I'm going to be at Cape Cod during all this. D:
On October 28 2012 23:05 jcarlsoniv wrote: So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
I'm in DC. I heard it's only category 1... what makes it so scary? Is it the large size?
It would appear that IPL5 is more or less copying TI2's bracket format, with a few minor modifications (4-team groups instead of 8 in the interest of saving time, Bo3 Loser's Bracket, etc.).
Seems like a standard group stage into double elim tourney, doesn't really strike me as TI2 exclusive at all. The main point of difference being the bo2 group stage, with both map sides being played. Maybe I'm missin something else that makes this format uniquely ti2-esque, but it just seems like the standard foreign sc2 tourney setup to me
On October 28 2012 23:05 jcarlsoniv wrote: So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
On October 28 2012 23:05 jcarlsoniv wrote: So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
I'm in DC. I heard it's only category 1... what makes it so scary? Is it the large size?
I'm not completely, sure, but the unusually low pressure system means a lot of wind (75 mph winds measured 100 miles from center of storm), and the sheer scale of the storm itself. Plus, this is New England, where we're never prepared for anything.
This was linked a couple of pages back and I've just now finished watching it. Very interesting stuff.
Watched it last night, pretty obvious straightforward stuff. The one thing I found very interesting is that they are not only offering, but actively promoting to switch career paths within the company. I downloaded the 9-box pdf but haven't found time to go through it. A friend of mine who specializes in scaling (started as a DevOp but has also experience in HR) recommended me to read up on the Promise Theory
I find the nuts and bolts BEHIND the game and technical stuff very interesting. I mean imagine the growing pains Riot had to go through, 450+ first class workers in three years...
On October 28 2012 23:52 checo wrote: so has anyone try ezreal with the nerf? how he fares now vs the other ad carrys?
Still a godlike ADC. He's so slippery and can still punish you in lane pretty hard due to his poke. He's not as good as a duelist anymore but he's still extremely strong since his E is without a doubt the best escape any ADC has. Let's not forget his global AoE ult and his ability to spam Q (and W to an extent) while kiting makes his DPS still very strong.
On October 28 2012 23:05 jcarlsoniv wrote: So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
I'm in DC. I heard it's only category 1... what makes it so scary? Is it the large size?
I'm not completely, sure, but the unusually low pressure system means a lot of wind (75 mph winds measured 100 miles from center of storm), and the sheer scale of the storm itself. Plus, this is New England, where we're never prepared for anything.
Every time I see you folks deal with hurricanes and snowstorms I just giggle.
On October 28 2012 23:05 jcarlsoniv wrote: So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
I'm in DC. I heard it's only category 1... what makes it so scary? Is it the large size?
I'm not completely, sure, but the unusually low pressure system means a lot of wind (75 mph winds measured 100 miles from center of storm), and the sheer scale of the storm itself. Plus, this is New England, where we're never prepared for anything.
Every time I see you folks deal with hurricanes and snowstorms I just giggle.
Considering the wide array of weather we get hit with, you'd think we wouldn't be complete idiots.
On October 28 2012 23:05 jcarlsoniv wrote: So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
I'm in DC. I heard it's only category 1... what makes it so scary? Is it the large size?
I'm not completely, sure, but the unusually low pressure system means a lot of wind (75 mph winds measured 100 miles from center of storm), and the sheer scale of the storm itself. Plus, this is New England, where we're never prepared for anything.
Every time I see you folks deal with hurricanes and snowstorms I just giggle.
Considering the wide array of weather we get hit with, you'd think we wouldn't be complete idiots.
Is it sad that MY biggest concern is whether or not the internet will stay up? That being said, I should probably move my computer away from the windows...
On October 28 2012 23:05 jcarlsoniv wrote: So, as a New England TLer, I'm starting to get a little nervous about Hurricane Sandy. Apparently it's recording record low air pressures, and it's like, 1000 miles wide.
I'm in DC. I heard it's only category 1... what makes it so scary? Is it the large size?
I'm not completely, sure, but the unusually low pressure system means a lot of wind (75 mph winds measured 100 miles from center of storm), and the sheer scale of the storm itself. Plus, this is New England, where we're never prepared for anything.
Every time I see you folks deal with hurricanes and snowstorms I just giggle.
Considering the wide array of weather we get hit with, you'd think we wouldn't be complete idiots.
Is it sad that MY biggest concern is whether or not the internet will stay up? That being said, I should probably move my computer away from the windows...
I dunno's still so far away and not even moving towards the US right now. I feel like this is one of those things that might be blown way out of proportion but I suppose it's obviously better to be prepared than not.