On October 27 2012 12:38 schmutttt wrote: Why did swain fall out of favour so much top lane? I thought he was really good vs a lot of bruisers and seems like he'd be good vs malphite as well. Gapclosers. Gapclosers everywhere. Also burst damage and the power creep that is such that Swain doesn't fare as well pre-6 and building RoA (or even catalyst) first in top lane is a risky play.
Add in that he contributes less to teamfights and AoE than Kennen and Vlad, who aren't that bad at skirmishes either (I'd argue that before mid/late Swain's better than Vlad thanks to cc), and there aren't that many reasons to want him in particular in a teamcomp. Plus it's double AP then in most cases, which isn't too condoned by the meta (and he lacks burst to go with Skarner, ask MoonBear).
Woah hotshot playing swain :O I haven't seen that in a LONG time.
Orianna checking powers OP.
the CLG throws rofl, best calls
Link stacking a lot of health on Irelia, second belt after that sunfire cape. What's the objective? They have Janna and Orianna shields, and Irelia likes resists better anyway.
Wow awful fight from Meat playground
Awful positioning. This is NOT how you use Orianna's ball... Plus with baron gone, CLG won't even hesitate, they'll just push the bot inhib. In MP's stead, I wouldn't be pressed to fight unless CLG pressured the baron too much: let them dance around it, use Link to splitpush. They needed to make up the turrets/gold.
Throw into counterthrow into countercounterthrow...
That defense was actually quite good until Link and Inc ate that nevermove for no reason.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Where did the idea that Skarner works best with double AP originate anyways?
Is it impossible to log in NA right now or is it just me?
wow my league jsut absolutely disintegrated while i was legendary with irelia
it only happens during league, random graphic lockups and then the monitor completely loses video, leading to a restart of my pc and endless swearing
On October 27 2012 13:14 Sufficiency wrote: Is it impossible to log in NA right now or is it just me?
nope, same here
On October 27 2012 13:10 Scip wrote: Where did the idea that Skarner works best with double AP originate anyways? Well, technically it works with double burst, and double ap offers best burst. It would work with mid AP and assassin top, as well. it's just assassin top has gone way out of favor.
On October 27 2012 13:10 Scip wrote: Where did the idea that Skarner works best with double AP originate anyways? Not double AP, I just mentioned the Skarner comp in passing. MoonBear explained in a review that what made (I think it was Frost's?) Skarner comp work was the fact that they built up a very bursty comp, so that in the timespan of Impale, the target would get blown-up. It stops being so effective once your primary targets get QSS obviously, so the comp has to abuse it in the midgame. Double AP is easy to think about when you get told about a "very bursty midgame comp", but it's not the only one. AD carries like Graves or Sivir, tops like Olaf, Jax, Jayce, Rengar all are viable picks. And since Swain doesn't really have a good burst (well it takes like 3+ seconds for him to output his damage, meaning twice Impale's duration, so it isn't that "bursty") he doesn't mesh well with that comp any more than he outperforms Kennen/Vlad/Cho in double AP comps, even if they were popular atm.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
It just seems strange because I usually prefer to have someone with an initiating skills toplane, rather than a second AP. If I had to choose the best toplane for Skarner (not factoring in the enemy teamcomp) I would usually go for Malphite rather than someone like Vlad or Rumble or Swain or Diana.
Double AP don't necessarily do the most burst to single targets, top AP definitely doesn't do more burst to single target without ult. There's only like 3 viable AP tops. If your team of 5 champions can't burst down a single target after skarner ult then it's a focus issue or that you're too behind, has nothing to do with team comp. QSS is not that critical unless every carry on the other team has it. There are plenty of other occasions when skarner can't ult most notably when his team is too behind and ulting would be baiting a losing fight.
On October 27 2012 13:21 Scip wrote: It just seems strange because I usually prefer to have someone with an initiating skills toplane, rather than a second AP. If I had to choose the best toplane for Skarner (not factoring in the enemy teamcomp) I would usually go for Malphite rather than someone like Vlad or Rumble or Swain or Diana.
You could definitely do it with Malph, so long as you can supplement the lack of damage (assuming you're wasting your ult for someone skarner ulted on). Like with Sivir/Graves/Corki/Ez.