You write A.......nivia and dont know how good Froggen is with her?^^^Theres a reason the koreans banned her out against him, sk just think they can deal with her, but tbh they only won game 1 because their whole team Comp was better. lets go
I think snoopeh losing that oracle early really hurt them btw, malphite was 6 and snoopeh still only 5 during that little botlane fight, and I think thats one of snoopehs only weaknesses, he's often really behind in farm. Or Scumbag Froggen just takes all hsi wraiths camps and botlane takes his golems lol.
Looks like ocelote can't do quite as well if he doesn't get doublebuff. Ahri also has to get closer to the ranged creeps than morgana to kill them which lets froggen do his awesome Q stun from behind the torch thingy out of vision. I learned that off of him and abuse it so much on morgana now since it's a pretty guaranteed kill if you can hit it.
Wickd is going to do way too much damage with the combination of wits+spark+passive. Froggen being oom really screwed them in that fight though, he didn't have much choice but to just auto and throw out a Q every 15 seconds >.>