[Patch Shyvana] General Discussion - Page 150
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Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. - Neo, 9:49 KST, Nov 9th | ||
Canada690 Posts | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
Wriggle's now? Is this like how you built Bloodrazor first on Ashe in that TL game? | ||
United Kingdom323 Posts
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England2654 Posts
On November 12 2011 09:19 Iskusstvo wrote: Oh god I just remembered a game where there was an Ashe who rushed phantom dancer after 'zerkers. When queried upon this, I was told that it was so her slow would be applied more, and when I questioned the logic of this, was promptly told 'stfu noob'. I made a sad face. I think everyone has played with an Ashe that gets Phantom Dancer first and won't change their build. I've played tens of games with that exact same occurance. | ||
United States4008 Posts
On November 12 2011 05:05 Orpheos wrote: lol got this little email in my inbox today from my school's engineering department. Does it say whos going? Steve Snow and Travis George (volibar I think) visited my school a month ago. Also Volition was here this week to talk about Saints Row the third, that game looks hilarious and awesome | ||
Sweden1811 Posts
On November 12 2011 09:19 Iskusstvo wrote: Oh god I just remembered a game where there was an Ashe who rushed phantom dancer after 'zerkers. When queried upon this, I was told that it was so her slow would be applied more, and when I questioned the logic of this, was promptly told 'stfu noob'. I made a sad face. Hahaha, i get tons of PD first Ashe players and i enjoy laughing at them everytime. I even had a Kog'Maw on my team once who built dorans > boots > PD > PD > Madreds bloodrazor, When i asked why his build was so bad he simply replied that PDs are the best item on Kog'Maw cause the attack speed makes him do faster % damage with his W -_- | ||
United States289 Posts
On November 12 2011 03:33 Hoban wrote: I personally play Riven almost exclusively top lane as my solo Q champ. She is extremely fun to play (dodging skill shots feels so good) and she can lane against almost anybody. A skilled Riven can outlane Irelia, Cho, Garen, Akali, and many of the other better top lane picks. She has crazy damage in the first few levels, is extremely good at trading without taking damage, and can dodge ganks like a boss. She takes some getting used to but I suggest watching Westrice or another high ELO player win with her. Another great thing about her in solo Q is her ability to carry really really hard. She has some amazing scaling and I find that once I have Wriggles+boots(ionians generally)+Brutalizer+Bloodthirster (at a decent time) then she is nigh unkillable and will demolish squishies in team fights. The only problem lanes I have with Riven are Ap Scion and Lee Sin. Singed, Udyr, Warwick, and Wukong require at least a little help from your jungle. Beyond that I have been able to win every other lane matchup. I know Irelia and Wukong are also amazing at carrying games but I have little experience playing either. Of the three champs though, I think Riven is the most fun to play. You feel so good early game but you will absolutely destroy late game if you win your lane. I second this, Riven is amazingly fun to play. I build her a bit differently (using the build in the OP of her thread here most of the time), but she carries harder than just about any champion in the game. Looking at the matchups listed as troublesome above, most of the time you can just play safe and freefarm. Sion is difficult though, as coming out ahead in trades through his shield is not easy. LeeSin isn't too bad, as you'll probably wind up both afk farming, since he can dodge your harass with safegaurd, but he doesn't come out ahead too often in trades. Only problem I have as Riven in soloque, is unless you get an early kill or two (which isn't too hard considering how much damage she does early) you run the risk of your team losing themselves the game before your lategame strength really kicks in. Also, if you're looking for something a little different than standard bruisers, AD Nidalee is extremely fun solotop. I like Westrice's Nidalee build, but shes extremely versatile in what you can do. | ||
United States2131 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
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United States931 Posts
On November 12 2011 10:46 SpaceToaster wrote: I second this, Riven is amazingly fun to play. I build her a bit differently (using the build in the OP of her thread here most of the time), but she carries harder than just about any champion in the game. Looking at the matchups listed as troublesome above, most of the time you can just play safe and freefarm. Sion is difficult though, as coming out ahead in trades through his shield is not easy. LeeSin isn't too bad, as you'll probably wind up both afk farming, since he can dodge your harass with safegaurd, but he doesn't come out ahead too often in trades. Only problem I have as Riven in soloque, is unless you get an early kill or two (which isn't too hard considering how much damage she does early) you run the risk of your team losing themselves the game before your lategame strength really kicks in. Also, if you're looking for something a little different than standard bruisers, AD Nidalee is extremely fun solotop. I like Westrice's Nidalee build, but shes extremely versatile in what you can do. Riven's so stronk right now I could abuse her to get to 1800 and then promptly get smashed by real plat players who were good at top lane. Then I had to resort to OP jungle Skarner. ![]() | ||
9109 Posts
On November 12 2011 10:25 KinosJourney2 wrote: Hahaha, i get tons of PD first Ashe players and i enjoy laughing at them everytime. I even had a Kog'Maw on my team once who built dorans > boots > PD > PD > Madreds bloodrazor, When i asked why his build was so bad he simply replied that PDs are the best item on Kog'Maw cause the attack speed makes him do faster % damage with his W -_- I still think the people that go boots 2 -> last whisper are much worse. Those make me want to cry. | ||
Germany2073 Posts
On November 12 2011 11:10 Sponkz wrote: EUNE is completely broken at the moment. Apparently there's not enough players so people at 1950+ rating gets queued up with 1600'ish people to make up for it. Any place where you can see statestics over west compared to east? nah but i've had tons of swedish guys in my games, and quite a lot of the east guys too. Goes to show you can't build a wall in the internet. Especially not along pseudo-historical borders. Split only made everyone play on the West side. (derp derp feel like a rapper >_>) | ||
7579 Posts
So I end with GC, philo/Kindlegem or SR and mercs lol. | ||
United States13684 Posts
Fizz reveal. Seems really cool, even though his w is the same as MF | ||
United States9908 Posts
wow its megazero, the 90% 70-7 Dr.Mundo | ||
United States5635 Posts | ||
United States9908 Posts
to Zerg = to invade and destroy the other base | ||
United States2131 Posts | ||
Chairman Ray
United States11903 Posts
On November 12 2011 13:39 TieN.nS) wrote: WCG Korea finals, MiG (Loco's team) against EDG~ is there no video? im only getting sound EDIT: NVM, video just got up after picks | ||
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