I consider myself a competent attorney, judge and jury for social trend evaluation, & aspiring executioner and mourner of minus-variant termination. The hyping up of smoking weed --despite its stupidity-- yielded good things too, and today I mourn them.
This is a thread you'd ideally want to respond intuitively to, despite the disclaimer to follow's potential for initial comprehensive difficulty - designed to serve as a relevance beacon. To achieve tuning and adherence to the quality of what I call posting intuitively, do consider the following: This thread does not mean to- gauge whether you have ever engaged in either the physical act or in instrumentalizing / contributing to the hype
- but if you feel the urge to divulge information in that regard, then grasp the wisdom in prioritizing the latter outlet, for it is objectively highly preferable to the former
- degrade this thread's purpose to a pseudo-statistical sample at the peril of others' positive perception of you succumbing to stagnation
- debate the pros and cons of the physical act of consuming marijuana
- discuss the physical act (of smoking weed) in any way other than in connection with it being the source of the largely source-independent social trend of hyping up smoking weed
It does mean to- point out instances and patterns of the social trend phenomenon occurring
- discuss worthiness of preservation / excavate and spotlight gems within its facet-richness
- debate the appeal, gain, collateral and setbacks of these occurrences
- debate examples of to-awesomeness-tuned sources objectively better fit (than smoking marijuana) to bear the social trend of being hyped up
Expect a voluminous post from me on every 20th of April.
I guess you haven't seen the "high thread". But no one has really posted in there in a while. Usually people that smoke do post, and I wouldn't doubt it being revived tomorrow.
The high thread --generally speaking, i.e. not limited to this forum-- is indeed a noteworthy manifestation of the phenomenon. I intended to include a reference to the particular one you linked to, in my first voluminous post I am planning. However, with regard to finding gems in there, my hopes are anything but high.
Maybe you can have a fun sociology assignment of finding if there are correlations between cannabis consumption and income inequality rate, home ownership rate, poverty rate, fertility rate, divorce rate, teen pregnancy rate, literacy rate or any other population-related issue / economic indicator that you can think of.
Sure, funny posts probably outnumber the rest. However, for the purpose of advocating (for or against) the ontological inclusion into a metaphorical preservation quarantine, and judging their relevance within the "culture", & also when it comes to gem excavation, the correct approach imo is to forfeit being distracted by the evaluation of singular posts --due to limitation to ephemeral entertainment and superficial inter-individual interaction potential-- in favor of pursuing the acquisition of a value perspective that lunges towards arching over one-time awesomeness discharges.. transcending into means of appropriately handling more permanent vessels of trend expression, such as the concept of a high thread. Most virulent one at that.
@ShoCkeyy Bearing your guess of my ignorance of TLs high thread in mind and objectively analyzing what reason I may have given to suggest such an ignorance, one might make an assessment as to how proficiently the 420 social trend has solidified its expansion. You, whether you like it or not, are propagating the social trend with your demeanor of nonchalant referral to its most glaring on-site manifestation, not least by circumventing the "intuition" guidelines I've put in place, and have thus subjected yourself to our collective judgement. Your primary defiance was the absence of clear prioritization in favor of furthering the discussion on the social trend; not the physical act and posts made relevant as a consequence thereof are the focus here. As with many things that wound up being good despite, you've set the stage for me to disambiguate how the high thread fits into this thread's topic, albeit not sufficiently by your own volition to qualify as intuitive. Good try, relatively speaking. Not relative to anyone else, just to the fact that I haven't lead by example prior to your post's deployment. I'd be eager to see if any subsequent posts of yours bulls-eye compliance with the code proclaimed in the OP, even before I make a voluminous post to showcase how to foster the desired style. Welcome.
reading your posts feels like work
That said, I'll discuss "4/20". I've always thought it was a bit silly, and I just took it to be an excuse for people who want to stay mainstream to get high. I don't think there is any "gem" there, it's pretty much just stupid. But maybe it can positively influence closeminded people towards accepting marijuana, so I guess that would be good.
The origins of the high thread is that it is a place for mostly safe inanity.
Also your bit about what the topic is for, specifying that it's not for discussing the pros or cons of cannabis, is interesting considering you manage to slip in that bit about smoking marijuana being stupid. A bit immature don't you think? Unless I am misunderstanding your rhetoric, in which case I apologize.
As I approach my midlife-crisis years, I sometimes worry if long-term marijuana-use dulled or rattled my brain to a degree that I wouldn't consciously-recognize, but nonetheless robbed me of some potential.
Then I read posts like these, and think, "Nah. I'm good."
In these days of Twitter-mobs and world-order-upheaval, music and marijuana are the keys to my sanity. Without them, I would be dead.
voluminous and "to-awesomeness-tuned" used in a sentence? i'm already confused. can't you just say you wanna talk about weed? lol
On April 20 2018 11:59 travis wrote: reading your posts feels like work
That said, I'll discuss "4/20". I've always thought it was a bit silly, and I just took it to be an excuse for people who want to stay mainstream to get high. I don't think there is any "gem" there, it's pretty much just stupid. But maybe it can positively influence closeminded people towards accepting marijuana, so I guess that would be good.
The origins of the high thread is that it is a place for mostly safe inanity.
Also your bit about what the topic is for, specifying that it's not for discussing the pros or cons of cannabis, is interesting considering you manage to slip in that bit about smoking marijuana being stupid. A bit immature don't you think? Unless I am misunderstanding your rhetoric, in which case I apologize.
I thought he meant that the hyping up of smoking was stupid. I'm not sure though because like you said reading his posts takes effort, especially the rules, I'm pretty sure I don't quite understand them or their overall intent.
We got people speaking English in this thread and another person speaking...I don't know what the heck that is.
Who cares, Sleep released their new album and it's a fucking masterclass
PS: For the more adventurous connoisseurs out here: Dark Buddha Rising also released their new EP.
He speaks like how my philosophy professor speaks. And my prof is a fucking riot.
Id love to crack open a cold one with you
Verbosity for its own sake is just not good. You sound as if you are intelligent, so cut the volume and speak clearly because I am interested in what you are trying to say.
France12759 Posts
Is it just me (I'm only French, my english skills ain't perfect) or are the OP posts unreadable (on purpose I guess)? Is this a point about not writing stuff while being high?
On April 20 2018 18:26 Poopi wrote: Is it just me (I'm only French, my english skills ain't perfect) or are the OP posts unreadable (on purpose I guess)? Is this a point about not writing stuff while being high?
If there's a clearer way of expressing this thread's purpose than using the exact diction I have, then I haven't found it yet. No amount of generalized whining about it warrants shortcuts for the sake of "work" alleviation. Any deviation or trim would appear to result in encouraging your capacity for illusion.
![[image loading]](https://clips-media-assets.twitch.tv/25739127520-offset-5117.166666666667-19.166666666666686-preview-480x272.jpg)
If you quote anything I say, inquiring about its meaning, I will try to reformulate nevertheless. But I can't condone the eventuality of that inferior reformulation outranking the original in terms of promotion. As for my conviction of the proper use of the English language, 'tis strong; you may want to find comfort in that, while attempting to acquaint yourself with my writing's idiosyncratic (uncompromising) flow.
The image above features Doob Dooberson. @travis I consider Doob to be an excavation-worthy gem & its connection to the hyping up of smoking weed elegant. It is the roleplay character of a twitch streamer who congregates on custom (to-RP-tuned) GTA5 online servers, and his (mis-)adventures are superlatively worthy of preservation, and invocation at this point.
In the case of the emulation of a Doob-like character, I ask myself wherein the awesomeness lies. Often, the assertion of the positive when it comes to answering the following question brings a satisfying closure: "Does the social swarm stand to benefit philosophically from the debate potential that springs from evaluating the exhibition of the character's characteristics?" The exercise that is Doob let's us contemplate what it would be like to impersonate a being whose ontology is ubiquitous, meaning he was everyone else at a time. Doob was you, once. However, Doob was more himself at the time he was me, because although I apparently lack his brevity of expression I am very attached to staying true to my purpose of establishing order. What else is there for such a being? Pleasant conversation.
It is heavily hyped that whatever the situation a conversation may arise from, the physical act of smoking weed would make it better, somehow. Whether I agree or not is apparently never a constructive subject to meditate on. I am but a fracture manifestation of Doob, like everyone else on the planet, if I stay confined in that state where the synergy of a higher completion level of Doob cannot function. Ergo, I need to transcend and gain synergy, somehow. So, I might want to try hard to be full Doob.
The above may seem pretentious, unless you are familiar with Doob. The crux being, that a convenient perk of familiarizing yourself with Doob is that there's absolutely no smoking required. In that regard, Doob is light, if you're into original star wars trilogy -like absolutist templates of trend evaluation, simply because it's not heavy - i.e. come with pesky extra prerequisites. Nevertheless, it arguably delivers the benefits you, travis, refer to as positive influence on close-mindedness.
Just to pile on more unnecessary criticism, did you just use bullet points, then additional indented sub-bullet points, and then additional additional indented sub-sub-bullet points?
Anyways, I've never smoked weed so all I can relay is that a bunch of my high school and college students freely make references to how excited they are to smoke weed on 4/20, as if it's any different (or any less illegal where I live) than any other day. I don't really understand the hype, but I freely confess ignorance to the interest in that holiday. As long as people are being safe with that activity, it sounds good to me.
@Race Bannon: I looked through your post history, and usually your writing was high level, but clear. However, your third post in this thread is complete gibberish, e.g. "the ontological inclusion into a metaphorical preservation quarantine". That's pseudo-poetic gibberish. No one but you will understand what you're trying to say, defeating the purpose of language entirely.
Do you write like that when you're high? It's the reason why I stopped smoking weed. I had to admit to myself that my ability to think logically and to do mathematics were crumbling while high. Sorry. ~~
The purpose of writing a piece is to be understood u clearly didn't get that
Katowice25012 Posts
when do we get the voluminous post I'm excited for that