So, in certain places a process referred to as "dabbing" has emerged as the new way to truly get blasted the fuck off. Basically, it involves using a blow torch to heat a glass or metal "nail" up to high temperatures before placing a protective dome around the nail and "dabbing" a small portion of cannabis concentrate. These concentrates have extremely high amounts of THC and when dabbing one is truly consuming a large amount of THC in a single go, way more THC than you could ever hope to get from smoking dry flower. Since I'm high as fuck and feel like I can't use words, here is a video that shows what I'm talking about
As you can see, the process is fairly primitive and really has a lot of potential to get fucked up by someone who is too high already. For instance, you might get too high and for some reason forget how hot you just heated that titanium nail...that is of course until you touch the thing and burn the shit out of your hand. Now I've been dabbing a lot lately these past 2-3 months and this has happened a grand total of once. But still, the potential is there and really the whole process is just not something that is conducive to on-the-go smoking/vaping and just generally getting high.
Now as everyone knows in states like California in the US, marijuana is legal for one to consume as long as you have a letter from a doctor which basically states that he/she has approved your using marijuana for certain medical reasons. Whats great about this whole dabbing thing is that since it isn't smoking, dispensaries where you used to simply go and get your product are now operating as "dab bars" where hot chicks in bikini's heat up a nail for you and dab the concentrate while you take a rip!
I just had to share that with all of you since I was just at a dab bar where this super hot female provided me a dab along with some wonderful eye candy. It was truly remarkable. Oh and also, I got myself a Cloud 2.0 vape pen for having my concentrates discretely and this thing is fucking amazing. Talk about the opposite of primitive. This small pen accomplishes the exact same thing as the process in the video shown above only it can be done literally anywhere, anytime. Its amazing and I can't recommend it enough. As with e-cigs, this is really the future of "smoking" in my opinion and it won't be long before nearly all drugs will be consumed in this same discrete manner. Heres a video showing my new baby
On July 01 2013 12:24 PassiveAce wrote: Does anyone else get bad headaches from smoking spliffs/tobacco? My brother traveled around Europe for a month and now its all he smokes.
i think they just do that to save weed, but it doesn't get you as high so i don't like it. if you smoke, just have a smoke after you blaze up. never heard of getting headaches though, unless your a newb to tobacco or something.
On July 01 2013 12:24 PassiveAce wrote: Does anyone else get bad headaches from smoking spliffs/tobacco? My brother traveled around Europe for a month and now its all he smokes.
i think they just do that to save weed, but it doesn't get you as high so i don't like it. if you smoke, just have a smoke after you blaze up. never heard of getting headaches though, unless your a newb to tobacco or something.
On July 01 2013 12:24 PassiveAce wrote: Does anyone else get bad headaches from smoking spliffs/tobacco? My brother traveled around Europe for a month and now its all he smokes.
If I smoke spliff during hangover, I get headache. I don't understand why.
Have you been confronted police, what happened what did you do?
Have yo ever been confronted by random strangers, what happened what did you do?
These were all ~2-3 years ago. I got my mmj papers and a house now so most of the experiences are moot now, but here ya go.
Cops: I've been in my dorm dabbin away when the cops knocked. It didn't smell like weed (I keep my shit under control when needed) plus it was only dabbing so they couldn't really do much except have a brief conversation with me about how hot it was in the rooms.
Been confronted on the street once because I smelled horribly of pot, told him that I felt uncomfortable talking to cops without my madre (I was like 16 at the time) or an lawyer and kept walking.. .. . I wouldn't recommend trying that again though lol
Pulled over on the road for going close to 100 in a 65 zone. I also just so happened to have a zip on me lol. The cop didn't even mention that it smelled like a skunk and just wrote me a speeding ticket and went on his merry way.
People: Obv caught by parents; was told to smoke the entire sack that my madre found so I did... right in front of her. Got way to high and passed out. Ever since then it has been acceptable to be high and even smoke with my mother.
I've had a couple random strangers come up to me numerous times asking if I have any dro to sell along with the occasional old person with a stick in their ass thinking they are the law themselves. Normal people cant do anything.. I tend to have fun and troll a person if I notice they're not ok with pot and im smokin near them
TL;DR people usually don't care about pot and if they do more often than not, nothing happens.
On July 01 2013 12:24 PassiveAce wrote: Does anyone else get bad headaches from smoking spliffs/tobacco? My brother traveled around Europe for a month and now its all he smokes.
If I smoke spliff during hangover, I get headache. I don't understand why.
Cures the hangover for me. Smoke a little when you go to bed, maybe that'll help in the morning. :o
On July 01 2013 12:24 PassiveAce wrote: Does anyone else get bad headaches from smoking spliffs/tobacco? My brother traveled around Europe for a month and now its all he smokes.
Gotta make sure you're not smoking tobacco from old cigarettes. Also it works a lot better with hash. I found some of that shit in France when I was living there. If you're not used to smoking cigs the rolling tobacco will give you like a crazy nicotine high. wouldn't really recommend it tho tbh.
On July 01 2013 12:24 PassiveAce wrote: Does anyone else get bad headaches from smoking spliffs/tobacco? My brother traveled around Europe for a month and now its all he smokes.
Gotta make sure you're not smoking tobacco from old cigarettes. Also it works a lot better with hash. I found some of that shit in France when I was living there. If you're not used to smoking cigs the rolling tobacco will give you like a crazy nicotine high. wouldn't really recommend it tho tbh.
Yeah I think the nicotine just hit me really hard. Never really smoke tobacco so I get really super fucked up when I mix it with weed.
I smoke the european rolling tobacco on a regular basis so im used too it now, but when I started smoking weed I got naseus and headaches. It is indeed the tobacco I mix it with. Its pretty easy to combat tho, just roast the tobacco befofe you smoke it so all the nicotine disapears. All you have to do is burn it a tad with a lighter!
How high is high enough to post in this thread? Sometimes I have a hard time telling... I mean, there's no official scale or anything is there?? (how would i find that?)
On July 08 2013 14:19 XerrolAvengerII wrote: How high is high enough to post in this thread? Sometimes I have a hard time telling... I mean, there's no official scale or anything is there?? (how would i find that?)
On July 08 2013 14:19 XerrolAvengerII wrote: How high is high enough to post in this thread? Sometimes I have a hard time telling... I mean, there's no official scale or anything is there?? (how would i find that?)