On November 19 2012 15:54 Kazragore wrote: Anyone have the scoop on medical marijuana in MA? I have Crohn's disease, but I'm not in any pain at pretty much any point. Do you just have to have to be 'diseased,' or is it purely for people who need it to deal with pain/eating problems/whatever? When I was first diagnosed, medical marijuana would have been perfect, I lost about 30 pounds and wasn't eating well at all (I remember my mom having to force me to drink an ensure in the morning to try to avoid malnutrition), but it's really well under control at the moment. Obviously my GI doctor knows this, so I'm not sure if she'd prescribe me (she may very well if I ask her, but it'd be really awkward if she said no. . .) Is there a doctor I can go to who will prescribe me if I show documentation proving that I have Crohn's disease- ya know, like those doctors in CA who prescribe for 'back pain?' Honestly I'm going to smoke either way, but I'd rather: a) be legal, and b) have access to nice, high quality bud.
Also, does anyone know what the dispensary situation will be like?
Couldn't you just lie and say that there is pain and that you know someone in a similar circumstance that was prescribed weed to "deal" with it? Maybe make it a tiny bit less awkward?
Well I would never lie to my GI (gastro-intestinal) doctor, as she is pretty much directly responsible for my health when it comes to my Crohn's. If I tell her that I've been having pain she'll definitely become worried (since my Crohn's has been under control, à la no pain, for a few years now) and probably up my medication and whatnot. I was looking for more of what jcroisdale's talking about below (basically I'm looking for another doctor that I would have no problem lying to haha):
On November 19 2012 15:54 Kazragore wrote: Anyone have the scoop on medical marijuana in MA? I have Crohn's disease, but I'm not in any pain at pretty much any point. Do you just have to have to be 'diseased,' or is it purely for people who need it to deal with pain/eating problems/whatever? When I was first diagnosed, medical marijuana would have been perfect, I lost about 30 pounds and wasn't eating well at all (I remember my mom having to force me to drink an ensure in the morning to try to avoid malnutrition), but it's really well under control at the moment. Obviously my GI doctor knows this, so I'm not sure if she'd prescribe me (she may very well if I ask her, but it'd be really awkward if she said no. . .) Is there a doctor I can go to who will prescribe me if I show documentation proving that I have Crohn's disease- ya know, like those doctors in CA who prescribe for 'back pain?' Honestly I'm going to smoke either way, but I'd rather: a) be legal, and b) have access to nice, high quality bud.
Also, does anyone know what the dispensary situation will be like?
Just search online every state has doctors who will prescribe, there are websites out there that will direct you to the right place.
On the other hand Crohn's is pretty painful from what i understand even worse so then cancer from what my uncle experienced. Having dealt with that should be more then enough.
Unfortunately, there really isn't much out there for Massachusetts yet. From what I've read, dispensaries won't be able to open in Massachusetts until 120 days after the law goes into effect on January 1, 2013. I'm looking for something like this (a list of docs/clinics that will prescribe), but for MA: http://www.lanorml.org/lanorml_clinics_mds.html but have come up empty handed so far. Maybe it's simply too early, I'm sure something will come along eventually
And as for the pain- yeah, when it first started rearing its ugly head the pain was terrible and I was in pretty rough shape. I had no appetite and was pretty much shitting my guts out every day, I dropped down to like 90 pounds (I'm like 5'9", and this was in high school). It was probably about a month of random tests to try to figure out what it was, but once we figured out it was Crohn's we were able to get it under control with some pretty heavy meds (prednisone and the like). Luckily I haven't really had any flare ups since then- very luckily haha
In MA under medical laws there should be a list of qualifying reasons to get prescribed medical marijuana. If you can apply yourself to any of these situations (I'm almost certain chrons disease is for sure a way to get it; it's a valid reason here in WA) then a mmj doctor has no problem prescribing you the chronic.
The doctors, I should say weed doctors, do not honestly care about how much pain you are in or if weed will help you. They are looking for a reason to get your money and do it without being hunted by the law. As long as you can fit in one of the categories listed in the law 99% of the time the doctor will give you your card no matter what.
Just bring your medical records to any clinic that advertises mmj services. The only thing to watch out for is how the clinic will be able to verify you in case you come into a time of need with the law. Look for places that offer 24/7 verification or something close to that.
As for your problem of finding medicine once you have a card, once you are a patient you can legally buy weed from other patients. Until dispensaries open up, just go craigslist or find a buddy who will help you out. Finding weed shouldn't really be your concern honestly, it's fricken everywhere.
Oh, and look for some strong sativas if you're still in pain. White widow, blue dream, and pineapple express are all very common sativas that will do the job really well. If you want something to help you eat and/or sleep look into the indicas. Something along the strains of Granddaddy purple or G13 will do it for ya.
to put it simply. the skunky strains along with any of the strains deriving from (can't think of the original growers name atm)' blueberry strain will generally be more sativa like. Any purple strains and a lot of the kushs are going to be indica.
On November 19 2012 19:21 kamicom wrote: I'm not gonna lie, I've not been happy with my life and I started smoking weed a while back but stoped because of the following: I couldn't tell if I was being paranoid over fake epiphanies about myself that stemmed from negative thoughts (i.e. I'm an asshole to people, I'm condescending, I'm lazy, I don't appreciate people enough, I don't thank my family, etc.) or if I'm actually having genuine realizations about myself.
TBH, i think they're real realizations, revealing the things I hide in my sub-conscience... but then again, I've had social anxiety issues since childhood and I've had self-esteem problems since then (in college now).
I've started smoking occasionally (1-3 times a year) again after a year hiatus. The weed trips are still a bit depressing but this time around I'm actually motivating myself to become a better person. Does weed do this or was it just a catalyst since my life is not where I want it to be?
Honestly I don't think weed is putting anything in your head that isn't already there at some level. In my opinion weed opens your mind and allows you to think critically and honestly about things. I've had some amazing epiphanies about my life while smoking, made me really think about relationships and shit like that.
I think its awesome that you are motivating yourself to become a better person. If more people in the world did that this place we call home would be such a better place. I see weed as a drug that can help unlock a higher level of thinking and reflection. Of course we need both reflection and action for it to actually mean shit, but if weed helps one or possibly both then that's awesome.
I guess what I'm rambling about is that if weed trips you up on some shit, its probably because there is some shit in your life you should work out.
I really wish I never started smoking. Biggest waste of time/money I've encountered in my life. If I don't stop now I feel like I never will. . . my greatest fear is also not remembering the good times with my loved ones, and I have trouble remembering yesterday enough as it is. I keep telling my self I'll quit, but then I go and buy another sack, tell my self ill ration it out, then I smoke it all and buy another.
On November 21 2012 10:09 PanN wrote: I really wish I never started smoking. Biggest waste of time/money I've encountered in my life. If I don't stop now I feel like I never will. . . my greatest fear is also not remembering the good times with my loved ones, and I have trouble remembering yesterday enough as it is. I keep telling my self I'll quit, but then I go and buy another sack, tell my self ill ration it out, then I smoke it all and buy another.
On November 21 2012 10:09 PanN wrote: I really wish I never started smoking. Biggest waste of time/money I've encountered in my life. If I don't stop now I feel like I never will. . . my greatest fear is also not remembering the good times with my loved ones, and I have trouble remembering yesterday enough as it is. I keep telling my self I'll quit, but then I go and buy another sack, tell my self ill ration it out, then I smoke it all and buy another.
In short I'm an idiot.
If you question consumption this seriously you should take a break and get someone to help you with it. You should not be forgetting good memories.
On November 21 2012 10:09 PanN wrote: I really wish I never started smoking. Biggest waste of time/money I've encountered in my life. If I don't stop now I feel like I never will. . . my greatest fear is also not remembering the good times with my loved ones, and I have trouble remembering yesterday enough as it is. I keep telling my self I'll quit, but then I go and buy another sack, tell my self ill ration it out, then I smoke it all and buy another.
In short I'm an idiot.
and a fucking buzz kill.
I've provided plenty of non buzz kill posts in this thread, I'm entitled.
On November 21 2012 10:09 PanN wrote: I really wish I never started smoking. Biggest waste of time/money I've encountered in my life. If I don't stop now I feel like I never will. . . my greatest fear is also not remembering the good times with my loved ones, and I have trouble remembering yesterday enough as it is. I keep telling my self I'll quit, but then I go and buy another sack, tell my self ill ration it out, then I smoke it all and buy another.
In short I'm an idiot.
and a fucking buzz kill.
I've provided plenty of non buzz kill posts in this thread, I'm entitled.
ok then what does your consumption amount look like. Cause i've been smkoing an 1/8 a week. It seems this is the perfect amount for me if im the only smoking. this runs me between 35-45.
On November 21 2012 10:09 PanN wrote: I really wish I never started smoking. Biggest waste of time/money I've encountered in my life. If I don't stop now I feel like I never will. . . my greatest fear is also not remembering the good times with my loved ones, and I have trouble remembering yesterday enough as it is. I keep telling my self I'll quit, but then I go and buy another sack, tell my self ill ration it out, then I smoke it all and buy another.
In short I'm an idiot.
and a fucking buzz kill.
I've provided plenty of non buzz kill posts in this thread, I'm entitled.
ok then what does your consumption amount look like. Cause i've been smkoing an 1/8 a week. It seems this is the perfect amount for me if im the only smoking. this runs me between 35-45.
When I'm acting responsibly, my consumption looks a lot like that, and luckily I don't feel the need to smoke quite as much as I used to. Money in the real world hurts so much more than money during college lol.
I took only two hits of family acid tabs last Friday and it was by far the craziest I have ever experienced in terms of visuals. SO SMOOTH and so many colors! Something about this was different from other lucy trips. Maybe smoking a lot of weed helped, but damn I had a blast.
Would definitely not be as good without Mary Jane. The feeling of constantly smoking never gets old when tripping..a
So my local glass shop is doing a 15% off deal on everything in the store on black friday. They've got volcanoes (not really leaning towards this, although I guess I could be persuaded). The other option is picking up a nice roor bong or some sort of other bong brand.
For me the bong is a bit more social, but I don't get to socially smoke much at home so I can't really use it as often as I would ideally like. Buying a vaporizer would be far more low key and actually be usable indoors without smoking up the entire basement or room (bit more useful in the winter time, it's cold going outside to smoke). But having a nice bong would be pretty awesome, there's nothing quite like having one.
Smokers of TL, what's your preference between going balls out and buying a high end vaporizer ($500ish) or settling for a bong ($175-225ish)?