On September 06 2012 04:41 AngryMag wrote: baked again, smoked some nice rockets with neighbours
For the weekend a nice GHB session including idiocy and zombiedom is planned, should be fun
Ah, sounds awesome, might eat my e pill this weekend, some really dank shit in that one also B)
When talking about laced weed and stuff I belive most of the weed here in Sweden is laced with suger-water right? The ash get like a sticky blob instead of just powederd ash
hello angry dude
yeah most of it is laced with sugarwater as it is the cheapest method and increases your profit around 20-30 percent. It gets done because the profit margin you get by selling weed is pretty minor compared to other drugs. I can just give the advice, if you find a guy who sells you clean high quality stuff, stick to him, even if you have to pay some more.
Have fun with e, will surely be a nice time
Just reminded myself that I'm going to Germany on Tuesday to meet the boss and start working so it might not be the greatest idea to be all fucked up and depressed after the ecstasy :/ Probably gonnaSave it for a christmas party or something! Hey do you know how the availability and what condition the weed is around Leipzig ? x)
On September 06 2012 04:41 AngryMag wrote: baked again, smoked some nice rockets with neighbours
For the weekend a nice GHB session including idiocy and zombiedom is planned, should be fun
Ah, sounds awesome, might eat my e pill this weekend, some really dank shit in that one also B)
When talking about laced weed and stuff I belive most of the weed here in Sweden is laced with suger-water right? The ash get like a sticky blob instead of just powederd ash
hello angry dude
yeah most of it is laced with sugarwater as it is the cheapest method and increases your profit around 20-30 percent. It gets done because the profit margin you get by selling weed is pretty minor compared to other drugs. I can just give the advice, if you find a guy who sells you clean high quality stuff, stick to him, even if you have to pay some more.
Have fun with e, will surely be a nice time
Just reminded myself that I'm going to Germany on Tuesday to meet the boss and start working so it might not be the greatest idea to be all fucked up and depressed after the ecstasy :/ Probably gonnaSave it for a christmas party or something! Hey do you know how the availability and what condition the weed is around Leipzig ? x)
no unfortunately I cannot help there, I am from southern Germany (no, not fucking Bavaria )
First time smoking after taking a 2.5 week break to pass a drug test for a job. (got it! started this week!) Damn did I build up a tolerance in those months smoking before... Highness Level right now: High School
On September 07 2012 10:07 TheFish7 wrote: First time smoking after taking a 2.5 week break to pass a drug test for a job. (got it! started this week!) Damn did I build up a tolerance in those months smoking before... Highness Level right now: High School
I know that feel bro! I wish they don,t random test after you get the job, too, and gratx for getting it :D Enjoy being high as a first time hitter!
Just picked up some train wreck today. Couldn't stop smoking it once I started..before i knew it i went through two bowls and a couple oneies. I can see why they call it train wreck.
One: I was attacked by the Vampyre known as Chen Ping of PokerStars fame. He was a touted NLHE5k player. Once my Starcraft teammate, I approached him about girl problems I was having with a love interest from China.
I thought Chen could provide insight into the illusive nature of Chinese women, and yet, he was dismissive. However, he spoke to me, out of the blue, these lines:
ChenGui: How will a changeover stunt your drowned cuckoo? ChenGui: Are you a vampire ChenGui: Or some kind of superhero
I read him to have been talking about himself.
I was pondering these odd lines when suddenly my blood turned to ice. A feeling shot through my upper body as though someone dipped steel in liquid nitrogen and then injected the steel into my veins. For a moment I resisted. Then I was overwhelmed by the sensation of icy death coursing from my heart through left my left shoulder and upper arm.
It was as though I was experiencing a heart attack through some impossible chill.
I thought perhaps I would die. However, after perhaps one to two minutes the feeling passed and I felt weak, disoriented but otherwise normal. I spoke once more to Chen (AOL Instant Messenger), and the feeling returned in a more mild state. I was determined not to avoid him, as I felt that to do would be giving in to fear. Instead, I wished to confront him directly.
Just before this experience and since that night I've felt small pin pricks, focused and perfectly round appearing on my neck. There is no visible phenomena and yet perhaps every fifteen to thirty minutes I have the distinct sensation of tiny nodes on my neck. There is no accounting for these sensations except in relation to the bizarre feeling of an icy heart attack that accompanied my conversation with Chen. Ever since the initial incident I have felt less energetic as though consumed by a sort of ennui. Also, the fingers on my right hand have been heating up mysteriously, a feeling of powerful heat, not quite burning but nonetheless quite hot, pervades my fingers for seconds at a time. This has been happening very frequently, often at intervals of less than one minute.
Also, it seems that the demon Jason Lee has attempted to take the life of my psychologist's wife. More on this later.
How to address these concerns?
I have been in contact with a Hindu Yogi who told me to pray, meditate and fast. However, it was during such practice that the initial incident of this vampiricism occurred. Thus, I am inclined to return to what perhaps prompted the aggressive behavior: smoking pipe Tobacco.
I am not normally a smoker of Tobacco. However, upon returning to Alabama from Georgia, I have been unable to obtain Marijuana (my preferred herbal substance). Consequently, I thought that I'd try smoking Tobacco. There is the prevailing superstition here that the smoking of Tobacco destroys unclean things (???). I am not certain of this property.
It is on account of my fears of a second vampiric attack that I am applying to the wisdom of Team Liquid. Is Tobacco truly a weapon against unclean forces? Are there undesired damages to bystanders (The Yogi says it hurts him, although I could be misinterpreting him).
Could I use Tobacco to free myself from the grip of Chen Ping and destroy Jason Lee (demon) without injuring innocents? I don't wish to cause undue damage to friendly people if Tobacco operates in some way other than the suggested cleaning function. TBH I find belief in the healing or cleaning properties of Tobacco to be somewhat confusing. I see people of pretty much every ethnicity smoking Tobacco, and so I doubt that it targets any particular genetic composition. On the other hand, if Tobacco really is able to somehow undo these occult magics practiced by the likes of Chen and Jason, I feel that their targeting me requires that I investigate a means of defending myself. Being somewhat disappointed by prayer, meditation and fasting, I am considering using Tobacco.
On the other hand, it is my evaluation that Chen Ping intended and expected to kill me with his attack. Thus, it is possible that prayer, meditation, and fasting prevented the lethal blow. If that is true then I should not discount the advantages of this defense. On the other hand, my situation seems urgent, and I am willing to imbibe Tobacco for a time to free myself of the dangers posed by nefarious individuals. It is not my wish to use Tobacco indefinitely. I hope to find some copacetic solution. However, having now been targeted by Chen and the wife of my psychologist having been either attacked or her illness predicted by Jason Lee, I feel that I am required to take an aggressive stance if only out of self defense.
So lately, I've been smoking like once a month or not even since the last time I posted on here. Now, this past weekend, I ended up with a nice sack my friend hooked me up with. I say it's a little more than an eighth. Well I've been smoking it in my bowl and been smoking a lot now. My brain process is completely different than it was before when I was smoking. Now for some reason, every time I read something or do something, I immediately think about how that certain thing is attached to our daily lives. I start to think about the meaning to life and for some reason when I'm around people, I feel like everyone is talking shit about me. I don't know why I've been feeling like this lately. I rather just smoke to myself and just read.
On September 13 2012 10:01 ShoCkeyy wrote: So lately, I've been smoking like once a month or not even since the last time I posted on here. Now, this past weekend, I ended up with a nice sack my friend hooked me up with. I say it's a little more than an eighth. Well I've been smoking it in my bowl and been smoking a lot now. My brain process is completely different than it was before when I was smoking. Now for some reason, every time I read something or do something, I immediately think about how that certain thing is attached to our daily lives. I start to think about the meaning to life and for some reason when I'm around people, I feel like everyone is talking shit about me. I don't know why I've been feeling like this lately. I rather just smoke to myself and just read.
this is gold.
that's the nature of the humanity. Everyone is unsecured in one way or another. And when that is projected out there, the subject would posture in a certain way. For instance, momentarily you are doing an unattractive sequence of action, your surrouding peers would responds by maybe moving their head away from your direction or pull back a little. Even though they have their poker face completely in-tact, subconsciously they are really thinking "Man I wish that he didn't do that, it brings much embarrassment to me."
My advice to you is that either smoke by yourself if you are the insecure type that the Cannabis renders your perspective in that trajectory or change your hang buddies. Try to have adventure while being in the state with some people. Trust me, its fun.
Anyways, in relation to the High Thread, I think that I am going to hit my first toke in exactly 4 months.
I am actually kind of nervous, I need advice on whether or not I should journey through the path decorated by weeds again.
On September 13 2012 10:01 ShoCkeyy wrote: So lately, I've been smoking like once a month or not even since the last time I posted on here. Now, this past weekend, I ended up with a nice sack my friend hooked me up with. I say it's a little more than an eighth. Well I've been smoking it in my bowl and been smoking a lot now. My brain process is completely different than it was before when I was smoking. Now for some reason, every time I read something or do something, I immediately think about how that certain thing is attached to our daily lives. I start to think about the meaning to life and for some reason when I'm around people, I feel like everyone is talking shit about me. I don't know why I've been feeling like this lately. I rather just smoke to myself and just read.
this is gold.
that's the nature of the humanity. Everyone is unsecured in one way or another. And when that is projected out there, the subject would posture in a certain way. For instance, momentarily you are doing an unattractive sequence of action, your surrouding peers would responds by maybe moving their head away from your direction or pull back a little. Even though they have their poker face completely in-tact, subconsciously they are really thinking "Man I wish that he didn't do that, it brings much embarrassment to me."
My advice to you is that either smoke by yourself if you are the insecure type that the Cannabis renders your perspective in that trajectory or change your hang buddies. Try to have adventure while being in the state with some people. Trust me, its fun.
Anyways, in relation to the High Thread, I think that I am going to hit my first toke in exactly 4 months.
I am actually kind of nervous, I need advice on whether or not I should journey through the path decorated by weeds again.
Any suggestion would do.
Yea I don't know what's going on. Before I used to smoke like a chimney, but lately I've slowed down so much that just a few tokes from the bowl and I'm fucking way to stoned and it gets me really thinking. Lol... It's cool, but at the same time crazy the stuff I think about. I'm going to be smoking tonight and seeing how I feel and will come in here to post my very own thoughts.
On September 13 2012 09:24 YokoKano wrote: On the other hand, it is my evaluation that Chen Ping intended and expected to kill me with his attack. Thus, it is possible that prayer, meditation, and fasting prevented the lethal blow. If that is true then I should not discount the advantages of this defense. On the other hand, my situation seems urgent, and I am willing to imbibe Tobacco for a time to free myself of the dangers posed by nefarious individuals. It is not my wish to use Tobacco indefinitely. I hope to find some copacetic solution. However, having now been targeted by Chen and the wife of my psychologist having been either attacked or her illness predicted by Jason Lee, I feel that I am required to take an aggressive stance if only out of self defense.
i don't think tobacco has healing powers, but i'm a newb at tobacco. sometimes i get a nasty prickling sensation on my neck as well when i lie in bed, but usally if i just cover my neck with pillow or blankets it goes away. i think you should just observe a bit more before you take an aggressive stance, but my insight is restricted to reading your post.
why did you start your post with "One:"? was there a "Two:" you forgot?
Now this... this is the high thread I remember. I just finished putting together this old ass video I found of me playing StarCraft while high. If no one objects, I can post the link here in a spoiler when it's done uploading. Was pretty fun to do, I'm sure (though I don't remember, of course), and it was very fun to edit.
But if someone thinks it counts as advertising, just tell me and I won't post it <3
On September 13 2012 09:24 YokoKano wrote: Okay HighThreadians, serious quandry.
One: I was attacked by the Vampyre known as Chen Ping of PokerStars fame. He was a touted NLHE5k player. Once my Starcraft teammate, I approached him about girl problems I was having with a love interest from China.
I thought Chen could provide insight into the illusive nature of Chinese women, and yet, he was dismissive. However, he spoke to me, out of the blue, these lines:
ChenGui: How will a changeover stunt your drowned cuckoo? ChenGui: Are you a vampire ChenGui: Or some kind of superhero
I read him to have been talking about himself.
I was pondering these odd lines when suddenly my blood turned to ice. A feeling shot through my upper body as though someone dipped steel in liquid nitrogen and then injected the steel into my veins. For a moment I resisted. Then I was overwhelmed by the sensation of icy death coursing from my heart through left my left shoulder and upper arm.
It was as though I was experiencing a heart attack through some impossible chill.
I thought perhaps I would die. However, after perhaps one to two minutes the feeling passed and I felt weak, disoriented but otherwise normal. I spoke once more to Chen (AOL Instant Messenger), and the feeling returned in a more mild state. I was determined not to avoid him, as I felt that to do would be giving in to fear. Instead, I wished to confront him directly.
Just before this experience and since that night I've felt small pin pricks, focused and perfectly round appearing on my neck. There is no visible phenomena and yet perhaps every fifteen to thirty minutes I have the distinct sensation of tiny nodes on my neck. There is no accounting for these sensations except in relation to the bizarre feeling of an icy heart attack that accompanied my conversation with Chen. Ever since the initial incident I have felt less energetic as though consumed by a sort of ennui. Also, the fingers on my right hand have been heating up mysteriously, a feeling of powerful heat, not quite burning but nonetheless quite hot, pervades my fingers for seconds at a time. This has been happening very frequently, often at intervals of less than one minute.
Also, it seems that the demon Jason Lee has attempted to take the life of my psychologist's wife. More on this later.
How to address these concerns?
I have been in contact with a Hindu Yogi who told me to pray, meditate and fast. However, it was during such practice that the initial incident of this vampiricism occurred. Thus, I am inclined to return to what perhaps prompted the aggressive behavior: smoking pipe Tobacco.
I am not normally a smoker of Tobacco. However, upon returning to Alabama from Georgia, I have been unable to obtain Marijuana (my preferred herbal substance). Consequently, I thought that I'd try smoking Tobacco. There is the prevailing superstition here that the smoking of Tobacco destroys unclean things (???). I am not certain of this property.
It is on account of my fears of a second vampiric attack that I am applying to the wisdom of Team Liquid. Is Tobacco truly a weapon against unclean forces? Are there undesired damages to bystanders (The Yogi says it hurts him, although I could be misinterpreting him).
Could I use Tobacco to free myself from the grip of Chen Ping and destroy Jason Lee (demon) without injuring innocents? I don't wish to cause undue damage to friendly people if Tobacco operates in some way other than the suggested cleaning function. TBH I find belief in the healing or cleaning properties of Tobacco to be somewhat confusing. I see people of pretty much every ethnicity smoking Tobacco, and so I doubt that it targets any particular genetic composition. On the other hand, if Tobacco really is able to somehow undo these occult magics practiced by the likes of Chen and Jason, I feel that their targeting me requires that I investigate a means of defending myself. Being somewhat disappointed by prayer, meditation and fasting, I am considering using Tobacco.
On the other hand, it is my evaluation that Chen Ping intended and expected to kill me with his attack. Thus, it is possible that prayer, meditation, and fasting prevented the lethal blow. If that is true then I should not discount the advantages of this defense. On the other hand, my situation seems urgent, and I am willing to imbibe Tobacco for a time to free myself of the dangers posed by nefarious individuals. It is not my wish to use Tobacco indefinitely. I hope to find some copacetic solution. However, having now been targeted by Chen and the wife of my psychologist having been either attacked or her illness predicted by Jason Lee, I feel that I am required to take an aggressive stance if only out of self defense.
This is failsafe, it is impossible for it to be anyone else. Missed your insane posts.
It's very possible that I have misinterpreted Chen Ping. In fact, he is one of the most dedicated crusaders for marijuana legalization. Indeed, though Chen Ping (now Chen Gui) denies intimate relationship with the man known as Jason Lee, it is very probable that they are acquainted. You see, Jason Lee was once known as sMi.Daemon, also XEMContemplate, while Chen Gui was once known as sMi.FirA, FiraSpiral, and ApocalypsPLZ.
Jason seems to have kept tabs on "The Chen", an affectionate nickname he had bestowed upon Chen Gui. It seems that in some ways their interests are very similar. Their goals align, despite the distaste that Chen Gui feels for the black methods of Jason Lee. Perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye. In fact, it seems that the people of China have long been at odds with Jason Lee who is, in my estimation, the heir to the throne of Thailand. Famously described in the folk song, "Devil Went Down to Georgia."
Jason Lee, as you know, is not only the heir to the throne of Thailand. He is also the proprietor of marijuana distribution in the Southeastern United States, with contacts and influence all over the world. It is perhaps his "birth right," as the heir to the throne of Thailand, that he exercises something unilateral jurisdiction over marijuana distribution in the United States. More hypotheses about how this came to pass, later.
So it is true that the heir to the throne of Thailand is afforded certain powers that Jason Lee calls "magical." It is on account of these powers that the Chinese have a long history of frustration conducting successful defense against incursions by incarnations of Jason Lee and his ilk. The secretive, seductive, and black nature of the magic practiced by Jason Lee and his followers have for centuries made them an illusive target for the Chinese. Those who have encountered Jason Lee will note that you will be mute in his presence. Your mind will tend toward blankness, and speech will be difficult if not impossible. This characteristic is likely a function of the paralyzing aura of fear that Jason emits, a product of thousands of murders which his lineage awards him.
The heir to the throne of Thailand is most famously captured in this rendition by Elijah Wood in Sin City.
The Hard Goodbye establishes Kevin's back story, as related by Cardinal Roark. He first meets Roark when going to him for confession, wracked with guilt over the murders he is committing. Roark eventually comes to believe that Kevin is doing God's work by consuming his victims' souls as well as their bodies, and eventually joins him in cannibalistic rituals. Roark also claims that Kevin is mute by choice, and when he speaks it is with "the voice of an angel".
In the main plot, Kevin kills Marv's one true love, Goldie, at Cardinal Roark's behest when she learns the truth about their murder spree; he then frames Marv for the crime. Marv swears revenge, and cuts a bloody swath through the city's underworld until he learns the identity of the killer he seeks. He then follows Kevin to the Farm, where Kevin surprises him and knocks him unconscious. He also kidnaps and imprisons Marv's parole officer, Lucille, and forces her to watch while he eats her arm.
Marv eventually escapes, however, and confronts Kevin again. This time, Marv overpowers him and subjects him to brutal, systematic torture, eventually sawing his legs off and feeding him to his pet wolf. Much to Marv's frustration, Kevin doesn't make a sound the entire time, and dies with a blissful smile on his face.
If you watch carefully, the movie renders with artistic and graphic detail truths about the life of Jason Lee and his prior incarnations. The most recent incarnations of Thailand's monarch have shown especially great power. This is in part a consequence of their relocating to the United States where they are in closer proximity to African-Americans (Thailanders famously worship elephants, more on this relationship later). A consequence of the atomic weaponry applied in Japan is an enormous increase in what could be called "the wind", featured in Stephen King's Gunslinger series. Think the netherworld Frodo experiences at weather top. The real-life presence of these winds is (probably) a consequence of those atomic explosions and the simultaneous deaths of so many Japanese. The fact that the victims were Japanese is especially important because of the legacy of the Samurai whose religious rituals and killings condensed the souls or essences of many beings into one human. Thus the karmic effect of so many simultaneous Japanese deaths was greatly magnified by the ancient Samurai practices.
The increase in this spiritual wind (an experience available to anyone who has access to marijuana, or at least marijuana and a person with the karmic legacy of the Samurai--not exclusively Japanese, also many other peoples from East Asia have the ability to reveal the wind to which I refer. It is an experience very much like being Frodo at Weathertop when he dons the ring).
Anyway, the increase in the force of this spiritual wind, perhaps best called the wind of time, is very significant in the powers of Jason Lee. This wind is also very notable because of its effect on the communication of women and men. Perhaps many people the world over have noticed that it is much more difficult to communicate with human females after the atomic explosions in Japan. More on this later.
The combination of the increased amplitude of the spiritual wind is greatly effected by the practice of feces hardening which is quite common if not to say ubiquitous among African-Americans involved in the black market. You probably wonder why there is such emphasis on feces hardening; why does this practice exist at all? Well, though it appears to be of very little practical use, the practice of feces hardening is more than just a bizarre form of psychological conditioning. In fact, when coupled with the gale force winds generated in Japan, feces hardening makes each practitioner into an amplifier, of sorts. This practice creates great disturbance in the environment, magnifying inherent disturbance and chaos.
Additionally, you are probably familiar with the Muay Thai practice of bone hardening by kicking trees. It is my belief that this practice originated as a protest or means of establishing control over marijuana, an essential substance in Asia. While the practice had value in martial arts competition, I think the origin of the practice had to do with karma generated by "kickin' trees" literally breaking addiction to marijuana. In conjunction with the practice with the now nearby practice of feces hardening and the extreme winds generated by the atomic explosions in Japan, Jason Lee's powers are greater and more nefarious than ever.
After my encounter with him, I found that he was capable of causing power outages and damaging electrical appliances through what I guess is psychic force. I think it is this ability coupled with a paralyzing aura of fear that ties into Jason Lee's ability to both avoid detection and factually dodge bullets (as evinced by Kevin in Sin City). People attempting to use fire arms against Jason and his brethren are surprised to discover he is able to close ranks without suffering damage from bullets (most of the time). I'm also told that Jason is very stealthy, able to move as he pleases while avoiding detection and this is especially true at night. Consequent all of this, Jason and his prior incarnations are feared assassins whom the Chinese have long attempted to keep at bay.
Nonetheless, it is my understanding that Jason is a devout feminist, in keeping with the Thailanders' traditions of transsexuality and male castration. This is also a philosophical stance. Jason is also a supporter of marijuana legalization, although this could be a stance he takes because his reputation as "devil" ensures that if he supports the legalization of marijuana, the opposite will occur. Indeed, it seems to be fear of East Asians and Indians, that the dark side of Eastern spiritual traditions is a misleading weapon against the necessary legalization of marijuana in the United States. When you think that Jason is himself one of the chief distributors of marijuana in the United States with influences around the world, it is obvious that the legalization of marijuana could cost him hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars each year. Thus it is almost certain that Jason's support of marijuana legalization is a farce.
Chen Gui, on the other hand, is a devout supporter of marijuana legalization. And, for the record, I agree with him. It is more than evident that the illegal status of marijuana in the United States causes a great deal of suffering. I guess I'm preaching to the choir, here. However, my relationship with Chen Gui and my thoughts about marijuana legalization, especially about providing readily available true knowledge about marijuana and spiritual practices is one of my main goals. I'm somewhat exhausted from writing all this. I'll be revisiting the High Thread soon!