On May 02 2010 14:30 Grobyc wrote: So I got like ~2-3 hours of sleep last night at my friend's house on his couch, and after waking up drunk+high still, my stomach is really warm, so I lift up my arms and find one of this things hiding next to me:
I was freaked the fuck out. I don't even know where it came from, but it really liked me...
just smoked for my first time last night with my best friend and his brother. his brother picked us up and we drive around blasting techno and than we went to wendys and i ate a shitload of food. than we came back to my house and watched a trippy video haha. overall very fun night
On May 02 2010 16:40 e.soul[gm] wrote: first time in high thread, one of the rare times im high and not outside. sup
On May 03 2010 01:30 Devski wrote: just smoked for my first time last night with my best friend and his brother. his brother picked us up and we drive around blasting techno and than we went to wendys and i ate a shitload of food. than we came back to my house and watched a trippy video haha. overall very fun night
Welcome, brothers ^__^
On May 02 2010 14:54 Terrakin wrote: Just wasted 5 hours at a shitty lan center, running a broken sc2 tournament..
On May 03 2010 01:11 Warrior Madness wrote: Well then.... My night ended with me in my underwear watching Miyazaki movies and finishing three boxes of corndogs. I'dddd say, mission accomplished.
On May 03 2010 01:11 Warrior Madness wrote: Well then.... My night ended with me in my underwear watching Miyazaki movies and finishing three boxes of corndogs. I'dddd say, mission accomplished.
On May 03 2010 12:08 Amnesia wrote: I just hit my bowl for the last time probably this entire month as I'm looking for a part time job.
I hope I get a job soon, I've been applying to places.
Or any way to pass a piss test while being a regular smoker?
I want to hear from PERSONAL experiences, pleasee
my uncle told me this should work. As long as u have fast metabolism like me you can try this. Drink a lot of water for 2 days and keep pissing.. And i mean a lot of water (Maybe 2 gallons a day). Basically the water will detox the THC from your piss so you could come up clean. Try not smoking for a few days before ur drug test and do the water trick.
Btw, dont waste ur money on detox kits...Most of the time they dont work.
I just came across this thread, and LOL man im gona have a lot to write because im always high. Im sober right now so i wont post anything special just yet.
But i sell weed for a living, and im always high because i always have it on me So you can only imagine.
TheAntZ Bangladesh. May 02 2010 14:54. Posts 2402 PM Profile Blog Quote # On May 02 2010 14:30 Grobyc wrote: So I got like ~2-3 hours of sleep last night at my friend's house on his couch, and after waking up drunk+high still, my stomach is really warm, so I lift up my arms and find one of this things hiding next to me:
I was freaked the fuck out. I don't even know where it came from, but it really liked me...
to freaking funny .. i will spark to this ...oh yeah time for my o.g //trainwreck i love this cross
mnesia Japan. May 03 2010 12:08. Posts 1572 PM Profile Blog Quote # I just hit my bowl for the last time probably this entire month as I'm looking for a part time job.
I hope I get a job soon, I've been applying to places.
Or any way to pass a piss test while being a regular smoker?
I want to hear from PERSONAL experiences, pleasee
well i am the right person .. i will tell you this right off the bat . it depends of the level of scrutiny the test will be given / and whether or not they will test for the things that mask the results , other wise known as masking agents...... if it is a simple test that is rarely given anymore with adding chemicals to the piss and if it turns a certain color you are positive.... than that is very easy to beat and you can use any simple masking agent that can be found both online or in any head shop , However it will probably be sent to a lab , placed in a centrifuge and thoroughly examined ,, both fro drugs and masking agents .. if this is the case the most low tech and reliable way to do it is just by drinking a bunch of water ,, however they will sometimes give failed results or at the very least they usually force a retake when using the water cleanse method because the piss is clear , the lab will not accept it / depending on the contract you agree to.. if you do not properly get color and minerals back into the piss being tested this will be a reality also water intoxication is a very real danger ,, this method can kill you if you are not careful ,,,
now that i have said these warnings i will tell you the easiest method involving bladder cleansing and not masking agents ,,, it is based on the fact thc is fat soluble
make 1 gallon of herbal tea ... drink 3/4 - pint every 15 mins or so over about a 2 hour to 2 and half hour period starting 3-4 hours before your test .. consume all of the tea .. that is somewhere in the vicinity of a pint and half every 30 minutes ... now be sure that you have alot of electrolytes in your system by eating salty foods the night before or your heart literally could stop beating after the water flushes them all out ,,, replenish your electrolytes also as you do this every 20 min or so ,,,, eat some potato chips ( only a small handful).. salty foods etc ,, maybe some gator-aide as well ( as that is fluid i dont recommend it though) .. now about 1 hour into this process consume several full strength b12 vitamins and consume several more right when you have finished consuming all of the tea ...this will ad d color and vitamins to your piss so it will be not be refused or not auto flagged as a fail which some labs do ( usually only for legal tests i.e parole is it usually auto fail ...... for you it would prob be a retake only ,, however not the case with masking agents ,, that is always an auto flag fail in my experience ...but i must admit i do not know your countries lab testing standards ... i am going by this country )
the way this works is you are flushing the thc out of the fat cells in your bladder and g.i track , and replacing all the piss with clean fresh water that has not been contaminated with thc yet .. this will give you about a 2-3 hour window before new thc gets absorbed from other fat cells in your body and into the fat cells in your bladder , and the piss in your bladder absorbs thc from the bladder
as i said extreme water intake is a very dangerous thing ,, so do not try this unless you are prepared with electrolytes ( both the day before stock up well in your body and on scene for during ) and you follow these instructions very closely DO NOT CONSUME MORE THAN 1 GALLON OF TEA OVER THIS 2- HOUR PERIOD !!!!!!!! IF you do this all correctly it should work .. unless you fail to get a minimal amount of minerals and vitamins back in your piss so it wont be flagged
there is one interesting method that i have never tried but my buddy t9old me about ( however i cannot attest to the reliability one way or the other ) it is actually synthetic urine .. here is one such example Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine , it has all the acids human urine contain with all other common chemicals , and is properly ph balanced , but even if you got this urine you would need to get it in the cup ( not sure if they watch you piss or not there ?) if you can solve this then you can just use a friends urine the other problem is it has to be the right temperature ..... so even if the synthetic urine is 100 percent reliable( which ii probably is , as fake pee should not be too hard to make , it is simply urea-tic acid and water for the most part ) you will have to keep it heated to body temperature ( the cup will have a temperature gauging sticker on it that turns colors)and get it in the cup without detection ,,,, but alas i thought i would list this method as it is very high tech and cool ....
back to the water method if you do not want to deal with the painful experience of consuming all this water ( sounds easy but it makes you quite irregular and it is unpleasant believe me i have done this many times..... you will be shitting water by the end of it.... of course for me this was better than jail and as i could not use masking agents i had little choice .. hehe stop smoking ???not a choice for me ) now if you can find out whether or not this lab tests for masking agents, with the level of test you are paying for or not / then you do not have to use this method ,,,, here is a way to find this out ,, find out how much the tests costs ....... i assume you are paying for it ????? then call the lab and act like a concerned parent or an employer inquiring as to the cost of various tests and which ones test for masking agents and which ones do not .. act like you are bringing them business ,, as this is not protected info it should not be difficult to get , you may be able to extrapolate which test you are taking as the ones that do are the most expensive ( usually around 30 usa dollars in my country )
i cannot stress enough to make sure you ingest electrolytes ,, and make you sure you get color in your piss with b12 when using this method .. also do not rush the water intake it is very very dangerous no more than a 3/4 to a pint at the very most every 15 min
another method is golden seal (Echinacea root ) but this method takes at least a week and up to two weeks ...and is only about 40 percent reliable with today's tests / this method involves actually cleansing your entire bodies main fat cells /
now on to masking methods..... masking agents are 100 percent reliable at masking BUT also 100 percent detectable ,,, if you can find out how much your test costs and if these are being tested for or not .... and you find out they are not being tested for ...... then you can use these ( good chance they will not be if they are paying for it as it adds a significant cost , however if you are paying for it then they may have you buy the more expensive test which does test for masks ..... also if they are paying for it ...the cost information will be harder for you to get ,,,, anyway this is as about as much as i can help not being there with you ....
here is a site that offers numerous products http://www.passadrugtestingforall.com / i am not telling you to buy them here necessarily but this will give you an idea to the masking products i am talking about when it comes to these masking agents some take a day , some a week , some an hour depending on your body type and test type etc. the faster they work the easier they are to detect as a general rule with these types of products ..... the ones that are doing full body cleanse and take 2 weeks or more are a waste of money as you can do that easily with golden seal and some excercise your self for a few bucks with 2 weeks time....
sorry for the super uber long answer but i thought it better to put too much detail than too little when dealing with something as serious as your livelihood ( and dangerous when it comes to water toxicity) it is also called water intoxication and the state it causes in your body is also known as hyponatremia ( which is very unpleasant) .. and it is nothing to take lightly ,,, athletes die from this every year all over the world ... because they sweat out all their electrolytes and then drink too much water without replenishing them after they work out , you will be synthesizing this in a very very real way ,,,,, so this is why i have stressed the electrolytes , if you gonna try this please please please listen to my advice about having electrolytes in your body both before you start this , and continue to replenish them during ( pretty much salts)
the other group most affected by this is infants .. when forced to drink to much premixed formula that is cheap and overly diluted
there was a case where i previously lived a sad sorry stupid radio dj making some retarded contest about drinking a gallon of water super fast like less than 3 mins or something ridiculous ..... little did they know about water intoxification ,,, and neither did the amateur athlete that was listening and had just jogged several miles thus sweating all his electrolytes out ... well the teenager died and the radio show was sued to the point of being put out of business for wrongful death and criminal negligence
that is how it works it is not necessarily how much you drink ( a healthy human can safely process up tp 15 liters in one day !!!!! ) it is how fast you drink it ,,, that is why i once again really want to stress not consuming more than a half pint to a full pint every 15 mins or so .. especially if you have done heavy exercise or have not consumed salts for a few days....
as this is all very unlikely to cause problems.... i would hate for something like this to happen to you ,,, what a silly way to die
AL asks......" so how did billy die ?" Ben says " didn't you hear he drank to much ??? AL replies " i didn't know he was a heavy drinker was he at a bar or a party , and what kind of booze was it , did he get in a car crash ?"
Ben says " no he didnt drink too much alcohol he was not one to ever consume drugs of any kind you now that ... he drank to much water while preparing for the olympics "
all AL can do is stare at Ben with a thoroughly dumbfounded look .. he is utterly confused