On January 29 2009 08:45 HeavenS wrote: i bought an oz of chronic for 75 bucks like two days ago. Have been smoking nonstop, its fucking awesome. Everything is so enjoyable lately haha. It was a stroke of luck that my friend knew some dude that was selling his left over shake and he had like 4 ounces for $300. Me and 3 coworkers split it 4 ways and got an ounce each :D .
Hey its chronic and i could honestly care less if its what was left at the bottom of the bags, still gets the job done and you spend less time breaking it up!
I'm kinda looking for an explanation for something that happened to me tonight...
At the start of the super bowl I had a beer... Felt pretty much normal, but then I had 3 more at around 6:30 PM and then a straight shot of tequila. At this point I was feeling quite tipsy but not yet totally drunk. I started to sober up slightly at around 8:30 PM. At this point I smoked a bowl. I took a few of the heaviest hits I've ever taken. I was exhaling smoke for two or three breaths after the last one. I thought I'd be completely stoned for at least two hours or more, but normally when the high sets in for me (As late as 10 minutes after.) nothing happened. I didn't feel anything. I ended up watching a movie, but the most I noticed was fight scenes seemed particularly hard to follow. I should note I don't normally smoke. This is my 5th time smoking I think, but all of my experience except the first one were full-fledged. My first is the most comparable to this time. That time I didn't feel much except some things being hard to follow.
Really gay story: I was trying to smoke a bowl with a friend at the parking of a bowling alley at night and i guess they saw us on camara and 2 security guys came up to us saying "We saw u guys trying to smoke a bowl and we saw a baggie with you too. Give us the baggie and we won't call the cops" so we surrendered the bag after few attempts of denying. Not a lot was in it. like less than a dime maybe. i figured it wasnt worth it. My friend managed to save the bowl we had it packed (they came right b4 we were about to light it) and i stuffed that in my ciggarette and got a pretty good high.. but i was thinking that they had no right to like do any kind of shit to us if we just kept denying and left the scene.. cuz those motherfuckers probably smoked my stash themselves anyways. any thoughts?
On February 02 2009 16:15 bboyldy wrote: Really gay story: I was trying to smoke a bowl with a friend at the parking of a bowling alley at night and i guess they saw us on camara and 2 security guys came up to us saying "We saw u guys trying to smoke a bowl and we saw a baggie with you too. Give us the baggie and we won't call the cops" so we surrendered the bag after few attempts of denying. Not a lot was in it. like less than a dime maybe. i figured it wasnt worth it. My friend managed to save the bowl we had it packed (they came right b4 we were about to light it) and i stuffed that in my ciggarette and got a pretty good high.. but i was thinking that they had no right to like do any kind of shit to us if we just kept denying and left the scene.. cuz those motherfuckers probably smoked my stash themselves anyways. any thoughts?
Im not joking at all when I say that 90% of Rio de Janeiro Police patrols in my neighboorhood are looking for ppl smoking weed so they can get bribed and let em go.
Theres just too many people smoking pot for you not to make a shitload of cash if you are good at finding them.
people forget that Phelps is only like 23. the Sheriff from whatever ass crack of a town he was in that night is talking all this shit about prosecuting him to the full extent of the law, when he can just go on Myspace and pick from the hundreds of kids in his town with pictures of themselves smoking weed.
still pretty dumb of him to let people photograph him though.
On February 04 2009 03:40 Ichigo1234551 wrote: i just bought a vaporizer. gonna smoke healthy now. good luck with your lungs cancer
That's what I thought too when I bought my vape, but I still smoke spliffs every night.
Exactly as my friends are. They have a volcano and they hardly use it. We mainly smoke blunts, spliffs, or out of a nice glass normal size bong or a 6 foot plastic(obviously) bong. I find bongs to be the most satisfying way of smoking, but I like changing it up as I think most stoners do despite having a preferred way of smoking.