On December 03 2008 14:26 MiniRoman wrote:oh fuck guys time to toke up http://www.playauditorium.com/Stolen from play auditorium thread. Some badass music puzzle game where you direct light into sound boxes to fill them up and make cool music. OO lol ive been having such a hard time with that game. Now I smoked one joint and suddenly I finnish it EZ. Tokin makes you smart.
WHen I got home from work a couple hours ago I took 2 shots of kettleone and a bowl of the grainsy remnants at the bottom of the sack. So fucking retarded right now.
owned my clanmates in a knifewar loel
Australia3818 Posts
I watched the documentary 'Super High Me' a few days ago...(whilst high ofc) and I found it really interesting. It features stand-up comedian Doug Benson (stoner comic - frequent smoker ) not smoking weed for 30 days and getting tests done (psychic, health, he does SAT's he gets a lung capacity check and he also has sessions with a psychologist). Then he smokes weed for 30 days and is subject to the same tests. I think some people here smoke every day so it's no biggie right?
He also does interviews with lots of people; Marc Emery (the 'Prince of Pot'), a senator, citizens who use weed for medicinal purposes, doctors etc.
Anyhow, I knew about proposition 215 but I didn't know how the weed was distributed...it indicated that there was an explosion of dispensaries in Cali - it went from 90 odd to over 300 in less than a year. And since the federal law supercedes the state law of Cali...the DEA was sometimes randomly raiding the places and confiscating all of their equipment/weed.
How is it regulated? Can you buy a restricted amount after you get a license/doctors written permission to use medicinal marijuana?
And I'd imagine this means Cali is super-concentrated with it's supply of the stuff...do a lot of people use dispensaries and then just sell it to the public? As in...there could be a lot of dealers who get the license and they just sell their buds at higher prices?
I'm interested to know.
you can only purchase a certain amount based on your prescription. so, some guy that got his license for his migraines can't really walk into a clinic and get his monthly pound of weed.
regardless though, dealers in Cali don't need the bud from the clinics since the majority of pot floating around in Cali is chronic anyways. that said, i know a lot of people outside of Cali that get all of their chronic from "legal" sources in Canada. not sure just how legal it is since the Canadian weed laws make less sense to me than the Cali weed laws, but i know it's pretty damn easy to obtain without interference from the law.
its legal seeds. Legal in Canada, illegal in the USA. "The Prince of Pot" sells seeds and everyone gets high quality dope.
Fuck... because of this crap economy, my company had to downsize from various departments, including the IT department where I work. I work with people who have at least 10+ more years experience working IT than me, so I was let go (on good terms).
The reason I'm posting this here? I've had three job opportunities since. The first one I was given 1 day notice about having to take a drug test before getting the job. I wasn't thrilled about the job and just let that one go (I tested positive for marijuana by a ridiculous amount unsurprisingly). But I still need to get another job and two more of them are requiring a drug test, so I did a ridiculous amount of research on passing drug tests.
This sucks. Abstaining from weed for this week at least, eating healthy, exercising, drinking LOTS of water, taking a GNC flusher, and a multi-vitamin that includes the B vitamins so my urine doesn't look diluted. The day of the test I'll be waking up drinking so much water... this is ridiculous.
Fucking drug tests... fucking economy... fucking no weed...
On December 09 2008 09:34 EscPlan9 wrote: Fuck... because of this crap economy, my company had to downsize from various departments, including the IT department where I work. I work with people who have at least 10+ more years experience working IT than me, so I was let go (on good terms).
The reason I'm posting this here? I've had three job opportunities since. The first one I was given 1 day notice about having to take a drug test before getting the job. I wasn't thrilled about the job and just let that one go (I tested positive for marijuana by a ridiculous amount unsurprisingly). But I still need to get another job and two more of them are requiring a drug test, so I did a ridiculous amount of research on passing drug tests.
This sucks. Abstaining from weed for this week at least, eating healthy, exercising, drinking LOTS of water, taking a GNC flusher, and a multi-vitamin that includes the B vitamins so my urine doesn't look diluted. The day of the test I'll be waking up drinking so much water... this is ridiculous.
Fucking drug tests... fucking economy... fucking no weed...
Are you aware you can buy synthetic urine to pass a drug test?
On December 09 2008 09:34 EscPlan9 wrote: Fuck... because of this crap economy, my company had to downsize from various departments, including the IT department where I work. I work with people who have at least 10+ more years experience working IT than me, so I was let go (on good terms).
The reason I'm posting this here? I've had three job opportunities since. The first one I was given 1 day notice about having to take a drug test before getting the job. I wasn't thrilled about the job and just let that one go (I tested positive for marijuana by a ridiculous amount unsurprisingly). But I still need to get another job and two more of them are requiring a drug test, so I did a ridiculous amount of research on passing drug tests.
This sucks. Abstaining from weed for this week at least, eating healthy, exercising, drinking LOTS of water, taking a GNC flusher, and a multi-vitamin that includes the B vitamins so my urine doesn't look diluted. The day of the test I'll be waking up drinking so much water... this is ridiculous.
Fucking drug tests... fucking economy... fucking no weed... just think of it this way.
after next week that first fat bowl, jay or w/e u smoke will be so nice. you'll feel higher than u have for a long time.
I'm aware of buying synthetic urine, and from what I've read (and in my one experience), you are not observed while you take the piss test. So it is another option. However, everywhere I found it, to get it within a couple days, they charge you like $40 shipping! If I knew further ahead of time I was being tested, then I would go with synthetic urine (and not have to pay the outrageous shipping fee), since that is by far the easiest way to pass. I'm estimating Wednesday or Thursday I'll be tested.
And to think I just bought a new bong last week... and my stoner buddy from college got a new reliable connection with some prime quality shit. Can't wait until I pass the drug tests, get the job, and then can chill out again!
Man, fuck walker texas ranger. My roommate had me watch that shit for like 2 hours today while we were baked. I was too stoned to do anything about it. Pretty ridiculous shit, he did it because he was tired of trailer park boys (wtf?).
Fucking shit I have a fucking calculus final tomorrow.... but the second I get out of that mother fucker i am free and am gonna kick back with eggo waffles, maple syrup, ice cream, and my freshly purchased copy of Fallout 3 (and quite a few fat bongloads) and enjoy freedom.
On December 12 2008 19:05 Ry-Masta-T wrote: Fucking shit I have a fucking calculus final tomorrow.... but the second I get out of that mother fucker i am free and am gonna kick back with eggo waffles, maple syrup, ice cream, and my freshly purchased copy of Fallout 3 (and quite a few fat bongloads) and enjoy freedom.
A-men fallout is an amazing game to play while stoned!
Btw weed is pretty much legal in canada, cops do not give a shit about weed at all i have been caught with a quarter or under 3 times and he simply just makes me throw it out and thats the end of that. God Bless CANADA!!!!!
yeah i don't know if i'd brag about getting busted 3 times
but go canada
...I woulda called another friend to go pick up my shit....Then hook him up with a fat jay....
On December 12 2008 22:56 AmorVincitOmnia wrote: yeah i don't know if i'd brag about getting busted 3 times
but go canada
Where was i bragging. Alot of people talk about marajuana laws in this thread and i thought i would throw in my 2 cents.
Yeah, I see nothing wrong with what you wrote.