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On July 21 2020 16:31 Broetchenholer wrote: What are you even talking about? Auschwitz is not rooted in western society. You did it again, throwing something in a conversation it has nothing to do with. There have been zero repeats of Auschwitz since it has happened. Not in western culture nor in any other. It is, to this day, the one worst thing our species has done and it has zero to do with cultural imperialism. So stop it.
On the rest, yeah, of course you would cling to the anecdote. That France has been trying harder then other countries to enshrine their past culture and resist outside influence is well known, at least compared to Germany. We did not have quotas for German songs in the radio for example. This however, is like trying to turn back time. So you also want to go back to the time, where everybody listens to classical music? Which arbitrary time in the past do you want to mimic?
And just to get this straight, I have absolutely no beef with the French, my encounters with a few of them were unpleasant and showed a pattern but were way too few to generalize from it. I just believe that sentences like the French culture is absorbed is fucking stupid. It's like saying my air is being polluted, as if your air was somehow seperate from the rest of the air and had special qualities to it. And it's also implying that your air is more precious then the rest and you get to decide who gets to change that air and who does not.
Zero repeat ? Then why the numerous comparaisons with the gulags or the ouighour camps ? You just invented totalitarism bs to separate from it, the "worst" of our specie doesn't come from nowhere, it has a cultural and political legacy. For god sake, the cold rationality of this factory of death is a creation of a racial capitalism ideology which can only come from protestant countries who are dominating the West with a burning hatred for everything that is not you just like when you gloat when you assert western cultural dominance. I want to mimic a time when we don't build aceptised temple to the glory of consumerism like Disneyland Paris neither watch propaganda from Hollywood or the mind-numbing reality shows. And even better, I would freaking love to go back to the time when social struggle was priveleged rather than the identitary/racial wars proposed by the western media and intelligentia which is matrice of racism and hatred between people who have interests to be united. In the end, indeed I cherish the times when people were struggling to conquest social rights rather than struggling to maintain them, the left is necessary conservative now as the new trend is the destruction of what has been accomplished. Your air is poisonous then, and don't transform my words : I never said my culture was the best, I say it is way better than current western's one just like any others, I don't do comparaison with Russian, persan's ones or any others.
Edit : contrary to what you seem to think, my love for my country is rather motivated by a sense of duty rather than egocentric pride and some fetish of the past as I see it at the only source of social rights and real power of the people. (I don't like the term democracy, it is just expired nowadays)
There is a diffrence between your "average concentration camps" that exist(ed) not only in Nazi germany and friggin Auschwitz. And, you seem a bit angry... Maybe you should consume less of these cultures you don't like? It's actually pretty simple...
Let's also not forget that Auschwitz weren't just an average concentration camp, but also contained several extermination/death camps together with concentration camps. I am not aware of any extermination camps similar to it after WW2. Even the spanish concentration camps in cuba which were responsible for The Cuban Holocaust didn't have death camps.
Cambodian killing fields maybe?
On July 21 2020 17:48 stilt wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2020 16:31 Broetchenholer wrote: What are you even talking about? Auschwitz is not rooted in western society. You did it again, throwing something in a conversation it has nothing to do with. There have been zero repeats of Auschwitz since it has happened. Not in western culture nor in any other. It is, to this day, the one worst thing our species has done and it has zero to do with cultural imperialism. So stop it.
On the rest, yeah, of course you would cling to the anecdote. That France has been trying harder then other countries to enshrine their past culture and resist outside influence is well known, at least compared to Germany. We did not have quotas for German songs in the radio for example. This however, is like trying to turn back time. So you also want to go back to the time, where everybody listens to classical music? Which arbitrary time in the past do you want to mimic?
And just to get this straight, I have absolutely no beef with the French, my encounters with a few of them were unpleasant and showed a pattern but were way too few to generalize from it. I just believe that sentences like the French culture is absorbed is fucking stupid. It's like saying my air is being polluted, as if your air was somehow seperate from the rest of the air and had special qualities to it. And it's also implying that your air is more precious then the rest and you get to decide who gets to change that air and who does not. Zero repeat ? Then why the numerous comparaisons with the gulags or the ouighour camps ? You just invented totalitarism bs to separate from it, the "worst" of our specie doesn't come from nowhere, it has a cultural and political legacy.
Because these comparisons are wrong.
On July 21 2020 17:48 stilt wrote: For god sake, the cold rationality of this factory of death is a creation of a racial capitalism ideology which can only come from protestant countries who are dominating the West with a burning hatred for everything that is not you just like when you gloat when you assert western cultural dominance.
Nazi Germany was not protestant. Gulags and Uighur detention center also do not center around Protestantism. France is not protestant, how does that factor in your western cultural dominance? Do you actually believe that France is a victim of western cultural dominance because it is not protestant? Or do you believe that France is part of the Western European dominance exported into the world? Hatred is not bound to religion. Each religion in the world has create massacres when they had the chance, so have atheist communities. This is not a western European, or German or protestant or Christian issue. It's a human issue. If you are ranting against western European/American culture being evil and culminating in Auschwitz and racial capitalism and then claim that France is a victim of that culture, then you are claiming that France has not contributed to racial capitalism, cannot be responsible for it and is different or better than the rest. I don’t know how else to read this.
On July 21 2020 17:48 stilt wrote:
I want to mimic a time when we don't build aceptised temple to the glory of consumerism like Disneyland Paris neither watch propaganda from Hollywood or the mind-numbing reality shows. And even better, I would freaking love to go back to the time when social struggle was priveleged rather than the identitary/racial wars proposed by the western media and intelligentia which is matrice of racism and hatred between people who have interests to be united. In the end, indeed I cherish the times when people were struggling to conquest social rights rather than struggling to maintain them, the left is necessary conservative now as the new trend is the destruction of what has been accomplished.
Your air is poisonous then, and don't transform my words : I never said my culture was the best, I say it is way better than current western's one just like any others, I don't do comparaison with Russian, persan's ones or any others.
Your post, for me, is so over the place, it’s really hard to even try to understand what you stand for. For example, now you say you want people to be united and racism and hatred to be a problem. But you want to be so little united, that “your culture” is not being changed. Do you not recognize, that allowing social currents from outside of your community to merge with your own culture creates more united people, less racism, less hatred? You have the option to go to Disneyworld or read a fine book of French classicism. Nobody forces you to eat McDonalds and listen to Kanye West. And if in 50 years some aspect of culture you consider French is not practiced anymore, people did not need it as much as you thought.
On July 21 2020 17:48 stilt wrote:
Your air is poisonous then, and don't transform my words : I never said my culture was the best, I say it is way better than current western's one just like any others, I don't do comparaison with Russian, persan's ones or any others.
Oh, okay, just better than “western” culture. So you dislike the spreading of inferior culture to your place. You don’t think France is part of Western Culture, which is Auschwitz, but other cultures you cannot name are on the same level as yours. That makes perfect sense.
On July 21 2020 17:48 stilt wrote:
Edit : contrary to what you seem to think, my love for my country is rather motivated by a sense of duty rather than egocentric pride and some fetish of the past as I see it at the only source of social rights and real power of the people. (I don't like the term democracy, it is just expired nowadays)
Help me here. Duty to the country is the only source of social rights and real power of the people? I might be wrong, it’s really hard for me to read that.
On July 21 2020 16:42 Big J wrote:That is incorrect: Radio stations have been created in a manner to create safe havens for national/regional music. Why else do you think there are so many radio and TV stations on a regional level? At least in Austria I know that much of the money for national television and radio goes directly into the politically controlled federal studios. Huge amounts of subventions have been going into the creation and distribution of German music e.g. Schlager in all three German states. The GDR had a 60:40 quota for East music over West music. The situation has gotten better though in the past decades.
Let's not compare the GDR and countries that stil exist. The GDR obviously had a completely different reason why some songs were not allowed into radio. In regards to western germany, well today, public radio statons in Germany do not have any quotas. There are public stations that play mainly german songs (bleargh), but that's because there are some people that want to listen to that crap. To each their own. I have little knowledge of Austria in this regard, so your point might be even more valid there That said, there are a lot of reasons why Germany is more open to specifically American culture compared to France, it was just one example for that I knew the details of. In France all radio stations have to broadcast 40% French music. It has been sold as an economical feature though, so intentions might have not been to protect French culture most.
On July 21 2020 17:45 MoltkeWarding wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2020 16:31 Broetchenholer wrote: What are you even talking about? Auschwitz is not rooted in western society. You did it again, throwing something in a conversation it has nothing to do with. There have been zero repeats of Auschwitz since it has happened. Not in western culture nor in any other. It is, to this day, the one worst thing our species has done and it has zero to do with cultural imperialism. So stop it.
On the rest, yeah, of course you would cling to the anecdote. That France has been trying harder then other countries to enshrine their past culture and resist outside influence is well known, at least compared to Germany. We did not have quotas for German songs in the radio for example. This however, is like trying to turn back time. So you also want to go back to the time, where everybody listens to classical music? Which arbitrary time in the past do you want to mimic?
And just to get this straight, I have absolutely no beef with the French, my encounters with a few of them were unpleasant and showed a pattern but were way too few to generalize from it. I just believe that sentences like the French culture is absorbed is fucking stupid. It's like saying my air is being polluted, as if your air was somehow seperate from the rest of the air and had special qualities to it. And it's also implying that your air is more precious then the rest and you get to decide who gets to change that air and who does not. The French have their own issues with their cultural purveyance, but so do the Germans. I read that in some schools today, half of the pupils are Arabs. In France obviously they have much more experience with these Arabs, due to colonisation. Some of the horror stories that you hear around Paris may be coming to Germany. Mass immigration is a difficult issue for every Western country. Obviously, the West gets a lot of it, because it is rich and successful. People want your resources the world over. Yet they come in, pay no attention to Western laws, sometimes in Germany do not even learn German. Is this a generational thing? Perhaps. I am an immigrant to the "West" myself, and I have mentally adjusted. But perhaps religion is another one of those odd things which you cannot really stamp out of a people. Many religions have made many prophecies, like that doomsday Christian cult in the USA, which made so many predictions about the end of the world. But every time, they just update their predictions and do not even want their kids to go to school, etc. But it has been going on for more than a century, and no doubt Islam will too. Here, I have a few friends from "Muslim" countries. None is a Muslim. One belongs to the religion of the "Ba'hai." She came here to study, because Iran has banned her kind from going to university. The other is from Saudi Arabia, who told me that she is an atheist. Saudi Arabia declared all atheists to be "terrorists," so obviously she could not say it at home. On the other hand, if you ban all immigration, I would still be Chinese. Right now I am thinking: maybe allow a manageable amount in every generation, but not so much as to overwhelm the native population.
This is a strange comment to our discussion. If you believe that Arabic immigrants and fugitives are a problem for French and german societies, that is your right. I don’t think it is, integration for those people is hard of course, and there is always a negative reaction to new/unknown people, but over time this will fade and the european societies will integrate them just fine and grow because of it.
Very generally, I am an immigrant in Germany. I cannot become a legal "German" without giving up my Canadian citizenship. I read that there are umpteen exceptions to that rule. If you were from another EU country, if you were the child of a German, if you came from a Jewish family, etc. None of it applies to me, even though there are very few Canadians coming to Germany anyway.
The current immigration system in Germany has some problems. Like Arabs coming into Germany, not caring about their previous citizenship, fully willing to throw it away.
I was first an immigrant from China. China also does not allow multiple citizenships. Very small problem so far, because almost everyone who lives in China was born there.
The thing with modern Germany is that it has to pretend not to be "racist." (Actually, not many Nazis were racist either, but that is a different topic.) But under current standards, Germany cannot show favouritism to certain countries, while excluding others. Obviously, being a Canadian, my citizenship is a lot more valuable to me than someone say from Iraq. It does not matter. The laws are laws, as they say, and Germany, true to the stereotype, always obeys the law.
I was told several times that I was not wearing a mask outside, when the law still says that everyone should wear a mask. My step-father who lives in the USA, said that so many people there were not wearing masks, and did not know the meaning of it. I read this weird story on the BBC. www.bbc.com
Everywhere is different, even among the European countries. To some extent, I think it makes sense. Someone from Poland will have an easier time assimilating into German life than someone from Russia, who will have an easier time assimilating than someone from China. Canada is one the right side of the cultural gaps, but is not in the EU. Therefore I cannot become a German. Tough.
This is a strange comment to our discussion. If you believe that Arabic immigrants and fugitives are a problem for French and german societies, that is your right. I don’t think it is, integration for those people is hard of course, and there is always a negative reaction to new/unknown people, but over time this will fade and the european societies will integrate them just fine and grow because of it.
In the USA, they still speak of "racism" more than a hundred years after they abolished slavery. People are simply different. I was told by a Russian once, that he thought that Russian "racism" was just plain old Xenophobia. Someone just dislikes you because he does not know you. I was told pretty much the same thing by an American about the United States.
In my experience, it goes a bit further. I have never seen a romantic relationship between an East Asian and a Caucasian work out in the long run. I am not denying that it happens in some circumstances, but never in my life, and I have seen many of them take place. There are also some other facets, like in my childhood, most Chinese men smoked. I have never seen an Asian woman smoke at all, etc.
So I would just caution about romantic relationships between Caucasian men and Chinese women (notice that it is never the other way around.) I called them relationships of mutual misunderstanding. The Chinese woman wants your money and to live in your home, a good place to raise her children. It is no mystery as to what the Caucasian man could get out of an Asian woman.
Those are limited to my own experiences. I still hope that some places, among some people that I know personally, inter-cultural relationships will work out. However, these relationships are laden with untold problems which are not even thought about at first.
Oh, someone a while ago called me "emotional." I am not really, I think. In the MBTI system, I always tested as an INTP. Dickens was voted an ENFP. However, I read many of his books, and watched some film adaptations therefrom. I watched an old version of that Christmas Carol as a child, and I can still remember it all.
That story was about now the main character, Scrooge was wrong in how he led his life. He only cared about money, which was a huge mistake. Call it Western, or even Anglo-Saxon values, because in my experience, people in East Asia and perhaps other places too are very materialistic. I cannot even begin to describe it to anyone who is unacquainted with the cultural phenomenon.
Why am i constantly triggered today? Could you elaborate why not many Nazis were racist, an ideology that believes them to be superior to everyone not of their heritage?
And secondly, the thing with modern Germany is that it is trying not to be racist, not pretending to not be racist. I don't know why you are comparing your situation as a (i assume) working canadian expat in germany with a refugee from Syria or Iraq, but you do you.
Edit: And then you keep posting and every post is triggering me again. I am now going to watch Critical Role in the hopes it restores the balance.
On July 21 2020 21:42 Broetchenholer wrote: Why am i constantly triggered today? Could you elaborate why not many Nazis were racist, an ideology that believes them to be superior to everyone not of their heritage?
And secondly, the thing with modern Germany is that it is trying not to be racist, not pretending to not be racist. I don't know why you are comparing your situation as a (i assume) working canadian expat in germany with a refugee from Syria or Iraq, but you do you.
Edit: And then you keep posting and every post is triggering me again. I am now going to watch Critical Role in the hopes it restores the balance.
Some of them were, but probably not as many as in the United States back then. Germany had no colonies, and there was very little immigration back then. Some Nazis had racial views, like Himmler. Hitler himself did not.
Here is one of Hitler's "talks."
Pride in one’s race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.
They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.
The other issue is about which people are more attached to their "patria," and are more "patriotic," in the old-fashioned definition of the word "patriot."
I can only quote from that movie, Lawrence of Arabia, where an Arab prince says in that movie: "No Arab loves the desert. We love water and green trees. There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing."
On July 21 2020 21:42 Broetchenholer wrote: Why am i constantly triggered today? Could you elaborate why not many Nazis were racist, an ideology that believes them to be superior to everyone not of their heritage?
And secondly, the thing with modern Germany is that it is trying not to be racist, not pretending to not be racist. I don't know why you are comparing your situation as a (i assume) working canadian expat in germany with a refugee from Syria or Iraq, but you do you.
Edit: And then you keep posting and every post is triggering me again. I am now going to watch Critical Role in the hopes it restores the balance.
Think moltke is the only guy who ever triggered me into getting myself banned. He has that effect. He posts rambly inane non-sequiturs that seem tailor made to bait responses. He then acts as if his posts are truly profound and anybody not understanding him is an idiot. I realized yesterday I replied to him again and really shouldn't have. He is impossible to talk to.
On July 21 2020 21:57 MoltkeWarding wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2020 21:42 Broetchenholer wrote: Why am i constantly triggered today? Could you elaborate why not many Nazis were racist, an ideology that believes them to be superior to everyone not of their heritage?
And secondly, the thing with modern Germany is that it is trying not to be racist, not pretending to not be racist. I don't know why you are comparing your situation as a (i assume) working canadian expat in germany with a refugee from Syria or Iraq, but you do you.
Edit: And then you keep posting and every post is triggering me again. I am now going to watch Critical Role in the hopes it restores the balance.
Some of them were, but probably not as many as in the United States back then. Germany had no colonies, and there was very little immigration back then. Some Nazis had racial views, like Himmler. Hitler himself did not. Here is one of Hitler's "talks." Show nested quote +Pride in one’s race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.
They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.
I just said I shoulnd't reply to you but I cant help myself. You are saying, with a straight face, that Hitler wasn't a racist? Like... in what alternate reality do you live?
On July 21 2020 22:04 Acrofales wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2020 21:57 MoltkeWarding wrote:On July 21 2020 21:42 Broetchenholer wrote: Why am i constantly triggered today? Could you elaborate why not many Nazis were racist, an ideology that believes them to be superior to everyone not of their heritage?
And secondly, the thing with modern Germany is that it is trying not to be racist, not pretending to not be racist. I don't know why you are comparing your situation as a (i assume) working canadian expat in germany with a refugee from Syria or Iraq, but you do you.
Edit: And then you keep posting and every post is triggering me again. I am now going to watch Critical Role in the hopes it restores the balance.
Some of them were, but probably not as many as in the United States back then. Germany had no colonies, and there was very little immigration back then. Some Nazis had racial views, like Himmler. Hitler himself did not. Here is one of Hitler's "talks." Pride in one’s race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.
They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them. I just said I shoulnd't reply to you but I cant help myself. You are saying, with a straight face, that Hitler wasn't a racist? Like... in what alternate reality do you live?
First of all you have to define what you mean by race, but yes, I just said that Hitler was not "racist," in the common Anglo-American usage of that word. He at one point even said that the Jews are not really a race.
Hitler was just one of the commonly misunderstood and vilified figures in history, like so many people just demonise Osama Bin Laden. Both terribly understood people.
You can understand what another person is saying, even if you do not agree with it. Many people it seems today have this odd "You vs. Me" mentality.
User was temp banned for this post.
How do you feel about the new recovery package?
On July 21 2020 22:07 MoltkeWarding wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2020 22:04 Acrofales wrote:On July 21 2020 21:57 MoltkeWarding wrote:On July 21 2020 21:42 Broetchenholer wrote: Why am i constantly triggered today? Could you elaborate why not many Nazis were racist, an ideology that believes them to be superior to everyone not of their heritage?
And secondly, the thing with modern Germany is that it is trying not to be racist, not pretending to not be racist. I don't know why you are comparing your situation as a (i assume) working canadian expat in germany with a refugee from Syria or Iraq, but you do you.
Edit: And then you keep posting and every post is triggering me again. I am now going to watch Critical Role in the hopes it restores the balance.
Some of them were, but probably not as many as in the United States back then. Germany had no colonies, and there was very little immigration back then. Some Nazis had racial views, like Himmler. Hitler himself did not. Here is one of Hitler's "talks." Pride in one’s race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.
They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them. I just said I shoulnd't reply to you but I cant help myself. You are saying, with a straight face, that Hitler wasn't a racist? Like... in what alternate reality do you live? First of all you have to define what you mean by race, but yes, I just said that Hitler was not "racist," in the common Anglo-American usage of that word. He at one point even said that the Jews are not really a race. That's because he did not even consider them human.
Hitler was just one of the commonly misunderstood and vilified figures in history, like so many people just demonise Osama Bin Laden. Both terribly understood people. That's a fucking dumb thing to say.
You can understand what another person is saying, even if you do not agree with it. Many people it seems today have this odd "You vs. Me" mentality. It's hard to understand someone who rambles incoherently, though.
Zurich15313 Posts
On July 21 2020 22:07 MoltkeWarding wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2020 22:04 Acrofales wrote:On July 21 2020 21:57 MoltkeWarding wrote:On July 21 2020 21:42 Broetchenholer wrote: Why am i constantly triggered today? Could you elaborate why not many Nazis were racist, an ideology that believes them to be superior to everyone not of their heritage?
And secondly, the thing with modern Germany is that it is trying not to be racist, not pretending to not be racist. I don't know why you are comparing your situation as a (i assume) working canadian expat in germany with a refugee from Syria or Iraq, but you do you.
Edit: And then you keep posting and every post is triggering me again. I am now going to watch Critical Role in the hopes it restores the balance.
Some of them were, but probably not as many as in the United States back then. Germany had no colonies, and there was very little immigration back then. Some Nazis had racial views, like Himmler. Hitler himself did not. Here is one of Hitler's "talks." Pride in one’s race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.
They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them. I just said I shoulnd't reply to you but I cant help myself. You are saying, with a straight face, that Hitler wasn't a racist? Like... in what alternate reality do you live? First of all you have to define what you mean by race, but yes, I just said that Hitler was not "racist," in the common Anglo-American usage of that word. He at one point even said that the Jews are not really a race. Hitler was just one of the commonly misunderstood and vilified figures in history, like so many people just demonise Osama Bin Laden. Both terribly understood people. You can understand what another person is saying, even if you do not agree with it. Many people it seems today have this odd "You vs. Me" mentality. Come on man, you are better than that. Of course to Hitler the Jews were not a race, that is quite well understood. To him, they were parasites on the human races, preventing the races' natural order of struggle for supremacy. That he considered different human races and their struggle the natural order of things makes him pure racist.
On July 21 2020 22:07 MoltkeWarding wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2020 22:04 Acrofales wrote:On July 21 2020 21:57 MoltkeWarding wrote:On July 21 2020 21:42 Broetchenholer wrote: Why am i constantly triggered today? Could you elaborate why not many Nazis were racist, an ideology that believes them to be superior to everyone not of their heritage?
And secondly, the thing with modern Germany is that it is trying not to be racist, not pretending to not be racist. I don't know why you are comparing your situation as a (i assume) working canadian expat in germany with a refugee from Syria or Iraq, but you do you.
Edit: And then you keep posting and every post is triggering me again. I am now going to watch Critical Role in the hopes it restores the balance.
Some of them were, but probably not as many as in the United States back then. Germany had no colonies, and there was very little immigration back then. Some Nazis had racial views, like Himmler. Hitler himself did not. Here is one of Hitler's "talks." Pride in one’s race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.
They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them. I just said I shoulnd't reply to you but I cant help myself. You are saying, with a straight face, that Hitler wasn't a racist? Like... in what alternate reality do you live? First of all you have to define what you mean by race, but yes, I just said that Hitler was not "racist," in the common Anglo-American usage of that word. He at one point even said that the Jews are not really a race.
Okay, so ignoring the fact that he wanted to exterminate the Jews, because we are no-true-Scotsmanning them away from being a race, we still have the blacks. Lets see what Hitler had to say about black people. Oh dear:
The Nazis, at the time a small political movement, viewed the “Rhineland Bastards” as a threat to the purity of the Germanic race. In his autobiography, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler charged that “the Jews had brought the Negroes into the Rhineland with the clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily-resulting bastardization.”
I mean, he literally wrote the book on race war!
On July 21 2020 22:13 JimmiC wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2020 22:07 MoltkeWarding wrote:On July 21 2020 22:04 Acrofales wrote:On July 21 2020 21:57 MoltkeWarding wrote:On July 21 2020 21:42 Broetchenholer wrote: Why am i constantly triggered today? Could you elaborate why not many Nazis were racist, an ideology that believes them to be superior to everyone not of their heritage?
And secondly, the thing with modern Germany is that it is trying not to be racist, not pretending to not be racist. I don't know why you are comparing your situation as a (i assume) working canadian expat in germany with a refugee from Syria or Iraq, but you do you.
Edit: And then you keep posting and every post is triggering me again. I am now going to watch Critical Role in the hopes it restores the balance.
Some of them were, but probably not as many as in the United States back then. Germany had no colonies, and there was very little immigration back then. Some Nazis had racial views, like Himmler. Hitler himself did not. Here is one of Hitler's "talks." Pride in one’s race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.
They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them. I just said I shoulnd't reply to you but I cant help myself. You are saying, with a straight face, that Hitler wasn't a racist? Like... in what alternate reality do you live? First of all you have to define what you mean by race, but yes, I just said that Hitler was not "racist," in the common Anglo-American usage of that word. He at one point even said that the Jews are not really a race. Hitler was just one of the commonly misunderstood and vilified figures in history, like so many people just demonise Osama Bin Laden. Both terribly understood people. You can understand what another person is saying, even if you do not agree with it. Many people it seems today have this odd "You vs. Me" mentality. Your version of history and the actual version of history are very different. Hitler not being a racist has to be one of the least accurate hot takes ever issued. I mean he always talks about inferior genetics. What did you think this meant? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_black_people_in_Nazi_Germany
The ideology was called National Socialism. Hitler was a Nationalist, not a Racist. He was obviously opposed to half-lings being born for other reasons.
I have read many Hitler biographies. So I do know him quite well. I am doing my "Promotion" in history at a German university now.
On July 21 2020 22:13 whaski wrote: How do you feel about the new recovery package?
I think it is a great step towards both financial responsibility and unity. It for sure has a lot of compromises and it doesn't have as grand green focus as it originally had, but the deal is an important and historic step for EU imo.