as promisedthe epic showdown between our very own LiquidBlue and HOTBOT has begun. http://www.omgus.net Poll: Who will win?LIQUID'BLUE (The evil overlord) (114) 66% HOT BOT (The underdog hero) (59) 34% 173 total votes Your vote: Who will win? (Vote): HOT BOT (The underdog hero) (Vote): LIQUID'BLUE (The evil overlord)
VRS Poll: robots nameHot_Bot (157) 61% steve (43) 17% Liquidator (18) 7% PFMK420 (11) 4% Jinromatron (9) 3% Liquid'Mark I (8) 3% Liquibot (8) 3% Jin-tron (4) 2% 258 total votes Your vote: robots name (Vote): PFMK420 (Vote): Hot_Bot (Vote): Liquidator (Vote): Jinromatron (Vote): Jin-tron (Vote): Liquid'Mark I (Vote): Liquibot (Vote): steve
DAY 9 OUT OF NOWHERE A WIZARD ATTACKS THE RIVAL ROBOT IS NOW A PILE OF RUBBLE Poll: Whats our robot do now?ATTACK THE WIZARD (262) 85% RUN (47) 15% 309 total votes Your vote: Whats our robot do now? (Vote): ATTACK THE WIZARD (Vote): RUN
+ Show Spoiler +Day 8 So our robot was exploring and he came across this guy. it apears that while we had been busy pleasuring toasters... rival robots have been turning them into guns. big guns. We have a power cord. Poll: whats our robot do? (417) 51% OFFER IT TOAST (202) 25% MATE (98) 12% POWER CORD ATTACK (89) 11% RUN (13) 2% 819 total votes Your vote: whats our robot do? (Vote): POWER CORD ATTACK (Vote): RUN (Vote): MATE (Vote): OFFER IT TOAST (Vote):
+ Show Spoiler +Day7 Poll: derp+explore (320) 51% +size (239) 38% +intel (39) 6% +str (25) 4% 623 total votes Your vote: derp (Vote): +size (Vote): +intel (Vote): +str (Vote): +explore
DAY 6 + Show Spoiler +Poll: day6+strength (180) 44% SELF DESTRUCT BUTTON (151) 37% +size (33) 8% +explore (26) 6% +intel (20) 5% 410 total votes Your vote: day6 (Vote): +size (Vote): +strength (Vote): +intel (Vote): +explore (Vote): SELF DESTRUCT BUTTON
DAY 5 + Show Spoiler + DAY 5 Poll: what next+ intel (186) 42% + size (185) 41% + strength (37) 8% + explore (24) 5% + mobility (16) 4% 448 total votes Your vote: what next (Vote): + explore (Vote): + strength (Vote): + intel (Vote): + size (Vote): + mobility
DAY 4 + Show Spoiler +Poll: What nextupgrade mobility ( RUN AWAY FARTHER FASTER ) (130) 46% upgrade strength (56) 20% upgrade intel (27) 9% (23) 8% upgrade size (22) 8% (18) 6% explore ( RUN AWAY ) (9) 3% 285 total votes Your vote: What next (Vote): upgrade size (Vote): upgrade intel (Vote): upgrade strength (Vote): explore ( RUN AWAY ) (Vote): upgrade mobility ( RUN AWAY FARTHER FASTER ) (Vote): (Vote):
DAY 3 + Show Spoiler +Poll: What does he do??mate (167) 47% make toast (104) 29% build weapon (52) 15% build mobility (16) 5% build armor (15) 4% 354 total votes Your vote: What does he do?? (Vote): build weapon (Vote): build armor (Vote): build mobility (Vote): make toast (Vote): mate
DAY2 + Show Spoiler +ok so blue robot has been upgraded with a shiny new liquid cooled quantum processors with all the latest trendy aps.. hes also fitted with a couple extra optical appendages. lasers not included. whats he do next? Poll: what does our liquibot do now?+ explore (229) 50% + strength (115) 25% + intel (71) 16% + size (42) 9% 457 total votes Your vote: what does our liquibot do now? (Vote): + strength (Vote): + intel (Vote): + size (Vote): + explore
DAY 1 + Show Spoiler +Day 1) That new robot smell. upgrade size to make him grow huge upgrade strength to get our bot buff upgrade intelligence to give him mad skills if he explores he will encounter a random robot that he can destroy and use for spare parts. Poll: What should we do?upgrade intelligence (167) 47% explore (63) 18% (47) 13% upgrade size (27) 8% upgrade strength (25) 7% (23) 7% 352 total votes Your vote: What should we do? (Vote): upgrade size (Vote): upgrade strength (Vote): upgrade intelligence (Vote): explore (Vote): (Vote):
I will update picture with the highest poll result after 12 hours. Feel free to post name ideas for our robot.
Click here for info! + Show Spoiler +This is our robot! We will call him blue for lack of a better name for now. (Post name suggestions and I will set up a poll and everyone can vote on the best one) right now hes just the factory default robot with no upgrades however I will post a poll and everyone votes on what it upgrades next or you can choose to explore and our robot will encounter other robots and androids it can kill and use their scraps for parts as it grows bigger and more powerful in its quest for world domination. When hes finally complete after 10 rounds of upgrades he will be sent to challenge liquid blue in a showdown for the title of biggest badass in the liquiverse. We will probably all die but it will be awesome. more info about liquid blue and how the game works can be found here. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=252471
Poll: If I hosted a monster league would you participate?Yes ( I would vote on creatures ) (177) 75% Yes ( I would submit a creature to battle ) (40) 17% No (im a stupid head) (20) 8% 237 total votes Your vote: If I hosted a monster league would you participate? (Vote): Yes ( I would submit a creature to battle ) (Vote): Yes ( I would vote on creatures ) (Vote): No (im a stupid head)
omg this again, yess!!! hype hype hype
You just brought the biggest smile to my face. Hes back!!!
All thumbs that the other forums (I assume) suck less this time.
16945 Posts
I voted for the bottom empty slot and you should too.
O good another one of these! I vote upgrade, we don't want another blob with all the appendages that eats everything.
We saw great results when we sent liquid blue exploring. I think that's definitely the way to go at the beginning here!
Nice, previous game was good fun. Go intelligence!
Who will our rivals be this time?
also intel first, duh.
As for a name, Liquibot is my suggestion
WOOT another one of these! Liquid blue became such a beast, can't wait to see this dude
Vote size, ladies and gentleman. Our boy needs to get big
liquibot is good i like that
where is my blob
We just need to find, eat, and mate with various animal-fruit hybrids. Everything else will take care of itself. Explore.
hope he turns into a gundam
Guys, last time this happened we created Cthulu with a top hat. All for INTELLIGENCE
Can someone explain to me how this thing works exactly? Who comes up with what happens after the results of our vote? And when we were 'playing' our blob against other people, who determines who wins/outcomes of fights and such?
robots dont mate they assimilate
On July 31 2012 09:36 WaveofShadow wrote: Can someone explain to me how this thing works exactly? Who comes up with what happens after the results of our vote? And when we were 'playing' our blob against other people, who determines who wins/outcomes of fights and such?
I generally decide how the vote results affect the upgrade he gets and usually go with peoples suggestions if they are reasonable.
I never got a chance to do creature battles with other forums because basically I have no way of removing people who are cheating from breaking the game. I have decided that It would just be much simpler and more enjoyable if I just used a comic style format to resolve the battles.