On February 11 2012 06:17 WritersBlock wrote: I thought this was being put in place because some sick people think its funny to put nails/razors in frisbees and that it was becoming as issue? Maybe I'm confusing this with something else though..
And doing what with it? Becoming the next bond villain?
Why are there so many little boundaries in modern society? It's fucking 9/11 that has made everyone so naive and overprotective. This is fucking rediculous.
When mass misunderstanding is occurring in the thread, take a close look at OP because most of the times root of the problem is going to be there. In fact people just won't post stories like that if they did not perceive this as "sensational", meaning every OP is likely biased in a way that makes the content more interesting than it is. Viewer discretion is advised.
this isnt a "new law". its an edit to the existing text of a law.
instead of specifying the allowed projectiles based on size, they specifically stated which balls are allowed. this is an improvement on the original text because it allows for less confusion. (where's the diameter of a football? long way or short way? lol)
On February 14 2012 07:44 driftme wrote: moderators, please fix the OP
this isnt a "new law". its an edit to the existing text of a law.
instead of specifying the allowed projectiles based on size, they specifically stated which balls are allowed. this is an improvement on the original text because it allows for less confusion. (where's the diameter of a football? long way or short way? lol)
Either way, the law is still ridiculous. The fact that this is an "improvement" over an older law makes it all the more ridiculous.
On February 13 2012 04:28 MonDeW wrote: Why are there so many little boundaries in modern society? It's fucking 9/11 that has made everyone so naive and overprotective. This is fucking rediculous.
Its not 9/11. Feminism is trying to castrate society because all physical activity aside from dancing to Lady Gaga is considered evil and degenerate. At least that's the way lawmakers see it. Congress is staffed with a bunch of emasculate "do-gooders" pandering to hyper-litigious liberals in states like California.
On February 13 2012 07:01 Hesmyrr wrote: When mass misunderstanding is occurring in the thread, take a close look at OP because most of the times root of the problem is going to be there. In fact people just won't post stories like that if they did not perceive this as "sensational", meaning every OP is likely biased in a way that makes the content more interesting than it is. Viewer discretion is advised.
Yeah I realized that too after being on TL for a little while. Almost all of the sensational posts end up being big misunderstandings (like the pizza is a vegetable one) that few pick up on because they assumed the OP was right about everything and didn't do any fact checking of their own.
I'm glad for it though, I'm a lot more skeptical now and don't take things at face value. There's usually one or two people at least who pick up on it though. For example Befree on page 4 (this thread) makes a pretty detailed post about how this is actually allowing balls that couldn't be thrown before. As to why the older law was in place, I think we'd need to learn more about that too before making accusations.
On February 13 2012 07:01 Hesmyrr wrote: When mass misunderstanding is occurring in the thread, take a close look at OP because most of the times root of the problem is going to be there. In fact people just won't post stories like that if they did not perceive this as "sensational", meaning every OP is likely biased in a way that makes the content more interesting than it is. Viewer discretion is advised.
Yeah I realized that too after being on TL for a little while. Almost all of the sensational posts end up being big misunderstandings (like the pizza is a vegetable one) that few pick up on because they assumed the OP was right about everything and didn't do any fact checking of their own.
I'm glad for it though, I'm a lot more skeptical now and don't take things at face value. There's usually one or two people at least who pick up on it though. For example Befree on page 4 (this thread) makes a pretty detailed post about how this is actually allowing balls that couldn't be thrown before. As to why the older law was in place, I think we'd need to learn more about that too before making accusations.
Accusations about what? The people who are up in arms about this "new law" likely had no idea about the original law. The only reason they're shouting about it now is because they read a thread title that said "LA BANS FOOTBALL" and they went straight to indignant fury, rather than actually READING the change for themselves and realizing that OP is a moron.
On February 12 2012 03:23 Befree wrote: This is a very careless OP which needs to be fixed because it is clearly spreading too much misinformation. And some of you guys really need should research before you start using such harsh language for the county's decision.
This revision to the law was a revision which reduced their strictness. Previously beach balls were listed under the law. But because of the growing popularity of things like beach tennis and beach soccer, they made the change.
The other part of the change which relates to footballs and frisbees is the law is being changed from an outright ban on them instead to allowing them to be played in the offseason, in specific areas, with a permit, or if you get permission from the lifeguard. This is something you could not do before under the previous rules.
They said the $100 fine just for cases if people are being idiots and continuously are throwing in large crowds, or continue to throw after a lifeguard tells them to stop.
A more accurate title would be "Weird Old Law in LA County [which was changed]"
Contrary to what you may have heard, it's OK to toss a Frisbee at the beach.
Santos Kreimann says he has nothing against Frisbees at the beach—honest. And it’s OK with him if you want to toss a football along the shore, too, as long as you do it responsibly.
That’s why the county’s Beaches & Harbors director was baffled Thursday to find that what his department views as a liberalization of the rules for beach recreation is being widely misinterpreted to mean that Frisbee- and football-throwing is now subject to a $1,000 fine.
Not so, Kreimann says. After years of outright prohibition, a new ordinance which received final approval this week spells out for the first time the conditions under which Frisbees and footballs are allowed on county beaches—basically, in the off-season, or with a permit or permission from the lifeguard.
For years, he said, that kind of recreation had been outlawed altogether “to prohibit some knucklehead from acting like an idiot on the beach.”
The Frisbee flap has received big play on the airwaves and the Internet. The Drudge Report headlined an incorrect report by a local TV station: “LA County Approves $1,000 Fine For Throwing Football, Frisbees On Beaches.” Inquiries have poured into county offices from reporters as far away as London. The Los Angeles Times provided a factually accurate counterpoint to the coverage with an article headlined: “Ball playing, Frisbee tossing now allowed on L.A. County beaches.”
The new ordinance does give the county the right to ticket Frisbee scofflaws, like people who persist in throwing into large summer crowds, or when asked not to by a lifeguard. The first offense is $100—an amount set by the California Government Code. (Read the department’s statement on the ordinance here.)
Still, Kreimann doesn’t expect many citations will be issued.
“We don’t ticket anybody for throwing a ball on the beach, as long as they’re doing it responsibly,” he said.
As for those new $1,000 fines you may have heard about: yes, they’re in the ordinance but they apply to only a few kinds of misbehavior.
Those include nudity, shooting weapons and swimming or surfing during hazardous conditions or in prohibited areas.
The revisions to the ball-playing section of the ordinance were prompted in part by the growing popularity of sports like beach tennis and beach soccer, which are now permissible under certain conditions.
Posted 2/9/12
After reading more through this thread, it is just completely embarrassing. This isn't acceptable. Being so ignorant AND being so aggressive in your attack against something which you don't understand is just shameful. I'm not going to pick out posts, but look through about every other post and you'll find someone who has no idea what they're talking about yet believes they can insult the county, the people who revised the law, or even the country.
We gotta change this and increase the quality of posting on these news articles. If we all just do a little research or put some thought into something before we start criticizing or spouting ignorance, we'll have much nicer news threads.
Can we get this copied into the OP? Seems they actually loosened a previous ban.
On February 12 2012 03:23 Befree wrote: This is a very careless OP which needs to be fixed because it is clearly spreading too much misinformation. And some of you guys really need should research before you start using such harsh language for the county's decision.
This revision to the law was a revision which reduced their strictness. Previously beach balls were listed under the law. But because of the growing popularity of things like beach tennis and beach soccer, they made the change.
The other part of the change which relates to footballs and frisbees is the law is being changed from an outright ban on them instead to allowing them to be played in the offseason, in specific areas, with a permit, or if you get permission from the lifeguard. This is something you could not do before under the previous rules.
They said the $100 fine just for cases if people are being idiots and continuously are throwing in large crowds, or continue to throw after a lifeguard tells them to stop.
A more accurate title would be "Weird Old Law in LA County [which was changed]"
Contrary to what you may have heard, it's OK to toss a Frisbee at the beach.
Santos Kreimann says he has nothing against Frisbees at the beach—honest. And it’s OK with him if you want to toss a football along the shore, too, as long as you do it responsibly.
That’s why the county’s Beaches & Harbors director was baffled Thursday to find that what his department views as a liberalization of the rules for beach recreation is being widely misinterpreted to mean that Frisbee- and football-throwing is now subject to a $1,000 fine.
Not so, Kreimann says. After years of outright prohibition, a new ordinance which received final approval this week spells out for the first time the conditions under which Frisbees and footballs are allowed on county beaches—basically, in the off-season, or with a permit or permission from the lifeguard.
For years, he said, that kind of recreation had been outlawed altogether “to prohibit some knucklehead from acting like an idiot on the beach.”
The Frisbee flap has received big play on the airwaves and the Internet. The Drudge Report headlined an incorrect report by a local TV station: “LA County Approves $1,000 Fine For Throwing Football, Frisbees On Beaches.” Inquiries have poured into county offices from reporters as far away as London. The Los Angeles Times provided a factually accurate counterpoint to the coverage with an article headlined: “Ball playing, Frisbee tossing now allowed on L.A. County beaches.”
The new ordinance does give the county the right to ticket Frisbee scofflaws, like people who persist in throwing into large summer crowds, or when asked not to by a lifeguard. The first offense is $100—an amount set by the California Government Code. (Read the department’s statement on the ordinance here.)
Still, Kreimann doesn’t expect many citations will be issued.
“We don’t ticket anybody for throwing a ball on the beach, as long as they’re doing it responsibly,” he said.
As for those new $1,000 fines you may have heard about: yes, they’re in the ordinance but they apply to only a few kinds of misbehavior.
Those include nudity, shooting weapons and swimming or surfing during hazardous conditions or in prohibited areas.
The revisions to the ball-playing section of the ordinance were prompted in part by the growing popularity of sports like beach tennis and beach soccer, which are now permissible under certain conditions.
Posted 2/9/12
After reading more through this thread, it is just completely embarrassing. This isn't acceptable. Being so ignorant AND being so aggressive in your attack against something which you don't understand is just shameful. I'm not going to pick out posts, but look through about every other post and you'll find someone who has no idea what they're talking about yet believes they can insult the county, the people who revised the law, or even the country.
We gotta change this and increase the quality of posting on these news articles. If we all just do a little research or put some thought into something before we start criticizing or spouting ignorance, we'll have much nicer news threads.
Can we get this copied into the OP? Seems they actually loosened a previous ban.
Really, a mod should do that AND either change the subject, or close the thread. This is ridiculous, the amount of people who read the subject and then post is mind boggling.
On February 11 2012 01:55 xtruder wrote: lol @ all the people not able to use critical thinking in this thread. People were probably getting hit by these things and getting hurt. getting hit by a frisbee in the head isn't pleasant. a beachball or volleyball is ok since it's less serious.
I guess we can all figure out this guy doesn't go out to the beach that often...
On February 10 2012 15:01 brain_ wrote: Woo LA. I got a $200 ticket for riding my in the bike lane on the left side of the street... When there were no cars and the nearest intersection was all red lights for a diagonal crossing. :/
I mean.... there's no good reason for you to do that. But given the circumstances, a $200 ticket is pretty crazy
On February 10 2012 13:49 bOneSeven wrote: Some rather weird stuff going on that I'm not sure about wth is going on , as it would seem: "LA bans Frisbees and footballs on beach; enacts $1000 fine for violators" --- "The new rules now prohibit "any person to cast, toss, throw, kick or roll" any object other than a beach ball or volleyball "upon or over any beach."
Well, if you browse for weird laws you gonna find a ton in the U.S., like having dog fight with cats illegal, wearing ( god damn it can't remember how was that called ) some specific form of clothing again illegal, in different states of course... Actually first heard about it on the TV Series "Oz" ( which by the way was a really bad ass TV Series ) .
Now banning common activity on beaches for no good reason ... How is this not retarded ?
PS: I'll try to keep thread updated ( tho I'm having exams in a few hours ) with different sources if TLers post some here
Interesting that this OP is from Romania. There are so many laws like this and not even good laws in fact some of them allow dumb stuff to happen. South Carolina in 3 countys it is legal to beat your spouse on the courtroom steps. Either way as far as the law is concerned. And even though there are laws that have made spousal abuse illegal this is an exception law, so could still be argued in court (though I doubt it will).
What is interesting to me is that this law has no need to be in place either. If you happen to be the one person who dies by frisbee on a beach you kind of just need to say fuck it and accept the outcome right? One and a billion chance that a frisbee will headshot you for +100, but I think I would take the risk.