On January 05 2012 21:26 Warri wrote: can someone explain me how that mew trick worked?
Saw it done once, if memory serves me right, it involves teleporting just after a trainer saw you and was about to walk up to you. Then it involved fighting another trainer (or was this the step before?) and growling 6 times at a specific pokemon he had... this determined what pokemon would appear in the wild, and if it would be level 3 or level 100...
The best time of the year. So sad I had to leave midway through Yoshi's Island yesterday cause I had to get some sleep Oh well, at least there are plenty more good things to come :D
On January 06 2012 04:42 ZeroCartin wrote: This is actually really cool. The guy that beat Kid Chameleon was amazing!
If you liked PEACHES_ and you plan on donating more (or haven't donated yet!), ask them to have him do Blast Corps as one of their extra games. He's trying to rally support for at least an any% during the extra time they're getting from runs, and he needs your help to get the slot!