Ok, so the other day I'm outside and I see that cops are outside of someone I know's house. So I go over to rob (the person who lives at the house) and ask him what happened.
So these 3 kids went over to Rob's house, and caught Rob's cat. They broke the cat's legs and gashed out one of it's eyes (T_T). They were planning on cutting it open and torturing it as well.
Anyhow, rob got woken up by the noise and went outside. Once he realised what was happening, picked up a 2 by 4, and started wailing on these kids. So it turns out, he broke all 3 of the kids ribs, and gave 2 of them concusions (SP ). The sick-as-fuck kids are still in the hospital, one of them is undergoing corrective surgery , and the other 2 will have to do phisical therapy for years and years. Rob wont have any criminal charges pressed against him, because it all took place on his proprty, and they were trespassing.
Oh, and the cat lived! :O
if you don't want to read the whole story, i'll sum it up for you...
3 kids own a cat, 3 kids get owned by rob, and the cat lives.
Just my story, I hope you like.
I'll be sure to tell that one as a bedtime story for my kids tonight
Good that it didn't end with him being charged
That's awesome, but I wish your friend did more to those kids =[
Thats pretty awsome, a bit surprising that no charges against him but I'm glad. I'd think that some lawyer would figure out a way to press charges, but then again you can get PETA to own the fuck out of them.
that was far from uplifting.
animal abuse isnt upifting.
that wasn't too uplifting for me either
I found it slightly refreshing.
I wish i could beat up kids with a 2x4
the animal abuse isnt the uplifting part, the kids gettin the shit beat out of em is
yeah, the cats ok. he's a big fat cat who eats all the time :O
What state are you in?
I have a feeling if it happened in New York City, rob would be facing serious jail time and a media lynching about him using unnecessary force on victimized and underpriviliged kids or some cr*p like that.
Anyway, best wishes for your neighbor doing what was right in defending his. I hope the cat recovers and will be ok. Hell's wishes to those sicko kids.
Here in colorado, a man went over to his neibors house, and was yelling at him , and threatining him. The other man got out a shotgon and shot him (T___T). it was a big story on the news and such, because the guy who shot the other guy didn't even get charged. Some funky law or something