Thread Rules 1. This is not a "do my homework for me" thread. If you have specific questions, ask, but don't post an assignment or homework problem and expect an exact solution. 2. No recruiting for your cockamamie projects (you won't replace facebook with 3 dudes you found on the internet and $20) 3. If you can't articulate why a language is bad, don't start slinging shit about it. Just remember that nothing is worse than making CSS IE6 compatible. 4. Use [code] tags to format code blocks. |
On October 15 2017 00:34 Wrath wrote:Not sure if I get it right... You made a enterprise application client and deployed to the server. Thus the client called the server from within the server? I'm still learning what is the InitialContext is so not sure what is the different between using here within the code or use it via jndi.properties. Sorry I'm still beginner 
Hey I'm still all new to this too! I was surprised I got it working. So I think from the tutorial when it tried to run the client code, it was just running it as a main method. That's why it had you put all the jars etc on the classpath. I wasn't prepared for it but when I told netbeans to make a new application client and then I tried to run a main method it actually ran the main method from within the application server itself as you were asking. If you watch the output of the netbeans glassfish server it's trying to deploy the jar.
Since the jar is running within the application server itself, it doesn't need to use remote jndi properties. The initial context that it has access to is from the container (glassfish) and has the remote bean within it.
Does that make more sense? You can pm me and we can exchange chat info if you want to and I can try to talk you through it more if you wish.
I just spent a small amount of time learning shell scripts, honestly one of the better things I've done. Really useful things can be done relatively quickly in there.
For instance, in a game I play the linux port doesn't play mp3 music files. So the solution is to convert all of the files to ogg, and then change the .ogg extension to a .mp3 extension. Given that there was a few hundred files a quick shell script came to save the day :D
Yes this is being made a bigger deal then it needs to be, but I'm glad I learned how to do it efficiently.
Are there any parallel sorting algorithms that can actually run in log(n) time when you use n processors? Most parallel sorting algorithms that people actually use such as bitonic sort or odd-even merge sort are all log²(n), but is it because there we haven't found a log(n) algorithm, or is it because in practice they are too inefficient?
Alright braniacs, what's the best way to conquer the following scenario.
I have a square grid(like graph paper), represented by a 2d array. Each square can be 0, 1, or 2.
In a typical grid, the "2" squares are a small portion of the grid, surrounded by "1" squares. The 1s are surrounded by 0s.
The grids have this general design but the specifics are random, I don't know what a grid will look like.
I want to isolate the positions of every "ring" of 1s, expanding outward, starting at the border between 2s and 1s. A square is in the ring if it touches the last ring (even diagonally).
For example if my grid was
11111 11211 12111 11111
then I would isolate the following rings
x111x x1x1x 1x11x 111xx
and then
1xxx1 1xxx1 xxxx1 xxx11
Now of course, my grid is much bigger than this.
So, my approach to solving this problem is pretty much brute force.
I make an array of 2d arrays of nil (or whatever), matching the size of my original grid I do a for loop through the original array if I hit a 2 in the original array, I look one square in every direction for a 1 if I hit a 1, I record the 1s index into the positionally identical index of the new (empty) 2d array when I am done checking the original grid, I go through the 2d array of nil and 1s, I find each ring position, and for every 1 I find, I change that position to a 2 in the original array
I then go to the next index of my array of 2d arrays, and repeat the process. I repeat until the process results in a new array that finds no 1s.
So, this works. But it doesn't seem very efficient. I will potentially be doing this for quite a few grids (a couple hundred?). And this is a lot of for loops over each grid.
Does anyone know of a better way to do this? I am using python if it matters, which it might, because python has lots of neat stuff and I don't know hardly any of it.
Thanks for any help!
I'm developing a web app for watching replays of mahjong games played on tenhou.net. To go with that I'm planning to have a background application that monitors a file where the game client stores IDs of those replays. When a player finishes a game, I send those IDs to my web app and pull the actual replay. Then I display a balloon notification that links to the replay online.
I'm currently working on that background application. C#, Single Instance Application based on Windows Forms but with no actual forms and instead an icon and context menu in the system tray. I added code for registering the application for autostart in the registry, which the user can toggle in the context menu (off by default even). That worked fine. Then I went on to tackle other features, and when testing another menu item to toggle notifications, I toggled autostart too. My antivirus (Avira) then flagged the executable as a virus.
I don't know at which point the antivirus would first flag it. The registry code has been in there for at least a bunch of test runs. I also added code to open google in the default browser (Process.Start). So that might be part of it. I use a FileSystemWatcher. And I have an instance of HttpClient though it's not actually used yet. Any of these might or might not contribute, I guess.
My internet searches on the topic have been rather disappointing. None of the places where I found out how to do these things (mostly stackoverflow) mentioned anything on antivirus concerns, either.
Does anyone have experience with this? Going though some whitelisting process is out of the question, my project is way too small for that. I could drop the autostart, though that would be significant loss of convenience. But I don't even know for sure if that's what's triggering it...
On October 20 2017 06:13 travis wrote: Alright braniacs, what's the best way to conquer the following scenario.
I have a square grid(like graph paper), represented by a 2d array. Each square can be 0, 1, or 2.
In a typical grid, the "2" squares are a small portion of the grid, surrounded by "1" squares. The 1s are surrounded by 0s.
The grids have this general design but the specifics are random, I don't know what a grid will look like.
I want to isolate the positions of every "ring" of 1s, expanding outward, starting at the border between 2s and 1s. A square is in the ring if it touches the last ring (even diagonally).
For example if my grid was
11111 11211 12111 11111
then I would isolate the following rings
x111x x1x1x 1x11x 111xx
and then
1xxx1 1xxx1 xxxx1 xxx11
Now of course, my grid is much bigger than this.
So, my approach to solving this problem is pretty much brute force.
I make an array of 2d arrays of nil (or whatever), matching the size of my original grid I do a for loop through the original array if I hit a 2 in the original array, I look one square in every direction for a 1 if I hit a 1, I record the 1s index into the positionally identical index of the new (empty) 2d array when I am done checking the original grid, I go through the 2d array of nil and 1s, I find each ring position, and for every 1 I find, I change that position to a 2 in the original array
I then go to the next index of my array of 2d arrays, and repeat the process. I repeat until the process results in a new array that finds no 1s.
So, this works. But it doesn't seem very efficient. I will potentially be doing this for quite a few grids (a couple hundred?). And this is a lot of for loops over each grid.
Does anyone know of a better way to do this? I am using python if it matters, which it might, because python has lots of neat stuff and I don't know hardly any of it.
Thanks for any help!
This sounds like a caching and spatial locality problem... I think your approach is generally correct, but you can probably do clever things to get a considerable speed-up by trying to avoid cache-lines getting swapped out. For example if you go through the array operating on three rows at a time, you can avoid the re-traversal by updating the original array as you go. Also make sure to traverse the grid in rows rather than columns since Python is row-major ordered
On October 20 2017 06:13 travis wrote: For example if my grid was
11111 11211 12111 11111
then I would isolate the following rings
x111x x1x1x 1x11x 111xx
So... is this just edge detection?
Can you separate it into two passes, one vertical, and one horizontal? Just check if each 1 is next to a 2 on the relevant axis on each pass.
EDIT: Though that doesn't give diagonals, so nvm.
Just remove all 1's that are adjacent to 2's and then remove the 2's?
Edit: Simpler yet: 1. Find all 2's 2. Make an adjacency list for 2's (ignoring duplicates) which is dead simple for 2d array 3. Profit!
I'm playing around with rust atm, and I don't really know how I feel about it. It's in a weird position of being what will most likely be by far the best systems language to use in a few years (at least, I think it will be after it's more fleshed out), it has functional elements which I really like after going through haskell from first principles (great rec thanks )... but it's just not quite there yet.
But my god is it quick, and super easy in comparison to c++ - and it even has concepts!!
On October 20 2017 21:15 Manit0u wrote: Just remove all 1's that are adjacent to 2's and then remove the 2's?
Edit: Simpler yet: 1. Find all 2's 2. Make an adjacency list for 2's (ignoring duplicates) which is dead simple for 2d array 3. Profit! Yea I agree this feels like it could be done easier by constructing a graph and then traversing. Depending on the language a couple of queues and a cache/map might make it cleaner.
To the above question about sorting on multiple machines in logn, it's not quite as straightforward. Probably you want to do some searching around in academic literature for parallelized sorting. Sample sort or the like.
Haven't looked at you guy's responses about the graph thing, will in a bit. Just got home.
Wanted to post asking about this, first
I received 0 points for part b. Grader said it was incorrect. Couldn't make heads or tails of his explanation, but he didn't actually provide any examples, which should be easy to do.
I don't see how this is incorrect. I went over my regex several times, it seems to be exactly right.
Since our start state is a final state we can accept epsilon. = epsilon or = | we can accept any combination of "b" or "ab" = b*(ab)*b* finally we can end with an a, or not. = (a?)
what am I missing?
zigg, like your idea, that makes sense hanh, i took a glance. I'll look at it a bit closer at some of the algorithms for that and see if I can apply them.
On October 20 2017 21:15 Manit0u wrote: Just remove all 1's that are adjacent to 2's and then remove the 2's?
Edit: Simpler yet: 1. Find all 2's 2. Make an adjacency list for 2's (ignoring duplicates) which is dead simple for 2d array 3. Profit!
I don't understand your first suggestion.
For the 2nd suggestion, you are saying to 1.) put each 2_location[x][y] into a list 2.) then for each element of the list create a sublist of each adjacent_1_location[x][y] 3.) and then for the next iteration I can just repeat for the elements in the sublist? 4.) repeat 2 and 3 until I am done?
Is this correct? If so, I really like this. And you'd probably mean for me to avoid adding the same adjacent_1_location[x][y] into 2 different sublists, but actually, because of the nature of what I am trying to do with this problem it is actually solving a future problem for me to just put them in there anyways. Long term I was going to need to do math based on the relationship of every square of ring 2 that touches any given square of ring 1. So this is PERFECT for that.
I'm reading your solution as ^$|^b*(ab)*b*(a?)$ Is that right? Not sure what those dots below the stars mean here. Anyways, my counterexample would be: abbbabbbab
Reason: you only allow a single occurrence of the a - many b's - a pattern. The NFA allows an arbitrary number of those by going 100010001000...
My solution: ^(b*(ab)*)*(a?)$
Also you shouldn't need to explicitly have the epsilon case when everything in your regex is optional.
I think he wrote the dots beneath the stars
and true about the epsilon. But I kinda just started writing with that in front, and technically it doesn't make it wrong so I wasn't concerned.
and yeah, you're right. damnit... fucked that up, lol. thank you.
I personally don't think one should bank on being able to write regex without a validator anyways... Way too error prone. Just like coding on paper this is a dumb question.
It doesn't help that there is a third (longer question) on back and we have 15 minutes to do it all. You don't really get any time to error check.
But that excuse won't really work for me since when I got the grade back I went over it like 5 times and still didn't catch it lol
I'm trying out clion, and I'm having this weird issue with it where entering my github details causes my version control settings to freeze.
Before I send through a help request to a more relevant party I thought I'd ask here to see if anyone had experienced this before.
Well github works fine on the eap version of it, so I'm beyond confused why the stable one has such a hang up.