It's not a technical term a doctor would use (like at the end) to just call someone 'insane'. They are either mistranslating or telling him to sensationalize it. Same thing with the french authorities.
It kinda pisses me off, that they just call him 'insane' when the guy is clearly a functioning member of society with some sick fantasies. You can hardly just simply label them insane. And not only that, it lessens his crimes if you're just like; "Oh he's just crazy, he can't help it". He clearly admitted he has issues and needs help, so a rational person like that is not insane.
Just the other day two guys in Russia received 19 years in prison for killing and eating a young girl.
They were asked why they did it and they responded, "We were hungry."
This stuff is sickening.
On May 11 2010 05:34 Creme wrote: Just the other day two guys in Russia received 19 years in prison for killing and eating a young girl.
They were asked why they did it and they responded, "We were hungry."
This stuff is sickening.
Hungry is a better excuse then, "I wanted to taste human suffering first hand.... GET IT! FIRST HAND?!?!?!"
Although I'm curious if they actually were hungry and crazy, or just crazy.
he was definitively not insane, his brain worked (he was even a really good literary student), he just had some fucked up fantasies like charlie says. just because he was different does not make him insane, but in this case it did make him very dangerous. I'm very suprised with all the publicity he got that he has not been murdered.
That, is one ugly motherfucker.
On May 11 2010 05:28 Piy wrote: A weirder cannibalism story was when that German met someone online who agreed to be eaten.
Where do you draw the line there?
If anything is weird it's that the German cannibal was sentenced to 8,5 years prison for manslaughter although his victim had agreed to be eaten and stood by this decision to the very end and although there is actually a law for just that in Germany(homicide upon request).
Bottom line: Shooting, fucking & eating a person in France => walk free Killing & Eating someone who actually wants it in Germany => 8,5 years
Neither one was right imho, but ffs... better lock the guy up and watch him than just let him walk free making him rich & famous along the way.
On May 10 2010 19:43 CharlieMurphy wrote:so I was watching this and I made this little pic just now ![[image loading]](http://i41.tinypic.com/ar01x.jpg)
What am I supposed to see?
The cannibalism is of secondary concern to the fact that he committed premeditated murder. That alone should warrant either execution or life imprisonment with no chance of parole in a hard labor camp. Everything he did after the murder is minor in comparison.
I knew his story, but seeing him talk about it himself in this documentary is a whole nother thing.
He comes from a rich family. Can't say I'm surprised.
OP reminded me so much of Stranger in a Strange Land.
On May 10 2010 18:59 Liquid_Turbo wrote:
WHAT on EARTH. A free man?? I can't believe I'd never heard of this guy until now. I mean.. it's so shocking I don't even know what to think of this guy.. a free man? His family's wealth must have had something to do with this result.
Any thoughts on this? I find it amazing that this is how he makes a living now.. talking about his crime and appearing on interviews. Simply astounding.
Thats astonishing. However, for me justice always means to look at a persons motives in addition to the result of his actions. Thinking that eating someone serves both parties goods definitly is sick but it shows that the crime was not done with the purpose of damaging somebody (Given that he actually thought that, couldn't figure it out from the text, or if he only did it to satify his own lust while knowing that this is only ordinary murder against the other person.). I do not think that revenge allone should determine a punishment, so I wouldn't expect a severe (relative to the crime of murder) punishment. But that he never had any sort of punishment is really strange and crazy.
The way he sells the story is the truly disturbing part for me, the fact that this works. Low quality media has such a bad influence on the world...
I remember reading about that. I was really confused when I read that he was walking free. Had to read it over again to confirm that I was not hallucinating in any way or missing minor details.
For all the people who keep on saying "Japan", its not a celebrity in the mold of Hollywood etc., but rather a kind of gross interest (like most of you probably feel towards him as well).
On May 10 2010 19:43 CharlieMurphy wrote:so I was watching this and I made this little pic just now ![[image loading]](http://i41.tinypic.com/ar01x.jpg) the mask? O_o