On October 10 2010 07:34 DoctorHelvetica wrote:Meeple is helping me host this game. Any questions you have can be directed to either me or him and we will answer as soon as possible. Thanks.Haunted Mafia is an educated guessing game of spooky proportions.The objective of the game is to survive as a town against the double threat of the mafia and the evil vampires before they outnumber the town. The town can accomplish this by lynching and killing vampires and members of the mafia. However, vampires and mafia members pose as members of the town during the day and can use wit and deception to manipulate and mislead the town.
The vampires aim to turn the town of Liquidvania back into the kingdom of evil it once was. The mafia simply aim to slay dissenting townspeople while they turn the town into a hub for their black market trades and illegal dealing. Both groups will kill with murderous precision and must be driven out of town before they can bring Liquidvania to ruin.
The game is typically very active and there are usually numerous walls of text to wade through. If you are not a person who likes reading then I highly suggest you don't play the game. Be prepared to read, to think, and to post. If you are lazy don't bother singing up, inactivity will not be tolerated and will result in your death.
Posting Etiquette:Flaming will not be tolerated in this game. Attack eachothers logic and arguments as you please but when you start getting personal there will be consequences and the possibility of a modkill. Obvious things such as racism, homophobia, sexism, and blatant insults will result in an immediate modkill. This is an intense game and there is a lot of mistrust and deception involved but at the end of the day we are playing because it is fun and NOT because we hate eachother. Keep that in mind. If you are being harassed via PM personally for reasons related to the game then please tell me about it.
Cheating:Cheating includes (but is not limited to) the following and will get you banned from future games:
1. Posting after death. A goodbye post will be tolerated but don't under ANY circumstance say anything that could influence the course of the game. GG is fine.
2. Betraying your role and ruining the game for everyone by doing something like hand out your mafia's member list to the town.
3. Logging on to someone else's account / checking their PMs / looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
4. Comparing role PM times to determine roles.
5. Posting screenshots of your inbox. This is not a photoshop competition.
6. Posting or discussing any PM received from a host. You will not receive a warning, you will be modkilled immediately for this.
7. Editing posts. Editing posts is not allowed for any reason. The mods can see your edits, and if you are caught, you will look suspicious. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be most likely modkilled. Please do not edit; this is the one part of the site where it is okay to be double posting, even triple-posting. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you have to edit anything.
Voting rules:1. Voting is done in a separate thread, located here. Please keep votes your votes there. Votes sent in PMs or posted in the general thread will NOT count.
2. Do NOT edit your voting posts. If you want to change your vote simply post again stating that you wish to do so.
3. You cannot post a conditional vote. Example: "I vote for Player X unless Player Y votes for Player B in which case I vote for Player Y."
4. You can not vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game.
5. In the event of a tie the player who had the most votes first will be lynched.
6. You can not abstain from voting. You
MUST vote to lynch somebody, if you can not make an educated decision jump on a bandwagon, I don't care. Just vote.
7. If you miss a vote you will most likely be modkilled, you will certainly be warned. Missing a vote twice will be an automatic modkill regardless of circumstances.
8. The town may vote for a double lynch. If at least half the town votes for a double lynch, the next day the top two vote candidates will be lynched rather than merely the one with the most votes. The town can use 3 double lynches.
9. Please bold your votes to make them easier to read in the thread, thanks.
Modkills:Inactivity has been a problem in every mafia game so far. DON'T JOIN THE GAME IF YOU DON'T PLAN ON BEING ACTIVE. Inactivity is most easily defined as failing to vote. If you do miss a vote, you will be modkilled. Special consideration will be exercised if a player in danger of being modkilled by this manner has been an active contributor in the thread. If something comes up and you know you will miss the vote, PM me in advance about it to let me know and you will be spared. Remember again: abstaining votes are NOT allowed. And once again, flaming is not tolerated. Furthermore, you must post at least once in this thread to avoid being modkilled. Simply voting doesn't work. This is to prevent lurkers. If you vote but almost never post, you may receive a warning.
It is very important that you don't spam the thread. Flooding the thread ruins the game, prevents discussion, and annoys everybody. If I receive consistent complaints about a player spamming the game they will be modkilled with zero mercy. It's ok to triple post, even quadra post. Just make sure every post has a purpose. Flaming or harassing a player will result in a merciless modkill as well, don't be a meanie.
Just play the game fairly without being a jerk. If you do that you'll be fine.
Clues:During the day, people die. When people die, clues are left behind by the dastardly mafia (or monsters) that killed them. Clues may refer to a persons profile, name, and signature. They can be taken from anywhere and won't always be so obvious. Keep a sharp and open mind when looking for clues. Remember, clues often times hurt the town more than they help. Analyze but don't go overboard in trying to use clues to your advantage, you may just run yourself in circles. Mafia is a game of deception, guesswork, and manipulation before it is a game of clue analysis. Keep that in mind.
To help us to make clues, we request you spice up your profile. Add some pictures, quotes, text, whatever you like. If you add a quote please add the source as well. Get a signature if you don't have one already. It's easier to make clues when there is a lot of profile information. Thanks.Time Cycle:This game will follow a strict 48/24 hour day/night cycle. During the day, voting will be open in a separate thread, and some roles with secret day actions will need to PM me their day actions. During the night, all roles with night actions will need to PM those to me. The official time for the time being is 8:00 PM PST/11:00 EST. That is 12:00 TL time. Depending on work that time may have to change, you will all be informed ahead of time if that is the case.
Sign-ups:Sign-ups begin now. To sign-up for this game simply post in this thread the text "/in" and you will be added to the sign-up list. Once the game reaches max capacity (51) the game will start. You can still sign-up for a backup slot if you wish, you will be subbed in if there is a first day modkill.
Thanks:To everyone who has hosted a wonderful game of Mafia here at TeamLiquid and to Qatol and Flamewheel for balance advice.
Roles: The Town Of Liquidvania
Zombie - You are a citizen of the town of Liquidvania. Although you are just a normal player you are the backbone of the town. Your goal is to work along with the special town roles to bring down the mafia and stop the vampires from taking over the town. Blue roles may look pretty but the real power lies with you. If you get a green role don't fret, just play the game and try to control yourself from feeding on the brains of your neighbor.
The Ghost - You are a spooky ghost! You haunt people during the night but since most people are used to monsters you don't usually succeed in scaring them. However, if someone visits that person to harm them during the night you can give them a good scare, effectively protecting the victim you wanted so desperately to scare. Maybe you should have gone to ghost college after all. During the night PM me the name of a player to haunt.
Zombie Detective - You are a friendly Zombie Detective on the Liquidvania police force. You love solving a good mystery and often spend your free time doing some personal investigations. With the new infestation of Mafia and Vampires in town you hope to bring them down and be promoted to Chief of the Zombie Police (Or the Zombie S.W.A.T). Once per night you can PM me a person to investigate. At the end of the night you will receive a PM with their role and alignment.
Boogeyman - You are the boogeyman! In true boogeyman fashion you spend your time hiding in the closets of unexpecting townspeople to give them a good scare. During the night you must PM me the name of a player whose closet you will hide in. Unfortunately you have performance anxiety so all you can do really is watch through the persons closet. At the end of the night you will be informed if they left their house at night or if they were visited. You will not be informed by the identities of visiting players or the nature of a targets night action.
The Grim Reaper - You have retired from the role of death and moved to the town of Liquidvania where monsters and humans co-exist in peace. Although you are no longer personally responsible for all death on the planet you have retained your powers as the Grim Reaper. Once during the game at night you can PM me the name of someone to kill with your giant soul-stealing scythe. Choose wisely.
Werewolf - You are a Werewolf! You hide during the night, there is always a full moon out in Liquidvania and you hide deep within your lair to avoid transforming into a horrible monster that slays without discretion. If you are visited during the night, you will see the full moon and turn into a furry killing machine and kill your visitor. Any night actions directed to you will still succeed.
Frankenstein's Monster - You are Frankenstein's Monster! When killed at night your body will be harvested by the mad scientest Dr.Frankenstein and you will be reborn as a stitched together monster the next day! However if you are killed a second time or lynched, Dr.Frankenstein won't be there to ressurect you as a green killing machine. He's a busy man after all.
Jack 'O Lantern - You are the Jack 'O Lantern! You are a mad bomber who has been obsessed with pumpkins since you moved to Liquidvania. You love to hide bombs in pumpkins and put them in peoples houses for fun. If you are killed, your pumpkins will detonate killing any player they were placed on. You can place up to 2 pumpkins and can switch 1 pumpkin from night to night. You can place both pumpkins at any time you wish during the night by PMing the names of players you want to place pumpkins on. You also like to wear a pumpkin on your face so you are often mistaken for a monster.
Gravedigger - You are the Gravedigger. Your job is to dig graves at night. However, this does make you seem suspicious in light of the recent mafia murders. If you are rolechecked at night you will appear to be mafia. You do not know you are the gravedigger, which doesn't make much sense. Who wouldn't know what their job is? Well it's because you're also a dirty alcoholic and you barely remember anything. Digging graves is stressful work, especially since you're a human. What better way to take off the edge (and the memories of what exactly you do at night) than a nice bottle of "Wolfman's Full Moon Whiskey"?
Creeper - You are a creepy dude! You were cursed with pale skin, long thin fingers, and a strange way of carrying yourself. While not being able to get a date might be the biggest of your worries, what is worse is the fact that you might be mistaken for a vampire! If you are rolechecked you will appear to be a vampire. You do not know that you are the creeper. Like most creepy dudes on TL you actually believe yourself to be an extremely attractive alpha male. You're just a hair away from writing girl blogs or being me!
Win Condition:At least 8 vampires and mafia are killed AND the town outnumbers the surviving members.
Roles: The Price Mafia Family
Godfather - You are the leader of the Price Mafia family and have taken to controlling the creepy town of Liquidvania. After the death of the previous godfather, Vincent Price, you have had to decide on a new godfather to lead the family! As godfather you have the responsibility of trying to blend into the community and faking a blue role. Luckily the Godfather is given a magical pendant that gives him shapeshiting powers which allow him to appear to be any monster he wishes. You may choose a role which will appear upon any rolecheck, however if you are lynched you will be exposed as godfather as the pendants magic does not work if you are killed.
The mafia must vote on a godfather by the end of the first day and send the results to me in a PM. The Witch and The Invisible Man are ineligible for the role of godfather.
The Invisible Man - You are The Invisible Man! A master of stealth, you have the unique ability of lurking around peoples homes undetected. This means you can plant evidence. Once per night you can PM me the name of a player who you want to frame. If they are rolechecked that night they will come up mafia.
Witch - You are a master of black magic and studied for centuries in the town of Liquidvania. Even the people of Liquidvania who are accepting to monsters despise you and you have since taken up working for the mafia. Once during the night you can PM me the name of a player to curse, preventing them from taking action during the night. You cannot curse the same player twice in a row and you can not curse vampires as they are already cursed and you also cannot curse someone being haunted by a ghost.
Mafia Skeleton - You are a reanimated skeleton enslaved by the Capone Mafia Family! You unquestioningly serve the orders of the godfather and live in fear of the Witches wrath. Working for the mafia has put a lot of food on the table for your reanimated skeleton family and you've always liked the idea of being a gangster anyway. Skeletons look cool with fedoras and tommy guns.
Kill Power: 7-10 mafia - 3
3-6 mafia : 2
1-2 mafia: 1
Win Condition:All vampires are dead
Roles: The Nosferatu Vampire Clan
Count Dracula - You are the leader of the Nosferatu Vampire Clan. You have awoken after a millennium of sleep and are on a mission to once again turn the town of Liquidvania into the kingdom of darkness it once was. You may choose any role to disguise yourself as (not only are you a vampire but you're also a master shapeshifter). If you are rolechecked you will appear to be that role. The vampires must choose a Count amongst themselves. The Poison Fang and The Vampiric Scholar cannot be the Count.
The Poison Fang - You are the poison fang! Your fangs are much more potent then the fangs of your bretheren. They don't slay their victim right away, but inject them with a deadly vampiric poison that kills them a day later. Poisoning counts as one of mafia's KP. When someone is poisoned, they will die the next night cycle unless they are haunted by a ghost during that night cycle.
Vampire Brute - You are the vampire brute! You are chained down in the basement of Dracula's castle, your bloodlust is so overwhelming you will kill the first living thing you see. When you are released onto a target, you will slay them mercilessly and you will also kill any unfortunate soul that visits them in the night. Unfortunately your already weak vampire heart can't take all the adrenaline pumping through your veins and you will die. Using your power takes up one of the Vampire's KP.
Vampire Spawn - You are a vampire spawn! You have been a member of the hidden Nosferatu clan for thousands of years, hiding in the shadows for the return of your master. Now that Dracula has returned to Liquidvania, you and your vampiric bretheren are bent on taking over the city once more!
Vampire Kill Power: 7-10 vampires - 3
3-6 vampires : 2
1-2 vampires: 1
Win Condition: All mafia are dead.